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<br /> Nu Propety is so hk�n or d�map�d,Lsnder�hNl h�v�th�optlon,In ih wl��nd�bioluw dlsor�tion,a•pply.0 wab ProoMd,,
<br /> _�g. aft�r d�duadnp th�n(rom�II coib and expman fnournd by It In cann�oUon with�uah ProcNd�,upon any Ind�btMlrl�s�our�d
<br /> s� hN�by and I�suah ord�r��L�nd�r m�y d�t�rmin�,or to apply o0�uch ProcMd�,�fqr�uch d�duadons,W th�r�tontlon ol th�
<br /> - — p���.�p c�����.�wnAwr�y�fntumlru.My acollc�don of ProcNds to InWbt�dnMa�ull not�xOrnd a patpon� __
<br /> _��� th�du�dab of�ny p�yrrNnb und�r th�Not�,or our��ny dd�ult th�nund�r or her�unde.Any un�ppll�d fund4�hall b�pald to _
<br /> _ ^ '�t Tfll�Wf.
<br /> __ 6. P�b�nunw by L�nd�r.Upon the ocourranae ot an Ev�nt of�al�ullbe�ound�r,or If any aot I�taken or Ipal proaNdlnp
<br /> '�";;;� commenosd whlch m�t�rl�lly pHeet4 Lendu'�Intoraet In tha Propsrry,L.ender may In ia own di�er�don,but wlthout obliQadan to do
<br /> � w,�nd withaut notica to or demand upon Truetor and wlthaut releaNnp Tru�tor liom any obllpetion,do any ect whloh TruAtor hu
<br /> apnsd but fuls to do and mey abo do eny other act it daeme neceosry to proteat th��ouriry hereoL T�uWor aholl,ImmodiaWly -
<br /> �`. � upon demsnd th�refor by Lender,pay to lender ell cuab a�d expen�es inaurred and�ums expand�d by Land�r In conn�ctlOn wllh �
<br /> - ----�._: °"-:.:
<br /> �. x� �*� � ths exorelss by Lende�of the forepolnp rlyht�,topather with Mterest the►eon at th�del�ult rete provided in the Not�,whieh shall M
<br /> �"r�-'"'� eddsd to tho Indobtodna�wourad ha�oby. Lond�r �h�ll not Incur any labllity bec�u�e ol anythlnp it m�y do or omit to do
<br /> � �'"`�Qj��' heraundar.
<br /> a�L,� :.-,bw
<br />���•� � 8. H�sadou�Mat�l�.Truator ehall keep the PropeAy In compllence with all appllcable lews,ordinencee and re�ulaUom
<br /> -��•s.';, reladnp to Induot�lal hyplene or environmentel proteatlon (colleatively refe�red to hereln a�"Envlronmental Law�'�.Trustor�hall
<br /> •-��-• • keep the Property free from all eubatencea deemed to be hazardous or toxlc under any Environmentel Lawa(collecllvely re}ened to -
<br />_ °i` ,ti.,G: . herein at"Hpzsrdous Materials").Truetor hereby warranta and reproaents to Lender thet there are no Hezardous Materlal�on or
<br /> • ' . under the Property.Trutlor hereby e�reea to indemMy and hold hermleso Lender,it�direcwrs,offlcera,employees and apente,end
<br />� '� any succeasore to Lender's interest,lrom and epeinst any and all clalma,domeges,losaes and Ilabilitiee arleinp In connecdon wiM
<br />'�� �'1" the preaence,uae,dlaposal or tranaport of any Hezardoua Meterlals on,under,lrom or about the Properry. THE FOREOOINd z_____
<br />.�.._ ---
<br />� '� 10. Aubem�nt o1 R�nb.Truetor hereby asalyns to l.ender the rente,iasues and proflls ol the Property;provlded that Trustor
<br /> sr •;�c_ •
<br />�r�,,� � � . ehe�l,unql Ihe occurrence ol an Event ot Defeult hereunder,have the right to col�ect and retaln auch rente,Issuos and protUa as they _, . . _�...
