'{rti � �' �� r { . . . . - __
<br /> ! .:
<br /> � 1��, '' (L _� 71 '� L - /- _ ' ' _ .__
<br /> ' - -. i,_ �,.3 �-_ ...�.�>...,._._._-_;.-_�......_..o.,_ . . . _ ' " _ -.— _
<br /> , _..Y... .�.^Y . . .--' _
<br />__::_Lti.. '��- = ., - - . - ..
<br /> ' • D��1����� �� _
<br /> ----— BMOxM dHlptwlH Dy noUM lo LMIdM. MY nolk�lo LmdN 6M1 b/p`tM by Rnt WsD RA1 to L[ndtYs�05'nf iutlC hHNt w My . .
<br /> - dhp addrMe WnNr dts�pn�in by nollu lo Barowr. My nolla praNdM Ia N Ihie 8ewdry ImWmml ehd W d�xnb lo txiv Imn
<br /> =� pMM to Ba+rowa a lantler wh�n Vk+n�i proNdM N lMf qAry+pn. - -
<br /> --^*�'F 16. Qowminp Lrw; 6�wraWlky. mie newmy mswmem�MS w yovemrd ny rwxu ww.na iee rw oi iae k�a�acwn t, _
<br />�{;i'Lt-i� �1M PropNlY h batW. In Ih�erat IMt ury proHSbn a cLu��ol 11df 6ecudty Inswm�nl a Ih�Nol�conid�wllh yytika6lt
<br />-;��� 4w,wch eonfld ahJ not Meq ol�er p.orlsbne ol tMe&wdry InsWmenl a the Hole whkh un be pMen Med wiihout IM ea�RelNq -----__ .
<br /> 1� -`�"'�' pfoH7kf1. To tAlf Ot1A I�e ptoNSbn7 0l lhb BKUAy InsVUmmt�n01��Nota u�decluM lo M eevenbia �� •�---"".:.'..
<br /> �. �,i: 10. BOffOW��'�COpy. Batrower aM�be yNen one eoniamed oopy ol IN NoN�nd ol IMa&wrXy InsWmml. _
<br /> ,t� 17. TranHer ot th�Prop�rty or� B�n�flei�l Inbnat In Borrowsr. n u a■ny pan m me aop�ny a�ny ntern� _
<br /> " h N b aold or uanatmed(a M a 6mNic41 Nlanl N Bortowa le sola or v�nslertetl�nd Barown le not�n�NN paam)wRhal Lend• ' .
<br /> + - � a'e qbr wrNim consen6 len0n r�uy.�t Na oplion,requYe Nvnedua Daymml In fu!ol�1 sume eecured by Ihie BewAy InsWmu�t, i �:��«.--
<br /> Howevn,ihis oplion sh�0 nol be e:adsM by Lmdu H exttdse U pro�+lOtteG by fedenl Nw a�of t�e Mle ol thb BOarNy Insin�ma�t. * r ;' -
<br />'�'�;i�i.';� II LenAa aadaee Ihie opfbn.Lender a�a7 gke Oortowa notke oE axeh+atfart The noUea ehai provlQe�pMOtl oi not less 11wn 90 -�,°�:�,-"--_�---- �
<br />.� ��} drye han l�e Mle iha notico le defrcereA a m�letl w'l.hh wliic6 Bamower muf px!e�l sums eewrrA by Ihb Bewriy InsWment. II � '� - -- _ .
<br /> rr;t
<br /> Bmrouer L�e to pay Neso aum�p�lor to Iha e�hlion of thla piWSh cenEe+rtcr!4r�oko my remedee penNtleA by I�b 6earriy NsW } rp,•'��'�j';;..
