tjt. + ��..._.��fijn��t�v� � � � 1, � ,
<br /> �F � ,�
<br /> � - ..__.s_..�',:y.,..�...:Y. .,� .r. �—<; _ __...�.:s:�uu..._
<br /> � ,
<br /> l�. 5 .
<br /> ax31Y� ... . � . . .. .
<br />- —_ _ — . _ 93- a�o��.o � : :;�� ____
<br />— '.....� 13: Lan CAp�� If the Ioan ucurod by thi�Saud�y Tnstmment U fub�xt to a I�w which uts rtuxlmum lonn
<br /> ctuTBw.end�h+t Iaw i}tin�lly Inn�rued w thu�he lnterest or other lan chvg�a collectal or to bo collocib�In connatlon, .
<br />°_<y•.�r:>, �Yith tMlwn excad thq punil�ted I miu,�hen:(q�ny wch Imn ehrcga shdl be teduad 6y)iw�moum necessary to fddube --_-
<br /> ���� tlw clurea to tho permitled Iimtt;�nd(b)any sum�}IrudY colloctal Rom tiorroaer wldch exae0ed permined•Ilmiro Will �•�.."`,_
<br /> i ,yz�� berefundedto8ortower.Ltnderm�ychoosetom�l:elhi�rofi�ndby'redutingthepdncipxlox�odunderiheNae"ur¢Y��B
<br /> _r.:,,,, ,.,=• a dirttt paym:nt to Aortm�•er.If e refund rodutta principaL the reduction will bo trta�ed ee e paniil prep�ymem wiUiom r}°;�=°-
<br /> + ;_ �ny Prcpayment cturge under tiw Nae. .
<br /> 1�. NMltt�. Any naica to fbrrower prov3dcd for In thlo Seuufty Instrumen�ahill be given by deitcedng ft or r ;, _
<br /> ��;-, by milling it by flrst ctas�mdl udas epplicable Iaw rcquirw uu of ano�her mahod•'ftie natce stull be diralcd�o tFp ': , ----
<br />=?s:. y;�?;c.-�: ptoperty Add�w or any ahar eddress Borcower dwignuu by naice ro Lendu.Any noUce to Lender shill be givt�6y ;r}_,�:,c;r;;-�l,.--�
<br /> - t flrst clus nuil ro Lender•e addru+sWtcd herofn or nny aher eddrus l.sndcr duign�tu by naia to Borrower. Any rwtico � . ,n. -
<br /> �' s ,���
<br />, ..`�k c`�_� providcd for In�his Socud�y Instrvmem shall be damed to h�vo bun ga•en�o Donower or Lender when givtn w provldcA r�-.1 ,,, --° -
<br /> -+jt� '�' In chis paregnph. `..' . -`"�. w. ..
<br /> y'1r,�a,� 15. Govem(ng Gw�&xerabSllty. Thie Security Insuumom clull be govetned by kderal lew end tho I�w of the '};.r �`�:�='.
<br />:-�-i}r,r�t),��, Ju�isdictlaninwhlch�hePropertylsloated.inthaevent�hatnnyprovislonordauseoithisSecuritylmwmemoTthallote }i,�'_ : ,�T�;a^'�'*"_-:
<br /> `���j�r'p� confl(cu wiih_eppllcable law,sucA conNu shdl not atket other provitions ot Ihie Security Instrumom or du Nole whieh � y,r12i� f _;�-�
<br /> ��� ean qe given ef(ect withwt the conillaing proviston.To�hia end�he provislons ot this Securiry lnstrumem and�he Note ei�r���IS1f�`[�t-�-.-
<br /> �� ��• �ro dalared to be swenble. " tl`i '"
<br /> t l���
<br /> �}��{ ' 16. Borrotirer's Copy. Borrower shall be given ono mntormed copy of�he Noto and of[hls Security InstNment. �',t`qr, #, --
<br /> ,�,,. 17. 7Yai�sfee ot flw Pro rt or a Deaetict�l Intertst In Bortowcr. If nll or eny part of the Properry or eny f��"' . -.�.-�
<br /> `/k�q'},:,I'_ Pt Y a. �r.s.a�--.: -
<br /> .1„��•y;,j..=. interes�in h ia sold or trenskrtW(or if e benefieial intercst in Oorrower Is sold or vansfcrred and Borrower Is no�e natural r:•.:..-
<br /> �y..
<br /> . +`tU� r�1°'; pe�son)wlNout Lender's prior writron consem,Lender mav, et Its option,require immedi�te payment in Poll ot�ll sanu J_-�'�•'�� -:;
<br /> _..,1__:,,.,y secund by thls Security Instrumem.Howerer,thls option sha11 not be exercised 6y Lender if exercise ie prohibited by federel -�. �� �r� ,y� __
<br /> � . _'.•; law as of the data of thi�Securl�y lacwment. ;`p;i `,,� ° — _.
