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<br /> ! 4 � :i;;' Hl1tIR ONB� T8Xl18� N.A. ;fN�. `` %` i
<br /> � :S�` P.O. Hox 901008 . ;� + . �;� `
<br /> ;� - � Fort Worth, Texa6 7610Z ��•:• '- � : ,.�j� •-
<br /> „�rr �._� Attantions CollAteral pepq�tmppti �.;;,a��;., :� r.",.-.
<br /> y ,,; .'f" b„+ ,t,-�y� �:: '.
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<br /> �� 7 ! `;; whichF areahereby aaknov dgedn� tk�e F8DffitAL OSPOSITtiINBnURANCB �i` t������rr�=.
<br /> � . ,;}`�!� CORPORATION (MAseignorn), as Reaeivex !or Texas ]lmeriaan Sank/FOrt '��. szi �-
<br /> �' ..,0""`,.°� Worth, N. A., ("TAB") by thasa prooenta haraby aallo, aaalgna end i.::: �•,.:,• .:�,_
<br /> s' � �� trnnePero un�o H!!NX ONS� TSXAB, NATIONAL ll860CIATION, auoaeaeor in ,' , i `�t;.
<br />.1 ,, - � `' interesC by merqer to Teaa Bank, eugaeasor in interest tio Taam ,__{ .'. •a
<br /> `��� r�a�:?�! eank, N. A., :lormerly knovn aa Texap%ASerioan Bridqe Bnnk, N. A. ,. '$�'`
<br /> n� � -�v���_? (00necsigi�enr j 611 �t 1$e il�h�`.� .�.�t1W..s'ind �i'i''..^vr8&Y. �it aAd t0� �� -� F�N v;z �
<br />,�,� � �"y,iv �lia 4he Pollovingt :,�t•,,.� � ";,. . � `,.��pif '�
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<br /> �� .� '• . •. •� .•
<br /> � ,; d �fir" p� `
<br /> i. Tl�reo aortain Promis�ory Notae dnCed February 28, 1986, "', a yn}f�'f���ee
<br /> ''� ':�'/ pByeble by T i R Cat$le Compuny� Hig B� Ino.o Little B�e � �� y yt ��
<br /> , ' �' ;t� Corp., Daxter Cattle Compnny� Tom Haxter an�3 811zabeth �." �' fiy�' ' t
<br /> � Baxter, to the ord'er oP TNS in the combinad prinaipal � t#�y� :�':;. �;
<br /> .- /r?.it;l y.�
<br /> ' " ' amounC oP $8,750,000.00, as the eame may have baen ..j•�fF�,, .,; ; .,� t. �
<br /> x heretoEore amendad, roatntod and/or reneved (the
<br />� � , , � ���r ;,:,,pa t��
<br /> Notes
<br /> �1 ` �, ��..,t,:_ r�1V}1j�1+�y ^�.
<br />.,,�,,., ,�y 2. Hortqage dated BebYUary 2U, 1986, exeoutad wnd delivered '��`\,�!„`�rn. ,
<br /> ,,
<br /> r ,:. by Ton Baxter aku 2homas S. eaxter, in favor oP Bank . �a•
<br /> � � � rucordad in Dooument No. 86-101708, Hall County, State oP �' �
<br /> ,,;�;';1' Nebraeka, as eame may have been amendod and/or extendod ,.;, +Y.f�.
<br /> from time to time, creating liens againat all tii�at � �-=- -
<br /> ,. ' certiain reAi property locatad in Hall County, Nebraska, ;: `
<br /> more fully dascribed on °i:xhibit A" attachad hereto and ` :`,
<br /> - incorporated herein by reFerenco for all purposea (ull oP ;, �;
<br /> the foreqoing, except tha Notes, togother with any and `r;„:�' F.":��'' °
<br /> a11 other aqreements, �netrunenis and documonts � ' � `
<br /> ' "' evidencing, eacuring or pxxtainir�x� to the indebtednens � „ l� " `"
<br /> evidoncad by the Notes troing collect3vely herein reEerred ' ' .`;'.F
<br /> to as the "collatpral Documents"), �ogother with any and '
<br /> all coilateral coy2:ec1 thereby and heretofore aesigned or :
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