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_ w- i , , , 4i� .,. -- <br /> r �3 � <br /> � i : , : . <br /> �. k ;. t�: � ,; - ' ,{ ': , �, >i;•;� ; � <br /> ' � 1 � � �,�g'!' �,��.�+ � . <br /> ,� . . : .,. <br /> s�� . pc�lod�tMt Lender rcqUtrte.71w Insur�nca cartkr providing ihe inwruxe sf��11 hc�wScn by BotiaweC co�}}.'ct ful,�nEtt} <br /> - �pprov�l whkh e�pll tat De unttatancbly�yimn�w. e s�Wa r.u�ro�r�w��ren�e de+trlbed�bove,l.e�der m�Y,k <br /> Lmdery eS!kn�oM�nmven�e aprok+,YLendttti��M�inthe�yle�ccdrdN�a'WIi�PM�{�T• + , , <br /> . Alllnsty�ncapoticltsudrcnew�i�slull6q�cxp+btetol,e1101'IMd61M�III1CIt1(101EUIIfd11fd1116tt���e SI�iIt0. I�11�f <br /> ehd{tuVe the dalit�o hold the polkla�nd rcnew+b. I[�der fequirca.BortLwet ahal(promp}1Y 81v8 tq tender{�I rae.tpa-` <br /> of patd prcmiums and renew�i nalca. In�Ip evpn�of loz+,BaNwer shdl givo�inimpt notica io iho ini�l�nnop c�rtier uid <br /> l,ender. L,erAerm�ym�koproofoftos�itnamxkpromply6y 9aNwer, ' , ' . <br /> ,:. <br /> .:, <br /> ,; . ; <br /> Uniess Lender uiA Bortowcr aherwi�igrco In wtidng,lnsunnw praeedf cAil16e apptie0 to rcs�bretlon or rep�fr of �', <br /> - -°° i1w Pr�p.�ny dama�cd,If ihc restwa�lai or rcp�(r Is aonomicaUy fcasibie nnd Lender!sesurpy is nM les�se�n9d. I[�he'_. -- - <br /> rcuoro��on a rcW Ir econan�aily kasfbk w I.ender§security woutd be IGSUned,�he Insuruica procEeW sMt16o • <br /> �pplied{o:ilie sitma.sccured bY tAla Secudty Ins�mmen6 whether or na ihen due,with uiy oxcesa p�ld�o,A�irrowed.If , <br /> Berrower ebandorie�h6 Propeny,or doea not answer w�ihtq•�U days a nalce from Lendcr�ha��ho Iqsunnw airtier h�s . <br /> offercd to unlo a olaim,then Lcndcr may rnllat�ho in�drhnco procecda. Lender may uu the proSeeds fo rcpilr or rcstoro <br /> Qpp�op�ttyorlopaysamsxceurcd6y�hlaSecudrylnslmmcnL�vhetherornot�hendue. 1iio30•d�ypedodwillbeginwhen • <br /> � �heqaicebgiven. � - � <br /> — UNes�Lender and tforcower ahenv!{o agrea In wdting,eny epPIic�don of proecede to pdncipnl shxU not ex0.rorl ar <br /> pos�pono the dno da�o of tho monthly paynxna rcterred to in paag�aphs 1 and 2 or clienga t6o emount of rh4 ps meotv. tf <br /> . under p�uegraph 21�ho {'roperty ie acquircA by Lendcr,SacmwerS ngN to any tnsuranco pollcief ond Qroce�v resy[ <br /> from damage to�ho Propetty prlor to ilro acquisiqon sfiall pasv w Lender ro rhe euent of the snms cecurcd Dy tN�Secwtry <br /> (nsttumentimmedia�ely priorto�hencquisition. . <br /> 6. Occupancy, Pnurv�tlon, M1tolnlenance aM �ratact6:+a oP tdn D1ro,ertyj BorroRer'e I.oqn Applkatdaa; <br /> I,easehold�. 6ortoW�er shall occupy,establish,and use�he PYOpe�ty�s�3.onaaczl pdncipal rcsidence wiihln sixty day�after <br /> tla execuAon of th6 Security Insuumem ond shail cootinae to i4c�eny es Uortow¢r§principal ruidenco for e� <br />� �� -- � least ono year a[G:r Nr. daie of occupyxy, ualess Lender w.