<br /> ` mtN rrliwut NMer noliea or dem�nd on Bortower. �-�-
<br /> � �r-;�i_: 7�. �st,w2P6 RIgM lo R�InaT�t1. II Bortower meeta ceN3'n eon6tons.OartaNSr sRx7 hiva Ihe Aphl to hare mlacertronl ,,,�,.�_ _- �-
<br /> �f k� " ol Ihb Se�v�1y Insavmml dywntlnued n�ny tlme pl.or to t�a eukr ot(a)5 Csya(or sucn othz.peAOtl u�1yk�bb Nw mny apeaf� �'�
<br /> � .�. .�: Im reLuatanmU baiva snta oi Ne PreCaH W nwil to�ny powz+ot ate contintd Y�Ihis Securby InsWm9ii a@)mtry ol�Nd�^a�� Lf�'- _
<br /> � i � `' mto�ck+g thb Sear.iy NsL�:aai� Thosa rnndAiav w WI Oertaxa(a)pays Lmtler�0 suma whkA tAm rcw!d Qo du2 cr.kx thie , ,--:
<br /> r3,;V.,Y Bepm',y Nstrummt end Iha Hote as it no eaNaation�atl ocwrte4 @)wrea ury delautl ot�ny other eovmantf a ag�4(e)p�ye d I 1,: :
<br /> - � eqi�ses harted f:�mlucl�9 this Sesu:'�y InsW mxm.Ncludnp,bul rro1 Gnlxd to.taasw^.aGa attttrtrys'fxes:ad(d)taexa wxh�Gion -y- �
<br /> { �.�-
<br /> s,..t��}-;`��i es Lmder may reasonaS.y req�ire lo asswe Nat�he 6m ollhis Securily InsWmml,Lmdera righb in tAa PraPafj stl flecrawcle obipa• ���; -_ �
<br /> r . , - � Ibn lo pay lhe suma sx.urM by this Sewriry InsWmenl shall eonCnue unchnn4ed. Upon reinslelemenl by Bonawn,Y.la Szariry ' . , � `�'-
<br /> i, r��+%.j�, InsWmml�nd lho obtiga�ione escu:ed here6y eh�0�muN Niy eftec�l�e ae il no accclzra0on haA eccurted. HmcT�rr,lhh iy.Rt to reY�slate F - �' .� +�
<br /> �,��A}�j' sheA not a➢PN N Iha rase of acceleraTon under pare9raph 17. �� �
<br /> t"�f 1°i�; 19. Saie o} Note; Cye�gO ot LO��SBrv1cB�. The Note or e paNal Inte�est In Ihe Note(togMhn vrith Ihia 6esurT� � '
<br /> ��}T��; InsWment)m�y bo sal0 one or moro limes wifhoul pdor noliw la Oortower. A sale may resun N e ehanga In Ihe mNy(Imown u I�e e � F' [�
<br /> � `� -r 'Laan&Mcer')Ihel coDecle monlhy peymenis due undcr Ihe Note and Ihis Securiry InsWmm4 There dso may be one or more chan9a ol - �-'-
<br /> ` �..- No Lcan Smlcer unrelated lo e sela ul lha Nole. II lhtte is e change o�Ihe Loan SeiMce6 Oortowtt m'A be gNen�Ml�m noT:e o�lhe ehange � �' �������
<br /> l�}' N ecco:Aanae x�h paregraph 14 ebore end epp6caU'e law. Tho no'ice wl ste�e�he name entl eddrese ol lha nex Loan 6mi:�aetl Ine ° ;,F(� "�+�� .;-���
<br /> :- t��
<br /> 5Y� . eddresa 1�tvhidi paymente ahould tn nadu. The nollce w9 also caman eny olher NfomiaGOn req.:+eE by eppBa�le lavi. '{�s(¢?; "p5� '
<br /> +.:a::. . - 20. Hezardoua Substencaa UOROWC!6hBO 110I LBUSB Df pMllll IhB D�OSfi1C8,1150,QSj1D5BI.6�OfdQB.OI fCIG6!O�Bily FIiINACUO - �;{t {� �F�ji';�';'
<br />�t����� �- aubsleneea on or in t.'.e Yrcpeity. Bonower aha0 nol do,nor eDOw enyone Nse lo do,eirylhing eHecOng Ihe PropMy Ihal le In Noladon ol �/��fy;�'�5��`��iP-�,��� =
<br /> � `� eny Env4onmentel Lnw. 7he pre�ng Iwo sentmcea shall nol eDFN�o Ihe presenoe,use,or storage on the Roperty ol amall quinGUes ol ,� E���{��{-.��..i�ti
<br /> �i f� ' Hamrdoua substances ihat ma gment>,r reeognked 10 6o eppropr'at to normnl res:d:nllal uses entl�o maNtenence o�ih0 Proptty. ? ��J�����rs( rh7w _-
<br />:5:1:..,,.:- ::� � /� �r.�:7"' -
<br /> � Bortowtt ahall prompliy ghe Lender millen nollca of eny imeslkyallon,GaM,dtmend,Wwsu�or olher eeiton by ury govemmmlel or -.�� < < � ��•� -
<br /> � regualory ugenry or p`hate pa�ry Nrohing iho RopMy and eny Hazardous Subsienca or Enr4onmentel Lew o�whicA Bortower h�a eUVal •� ��'��x ����••,
<br /> rImovAedge. If Uortower leame,or Is no�ed by eny govemmmtal or reBulatory aNnoriry,lhal any removel or mn:r remed�ellon ol eny H�rudous � ��� ��� .�_�{��a�?
<br /> - �2 SubsWr.ce a11xWg Ihe PropMy 0 necessary.Uortower s�all promply teka eY necrssary remed�al eclions in attordance wth EnvYonmMinl Lew. . . - S; ::,; '•:-:,_;
<br /> '- '� i;.4�'y2ey,,�-.,.
<br /> , .�,i.-�:.,
<br />.»,•-!�, •+ . !u used In Ihis pamgreph 20,'Nm�rdoue 6ubstencae'are ihose substances defineE es tode or hnrardoua eut�siancas by EnMronmenlal '�,i�;�,j��.j��,,,;j���i:,::,
<br /> + � � Law entl the IoAOVrin substencea: aso5ne,kerosene.oNe'IWmmeble w lode peUOleum producl�.l:be pesliddea ond herWdtles.rolaNe ���� . f� � :.
<br /> i.
