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+ � 4 <br /> . _�J 1_: _ -P•q++.�-..��^__ __ __ __ -�- . .._ . <br /> ( �...Y . .. - r .y.' - • +�� ' �s <br /> Z <br /> i .y. . , �. . . - . �.� ��Y�: -L� .•.. <br /> .� .�. � �-.- 'f' '� S�4 <br /> nl <br /> �j •tii� � �j i•• �. . <br /> �. '• t; . , .. . .�Cj �..� .' 'p��. . ,� �� <br /> ,..� . . � - . .� - � x:� �p.. � <br /> _-. �. ,o . � e � . � � N � �`. <br /> '.� . , v°+ � N W� � � �.,_- _ . -- <br /> .--.� . . . . � � y � <br /> ''�p0.. „_ . <br /> � �' . 6sr.nee��enrl�Yo�RKOraceaul /i�y9o3ors-�v� <br /> - - — �3�?10'�'�1E _ DE�ll OF TRUST �__ <br /> THIS DEBD OP TRUSf('Sccurity Insimment')Is madc un AUGU6T 2, 1993 .Tho tnutor fs <br /> � �� � DAVID J {iBTHERILT AND SU3AN L WBT9BRILT� NUSBAND AND HII�B. -� <br /> v=,�� (•Borrowcrry.'Ihctructeqis NOANBST BANK NBBRABIU NATIONAL A$SOCIATION <br />�_j,�f�� ('7tus�x').Tho bene(iciary is tiORWRST BANR NBBRASiCA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION _ <br /> whlch le orgenized end exis�ing undcr the laws of �g �ITSD STATSS OF AHIiRICA ,end whox - <br /> a ���: oddress is 202 N68T TRIAD, GRAND ISLAND� NBBM9HA 68801 =_... <br /> .<iy...;.:_ � (•(.trAcr'i.Ecr.Y:ecr o• L:r�er qze Fdneip.*.I sum^( -._. . . -... _. <br /> :�. _-� <br /> i - <br /> � - �' THIRTY-FIVS TliOUSAND At�D NO/00---------------�----' Dollers(U.S.S aA35 000.00*�r >• 4"-3v . <br /> «'' ' Thls debt is evtdenced by Iiorro�ver's nale dated t6e same date as this Securl�y Instrument('NoICR),whlcB provides Po� ' �a ,.�y°- <br /> '.. "I v��i'�. <br /> :,'.•.�; tr.opthly payments,with�he full de64 If not pnid carlfcr,duc end payablc an AUGUST 2� 1998 � s � . _ <br /> r y' <br /> ` This Securiry Insuvmem securca�o Lender.(a)�he rcpayment of Uic deb�evidcnced by�he Note,with inceres�,and nll rcnewals, __,, �=_ <br /> �'��'7%li' ex�enslons and modilica�ions ot�he Nute: (b) the pnyment uf all o�her sume, wi�h imercst, edvnnced under pamgraph 7 to , �_� � ,�=� <br /> : .Y:.f� �6�: <br /> ;,..•, :. protecl lhe security of�his Sceuriiy hixtmmem: anA (c) dm perfomiance af 6ortowcr's mvenants and egreemenls. For�his �,,.��,�";:t:';.,_-F.�, . <br /> . purpote. Bortower inevocably gmnts and comeys to Trustee, in uus6 wi�h pmrer uf sele. �he Poiloming descdbed pmpeny , ' '�� !'"4+�-��`�� <br /> - County,Ncbroska: +-�� '�� '�4 <br /> � _- Iocntedin �,L � tr ,���.s _ <br /> �f�� - , <br /> �„fiy ti,_, ' �` q ,;:. <br /> -1.(�)'.:�°: �.rDic L�i?A_.. <br /> .� t,�,'�� ' �p..J� ..���.��. <br /> jr y.., �` s ♦,..: <br /> - �:�' <br /> :� t:� '; . <br /> � LOT THIRTY—SIX (36), BLOCK ONB (1), IN 6R8NTHOOD SUDDIIIISI011 IN ��• ��� ' <br /> 'S? �`_� TfiB CIYY OI+ GMND ISLAND. NBURASI(A. t�h:`� � _ <br /> f�'> <br /> � <br /> ' THIS DII6D OF TRUST STiCUR68 AN OPQN BND RHVOLVING LIN6 OF CAHDTI. '�n� t �,i ? <br /> �� l:�� � h �.rCJ : <br /> -.