�ernise agrrec in writing, whlch conseN shpll not bo - - <br /> unrensonably wiiMeLR w unleu extenuatfng eireumsraz:ces exis��vhich are h.yond�ofrowenc�ontrol. Borto�ver shall na <br /> dcs[roy,d.image oc ia�ir the Ptopeny,allow�he Pmpeny a detedomtc,or wmmlt waste on the Propeny. FSorto�vcr shxU <br /> --- _ be in defauL if any forfeiturc astion or procuding,whe�her civil or crimina6 B begun that In Lender§good fahL Judgm:n� . <br /> - eould msuA in fodehur� of ihe Propeny or aherwise materially Impair the Iien erca�ed by this Secudty lnsuum�nt m <br /> ==�:,W Lender§secvi�y interest. I3ortower may curo such e defeult and minsmte,as pmvided in pvagraph I8,by ceusing�he ection - <br /> � �— or pmceed'mg to be dismissed with a rulfng�hah in LenderY good faith de�c�minadon,prccludes fodeimre o(the Bortowerb - <br /> �-:1:ra imercst u�ihe Propeny or oiher mniedal impaimient of�he licn crcated by thls Securiry Instrument or Lender§secudty <br /> rt.--,y�� Intercse Borrower shall nlso be in default If Dorrower, during �he loan epplication process, gave matedally felao or <br />�°��;;y�� Inaccur�t�infortnatfon or slatemems ro Lender(or failcd�o provide Lender with nny ma�enal infonnaHon)Im m�nectlon with <br /> �ha lav. evideneed by the Note, including, bui not limi�ed eo, m rcumations conceming Dortowerh accupancy of U�o <br /> °'.!;�; Pro�eny a�a principal rcsidence. If this Secudty Instrumem is on a Peasehotd,Oortower shall comply whh all the provisioro <br /> "'-�.�,.�,..- ef!.._Ir?N. I!Bnm!9't7?m�gpr.Gn il!I��n�hc PP?rcny;�he Icasehnld and�he fo:tfdo shall mt mer¢e unless Lender eArCG <br /> L- :. - lo thc mcrger In ivfiing. ...-.. ... .. <br /> �` 7. Trolecqon of I.ender'e Righis fn tM1e Property. If Uortoacr 8�its vo per(omi �6e covenanu md agrcemems <br /> :.�- rnntainc�!in fils Saurity Insuumenl, or�hem is n Icgal proceeding �Fai r,:;n sign{fiantly affect I.ender§ rights In ihe <br /> i'�-«;_:;:. Pro�xn}(sn;h es a pracecding in Wnkmp�cy,proba�e,(or condemnatira or(o:f�imrc or ro enF<+w�:laws or regulaiions�eten <br />- Leadrr mn�do and pry far wha�ever Is necessary�o pro�ec��he vaiu:vf tSr Ptnpeny and Ler.der5 righ�s in tIT�roperi��. <br /> ��. Lend:rh anions may include paying any sumx secared by n lien«hich har p-iori�y over�his Securiry Ins�a:m�m.appGiring <br />'�.,�:�.."- in coun,paying rcawnablc nnomcys'fces and entering un�hc Propcny m rtc;ce rep�irs.Ahhough Lcnder m���tnke nctim <br /> '-`4':'� under[Ris piragraph 7.Lendcr dces no�havc to do so. � - <br />''-fJ'�-��- Any unoums disbursed by Lender under this pangrapli 7 shall become additional debt of 6ortower securcd by ehix <br /> :< ' Securiry Inswment. Unless fiorro�rer ond Lender agne io o�hcr iemu of p�ymem,thesc amoun�s shall bcar fntems�Rom cf3: <br /> ���, da�e of dis6ursemem ai ihe Note ra�c and chall be payable,�vith intercxi,upon no�ice from Lender to 11orto�ver requesting <br />� �;r..