<br /> , - aokmta,matc+Wls eoMalning esbealos a lormeldehyda.enA rad:oaclNe malerWla. As used in Iha penrynph 20,'Env4onmmtel lew' :�- ���5�� �/��` �� ll; -
<br /> means letleral lawa anU Wvro ol�ne Juds0lction w0ere the P�opeM��louletl Riat relale lo heallh.saley or enrironmenlel proteclbn. ���iiV`�I�tlie �� �1�y; -��
<br /> ` � - NON�UNIFOfl4 COVENAMS. Bortaxer end Lendn N��er covenant entl egree ea lollowr. `^,i�f�A4rN�y'�`��'���J�?��,
<br /> � - - 21. Accelor�ion; Romodies. Lender ehall give notice to 8arrower prior to acceloretion tollo:ring A��,,,�; „�,�F��, ;�
<br /> �` . BmrowePe bre�cb of any covenant or egrooment In thia Socurity Instrument (but not prlor to ecceiaration jr_, ���t „ ,:
<br /> - undur paragraph 17 unloes epplicable law provldes otharwlae). The notice shall epecity: (a) lhe defeulk (b) }li;;,}, �� - -•• "
<br /> v.,'�-.: - : ::.¢ttit�, ;;,� .:,:'.;;�ax
<br /> ,;�;: the actlon reqWred to cure lhe defaufl; (c) e dete, not less than 30 days from the dato lhe noNce la given to �._.. ,,,,,,,;,.�,�
<br /> - ` Borrower, by which the defeult must bu curad; end (d) that feilure to cure the detauit on or betore the date . }' . � -
<br /> .l � .,t� spucifled In the notico may rosult In oecalaretlon of the aums oecurod by thie Security Instrument end sile ��- y � , _
<br />->-5�.:'."���� oi 4ho Proparty. Tha notice shall turther intorm Dorrowor ot tho right to rainstete efter accoloT�dion and _ '.F;� � �'�' '�-
<br />�':- {S�� - the eight to bring a court action to assert tho non-oxlstonco of e doteuti�r any other defense dl Borrower �,. �_'� . . ,. ,
<br />?`�` � - to accoleratlon nnd salo. II lho dotauH Is not curod on or botoro the Aalo spoclflad In tha notico, Londer � •�f�"'� '
<br />�, � et ita optlon may requiro Immodiate paymenl in fu1! ot ell sums socured by thla Socurity Instrument without � ; - . -
<br /> turlher domend and may Invoke lhe powor ot snle and eny other romedlos pe�miqod by appllcabto i.:1,.,
<br /> lav�. Lender ehall ho onlittod to collect eil exponsos ineuned In purauinp tho romodlos providnd in this � "' ��
<br /> ,;-+ - �nrupraph 21, Inciuding, but not IlmHed to, reasonnbie attomoys' foos an[7 costs of Htie ovidoneo.
<br /> � If tha powor of salo is Invokod.Truntoo shall roeord a notico of default In each county In which eny part _ .
<br /> "' �'�� �i' of tha Property is locatod and shatl mnY copios of such notico in tho mannor proscribod by eppllcablo lew ;
<br /> � lo Dorrowor and to lho othor porsone presr.tibod by applicablo law. Aflor tho timo ret�uirod by epplicabio
<br /> Oaw.Trustoo ehall givo pubfie notice of ealo to the porsons and in tho mannor proseribod by applieable Iaiv. '
<br /> . •�.� 4m5too, without domand on Bovower, shail sell 1ho Proporty et public aucHon to tho hlphost middor at lhe - �;
<br /> tfmo end placo nnd undor ll�o torma doslgnated in iho notico ot saln In ono or moro parcols and in eny order
<br /> -' Trustoo dvtcrminos.Tmstoo may poaipone sa�o oi ail or nny porcoi oi ino rroporiy uy pu�iic annvuncerr,eni
<br /> �� al tho lim9 ah9 ploco ot eny proviuss3�sche�uled seio. Londor or ita dealgnao may purchasn tbe Propc+xy
<br /> et as� sato. .
<br /> ' - Upon rocoipt ol paymont of tho price hFd. Trustoo shall doliver to lho purchasor Trust�a s deod
<br /> = convoying tho Proparty. Tho roeitals In lho Trustoo's dood shall be prima lacie evldenco ot t�so truth
<br /> '• af tho atatomonts mado thoroin. Trustoo ehall appty tho proceoda of lho salo In tho tollowinp ordor:
<br /> . .. (a) to ell costs and oxponsos of ozorcising lho powor of sa�o, end the eale, including lho paymont of tho
<br /> �� �t? �� T�ustoe'e foos ectually Incurrod, not to oxeond 3.000% of tho princlpal emount ot tho nole at tho Nmo
<br /> � � ot the deciarallon ol dofeult, end reasonobto attornoys'foos as pormlitod by law; (b) to ell sums sucurod
<br /> -� .� " � by thio 8ecurHy Instrumonh, end (c) any oxcoas to tho porson or poraonn Inpally onl�tlod to 11.
<br /> - . i � �p7p�M1m�5.91) w9c�c�5 f.. J FOrm 7028 8.9]
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> : :
<br /> - .. .. � ��
<br /> �'�.� . .' ( �
<br />