<br />�..., �� become due and peyable.Upon the occurrence ol an Event of Default,Lender may,elther In peraon or by agent,with or without
<br /> ,?:,-� �`� , . brinpiny any aallon or proceedinp,or by a recelver appointed by a court and without regerd to u�v a, �quecy �its sec�•Iry,enter
<br /> ' ' ��` " upon and tnke posaesslon of the Property,or any part thereot,ln IIB own neme or in the neme of the Trustee,end do any acts which It _
<br />' • l� � deema�eceaeary or desirable to preserve the value,marketabltUy or renteblliry of Ihe Property,or any part thereot or Interest therefn, -•
<br />�5"�}' ��'� � • fncrease the fncome therefrom or protect the securiry horeol and,with or wlthaut tekinp poesesafon of the Property,sue for or
<br /> �.�. "�"��� otherwiae collact the renta,iesues end proilts thereot,Including those paet due and unpald, and apply the same,leas coats end
<br /> °" ' ' expenaes of operatlon end collection Includfng attorneye'fees,upon eny indebtedneae secured hereby,all In auch order as Lender
<br /> v' °�" �; • mey determine.The enterinp upon and taking posaeasbn of the Praperty,the collecUon of such rents.Issues and proflta and the
<br /> •- ����M... applicatlon thereof as a(oreseid,shall not cure or walve any default or notice of delault hereunder or invalidete any ect done in
<br /> n . �. d �, • ., reaponse to auch default or pureuant to such notice of delault and,notwlthstentl�np tne contmuanca in posaeseion ot itie Property a
<br />� � : ' �� the collectlon,receipt and applicetlon of renta,iseues or profita,and Trustee and Lender ehall be entlded to exerciee every ripht
<br /> Y_.;_ �. ;�,,�; provided for In any of the Loen Inetruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of DetaulY.Includinp without Iimitetlon the right
<br />�-',�-_--. .��?�.�'� to exerclee the power ot sele.FuAher,Lender's righta and remedles under thle paragreph shell be cumulative with,and In no way a __
<br />'�" ' ° � ,,{� Ilmltetion on,Lender's righls and r�medie�undet any aealgnment of leases and rents reeordeu apa�nst tho Nroperry.Lender,Truatee
<br /> " � end the recelver shall be Ileble to account only for thoae rents actually received.
<br /> 11. Ev�ob of DNault.The lollowing shall conetitute an Event of Default under this Deed of Trust
<br /> • (e) Faflure to pey any fnatellment ot principal or interest of any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> • (b) A breach of or default under any provlsion contafned f n the Note,th is Deed of Trust,any ot ihe Loen Instrumenta,or any
<br /> other Iien or encumbrance upon Ihe Property; �'^'''"'
<br />. ' . • (c) A writ of execution ar ettachment or any slmilar process shall be entered ayalnst Trustor whlch shall become a lien on ,�—_--
<br /> � . the Property or eny portlan thereof or interest thereln; -
<br /> � � ° � (d) There shall be filed by or against Truator or Borrower an actlon under eny present or future federal,state or other �-�:-----_�
<br /> � � _ „ steWte,lew or reguletlon relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reliet for debrors;or there shall be appolnted any trustee. -,
<br /> recefver or Ilquldator of Trustor ar Borrower or of all or eny part of the Property,or the rents,Issues or profits thereo(,or Trustor ���*��
<br /> + � or Borrower shall make any general assignment lor the benefit of credltors; ••
<br /> ,• � (e) The sele,trans(er,lease,esslgnment,conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any intereat in the �
<br /> iPropeAy,elth�r voluntarlly or InvoluntarMy, without the expreas wrftten consent of Lender; provlded that Trustor shall be
<br /> ' " •� permlfted to eyecute a lease of the Propeny thet does not contain on optlon Ao purohase and tltv term of which doat�not exceed � ;
<br /> ' • „` ', one yeer, ��
<br />* . `�"' (f) Abandonment of the Property;or
<br />, . • ( ► If Truator fe not an Individual,lhe issuence,sels,trensfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbranse o(more than a lotal �,•'ry �.
