, :.-
<br /> t\ �; � ..��/ , f _ _ � , _
<br /> f . � �'R�� 4�'.li� � _ ...
<br /> J.1�IIw11�1�n�:1[Cle11�MKnewaw�pw�n+au� ww - - _— _ .
<br /> .l�.a�.��i . :l .� . _ _ , �. - j 1� 1 f.
<br /> I y/�If .'
<br /> . . -�.� 1 ' - �f
<br />__ 1f .. ��� .. . . . .. ' •. ' ' . � �� .
<br /> v. ' , ,;
<br /> �� . {. . �
<br /> ��n i�tyn�m aw r.w�h iat�n;n a i�,.vroa«iy a ah�+.r�r�«wH tidrr nM w,«ri.a�r'+�•e.w�M M�i�;�nt a i..rawi ..: „ °•-.
<br /> ��9 Nl�t BarewM�Y.wn wd�_�Orhull mtl roNHHi�e�Oro'AJM il pupnph 16.bY auNny M��tlan pr McaM*014 M �-
<br /> � - pxN�ud rMh�nM0���N UnGr'�qpp�Ni�h Gl�utlon,q�dudN la1«ura W�h�Baroww�N�wat In�h�Prop�ny a oyNr�rrtNW� .:
<br /> �61«u o�m•wn aM�«i ey mu s.a;�in,wrcn��a ta�ar.awny hc«nw sorrdx«►nu yqo w„awa v eo�row«.eumo nN
<br /> lov�rppluuan pro�i,p�r�.muaiuy rib�a Nuant��nfamrua�a s�iKantt w Lender.(a hxW to povid�unGr wnn�nY rau�1 .
<br /> : lartn�tla�)N Wnnw`1bn xNh�h�lan ryldmcW by.ih�NoU,InduQdp;bul n0��11lM to,nprcs�Ytl9n�w+iC�Hq Bortowrl�awp�loy d .
<br /> . --� � -.-, . �e ProPM71 ea e ph�dnal midmce. II IMe 8ewriy InaWmmt le on s leeaehdd�Barolver eACtl mmpy xnh d t��proviebn�ol lh�IwN. ..- --- - - _-_-_ .
<br /> H Baroww.�oquYea�(N tk�l01h�Ra{wry,IM IM�Mdd�nd Ih�IN NW IMf not mwp�unNt�L�ndN��qa�lo ih��Mtpn N xthNp. ..
<br /> 7. PrW�¢tlon of I.�nd�r'� RIpM�fn tM Prop�rty. n 8onowa a�io pMam m.cov�nnu Na��Nranu-wni�hi+d
<br /> --- . h thte BpanNy InaWmml,or thae b�Ny}I DroeeedMy U+t mty alpiManVy�Mect tendee'�dphp h�M RopMy(eueh u�pruo�dnp _�
<br /> —_-- N Wnquptcy,probUn,(or eondemnWOn w taleNUro or tp mtwro dws or re�uqlbna),thm tmder mry tlo�nd p�y lor wh�N+x 1�nK»eHry -
<br /> — _-— lo proled the vs4a ot Ne Froporty end LendNa dghte In Ihe Propery. Lendet�wUon�mry hWda p�yhp�ny tuma sewreA Oy�Wn whkh
<br /> ._�
<br />—__.-_-....�
<br /> --, hee piloiNy mev MI3 S�wuxy lnsfrumen6 eppee�np in coutl,p�yng re�6on�ble�Itome�s'leea�nd mlMng m Ihe Propefty to m�ke tepUro.
<br /> —. ._______..
<br /> "t'� Allhouph ttmukr mar�atco aoYOn untiv Ihta paragwPh 7, Lender doee not h�re lo do so.
