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<br /> _, � NoN•UNI�Ie�►�Qovetr�tv7s.Borrower�nd Lender Porther covenant u�d��ra�s foUowa:
<br /> -� 19. AonMr�Ho�i R�iM�. Iw�d���11�Iu potky to 8orrowrr �ior to�oeler�dan tdbwi�Borrower'�
<br /> --
<br /> _ wwe�of u�'oor�t ar�MwMt i�t�b 3aoriW IMtrwswt(bat�at prior W tecdenNa�u,�d�r p�n�r�pYr 1 1
<br /> .-- _ - — ��:a!aa�rav!'��l�ersz�?.T!��e!!!�e!�!�!e!!�t(!�)tww�It�(W tw�ctlor naNinl to ean tlit
<br /> dehrlt�(c)�d�h��►t!w tY�30 d�ys ft�or�t�e d�b t�e�otice is Yive�to Borrower�by wMIcM tw det�Wt�mt 6e eured;
<br /> s aad(d)trat h(laro W cnre tiN defiplt os or bsfon tiN date�edfkd io t6�aoUa euiy rault ir ecoekration af tbt twu
<br /> - �e�wrod by qiu gec�ulty f�btua�eot ud We o/t6e Property.T6e nodce�h�ll further tafora Horrower oi t6e d�Yt to
<br /> - ret�ntate af�aooderadoa aMd tre rl�Yt to brl��caut�cNoa to apert the aon�eststen�.�e ot�detRUlt or aay otheer
<br /> - =�_-__--_� dete�e of Horrorvee to cccelentlon tad s�le.I!tha dehult Ie not cured oe or before the date speci8ed is the aotke,Lender �
<br /> •� ta oouo.o.r Ka�����w�'e io bu or au�rais iecured•by tbl�Secnrity Iadrumest withont Fartl�er
<br /> " demwd�ad inaY la�oke t6e power ot sde wd any Mher remedla permitted by appitcable 4p.Lender ahall b�eadtkd to
<br /> -I eollect �II e:oema facurnd In pnrwiu4 t6e remedia pro�in tbir Pu��P6 19,iecludiaQ, but aot Itmlted to,
<br /> I reswa�ble aKoraeys'fea wd ewts ot tltle e►Ideace.
<br /> It t6e power ot�le i�Imaked,Trautee s6dl record a aodce ot default in acb county ta a6icb aay pa�t ot tde
<br /> •�-� Property is located�ad�iaU mdl copta ot ach notice In We m�naer pre�cribed by�pplicable I�w to Borrower w�d to t6e
<br /> __ _ _ .v
<br /> °"g� otbe�patuns Prac�ibed bY�PP»�1e�w.After the Nme required by appllcnble Iww,Truetee ehall�ive public not ce o
<br /> ..--;.+� s�le to t6e person+�nd ia the n��naer prercribed by appliaible law.Trustee.wit6out demand on Borrower��hall sell the
<br /> Property at pabUc auction to t6e hiQhe�t 6ldder at the dme�nd place�d uader the terms design�ted in the nodce of sale ia
<br /> -__- -�. � one or mo�e{wceb u�d lu any order Trustee determinaz.Tnwtee auY pootpone sale ot all o�any pucel of We Property bY
<br /> _-_-_------_=--:� Public �nnouncement at We Wae aad Place ot�oy pnviowly scbedWed sale.Lender or it�daiQnee may purcb�se the -
<br /> � "� Property at�ay ude.
<br /> �_ �,..�,_� Upon receipt ot paya►ent ot the price bid�Tre�tee rhdl de8ver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the
<br /> - property.7'he recitala fn tho Trnatee'i deed s6aU be prlm�fac(e e�tdence of the truth of tbe statementa made thereia.
<br /> -a�`: ' Trurtee oha1�Rppiy the proceeds ot the snle in t6e toUowinQ order.la)to all expencea of the sak�includlna,but not limited
<br /> °i.; to,Trwtee'q fees�s permitted by appHp�ble I�w�nd rea�oawble pttorneyo'fees;(b)to WI sumc�ecured by thls Secu�ity
<br /> _��._.:.:�.m";'. . ; Imtrument;and(c)anY excess to the peraon or per�oru leQally eatitled to it.
