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<br /> " �for thn jkrliYJ,a�htd�1 Cndet uqulrc�,The insunnee c+rder proridin�ihe insur�nee�hplEbn choMn 6y H6rrowcr+v4Jqc(m �
<br /> LsndfsffM�+Yqvxl,nY�IStihih�tlrwl6ounrcssoeiblywithMid.lfBo�rox•ethibloro�)nintacovo�jto�«<:tbep.eu�e,l.endo('
<br /> , - M1y{�Y�fhdt�tt�Aq1�t10���In eovcata to praed Lender•s ri�hu i�t ihe Proppny.in�esar4�nce,�i�h p�n�roph f
<br /> - . , Nt!!11(4tAn;eR?�If•Iaendrenewatathilibeueep��bTetoLttldeinndi�hall.InalJdp.wF��n�t�rJmonbz;eclwse.Lt�dtt ; . - - _
<br /> , sh�llht�Jetr,p�J�1�1:1ohti�d�hepopctetindtenew�ly.IfLe�derrq ��It�±�Bor�o4�¢rphdl.pL4n�Pl�y�IretoLenderdluce)p�t -
<br /> � �ofipr�d P��13 m=�nd�ranex•ii no0a��In�hn evem otlo�s.8ou�u•er shall�i�¢jlrompF.d911EO fa iAe inxunnce eirrier�nd ..
<br /> .LendG�:�n�C�qfy;m}ke ploof of fosi 1f not made,pjomp�iy,by,Bnrroucr.
<br /> • Vnit,ss,l.en�rr Rn�1'�Borrox•eroasrwfse�6r�e fn wrhtns,idsuronce prdtee�a Shnll be npplt4d ln rcstnr+li4n ar+cp?Ir
<br /> � oEjtiq Propbny drmtgcd,:if the res�or�ilon oe�epalr.G economlc+liy fcadbla tn Lendcr'+xewd�yd�nat le�.�rned.Ii�he
<br /> ` ' .rqsuanttpn�yiFcp}tY:(s np1 economlezlir kuible ot lr.ndeP�seeuji�y;wquld bo teasoocd:�hn in�ur�nca•p��ceede shail be
<br /> . apg�ltdtadiksumsto:urMb}'�hbSecunry[nstNmamiwhe�harqrontthr.ndna,wi�htnyexce��paldloBOrtou•cult8orco,��er
<br /> ' abtndanf itip Ptnp�hY,+�P��o�nat answcr wi�htn 30 dayq o nmice from Lendor ihat�hn Inauronee arrtar Aas nfRreJ�o�
<br /> settluASixit(1„{ht,��:endcr may collat�:a lnsurmce praeede,lxnder may use iha ptaads�o rrpairor«store tha PmpertY.'
<br /> v— qqta;p7y'�UtnptecatrA�by this Saurity Inswmrnt,whether or nnt�hcn dua Tha t0�day pcflod uill begtn��•hen ihe aoiise.
<br /> ia g1YF�.
<br /> � ;; Uplas3 Len:lt��nd Barrowo�othenvise ngtta in wriiing,�ny oppllcaUdn.of praccd��o principal ahall aa exund, .
<br /> ---- otp�stponli ihpdqedkta of the Meatfity paymen�s rcferred io In par:gnph�1 and 2 ot efiange thn omuuniof iha p+ymemb+
<br /> �----= Ifiundcr pueg�PPh�I�he Property is acquircd by Lendcr,Bo•rowcr'e dghl lo eny insvnnce pn�icia and praeeJ�«sulling
<br /> _- -- (Mm.dtml.go la�hA Propeny pdot lo the¢cquis(dnn+hall pasx��o I.ender�o�he ex�ent nCthe mms ueurcA hy ihis Securi�y
<br /> :`.?'� Imm�mrnL•(mm:dittdy prtor to ihe acquisiAon. •
<br /> - 6�..Omupency, PraervaUon, Atdntenance and Protectlon ot�be Properif� Dorro�rer'e Lnan Appliwl(on:
<br />!n;.�'it�.:,�� beare.qphlk. Dorrower shall aeupy,establish,and uu iha Propetly ee�orrowcr's pdncipal resiJence oiihin sixly days g
<br /> a, �; pN�eQip a�tcvilon of�hie Seeudty ins�mmmt�nd shdl cominua a oeeapy�ho Property os Dnrrouxr's princip�l rcsidence
<br />--��t:;���':_ -�fifratdtiet[.one yea[ajttr the dale of acupancy,unlcss Lendcr othernise oguc�In wri�fng, w•h(ch eonscnt sfiill not be
<br /> - u�..
<br />.;,'�y;�',;�,.; unrrcuontbiy wlthheld,oi unlesa exlenua�ing dreums�anee�eAist which are beyond Bnrro«'ePs canunl.Bnrroacr s a nM
<br /> <;rn " - ' dtsimy;dam�yQa oi impalr�he Propeny,ailow the Property to dckriorale,or commit waxtc nn ihe Prupeny.Borro�vu shill _
<br /> �����141, ,- ti!If1�Gf8VIl II any(orfeimre acUon or praeeding,whether civil or eflmin�l.is begun�h�l in LenAer't gea�filih juJgment __ :
<br /> .',,:4X?�. .;._ - • e•nldaosultlnforfe{mreo�IhePropenyoro�he�wlsemotedallyimpair�hclfenerea�cdbyihisSecurhylnawmcmor6toder'n
<br /> --� '-'`� � sttudty interut. 8orrower may cure sueh a dciauit and reinsia�e,as p�o+ided In paragraph IB.b;czusing!hs ac6on nr = ._._ . ..,
<br /> praeeding to be dismiskcd with a rvling�hal,in I.endeYe good fahh demrminaiinn,precluJes fnrfciwra of ihe Bnrra«•er'� •�-- �-
<br /> 5- : - �"^ � • Intorist In the Property or other maleriat(mpairmm�o(�ha Ilrn ercated by d�is Secud�y Insuvment or I�nder'e sewrity nL_ ��-�_
<br /> ,r fj�_rti_-_ Imewst.Borrower shail elso bn in def�ult If Barrower,duflngthe loan npplieat(on pracsx,ga�•e ma�crlally false ur(naceurate < + � _.'