<br /> � . My a�q CiaLVn24 b/la�det un�tr tl'Ja D�9nPh 7 ehW 6emiw wtm.onal EMt oi Oortowv weartd 6y lhia SecelS/4�a�wa�+6 �
<br /> `{� �¢����aad Lar.d¢e agea to cNa h�nm of P�ye�.xi;Nese arnunb a7w.7 Eou hterv3t 6 om 61a de'e p1 dy,vrs�rami sf No
<br /> ' Nota rat�and ste�i Ga WYaEte,�xitT Intertst,upon naGea trcm lmQa to Hmamx r�:2;ti:3 Caymnt
<br /> J
<br /> �• B. M�¢rtgsq� Insurmes. u�endi+rewrea mcrc�.tqa euurss�es a eoddr,i�n ot m.ldny Nm tesi smaxad dy K.y SmuaY�+srum+t
<br /> ' Borta+ver et»t F.q the p.emiume reqWred to mahta'n mo mortSaqa t�summa m el(�w�. 41or�ny rason,tAa malp�ye fn9�imw core:apn
<br /> ��yjq .-, uqu4ed by l�sdur ppsaa o:eeasee�o Ce M Nteel,Bwravm shall p�y il�p{virNums requked to obtein eo'iEr�Be sWStir.C�.'y equhxkr.l to t?z - ----�--����
<br /> -.:s�.�.,.4_;!, r„orlq�pe MauMCe Drnisesy fi eflect,�t a cost su6sl�aNaq eMNalcnt to ihe wsl to Bortowea ol lhe mony�ye ins�:snca ptMouay M effeN,
<br /> -�'�.�;�-�;
<br />:j.i. .t.,-. ; from en ailttn�te ttwrlgege ir.surer epproved by Lender. N x�rD��enliaiy eQ�Jraien!mortpape Naunnce eovenge Is not Ln.aloble,Bortowa ehd pry _—
<br /> ��,y, .;",- m LerAa ea:h month a sum equel to onrtwelMh o�the yeaiy manga�a Insc+ence D��m bNnp peid 6y Bortowa WTen Ihe Nsuronce corenga
<br /> "�di.'':
<br />��%;�y� bpsetl or censM to be N elfecL LmAer wl1 eccep4 use antl relafn Ihese paymenla as�losa rosave in Pm of mong�ye InsuMU. losn reserve _,
<br />"� �' ,�i �:.:.:
<br /> ?'0: i �- paymente may no longer be required,et fho ov��on ol Lendcr,tl motlgap�fisunnw coremge(m tha emaunt md lor ihe pnfod thet lmder i�5•:....
<br /> �������}'::: ttyulres)prorldM by en Insurer epproved by lender egaN beeomes ereilebk and is obt¢ined. 8ortowM shN Dey Ihe premiume requYetl to
<br /> �����.,�"•�ii(? riuinlain mongage Insuruwe In eNeol.or lo piovide e loss resene,unul Ihe requ4ement 1«mo�g�ga Insufence ends in accordanee xilh my
<br /> T.�..
<br /> -5�:;'�%: ,;• rrtllten�greemml between 6ortower entl Lendw or epplieabia kw.
<br />'�!,a;H
<br />-'-%%-�^��5�°, B. 1119pOCt1011. lenOer or Ile agent may make reasoneble enlAes upon md inapecllons of the ProD�+N• Lender ahzll pNe Bonower __
<br /> ""s:f �+� noUae at IAe ei+mo ot or pdor.ta en Nspeclion apedryfn8 reasoneble eeuse for Ihe Inspeclloa ���
<br /> U.4 zi n; . CYtM»wnn�ie� ..-.
<br /> � �,..° 1�, vir�s$ur1f1:�S3n� Tha G�"•,�.«E�at ary a�a:d cr Paa tm�am:ge:.C:eq ar w.:ac„nuMPa7.�x^.r.�'kr.W'1h e.^.; ! .. -_.. _ __ ..__
<br /> s iS��{ s' or other laldng d�a�y pon of the RopeM•or lor unveyonce in Aeu of condemnaUOn,a�e hereby essipned and sha7 be ya`A to LenOa. --
<br /> }4�+�jn„ In tha rient ot n lolal lekin9 0l lhe Propwry,ihe prooeede she0 6e eppGed lo lhe sums aeared by 1hb SecuAty Inswmen6 whelp.er cr no1 � .
