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-�n �•3P�.•�� K _ _ . _� i <br /> � y � ; - .. .._. <br /> �i� L 1�_� �ql1._�.1 ' ..._ � . -._' <br /> r �:��� . . � " . d _. . 9�N �_� , � <br /> , ' !.llaurd or Properiy fn�unnce. Hurrower ehdi kxp tha Imp�ovomentn nnw exietip{or hera ter erooted on� <br /> the Property Ineural�Q11nst loes yy.tiro,h�urde Inc�udal.+(chin thq.serm"estendal cov4r�eo �nd�ny utlar tMHrrt�; <br /> includina flooda or Iloadlnp,tot.whfoh I.ender rtqtdr4e Insurqn(»,.�hin Ineunnco ehnll bo malmdned In ttie•maunte <br /> - md(or the per�odv thAtLender r�uires.Tha insur�nce ar�ter p�ovlding tho insurence ehnll be.ehoxn Sy Ratloxqr <br /> subJect to LendtPq ip�m4�tiHhlvh aAtJI not 6e unreuqn��ly N(thheld,llHorroa�ar hilnto m�Int�tn�vmpedcacAbal <br /> ihove,LMder miy,at.l�f+rtts'sA�Sian,obuin covyreje to proteot l.ender'e rlyhte in�ho Properry in�ccotd+nce xi�h <br /> := pu�Qr��h�, <br /> -_-- All,fi{Fiunpce po11c1ro,aAtl�rr,.fe���s ehe11 ba aaepubto to(.endor�nd ahall include e stmdard mort�Ee cioup:, <br /> �r�� <br /> _� 4endee sKr.11l��ve the dgAT�tn�liqitbtha policiea�nd rcnew�ia. It l.ender rec�uitts.Borrowtt sh�tl promptiy Q�va-to <br /> — '°-- I�enderellreF<Ipteo���Ic�p�rm�fµme�ndrenewalnotices.Intheeventol�ac,�,Rorrowershe1161vepromptnoticetotAe — <br /> . . , Insursncecariee�n�t•ltcs��Its.,l,asltyicmeym�keptoototlosef4notmndap�emp{lybyAorrower. • <br /> — Unlnssl:odAarahAEntrnwprptherwiaeagreeinwdtinp,inRUronr,ep�ocadeshellbe�pplledtoasrontionor�ep�ir <br />--'�`=tl!��odJt�thprcasfnmtfonorrepeirlseconamto�llyfa�siDloanAl.ender'ssxuriryisnotta�sened.itth� _-- -- <br /> -�� ratntatinnpnrop�iniennt000nnmisnllyfeuibioorl.endo�'esccurisywoutA6ole�sened,thalnsuronu procadsshwlibe <br /> ;� �ppifpd to tha sumn�imd by q�in3er.ndry Instrumrnt,whether or noc then duo,with uny ctcc�pnid to Bormwet.It <br /> � <br /> :� pnrtowor ehmAana tLa Property,ondmm�nt answer wiehin 30 dsye�nndco from Lendor<hnt the insuranu carrior he9 .,,,: — <br /> oifnred to stttlo e ottiim,thmi Lend�s•tt�tiY:wiloct the InRUnnca proceedo. Lendar mny um tha Procoeds to repnlr or _ --- ____.._ <br /> -="r.'•- s�:� rvstnrothaPro{Krt�artnp�yeumnsecurcalbythieSecuritylnstrument,whatheroro�t[handuo.Thn30-deypedodwill <br /> • ;�"' begitl rvhan tha nnhw iegwon. =_ <br />'`{`` �• `-� Unlo�i.ondor end parmnrmothara)n+agreo in wAdnp,�ny appllwtion ot proccsde to prindpnl sheil not ex[endor =_ <br /> �`����`��3;-•I pns tponetheduodntnafthmm�nthlpp�ymtmtnettertedtoinp�nYraphslnnd7.archnnQethoamountotthe p9ym:,ds. ___ _.. <br /> � ' '�" If undo� parograph 2{ tho Propertgin ncqqirud by I.ender, Ibrrower'e right to eny innuronw pollcles end prwc;,ds � <br /> ti '� resuldnp Irom dmm��o m thn Proprrty p�idntn the ecqutei[ion shn11 pass to Lender to tho ortent ot thesuma secured Ly � <br /> � thinSecurirylnstrumantimmodtntoly