<br /> �� 20. Lender Ia Po�ses�ion.Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of'the Propeny, Lender(in
<br /> ��' � person,by agent or by judicially appointed receivcr)ahall be entitled to enter upon,take possession of and manage the
<br /> -°"'"''�'r.�. property and to collact the rents oP the Property including those past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> ---=�= shall be applied 8rst to payment of the costs of managcment of the Propetty and collection of rents,including,but not
<br /> �:r11;�,;�,~ ;" limited to.receiver's fees.premiuma on rcceiver's bonds And rwsonable attorneys'fees,and tben to the sums secured by
<br /> - - _���_���� ' thisSecurity Instrument. ��
<br /> i�_�'y_=U�Y:.
<br /> 21.Reconveyaace.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shal)request Trustee ta
<br /> - _-��''° reconvey the Property and ahall surrender this Security Inatrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> -�;_-- ;;�'-� lnstrumen[�o Tnistce.Trusi�snaif�ecosiey thc Praperiy withaui tiarraaty sed evithou!charge to the person or�ers!mA
<br /> _ �; '����f,� le�elly entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. _
<br /> --;,,,i' �., : . 22.Substttute Trnstee.L.ender,at its option.mey from time ro time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee _
<br /> ;;`= '��••'- to eny Trusta appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.
<br /> -;'=:;•� ,a l .�� " ���' ^ Without conveyance of the Propeny,the successor trusta shall succeed to all thatiUe,power and duties confened upon _
<br /> -- .+ • �:. • Trustee herein and by applicable lew. _
<br /> • ' � �, 23. Request for NoNces.Borrower requats that copies of the notices of dePault and sale be sent to Horcower's -
<br /> __ . ..'�:.,:�..� ..
<br />, • ,A, address which is rhe Property Address. �
<br /> _ ,;��;� ,: 24.RMen to this Security Instrument.If one or more riders are executed by Hc�rrower and recorded together with =
<br /> .� , ; -�:-� this 5ecurity Instrument,the covenants and agreements of euch such rider shall be incorpc�rated into nnd shall amend and _
<br /> ;.: � " aupplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security _
<br /> � � ,�;;*;;�;�." ' Imtrument.[Check applicable box(es)] -
<br /> � :a�-:� r � Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Conduminium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider =
<br /> '.�"` .
<br /> � ,. . � Graduated PAyment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider
<br /> =:�" :t•;:
<br /> • �.��:�"=rD H [� Otheda) IspecifY� Aeknowledgemant of Power of Sale
<br /> :'.,-a., - .
<br /> '�?�- - � ''"" r BY SI[3NING BE4ow, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security �
<br /> � �`�' � , ,�,;,w;•• Inetrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. _
<br />. + �.��'�L.,-,ti �.. .�.C�.. .... .. ...... .................. (Seal) t
<br />, �` . " � 7C. A�an Strguch �-8�0�� -
<br /> - " ���•:•':'"••-••��� . ...................................... (Scal) �
<br />. � Ruth E. Strauch -e«���
<br /> , . Igy�c� ee�oa nw une Fa AcMnow�edpnentl
<br /> . , l-
<br /> , -. " ° . Nebraska -`
<br /> ,. - STATB OF ................................ V
<br /> � ,, � '. 1 SS: �.
<br /> Hall
<br /> � • °" COUNTY OP �
<br /> ................................ J �
<br /> .
<br /> . .. �.
<br /> August 27. 1991 '
<br /> - •--- -t--�,� _.;.. ...�-��•::a:��c��� _.�,� .
<br /> _- — _-- _— �i:c n..cg.n��p� �..:;:.:... .:o� ... .�::� . .... .......................................... _
<br /> ........•
<br /> � � ' � h and Ruth E SCrauch Husband and Wife (date) j
<br /> by At.Alan.Strauc................'...........'..........................................................
<br /> ...
<br /> (peraon(a)acknowledQin�) �
<br /> " My Commission expires: ��y �3 . ��'9� �
<br /> � � (� ��. �
<br /> .� , ......� I��..�.. �.�.:�..... .... . ......� ��„�, ,
<br /> -=;' -----• _- Notary Pubtic ����1�IMi
<br /> li. .
<br /> .. ' . ., .�. . .
<br /> � � .,�:,.,,�;y� � '17ti� instrument a•�s prepared by......��4,V.1Y4..��..�YS:.�l� �a:K.....................................
<br /> .,,,,,.__.________. �..... ..».
<br /> i . . �
<br /> • �
<br />