� . . .. �r..+_�_�...� . . q . . " . ..—
<br /> ACKNOWI.�QGlMENT 0��LR110F ti'IIWT � � ,
<br /> .. ,•.;,� :-� ��, 16�• ���G
<br /> '�bY4�1 'M.ADTrN�lEfOnaqioNnlb; ' � , .:�
<br /> �Tiui(MU�n 7�11tM4o8umlDlqfltTru�6x1�e0CU ro• fOUN ���olf tf�ndMl� brlp�p�� .�A11 POwM
<br /> ol�t� dwrorin�i�tK.noi.rrunnravm.��6�wniwya�fNr�i(ryh�'�e'dbtna��oq�roTrv�tor��h�mor�io��n�wmt
<br /> ol� Opabre�aholob0 �tlonundeM�R�otTru�t,inoludinp,butnoUlmllMto,M�1.�n4N�d�hfah�w RP(opwyrold
<br /> by,tli�TrwlN Wlthout�h�+�udlolU-ptOCMdind,Vuqor npn��nu in u��01 th�t fhll� knqWiW91- 1.1V �Ml bY
<br /> TNNOt bNOr1 tl���x�cullo�MMu[HW o�T(ult - - - � _ �.- .. ' .' .- . . ...� . . . :
<br /> , • . : . � , /���' .- _ °-°-__- .
<br /> Rl�Q BTO . d'o ''
<br /> s�
<br /> pCMEpaL`T P A$9 OERn Yttri '
<br /> '�° '��Ei�-0F TBU8T Wiq31 fUT1lAE dIDVl1�9��9 -
<br /> — -f�HlB DEEO OF YRUBT,Ie madB es ol ma Jl9sh_aay of ��°• .18�by and pmoPy ' �
<br /> meTrusmr, BEMB' DRUO BT��, IIiC. i 6E�?£DICT P WA43aiN0Ei1- -''" 'i;.',,i � �,�_
<br /> 123 YE6T TNIBD ORAND I6LAHD NE fi88�2�6711� -' ' "�=
<br />-;;�� whosa mellinp eddr8�e ry (nore�n'Trustor:'wh�ther one Or mpro).
<br /> menuatae, F1ve Poinl� Bank e N�brask� Cospoea�ion ,
<br /> � P.O. Box 1817 Urand I�l�nd, NB 68Bl2 �� `
<br /> ,,,�� whoso meilinq addroae le (harain"Truetee"1,�nd �� _._ �
<br /> ,c ;
<br /> �-�� �hoeonenc�ary, Fivr PoSnta Bank �� �,� __
<br /> v�s^., �"���.
<br />_.S' -�`'�,. whose ma1Un9 nddrose Ia �S� N Broadv�ll Orand I�l�nd, N8. 68802-1'3!7 �heretn•'4eod��'7• -
<br /> +� BEMB' DRUU BTONB, 11CC.
<br /> ^�_ FOR VAI.VABLE CONSID�AATION,IneluU�ng LentlePe exlnnsion of cretli�Idon110ed hereln to ,� .
<br /> ✓f n B BDIdS YAS INOER horein"Borrower",whelhor ono or more)and Ihe truat herein ueeted, k
<br /> .,
<br /> ``SStS '!'3 ��11—.�._� l aror.
<br /> �f�� - -:4 the iecolpt ol whieh la herBEy acknOwletlgotl.Tmstor horeby irtevocnbly p�anls,trensle�a,wnveys and e5619na lo Tmale9,W �ji��, ..__ __-
<br /> .-•��f�;+-.� THUST,WIfHPOWEROf9ALE,10l�hBben81.�P�tle¢CUIlIy01L6nd0r.untlBtenU6ubjOt1�01h01olmaendcOndHlOnehef61nefl0r681 rs �+^_�^�
<br /> ' �� /orlh,Ihe roel OroDOM.de80fIbEU P!IOIIOW9: - ���+��`'�
<br /> t� '-, 7ytB MES7 TMEH1q TMO 1221 FBET OP TH6 NORiN BitiKYli (86) .En7 0: y0T FG1R f•-! .-. . -.. -.
<br /> ';y'���.
<br /> s ll�f� . ���..�
<br /> �j�Py ` t _
<br /> � -•��j,. TogolhBr wilh all bullAing9,improvemenls,lixtures.slroole,elloys,paesagoways,uaeemonls,riphU,p�IvilegBa end eDGUr10• r�,�.�",-±°°�::-'
<br /> « � �' naneee IoCaled Ihereon or In unywise pertaininp Iherelo,and lho renls.issuee end profite,roverelone end remeinden Ihereol,enA �- ���
<br /> evch pereonal DropBAylhal le elteched lo Iho improvomonls so ea lo consliWto e fixlure,inclutling,but not Ilmlled to,healinp and 'y `. � � !