<br /> ;�,,:>el,;..! 1�ic�,
<br /> -r,,:,�:�:.� Ihen tluu�vhh any exwse paid to ftortower. In Iho evenl ol e DaNalleWng ol the Pmpery in vrhlch Ihe tair mn:ket reWe of IAe Fle9erty �f�,,.;_,.^.__
<br /> �:-,y��°,'°."-' immodleldy beiore the IeWng Is equal Io or greater Ihan tho amounl ol�ho aome aewred by Ihis Sewtlry InslnimMt Immetllately boicre the Wdn9• :;qj;F�;:ti���:-._
<br /> ----td,-:�, < .2;-:,;":^���---
<br /> . , ;,� ,�; unbse 6onmver entl lendu olheiwlao egree in writing,Iho suma sea�ed 6y�hla 3eariy InaWmmi shnii bo�etlueed by lhe emounl ol lho ft yt,a�.x._—�
<br /> procCeAS mu111pGed 6y Iho lolb�ving UacGon:(e) lhe lolal emounl ol aums aecu�ed ImmMalay botae the laldng,tlMAeA 6y @)ihe(e:r nutkN ���]"�*��' ri-a-.��-°=�
<br /> �.•,'�," -�'_ veNe ol Iho Prope�y ImmedNtey bMOro Iho tekin8. My balence shaA be peid lo Dortowcr. In the event of e pankl feldng ol Iho Propetly in '�j{;''-�` � ----
<br /> : �(,_'F og_
<br />_ ,.�;�p�, whir.h Iha fad ma�kel vaNe ol tho Propetly Immedaleiy before tho�aldnq b lese than�he emounl ol�ho sums secu:ed Immedialey Ooloro lha �_� .. .,_.��-
<br /> °�� : laldng,unless Oortower end Lmder olhenrlse agreo In wriWg or unlesa eppGCeblo Nw olhmASe prorides.Ihe proceeds ahell ba app9ed �-i�;).;;a:',•::t°—
<br /> . -:t_�� . .. ,-' �f_.:.°:
<br /> lo lhe wms aecured by Ihis Beady Inmtimenl wheNer or nol�he aums ere Ihen due. - � ' r.�.
<br /> S. :,:;-'�.,��" n..
<br /> ' 11 lAe Properry la ebantlonad by 6ortower,or H,ener no¢ce 6y Lender lo Bortowtt Ihal the wndemnor ollers to moke en eward a aeWe - •`�6;. .'.
<br /> I -
<br /> e Uaim lor damagee.Bortowe�lalle!a respon0 lo Lmtler xF.hin:ro daye elter Ihn dalo the no�ico la gMen.Lender ie nN�crizeA to eot'ecl "' ,p�y -,;,;:^_:�.
<br /> - �:_, .;y9. 1.-....
<br /> �+ end eppy�ha D�oceede,el 115 option,euher to roslaaUOn a rcpa5 o11he Properly or lo tha aums searM 6y Ihb 3etutlry InaWmen6 i � �"t; -
<br /> ��..- whethn or nol�hen tluo. �� �S;�-.��; �
<br /> 4..,.1..=..�� Unlesa Lmtler antl Oortowtt alhem7se ayee in vrtilin en e � -°' -
<br /> g. y pµcailon o�}voceeAa(o prinUpal ahan no�exlentl or poslpone Ihe due -��F�� . _ �
<br /> - dale ol lha monihy paymcnle tMe�red lo in paragraDh� 1 end 2 or change I�o emounl ol such peymeNS. ` ���k : ,. '
<br /> L 11. Borrowor Not Raioased; Forebearenca By Lender Not a Waivor. Ex�msb�o�me nme�«paymem or mo�ficenon - �� � � '��
<br /> ol emonizetion of lho sume securM by Ihie Security Inslrumrnt gramed by Lender to eny wacessor N Inlnesl ol Bonower aheA nol -� - `,.'i� ry� � * -
<br /> j� operate to release�ho liab� of tha od inal Bortower or Bonower'e suecessord In Inlnesf. Ler.Ce�aFxil ncl bo r vUed to tommcnre '.� �£ �}. �. � ' '-�
<br /> a+v e eQ + ;,;x,