<br /> If I.ender oxerciva thl�option,l.ender shill give Oorrouer noqa of acceleretion.7Ls notice shall provide�pedod �.,;;!,�.« .��-.-,�,�x;_.
<br /> - � of not less Non 30 days Rom the date tlx notia is delh•ued or mailW within which Bortower must pay all snms secnred � ` Sux+ �_ --
<br /> by thle Securiry Instmmrn�.If flortower fafls to pay theu sams prior w�he expiretion of�his pedod,Lender may invoke - ',_ �(+y ej `—
<br /> any remedies permitted by�his Sauriry lnstrumem wi�hom Porther notla or demand on Oonower. - 4'r �
<br /> � l8. Borrowee'e Rlght to Relnsl�la I(i3orrower mceu cenatn wndi�ione,Dortoxrr sA�ll Aavo�he righ�to h3ve "-�'�f�"•�� .��-.:
<br /> � enforament of ihia Saudry Instmment diuominued et eny timc pdor to ihe carlier of: (e)S days(or such o�her period - _;� i-�9"+ '-
<br /> r` as applicabte I�w may spuify for rcinstetemenp befaro selo of the Propeny pursuant ro any power of snlo coNelned in�hfa 1' - : FK ! {;r�,
<br /> 4.. . �..M1r.ty!as!^:axr.;er!b;ant:, ef s j�gmer.!entorcing tlit.g��nrj�p Inatn!nv�u. 77iam conditlom ero ihat Bottowe�: "c i!�F��y�"h4 'r . _e'�:�'-
<br /> t r'Y;y ; (e)paya Lender ell sume whfch then would be due under this Security Irtswmem and the Nolo es If no eocelerotfon had �OZ�v f� ! -
<br /> � occurred;(b)aresanydetnul�ofenyotAercovenantsoregreementr.(c)paysellexpenseslncurredlnenforcingthisSccur(ry �� { ;�1�,���
<br />�i '°���;"`` Instrument,includin but no�Itmited m,reasooable ettome e fua;and(d)takes such aciion es Lender may reasonably �,.��:'�t r-: ^ `1 ',:...'•�-
<br />- {,.� . .n . 8� Y ' . ii.�'l.�-ot,.P,i ..
<br />�-,; ,. �- requiro to usurc tha��he Ilen of�hb Saurity Instrumem.Lenderb dghts In the Property and Oorrower's obligation ro pay _r..
<br /> � ' •:.n= �he sums secured by thb Security Iacnument shill mminua unchenged. Upon reinstetemem by Dortower,this Ssturity(m � �-�' =��ti - +"•;���s���'
<br /> " � �'��� strument and Ihc obli etions secured hereb ahill rcrosin(ull etfcclivic es if no acalcretion had occurtcd.However,�hia ��'•.'�;?f'�%�..;��f}'.a'd�`.'�
<br /> right to relnsuie sha8 not epply in the case of eceelere0on under paregmph 17. �,'�"" ` r� - ��` - t'.
<br /> ' � 19. &le ot Note�Change of luan 3ervlcen The Nate or n partiei imeres�in tho Noro(togcthcr wi�h�hisSecudty �y'r���i' � - •�, � ':
<br /> InswmeN)may Ik mld one or maro�imu wi�hom prior noilco to Dorrower. A sale may raah in e change in�he emily °;r,�._ `<<+�'_ '�'�,:
<br /> � (known es the"I.oan Sorvicer")�het collecte momhly paymenu duo under�he Noto end�his Secudry Insnument.There ;,f��-, <� .�� �1 _:
<br /> ri!���{l,,;;-:;� alw may be ono or more chenges of�he Loan Servicer unrein�ed w e sale of the No�o. If ihere is a change of ihe l.oan .�r! - , � •"'xy °-'
<br /> '�''%"^j'��'� Servittr, OOffOWC�WIII bC ivon�vritten noNce ot the chan o In eccordnnee with ra re h 14 ebove and e liceblo law. � •+�;"-=;`r i��S�+%��'�i""
<br /> .12�i;v;o� .1� 8 8 Pa 8 P PP . .��:.:75•:''. �t�;��r:,a
<br /># fF 7ho nMica will stem�he name nnd eddress of�ho new Lam Servicer and the eddress to ahich paymema should be mada ' ���7 � � ,I�,i�wr-
<br /> , � 71io noilco will also contain any othcr Intormaqon required by epplicable lew. 1• - ' -. !t' _
<br /> �� '�• 20. Ilnzardous Substaneee. Borrower shall not caux or permi�the presence,use,disposal,alorego, or release p ,{ �' '�
<br /> r�.
<br /> of eny Hezardous Substa�vxs on or in the Propcny. Uorrower shall noi da,nor allow enyone else ro do,en�hing efkcting r . - hre...