pnortnthoecqui�tion. <br /> 6.Ocoupenoy,Premrvnttnn,.linlnPnonnce�nd ProtecNon oi Iha Proporty;Doeroser s A.ovn Applic�tlon; �+ ',_ <br /> ` � Leaseholde.Barron•m shnll 000upy,estnhliNh,and use the Property as Oorrowere prinmpal«sidence Nithin s�xty days Fr` _'-_ <br /> - ` efwr tho oxecution of thin 3ecuflty [netrumnnt nnd sM1all contlnuo to occupy tho Property es Uorrower's principal i t-;..:;. <br /> ,; �. residoncotoretlaastonopearotwrthadntaai•occupancy,unlesaLenderaN�erw�uagroesinwriting,whichconsentshall j,;.._._:.,'-' <br /> - not bo unreasannbly withheld,or unlmsextnmutinp ciroumstances oxiat which aro boyond florrower'n control.Rorrower ;r���.t�,-_.-_ <br /> ' '. ehell not destroy,damage or impelc tl�a ProperSy,ellow tha Property to dateriorate,or commit wnsto on tho Property. � � ., <br /> � Rorrowor shall bo in detoult if eny for[aipimsetion or procecding,whather civil or criminal,la begun that in Lender e ��.::� :'.<, <br /> >`�� " r good fei�h ud ment couid res�de in todaitnm ot the Pro rt or otherwisa mnterially impair tho lien created b thin ' " '` " <br /> P� Y i':'.-�'.��r. <br /> -���'.:`��` Security Instrumont or l.en�tor's sxurity inrorest. Uorcower mey curo such a dolauit end reineteto, es provi ed in ?�-� _ <br /> ' parograph 18, by causng tho amion on.procading to be diemissed Rith e ruling thnt, in I.ender'e goad faith '�` "r���=� <br /> �--�_ dotormmation, reclu�es Forfoimro o}thn Burronere interest in the Praperry or othor materiel impairmont of the Ilen � ,t,:< , .�� �' <br /> ' ' -r•t�by th{a&�ur.y L^�*n_�;.^.er.r��i����a�m�at��q In�areFt C]vroo�er ahnll also ba in detault it Dottower,durine ti:' �` ���a��: <br /> � � 'v tho loan applicetinn-pfvcus, gave mMorially felse or inaxur.ira ioformation or statementx to Lender (or teilcd to , <br /> ( - , provido LenAor widi enF meteriel Infnrmntian)in connoction with tho loan evidcnced b�tho Noto,including, but not �a;"- y�, , —.� ' <br /> ��,;- � limited to,represenrarioas concerning Borron�er s occupancy of tha Propertp as e princ�pal residenco. It thia Security � � ,; �;1�_`_ <br /> ?}j{��� Instrumontieonelu�snbid,Borconershellcomplpwithallthuprovisionsoitlmlaese.IfBorrox�erncquiresfeotitloto 3��:..��. �,fs� i3... <br /> ` �'��'F1i(e;. tAe Property,tha laasehotd ond tba tce tideshnll nnt mcrgo unless Lendcr a�reca to tho merger in nriting. �Yif.� �ssr��tF_;��,�.-- <br /> �r ,+�� S �-te� 7. Yrotoction ot Lendur'v RiQhte in the Proporty. !t Borro�ver te�ls to pertorm tho covenanre end egreemente � rj; v � st'' .� <br /> ;L.,af•;sc, . - <br /> . - �},Lf��4s. wntained in thie Security Instrumnnt,or there ie a Iegal procceding that may signifiwntly ut(ect l.endore righta in tho _ ti�� `Y��s'�'���- <br /> -': � Properry (such as a procoedinp in bankruptcy, probate, for mndomnntion or forteiturz or to entorce lex•s ar � - �;. ..