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<br /> {t`srt For valuatel� ooaxtdnraCio�p��Y.lui�r�a�ipti �nd� ou!lioianoy o! � '—
<br /> `z,�rti�'�'yt vhioh are hereIIip ac2s.nrav�sdgedi� a.Y.hg��SBpffit11L DRP08IT IN8UR71NCB _
<br /> . ��-. CORPORATIOH (xA��flgnax°1D� aa AeCa�itq� lor TaxAa 11mor1Can 8ar�k/HOrt � _
<br />`" worth, N. 11., (aTA9•) by thoaa:pr�aants'�bsr�by sells, auigna and ' ';` -
<br /> ;, •': :.'r.-._
<br /> r�'.. tiranslers untm � ONB, T8SU18� N11TIOtUW-II8800IATI4N, ruoaeuaor in ?, •;- .
<br /> ����';��i;;;'.?' interest by aaa+�� to Tear+Banky?:aucaasaoz -ln inCereah Co Team �
<br /> eank, N. l►., 8ommarly knovn a� Texa�'Aiariaan 8ridge eenk, N. r. `?�`
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<br /> . ("Aesigneo") a11 oP its riqht� titl� pnd intereot in end to, �n e : �,:"
<br /> a11a the Eollowing� '
<br /> . � ::. ,}:•, . .: „ i• �:'.`';
<br /> , - i. Thrae aertain Promiseory kotea dated Februnry 28, 1986, ��� �,.
<br /> j�> payabla by T 4 8 Caktle Compat�y, Sig 8, Ino., LiEt1e II�s
<br /> Corp., Baxter CaEtle Company� Toa 8axtor and Blizebeth � ' ������^
<br /> ,,,:,,': �. ;- ��.9axtar, tc L� arder o! T'W 1n �he e=r1blr.ect �rineige3 ' �.� ` '�
<br /> � ,r � amount oP $�,�50,000.00, ae the same may hove baen ; f�.!��h�,
<br /> ��,jf� •( heretoYoro nmended, restated and/or ronewed (bhe ' ' n r ,r,,,,,�,,,,�._
<br /> � .�,y�A� uN0�28°�� 8�C1 ���F. 7^'1'�� i��.
<br /> 1�iY°Y .. `� r �U�•����;
<br /> n��a�r p, yortgago datod February 28, 1906, exeouted and dolivered i 1,!';���
<br /> by Little B's Corp. in Pavor oP Bank rocorded in Doaument „ +,n t -j,.� `
<br /> , No. 86-101706, Hall County, 8hata o! Nebraeke, ae eame �.h;�'s��� .
<br /> may fi�ave been amended und/or extended Proa time to time, `��;,,;:,'l�;u;,,
<br /> creat3ng 11ens aqains� all that aertain real property ��
<br /> ;t � located in Hall County, Nebraska, more fully de�cribod on i ',;� �,x e.�,+
<br /> . ,-i. ��Sx�ibit 1►" attaohed hereto Amd inoorporated lnerein by ;, „ _'.r;9��'sjrr�.
<br /> �': referenc�e Por all purposos (a31 0! the Poreqoing, exoept ' S°, 1 � ':�.�,� :
<br /> , � + the �lote, togethor a�4h any and all other agreements, f� . 4frty's, j��ri�� -i
<br />�,;,_� : instrumente and documents evidencing, eacuring or ;��',.,.,...,;4�r,y`y�,.`.:'td
<br /> - pertaininq to the indabtednesE nvidenced by l•he Notee ��„ ��}� ,����},,,y
<br /> beinq colleotively herein referred to ae the "�oilateral s r �a h�`r���4,.s;?ij
<br /> Documents��), togethar with any and all collateral aovered �j4;J �,;+ 3�� -, "x.'
<br /> thareb and heretoPore asei ned or lad ad to Assi nor '� t' �'� ^`" `%� �
<br /> _ `. . Y 9 P B 4 :;ti;,:5t'c?.;;�;�;;:.:"-:: . ,
<br /> purauant thereto. ,•.,,...,4 :. : ;
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<br /> -�;.';;,,:� Aesignea additional documenta2lon (includi�g, without i ; ;��•;
<br /> "��.�, :; limitation, appropriata assignmenta evidancing the � �
<br /> %d,l .; transfPr oY any presently effective f�,nancinq otatements � , ;
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