<br />- � pmceMnga egainsl eny sutcossor In inlernsl or reNSO to exlenE lime lor paymem ar ome�wisa moc�ry emmaa�im ol�ha auma secured .-:'��St.�:;::;�
<br /> _ � by ihis Seariry Inslrumml by reason ol eny Aemand made by Ihe odg:nel Uortower cr Uonvxe�'s aucceasen m inlHest. My lor6raranee -�'"�.'.;,t;��7"�
<br /> "�'� '� "�� by Lentler in exerUSin9 eny dflhl or rcme%shall nol be n weNtt oi or preUutle Iho wcttcisa ol eny righl or remedy. ' -
<br /> .- - 12. Successore end Assigne Bound; Joinl and Sovorel Llabllity: Co•signore. ine covenams nntl agreemenie ol .. _ _!1;�.�
<br /> - ��• �- IM5 Sewtlry InsWmenl�hall bintl entl bmefil Ihe successen entl assigns ol Lentler antl Dortower.subJecl lo Ihe F�missns ol pareprRph - - , ...�
<br />- , .. 17. Bortower e covenanls and eqreemenls shall be�cim nnd serereL My 6onmrer who co-signs�his Seanty NsWmenl but does nol -
<br /> axewto Ihe Nolo: (e)is co�signing�his Sewriry Instrumeca r.y lo motlgage.granl end wnvey Ihal Donowere ininat N Ihe Prope�ly � .. -
<br />- �-� unECr Ihe lertne ollhis Sewr.ly Instrumenl: @)b no:persorat/ob:igaled lo pay Ihe sc*a securetl by lhb Secumy Inst;:ment Bntl(c) . . . .
<br /> -_ oqr¢es Ihal Lrntler entl a�y other Bortower may eq�a m e.amtl.motl�i.lorbear o�make e�y eccommotlations wnh�eyard lo Ihe tc Ts cl � . _
<br /> '�'fA;�� lTS SCW«f'h5trumenl ot Ihe Nole wilhcc�Ihal Omoxtt's wnsmt .
<br /> . ,�;:.-
<br />�_,�.,,, :� ;� 13. Lonn Ch8�Q09. �I I�e loa.+ sear¢d by ths Sewrit�Nsta•-e•:n sub�ecl lo a Irn nhK% 5Ny mazimcm loan char6es.e+A .
<br /> }�;,� �' � iha�law is fmairy Werpre�ed so�ha��he n!nest o�o�hr kan cha�ges ccdxletl er to Ce cc0ected in conntttion w1n tre ban exceeA �%
<br /> }��'�"� lhe ermNted WnOS.I�en:(a en sucn kan cha� e sna7 Ee retluced lhe emaun:nEC¢s to retluce�he char e to tee ertniUed �
<br /> ..:r: ..: P ) Y 6 �Y �Y 9 P � .
<br /> ':7i�`��- .:;:-� Em9:and @)any suma a4eady w0ected 4u:Bortowtt which exceeCM pe�m:htetl 6mns vn9 ba relunAed �o Oonow.a �mOer reay ctoose i
<br /> �4t\ iv��A��MU IF�1Jn1�w A�nu4inn�Auv��vununl 1n Rnnnra� Il➢�o!uf.A IId:U.i f/ll-
<br /> . • ����a.��a...J..J..��F��.���.� L
<br /> '.[?I�- . �v��una���a�e�����v�row�.y...���-`-�.. . . . � .. .° r i . . . . '
<br /> �"�" dpel.lhe�nNUion wi��e Veated a3 a 6i^�prepayment wiihout eny prepaymmt c�arqe untler tAe`l:te. i
<br />_i.:'iS.' .
<br /> --.��- ' 14. NOlIC08. �i�otice to Bortowtt D�orideE lor(n Ihle Secariry InSbumant saql Ce gHen by tlefrcedng d o�Uy marmg a Ey f.rsl
<br /> {� � tlase mv7 unloss e90��y"�'x requtres use ol onolhtt mcihotl- Tl�e notice s�al brs CractM to�he Propaty AtlOress or any otn¢r eECreaa '
<br />_`.,. �
<br /> ,` .
<br /> '. ]OtN�.m pPol w:e 'c�5 Fom,ipi@ a_gq
<br /> 1
<br /> ..�1 ` ,�, .� .
<br /> : � , n ,d
<br />