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�9s�ss1s <br /> PAYMENT RIDER <br /> THIS PAYMENT RIDER is made this .....19T�?..... day of .....ATJGUST,..1999,,,,,, and <br /> is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust or <br /> Security Deed (the "Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (the <br /> "Borrower") to secure Borrower's Note to .PIN[�,CLE..�1VK.IVATIONAL�,AS$OCIATION,.,,,,,,,,,, <br /> ORC�,A„N,IZED,AND,�I,$TING,i,INDER,T�,LAWS,OF,T�IE_iJNITED„STATES.OF.AMEE2ICA,320.. <br /> G,STRE�I;...PO,B�OX,28,..C�EN;IRAL,CITY,..NE...68,$26....................... (the "Lender" of the <br /> ....... ) <br /> same date and covering the property described in the Security Instrument and located at: <br /> 1714,ST:..PAUL.RD�..GR�I�ID.ISL�AI�ID,..NE...68801-2435............................................... <br /> [Property Address] <br /> ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the <br /> Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> A. SCHEDULED PAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL AND INTERE5T <br /> The Ncte provides for scheduled paymeiYts of principal and interest as follows: <br /> 3. PAYMENTS <br /> (A) Scheduled Payments <br /> I will pay principal and interest by making payments when scheduled: <br /> �I will make ..........��............. payments of$ .�2�.��P........................ each on the <br /> ......................�-$'�...................... of each .1`?�1'�'�............................................ <br /> .......................................................... beginning on ...���k�?..�.$,...���9.... . <br /> ❑ I will make payments as follows: <br /> � In addition to the payments described above, I will pay a "balloon payment" of <br /> $4�010...67,.. .,,....,. on ,,AiK�7ST.18.,.. 2002....,,... , The Note Holder will deliver or <br /> mail to me notice prior to maturity that the balloon payment is due. This notice will state <br /> the balloon payment amount and the date that it is due. <br /> (B) Maturity Date and Place of Payments <br /> I will make these payments as scheduled until I have paid all of the principal and interest <br /> and any other charges described below that I may owe under this Note. My scheduled payments <br /> will be applied to interest before principal. If, on ..Ai.K�7ST,18,�,,2002,,,,,,,,, I still owe amounts <br /> under this Note, I will pay those amounts in full on that date, which is called the "maturity date." <br /> I will make my scheduled payments at .320„G,S'TR,EET„PO,BOX,28,,_C�NTRAL,CITY,,,, <br /> � 6882.�........................................ or at a different place if required by the Note Holder. <br /> E �O/ZI <br /> MULTIPURPOSE FIXED RATE PAYMENT RIDER (MULTISTATE) <br /> Bankers Systems,Inc.,St.Cloud,MN Form MPFR-PRS 3/18/98 <br /> � <br />