<br /> .,�r_;,, Informrilon or statomenle to Lender(or feited to prorido LenJcr�vith nny maierial Infnnnaiinn)In eonnaainn«i�h�hc I�n - fi+j{ y�[�-•,
<br /> „��2 evidrneed by the Note,including,bui nol Itmited w,reprcsenuduns cunccrning Ilorto�vei s uccupaney of du Property ax _,. �s«�;y, �f��
<br /> J�-:.' �pdnc(pnl resldenee.lf lhie Securiry Insirumenl is on a ItaseholQ,Derrowcr shall camply with all�he pmvisions of the IcZ�c. . �:' �1J .- - ����.
<br /> ',,ti:. If Bortower aequiru fee iitle to tho Propeny, Ihe Icaschold and�hc fceiitic chall nnt mcrgc unlesa I.cnJer o¢reez lo�M1e .
<br /> -:, merger in wridng. - ,� �„ �i�.�� ��?
<br /> r i '�� :� 7. Proltellon ot Lender'e R(ghlf in lhe Properly. If Borrou•cr fails to perfunn the covenams and egrccmcros - • �,�l.
<br /> �--�'" eomoined In thb Sewrit lnsuumrn6 or therc ts a le �I rneccJin thai ma si nifieaml effat Lendci s righis in�he Property - -��,�e�`4� y, __
<br /> � " ' (sueh es a praading ln bankrvptcy,probam,for eondemna�ian m fnrfei�re nr�u enf�rcc laa•x or reguleti�nx).�hcn LenJer P�'firri,n�J�,�-tf`j�-
<br /> � �
<br /> t - - '� ma do end a (o�wha�ever Is neceasar to �oten�he ralue nf�he Pro ert inJ Lender's rigM1�x in the Propen�•.I.enJ<r's �` °l�����iy � 3'��c -
<br /> - ' � ut ons may Inelude paying any sums seeured by�lien u�hich M1as priori�p o cr ihis Secori�y InswmrnL app:aring in rn�m. .+?'r�f�if 5�" �+K--
<br /> ''f' � --��, paying reasonable anomeys' fecs and enlering on�he Prnpetly�n makc repairs. Al�hnugh I.rndcr mny iake ac�inn unJer ������S�j�i< , � ; �j -.
<br /> �� �? -� this paragraph 7, I.ender dnes nol hace lo da Su. �`�i� r�'l� � �_
<br /> 3;1;��d�,.,j� ,t tF °f;
<br /> '����if ' Any emoums disbursed by Lender under�his paragraph 7 shall M1ecome ndditiunal deM of Dnrro��ror accmed by this �,.A„��-�f�, �a _.- �R.,.-
<br /> - �}•�•�..�_{ Setutily Inswmen6 Unless Borrower and Lendcr agra lo mM1er lerms of paYmen6 ihatc amoumx shall Mar iNercsl frum S
<br /> a � �"� the daleof disbursement al the Note r��e and ahall be payable,�eith inurcsL npon notice fram I.cnder lo�orro�rcr requcuing w�'�' n �,t:�� a
<br /> rr2�s.��`_- - paymrn6 _ - n �f f-:; , �,
<br /> �t�a , 8. I+torlgege Insuronce. If Lender rcquired mongage insurnnce as�candi�ion nf making�hc loan secured by�hiF �irl j(='"�24� , .
<br /> Secuiity Inswment, Uorro�rer shall pay the premiumi reqvired�o maiNain the mongage inxurance in effttt. I(. tor a� �'� ;Ci` ��jr � -
<br /> �+;
<br /> reason,the mortgage insurance to��eoge requircd by LenJer lapses i�r ccsces lo be in•ffect,f3orrm�'er shall pay�he prcmim� " ���t�r - � -_
<br /> - - requlred lo ob�aln coverage sub:wntially equh•olent lo�he maneage insuronce previnosly in e(kcL ��a cnst suFxtantiall• .y..,- `
<br /> equivxlent to�he ws��0 6orrower of�he mongage inwrince pra�iouily in efkcL trmn an ahema�e mnngage insurcr apprnC�A - .
<br /> - 6y Lendar.lf subs�ami�lly equlvalent mongage incoraMe cnrerage is no�����lahle,6orra��ror shall pay�a Lcnder cach mrinlli '.,.tyi;�,, �
<br /> - e sum equal�o one•n�xlf�h of�he yeady mongage inwr�nce p�emimn bcing paid by Anrtn��ror��hcn ihe inwrance cmYraee '-,Y r �e,: .
<br /> . , _ lapsed or ccased 10 be in efkn. Lender��ill actept, uae anJ �c�ain ihcse paYmrnts as a I���t«sen•c in licu nf m�vtf�?� •• r f--�,�i�- -
<br /> - - insurance. Loss raenx paymenu may no longer be requircd.at the npiion of Lcnder, if mnngage incunnce cm'crage 1in f_•:�:". '
<br />.-� �� . Fetm70tA 9�M �rueJrJRp+;N
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