<br /> � 0 � .
<br /> �� of percent of(If a corporation)fts fssued and oulstanding stock or(if e partnershlp)a total of percent ol f .
<br /> � � perfierehfp Interests durfng fhe period thla Deed of Trust remelns a Ben on the PropeAy. . •� 1 ',�
<br /> " 12.R�m�dl�s;AccNu�tlon Upon DN�u161n the event of any Event of Delault Lender may,wfthout notfce except as requlred by
<br /> , � lew,declare all Indebtedness aecured hereby to b� dus�and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payeble �-�_
<br /> without any presentment,demend,protest or notfce ol any kind.ThereaRer Lender may: ' ���
<br /> (a) Oemand 4hat Trustee exefcise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee ahall thereaRer cause Truator's
<br />' interest In the Pioperty to be sold and the proceeds to be dlat�ibuted.all in the menner provided In the Nebraska Trust Deede t •
<br /> . Ack i
<br /> (b) Exerclse any and ell rfyhts provided lor in any ol the Loen Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event ot
<br /> Qetault;and .
<br /> (c) Commence an actlon fo loreclose tnis Deed ot Trust as a mortgage.appo�nt a rece�ver,or spealically enforce any of the �
<br /> aovenants hereof. �
<br /> ' � No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Tnistee or Lender�s i�tended lo be exclusfve of any other rembdy hereln,�n the ,
<br /> �' . Loan Instruments or by law prov�ded or permilted.but each shall be cumulat�ve.shall be in add�tion to every other remedy given
<br /> hereunder,in the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at law or m equ�ty or by statute,end may be exercised concurrently,
<br /> Independently or successfvely.
<br /> . • 13. TrudN.The Trustee may resign at any ume without causc, and Lender may at any time and w�thoul cause appoint a
<br /> succesaor or aubstftute Trustee.Trustee shall not be liable to any party.including without Ifmitatlon Lender.Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> , � purchaser oi the Property,for any loss or damage unless due to reckless or wdlful misconduct,and shall not be reqwred to take any
<br /> actlon In connectlon wlth the enforcement of this Oeed ol Trust unless�ndemmffed. in writ�ng,for all costs,compensat�on or
<br /> i ° • � expenses whfch may be associated therewith In additlon,Trustee mey become a purChaser at any sale ol the Property�udlCial or
<br /> undor the power ot sale granted herem►;postpone the sale ot all or any pwt�on o1 the property.as provided by law:or sell the
<br />��I��`. ' -- = YfOPefty 88 a Wf101B.or in st►pa�ain Nn�i.nio O� ivi5ai iPV5ioo5v'i5G7oiivR.
<br /> 14. F!H and Exp�ns�s.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exerase of power ol sale,Truslee shall be enUtled to apply
<br /> . any sHle praceeds flrst to payment ol all costs and expenses of exercising power of sale.Including all Trustee's lees,and Lender's
<br /> end Truatee's atlorney's fees,actuelly�ncurred to extent permitted by appllcable law In the event Borrower or Trustor exerC�ses any
<br /> rlght provlded by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shall be entitled to recover Irom Trustor all costa and expenses actually
<br /> ,. � fncurred as a result Of Tru8tor's default,includinq wfthout Ifmltatfon al1 Truatee's end attorney's lees,to the extent permltted by
<br /> applfcable law.
<br /> 1�. Fulure Adrsnc��. Upon rAquest ol Burrower.Lendor may. at�ts opt�on. make additional and future advanCes and re-
<br /> ' edvances to Borrower.Such advances end readvances.wlth Interest thereon.shall be secured by thls Deed ol Trust.At no tlme ahall
<br /> the princlpal amount ol the indebtedness secured by tn�s Deed of Trust.not��c��s�advanced to protect the secunty ol trns
<br /> Deed ol Truat,exceed the orlpinal princlpal amount stated here�n.or$ -_.,whichever is greater.
<br /> � �
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