<br /> - ,�,� coolinyeQUipmenCentllopelherwiththo�omosteadormarllallnlowsts.ileny,wNChinlerost5ereherebyraleaaetlendwBlveO;ell �g'-
<br /> �- �- olwhich,Inclu0fn9reptacemonl5en0atltllllonaihoroto.le�erebytloclarodtobeeDartolthareelosla�eaecurgdbyUellenolNie -n ,��'�..
<br /> - 4 7 -_ Deed ol Truet enU ell ol th9loreqoiny boing ro(orroA lo horein ns Iho"Properry". "` r ,^ �. _
<br /> � i;;
<br /> - - - Thi9 Deed ol Tru61 nholl 6owro(o)Iho paymenl ol lho D�����Ca16um untl Inlorosl ovtdoncoA by e promi6aory nole or creAit ���y_,,y� �f�-�_-.
<br /> � •
<br /> Y��� � aproomonl Cated —Aup t �o h 1�� __,hoving e meludry tle�o ol Aupu�t ltt 1998 � i 7��� ' � ;_��,�-
<br /> , . ra�t�� � f1 _
<br /> - In Ne odginal prinelpal emounl 015 �•�•� ,antl eny end oll motlilicntlone,extonslone antl runewels + j.- �� r f �it'�'-
<br /> I � � �� Ihoreol or thorelo antl eny ond oll(uWro edvancue entl reudvancos lo Oorwwor(or eny ol thom il moro thon ono)herounder 4 �_`�r� .�� .��
<br /> pursuen�lo ona ar marc D�Qmtssory notee or croeu ngmnmema{horoin eenaA"Noldy:(b)lho peymum ol othor sums advancetl Uy � : i , -
<br /> '� �'.��� Lentlorloproloc11he6ecw�ryoflliallolo:(c)thopartormancoolellcoveneNSendegwomonlsolTroator5otlorthhuroin;end(d)a�� - { i�
<br /> 5�ti,.',.,-.,,_ presonl8nd IuWro indebleOr.ese entl oUligalione ol0orrowor(or eny o�Ihom 11 mOw Ihen onn)lo Lontler whalhnr tl�rect�nCirect - � �5 �Y+/_.,.����-_
<br /> ebsolulo or eontingeN enA whet�or erising by nolo,guereny,owrCrall or olhorwiso.Tho Nom,mta Deed of Tmst eM an an0 a11 '' '. 'T ;-
<br /> � oNOrdoeuenteNalsoeurolheNOloorothe`wi600zecutudinconnaclionlhemwith.inclutlingwiNOUtlimitationguaranteea.security , 1�:` �}� ''t;'..�•
<br /> -' egreemeM9 end as5lgnmenU ol l�nsos end ronls,6ha11 bn referwd lo horcln 96 No"LOan Insttuments". - Q
<br /> TNSlO�COYB(1�019 811A 8g(B09 Wi�h LO�AU!8910110W4: i� �i��`� �� � -
<br /> {�-'= 1. Pqminl ol lndoblednef6 All InAabletlnos!securetl horeDy shall bo paltl when Oue- _ �'-�-
<br /> .}r,_: . � ::
<br /> 2. Tilb.Tros�or I5!ho owner ol tho Propo�ry.hes the�ighl entl euthoriry lo convey tne Propery.anA warrents tAa���o lion °- �- ,�-:i_:,_�:
<br /> � ereatcA he�eE ia n lirst end dor Ilnn on tho Propnr ezco t br Ilons en0 encum0�ances set IonO by Tms�or in wriung onA j����`.'-� �
<br /> y- P b. P n5;'... - _
<br /> dalirereCtoLenUerbeloreexecullonollhlsDeedolTrost.andlhooxecunonenatlei�reryoltNSDeeOOlTm6�doesaotv�o�aieeny - - , .. �
<br />-� - ','d'� fqnbAGl Ot oNer obligEllon fo whiCh Tm51or 19 sub�eCl. -
<br /> 3. T�xe�,A��eaim�nU.7o pay bolom Celinquency an�a.oa.speaal assessmenis antl ail o�he�cha�ges agains�the ProDnrry . - .