���� which has�hc nddrses a(A C H H D I I 0 l 9 i B Q U I T Y L I N¢ O F C fl 6 D I T A I D B R. j5i� ��ry� _ � '� y°r� '� ,- <br /> r`'• 3216 WOODRIDCS BLVD, C[NND ISLAND <br />, -_r. �,� Nebruka 68801 ('Property Addnss'): � ";i � _ <br /> �'/.ipcNcl . � <br /> .,•Y'?: . - , <br /> 7'OGGI'HER WITFI all�he impmvemems nnn�or hercaf�er erec�cd mi thc pmperty.anJ all easeinrms,appunenanms,and �� ;,�. <br /> fixWns now or hereaflcr a part af the property. All rept:�cemen�a :md adJiiimu �h:Jl :A�o he mreral by Ihis ScCUrily <br /> Instrumcm.All of thc fomgoing i.r.fcrrtd ta in�his Securily Inslrunum a��hc'Pmpcny.' - �� - <br />� � 60RROWER COVCNANTS�Tat I1orta�cer is Imcfully aci>ed of the eslulc hcrcM1y com•eynl and ha�ihc rigin ln 6ram and •. �_�6 - <br /> � � - rnnrey the Propeny and ihn �he Propetty is uncncumbereJ, excep� for encumhranca uf rcmrd. 6annwer��arrants and will � <br />,- _ defend generally the Iille ta Ihe Pmperty against all claims unJ d.mande,suM1ject lo any encmnM1ranms of r¢cnd. � <br /> � 1'HIS SECURITY 14STRU1IGNT rnmhinr..unifnmi corenan�s for nalianal ux anJ namunifnnn covcnams:vilh limitirl , <br /> . varia�iolis by jurisdiClion lo co1151i1u1C a unifaml SCCUriIy i05W1ncn1 CoCCrin�fud pmpcny. . . . . . <br /> -- UNIFOR�1 COVGNANTS.Bortm�cr anJ LcnJcr corcnanl:md agrcc a�follo���s: . <br />- 1. Puyment ot PrO�cipul nnd Interes�: Prcpa��ment m�d In�e Q�aiges. W+rrowrr xhall pmmp�l�� pay ���L.n duc �he . <br />. --- - prinap�1 of and imcrost on�hc dcb�cridcnard hy�hc Rote and any prcpa��mrnt and latc chnrgc.duc mdcr�Lc No�c. - <br /> ____� 3. FLnds tor Tnxcs end Incmance. Subjm tn applicablc la���or lo a ���riucn wan�cr by l.cudcr. R�+mnccr .hnll pa��to <br />� --� Lcndcr on Ihc day monlhiy paqmcros am duc unOCr mc 1vo�c.umii inc rirne i.paio in iv��.a.����i"7���;:`:�;::-:3��:Y:�:: " _- - -� <br />" - a�id assessments�rhich may atwin priurity urer this Sauriq�hW mmcm as a Iien un the Propen�:lbl>"wrl�-Icaschold paymems <br /> � m ground rcms on�he Pmpeny.if any:�c�>'cad��huanl or property irtsuranm prnninnu:(dl ycady Ilnod inwrancc prcmiums. �' �-��- <br /> if mry;(e)ycady mohgagc rosurance premiums, i(any: and(D an��sum�pa��ablc by Ik�rn+��cr�o Lcndcr, in aaixJ:m.c��ith �� . <br /> "�'� �hc pmvisions o(para�r�ph e, in licu of�hc payment of mortgagc inwrmaY premiunic.These iicnn arc callcd'Gxro���hem..' . <br /> -'�:i"`t'�'� I.cndcr may, a� any Unre.coIIM and hold Funds in an amouni not �u czitttl thc ma�inrvm anmum a ICOACf �lR J �CAffdIl\ - . <br /> �'��-� � rtla�ed mortgage lam nuy rcquirc for porro�cer's esem�r accoum uMer�he fedttal Real Lua�e Sculemem Proadum Ac� n( <br /> 1974 az amcnded(mm iime to�imc. 12 U.S.0 Scc�ion 2G01 rr sey. CR13PA'1.unless anothcr lan Iha1 applics ln Ihc IvnJ. - <br /> scts a Iesscr mnoum. I(w. L.cndcr may. ol any limc,mIIM and hnid �und� in an amoum nu1 In czmYl lhc Ir..xr�mounl. <br />- l.cndcr n�ay cslimalc Ihc amown of Punds duc on Ihe nf cumm Ja�a and rcaumablc c�limalc�of cxp.�niilmn of fumrc , <br /> �;,�; �,,. Gscro�v Itenu or mhcrx'isc in acmtJancc ui�h applicablc law. � <br /> ._.-. .� <br /> - REBMSRA�SIne1e Fanrry�FanNe MeeTreOAh Mee UNIFOflM INbTRUMENT �rm 3028 8�80 - <br /> , ��NI12T97MTO �.+euoa+eecnou�s �iu•a�e�oo �ev.snns� r.,r�o�� pmem�eC6r91 , . ' <br />