<br /> - - tha Property�ha� Is in v(olalion of uny Gnvimmnrn�el Law.The preceding two sententee shall not nppiy m the pre.aenca I."�:: _ .._I»_.�___�__
<br /> �:;�-+::--� uso,ot Rtorege on the Propeny of small quamitiea ot Hezerdous Substancee thm are generally recognized to be apptoprfeto - �: '� . „-
<br /> - '-� w normal rcaidential usea end�o malntenance of ihe Property. � "'-�- '
<br /> ..,,a.. +.._.,�, Rorro�ver shall prompily give Lender wrinen no�ice ot any invesiigmion,claim,denwnd,lawauit or other x�ion by � -,�-• + '
<br /> ' jp � �:� ' any govemmentel or regulatory egency or private pany involving �he Propeny and eny Hevardous SY�bsunee or F? -:s�.
<br /> ' � Cnvironmental Law of whfch Uorrower has ac�ual kno�vledge. If 6orrower Iearns,or is no�ificd by any govemmentel or .
<br /> `�'`�" ' re ulaio emhorit that an removal or o�her remedia�ion of an Hezardous Subs�ance n(8c�in �he Pro n is necessa - 'f�•�
<br /> r.�,�.: �_ � 8 �Y Y• Y Y B P� Y �Y� . � .'.};�f,:,�:�... .
<br /> __ �- ..��` _ Dorrotver shall promptly�ake nll necetsary remtdial actions in acwrdance wi�h Environmental _ ,
<br /> � ti�� As uttd in this paragraph 20,"Hazerdous Substences"are those substancrs defined as toxic or hazardous substances � �
<br /> � . by Cnvironmental Law end ihc following subs�anccs:gawlinc,keroxnc,o�hcr Oammable or mzic petroleum produns,toxie �. .
<br /> pesHcidu and herbicida,volatile solven�s, ma�eriuls conteining esbestos or formaldehyde,end radioactive maurials. A� I .
<br /> . - " uudin�hisparegraph20,"Environmcntallaw"meansfedcrx113wsandla�vsot�hejurisdictionwhcrethcPropenyulocated ', . .
<br /> - • �hat «lam eo hcal�h,safety or environmemal protecticn. - -- �
<br />•,`., _ r.
<br /> ; ,
<br /> r��.,�; �'tj�,-�� ti0\-L'�IiOR�1 COVENANTS.Dnrroue� esd LeeCt� Fur' cn•.cnxat and agrce es(ello��s. �
<br /> �`•ii.-. �:'E:''`? 21. Accelerntion:Remedfes.Leniler Ju)1 gh�e notice to Ilorrm.�er prlor lo ecceleration Sollouing Uono.rer'a :
<br /> �"`'� brenrh oi am coveiunt or n�reenenf lo ihis Securil��Inatrnment (Dm iwt prior to ncceleratfon under parngrnph i7 . ��
<br />� ��:��r;:j. � un7ers nppUtable 1s�r proridrs aihernise).'Ihe noHc¢shn11 speciiy: (o)�he defeult:ib)the ection rcquired lo cure�he '
<br /> � � dcfoalg (e)n dnte,not less than 30 days trom the date the notice h giren to�orroirer, by kNch the defeuh must ��
<br /> � Ge eured;�nd id)�hat fallure to cure the deteult on or beforc Ihe dnte spedlled In tlie nallce mey rault In ncreleratlon
<br /> � _ �� oi tne sumi srcure0 Gy tsis 5ecurity lnstrument enG sala oi tne Yropeny.-7re notice suaii iunner iniorm oorro+..r
<br /> .� ,;���_ o!the dght�o reinctate aRer ecctleratlon and the right to bdng e cnan¢ctlon to assert�he non-eztrience ot�defavl�
<br /> er eny uther defenu af Qorrower to ucceleraHon end s�Ir.I(�he deteult B not curcd on or beforc the date sµrilled
<br /> In the ratke,Lender at ILS opllon msy requtre Immedia�e pa�irrent In fu0 otell svnts securcd Cy thts Securily]nsenimivn
<br /> ' xilhout further demand and may Invoke the pow�er oi sale vM any other rcmedlcs permi�led by eppinable law.lin�tr
<br /> . -' _,.,,!; shall Ae en60rd io mllcel eU expertus Inrarred 6n pursnSng the remedin proiidcd In thk paregreph 21. IndcC:ng. -
<br /> '„�•-��..� but noi Ilmittd ao,rrawmble attormy�'Bexi end n5u oi tiUe ev{EeMC.
<br /> — .�,
<br /> ..� �.�- Fom k�H V10 !{asr I o/S po8nl
<br /> � � � .:
<br /> . • , I1
<br /> y � �
<br />