���'�{S��'g._,„i'. <br /> regulo[ions),thon Lender moy da nnd pay tor whnterer is neccssary eo procect thu valuo ot tho Property and Lender e � , A iN `. <br /> rightn in Ihn Propaty.Ixndm'n actiona may includa paying any sums securcd by e lien �vhich hAS priority over thie F-�` a', -_��� <br /> � Securiry Instrumnnt,appearing in court,paying reasonablo ettomoys Feca and¢ncering on tho Property to mnke rcpeirs. _ , �' �°' - <br /> s i! {4� <br /> ?�Ithnugh IxnAor mny tnko actinn nndcr thie pamgraph 7,I.ender daes not hnve to do so. .i-++• .� n . 2s = <br /> Any amnuntn diefiurred by Ixndor undcr thie paragroph 7 ehnll bocomo edditionnl dobt ot Iforroo•er cecurcd by thie - <br /> - �: o. ..:............... �, . � � .-1; 1 <br /> . . „w,,,,.� .��e��..,,,.,��.. ..m�3urcarcer enA Lendcr agrce to othur tzrma of pnyment,these emounts sholl Ixar interest j ; # = <br /> -' (rom tho data of dis6ursemencet the Noto rete and shall bo payable,�vith inrerest,upon notico trom Lender to 13arrae'er f- ..:, �+t--t�c.''S <br /> ...�lrl.•� requcstingpayment. _1... _,L€�;l,.�a,. .. <br />-"''"'<Fr;;e; 8, Aiactgage lnsurance, If l.cnder requircd mnrtgage inaurence es a condiciun of makin d�u iwn sa:ured b'thie -%,:�,r; r�:-.=,_.'. <br /> .,.:iN..:,. 8 Y 63;.--•Si�:...:1•�„r�. - ,. <br />-- . �( Security Inatrument,l3orrmver shall pa��the premiume required to meintain tho mongxge insuronce in e(tect.If,for eny F ��2.� <br /> .�•;�.lt F:ii°�..i_5:<i t�> " <br /> -- reason, the mortgage insurance coverage requireA bp I.ender lapses ar cca:rs to be in effect, 13orroo'er shall pay tho - t I . -. <br /> -`�'� remiums r uircd to obtain covera e suhstentiall uivelent ro tha mart e e insuranee reviaual in etfect,at a eost - �'�� - '�` <br /> . P eq B Y e9 B B P 1' � � .. <br /> . � • substentielly equi�•alent to the cast to {3orrmrer ot the mortgage insurance previrn�sly in eVect, from an eltemate . t,i�. ?����..'->-� <br /> ���.,L" mortgage insurer approred hy Lendea If substantielly equivelent mortgage inFUrance co��erage is not a�•aileblo, - ,S"t " <br /> - � � y Iiorconer shall pay to I.cnder each month e sum equal m nnetwelhh o�the��early mortgage insurance premium being �',';-`, -_ <br /> - - .. paid bp Borron�er n�hen the insurence mverage lepsed or ceased m iw in effc<t.l.ender a��ll attept, use end rc�ain the.�se - _ <br /> }ayments as a la�s resen•e in licu of mortgage ineurance. I.oss reserre paymems ma�� no longer be required, . <br /> ,' <br /> Fum 70A 9/90 - � � . <br /> _ �-Gfl(IiEi.nn�a� �n.�_�e innbb- ' . � � • . <br /> i <br /> f <br /> . .. . ' .��r..--:— .-._. . ...,.r . . .. , i _ . . . _ _ ' ._ _ . _ __ _ =. <br /> . ' � '_ - � <br /> ' '.�'-- - . . . _ . . <br /> 'i� - <br />_ :K� .�,. - . . .. <br /> ,.. ' <br /> F � <br /> , . � �.. <br /> � <br /> .i_ , . . . . . . __ . . _ _. . __. ..... . .. <br />