<br /> � nOn O!GBf081faf IBVIBtl- . '
<br /> A.Iniur�nee.To keep tho Properry insured egamsl doma;,e Cy Ine.haza�ds+ncWOed wa��c t�a term"oxtenUeO cove�agti',and
<br /> s�ch cthnr hat0�d6 es LenOer may�opulro.in emounls nnd wdn compamos ecceD�01e to Le�Ee�.nammg LenCer as an eCCifonol _ :
<br /> nnmad in5ured,with bsf peynb:0lo Ihe LenOOr.In case ol loss untler such po11c1o5.Iho Lentle�o euNOnied Io edjusl ColieClOnd ( _ • _ .
<br /> .. compromiso,elldalmethereuntlo�endshellhave�haoplionolaOV�Y��9enorDanol�hetnw�anceproceMe(i)IOenyinGeOtednoas {�� , ,
<br /> sucuredhambyenAlnsuchorOnrasLanEe�maydelermine,(ii)IO1noT�uslo�lobeusetllorlhoropairorresto�alionolthoPrope�ty � . .
<br /> � or(ilqlorenyolhmpurposoorob�ecfsa�islacmryloLende�wnhou�alleU�ng�hoi�enol�msDeotlolTms�lortholullemoumsecured
<br />� ' �ornUy bebre such paymonl ever took placo.Any aDO��cafion o�O�oceeds lo i�debledness shaii no1 exten0 or poslpone tno due F ,
<br /> - dnt0 0l eny paymonte undar lhe Nolo,or cum eny tle�euR merau�fler or hereun0e�. .
<br /> • -.
<br />- � '�� ' � � 5. E�ttOw.UDOn writlen Oemand by Lentler.Tmstor sha�l pBy to LenEeq in such manner as Lentlsr mey Aosignale.sWfiUenl � �
<br /> }l�' 6Um9I00n0D1CL0040t10pByelt110ybUCOmeUVeoneormoreoimeioifor•�g.1)eiii&+vd.fii5c55iucPiudiv'�::o�G�o:y000y=:�:: - -
<br /> "'1>��� NO Propo�ty.pq the D�omivm!on tho prope�ry ir.swe�ce�eqWreO he�eu�Uer,ard{Ilq 7he p�emiums on any mortgago msu�ance � _
<br /> ��.,;F-...., .- require0 by Lc�tler.
<br /> ' 6. Rlelntmane�, Repain ond Compllanee wllh Low�.Trusto�s�an heep��e Prove�ry in goo0 conmUOn ary reqatr.snai� �:
<br /> � ' F�OmD��y �ePaiq Gf fBD�8C0 A�y improvemenl which may be tlamaped or OoSUOyetl: sn2ii nol commit or pe+m.t aay wasle o� � -
<br /> �� .::�/+,,: CC:C�ro�eLCn o�ibe PropBrty.bha�l not reROVe.demo��s�o�substaM:ally nkM eny o�Ne improveme�•Lt On t�e P•cFe•�-sT-0���G' � `
<br /> �/ � CCmm�taoflero�pe�mi�enyeclloDeOO�e��o�uyonlheP�operlymrlo�a¢or.o�anyinw.orUinence.orr�;aticf:er.G�la:7paja:Y �
<br /> � � '+� C�Ompi}y tliSCnprpC el Tfu510�6 C0513n4 PapEn50 611 IIEM.enCUmbtd�CCS enA Gh]rgC9 19nfA.�mp�5E3 C�A55@55¢0 eQ0��S1 fr.e f
<br /> �Y P: ProDOryorBnypertlhor¢ol.
<br /> -�;;a".1.�� Z Emlmnt Demaln.Le�Ae��s�ereby aesipne0 ell eom➢en�aeo�.awartls,damages arq oae�pa�n.ente o�re::et(he�emahor �.
<br /> �Proceeda')��connttLOnw�mcontlumnatlonorolhertnkir.goimeProyort�orpanUe�ectortorcor„e�ar.cemctudcoc0emna• i
<br /> tort Lontl?r sR3'i to enL'L'EC at f13 opllon lo commenco.eDGea/in a�O p�osKUte����s oxn narn?a�/a:6on or OIOGE¢dings,end
<br /> �!��C:�<'_� sha�l nlso be esSGM b mako eny compromise or snitlomo�:in conr.cecon v.an suc�taking or tlamaae In No ovenl eny ponion ol � �
<br /> � .� HEqN1lMavyMr��DeMPn10�B] � � .
<br /> 9�, .. �IpplN��wB�NaiCMnqrptrvOUd6�rvp�Atw[u�wlLnGnM�b�4�
<br />. .._. ._. .i
<br /> .... - . . . .... �.
<br />