`c: p.ryment. <br />';_-:�����.��_ 8. 111origage lasuranm. If Lender reyuimd mangage insurance as n condi�ion of making�he loan securcd by this � <br /> = f� Sccumy Inswmem. Durro�rer+hall p�y�hc prcmimx rcqmr�d �o mninuin iM m.engagc insur�m in ctfeci. If,for nny �_ _ <br />�� �4�,�i�``� rcason, the mongage insurence coveragc rcyuircd hy Lender I:y�ses or ccaces io be in rf(ec�. �orrower shall p.ry �ha <br />..r6vn :{7. . <br /> .1.�;��;-„ prcmiums nquircd�o oblain cm•crage su6stamially equivalem ea tht motlgage insuraixa p:rviously in effecL a� a cos� <br /> _ _ substan�ially equivnlem to�hr rn��m Rnmm�rr nt ihe mnneacr m.nnnir prrvinn,ly in ef(rc�.fmm un ahema�e mortgagr _. <br /> � �r' insar.r approvcd by Lender. If.ubi�ami�lly eqniraFcr.i rnunFa�e imnnnc.��a�::aFc is noi available,Uortower shnll pay�o � <br /> "�'���r�:�� Lender each month a sum cyual�o onrncclflh of�hr yra;h�mongage in.ur.mcr premiwn bcing paid by Dortower�vhen Ihe = <br /> ;,`,�""t-i� inaurancc rnrerage lapsed ar reaced ia M in e(fec�. Lendcr w�ill acccpl,ux and rclain Ihe.t paymtnls as a bss nsen�e in lie�: `-;�;�:s-. - <br /> ,�t�j' of mottgage insunnm. Luss�escne payment+may�ro longer h rcyuired,at the op�ion of Lender, if mongage incura�:r ':-�;- <br />-- )1�,;,'�; coreng.(in Ihe amoum and for Ihe�riud Ihal I.cnJcr rcynirr>�pmciJ��:hy;m in.urcr apprm�ed 6y Lcnder again bemsies %.-�j I'��;-... <br /> :(t!'�t�.• available and is oblained.f3ortowcr shall pay�hc prtmium.requind to mainlain mong:igt inwranir in cffal.or�o proride a � :..-..�., .... <br /> •;��i�� ` loss resen•e.umil�he r.iryircmenl for mnng�ge in.nnnce enJ}in attordarKC��i�h.ny�c�i�len agretment 0.lxeen Dorto�c.r ���' <br /> and Lendcror applicabic Imc. - <br /> . . 9. Inepectlan. I.cnJer nr il.agenl may maAc rtawnnWr cmric.u�xin:md impcctinne of Ihe Propcn��. Lcndrr ahall <br /> .. . gireRe:ravernnliceattl��inn+�wcii.ingna,onahie.aukfar�hcimpalion. <br />- lA. Q'onArmnaliun. Thc an��a��arJ nr claim I:+r dam:�gc..Jirtcl nr cannc[lion��i�h any �. <br /> s: <br /> : ' �� . <br /> . .. -... �. � <br /> . Sm�icl'vnd�-Fannir?lael)aAGVNatI\IFaRNI]STHI\fE\T��Lm.mmCo.rnm�. 99C .par��•/�NC��i �t.�' � . <br />. ha�W.�0..,s:m.�x■ ���t: �, <br /> loR�kr G�]]tU616fl1-pll .. <br /> (qY_ . <br /> (�t�'-a�i rj.-�'- rF.'�.° . - _ �fr .r� : . .� _.. . .. _ . srl,. 1;'"' ,�'1� � . �=ntSyK'_r �_ ' � - <br /> � '�. � ``,� _ <br /> -�i-. � .- - - � . _ <br /> - .(e _ - . .. _ . �-:.�;. 11�t j � � <br /> . . . . .. . , 1•-- . <br /> . - - - . .. - -_----_ �---- ---- . - <br />