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�; .�.. � .. _ �.��,. .- -- -- -- _ <br /> - - ',,'. r�,..,.�- ---- �� ------ - ' ��.,._. -=.,.�.�— — <br /> �i�+F � 'Y.• . .,, :� ���..._•s ,_ <br /> -�- -- � <br /> .�1`���x+r+e�*�- -_ „Q`. ,--- � " _ _- - <br /> _ _ - � . . 3�,:...1W���w,� .� ' � -.__--- <br /> ., � ..,-. <br /> _ . � ''.' _ ..... .�—. _ °_ .___ — <br /> - � 41... 1 �)R1 �n �- _ --= <br /> � <br /> .�'...� ----___ -: _ _ <br /> _o -�� __ <br /> FIRE,CASUALTY,AND OTHER IN3URANCE:To keep auch property insured e�ainet loss nr dema�e by ilre and other �..__. <br /> ; rlsk or rivks which,in tho sole opinion ol8eneflciery should be Insured a�alnsR undar policiea of insurence wlth Iou r,,,� _�, <br /> _ '.�� payabla to Bondiclary In torm.amount and comp�nle�eccepteble to Bensllclary.Said polialee ahell hs deliversd tlS and __ <br /> , �,�:;� remalninpossesefonof�eneNclary�sfu�thereecurityforthefaithfulpeAormanceofiheaeobiiyatio��s,.v�iie��rSsi�varysl��sl� <br /> . consdtuts an etalpnm�nt by Trustor to Benefialary of all rlphts thereunder,includin�all return premlums;to d�liver to — — <br /> �_ '" 8eneflciary e policy or policfea renewinp or extendin�any expbin�Insuranae with a recelpt showin�premiums paid at � _ ` <br /> �. ._.�'�`-'"`�''�� leaal thiAy(30)daYa before expiretlon.If Trustor falls to ao deliver any renewel policlea,�e�eficlary may procure such <br /> .. ineurance ea it�*ay elect end may meke peyment of premfums thereon,which payment ia repayable nn demand.Neither _� <br /> �" Trustee nor 8eneficlary afiell be reaponalble tor obtaininp or maintafning such inaurance.Beneficfary,hom time to time, � <br /> �• � may futnfah to any insurance apency or compeny,or any other peraon,any Iniormetlon conteined in or extracted f►om any <br /> . .. � • Insu�ance policy theretofore delivered to Beneffciery pursuent hereto,and eny Information conceminp the loan secured <br />�• l. 'G . . hereby. In no event and whether or not default hereu�der has xcurred ahell Benetfciary,by the fact of approvinp, <br /> , °� ecceptin�orobtaininasuchi�surenae,incuranylfabiNryfortheamountofsuchinsurance,lheformo�legaleuHiciencyof <br /> � Insurance contracta,solvency of fnsurers,or payment ot loases by insurers,and Truator hereby expressly assumes full <br /> � "� responsibility lherefore end IlabHiy,it any,thereunder.In the event oi loss,Truetor shall give immediate written notice to �.�___ <br /> ..� �'' Benelfciery,and Beneficlary may,but is not obligated to,make proof of loss if not mede promptly by T�ustor.I�case of eny ___— <br /> , ^ � loas the amountcollected under any policy oi inaurance on such propery may,at ihe optfon of the 8eneficfary,be applied <br /> , � " by Beneficiery upon any indebtednesa and/or obligatlon secured hereby and in auch order and amountas Beneflciery mey __ _ <br /> ,� � ,_ determine;o�said amoun!or any portion thereof may,at the optfon of the Beneticiary,either be used in replecing or <br /> restoring the improvemenfs pa�tially or totally destroyed to a canditfon satisfactory to said Beneficlery,or said amount or �-�-_-.,;�;-_:-�.- <br /> � �. any portion thereof may be released to the Trustor.ln eny such event nefther the Trustee nor the 8eneffciery ahall be _ <br /> . � -� . obHgated to seeto the proper epplication thereof;nor shall the amount so released o�used be deemed a payment on any __ <br /> indebtedness aecured hereby.Such applicatfon,use and/or release shell not cure or waive anydefault ornotice of deiault = -- -- _ <br /> . s r'> • hereunde�or fnvelidete any act done pursuent to auch notice.Any unexpired insurance and all returnable insurance � _�_ <br /> � • . ' . premiumsshallinsuretothebenetitof,andpasato,thepurchaseroflhepropertyaoveredtherebyatanyTruatee'ssaleheld ' 1,__=- <br /> - ' hereunder.lf seid property fs sold pursuent to the power of sele contained herefn or pursuant to any decree of foreclosure, "�� • � <br /> . • all right,tltle end interest of Trustor in and to ihe proceeds of tire end other fnsurence policies for demage prfor to the sele, . . -� <br /> � '• •� whfch proceeda are not recefved prior to the date of said sale,ahall belong to Beneticiary.Trustor will comply with such �� <br /> other requirements and provide auch other rype of insurance as Beneficiary may�equire from time to time for the protection ��� °� <br /> ", ., _ by insurance of the Interest of the reapective parties hereto. =--°---� <br /> Y.Y�//WSrt.,, <br /> ' '°" TAXE3 ANO OTHER 3UMS DUE:To pay,3atiafy and discharge,at least to ten(10)days before delinquency all generel �`'�`'���'` <br /> a = �� �. <br /> ' and apeciel taxes and easessments and other publfc charges,and in no event later than the dete auch amounts become <br /> ---- - duo andloluslher pey vuhen dus or requeated:{1)e!1 e��t,mbrances,oharges and Ilens,with intarest,on auch property,or __�y..�=_�-'_47•��. <br /> t �• any part the�eof,which are,orappear to beneficiary,in its sole discretion,to be prlor to or superfor hereto,(2)ell costs,feea •�:�`;`����=_� �`� <br /> and expensea of this trust,whethe�or not described herein,(3)fees or charges for any atatement regardfng the obligation . �:�q <br /> �, aecu�ed hereby in a�y amount demanded by Bene t ic iary,not to exce e d t he max imum a m o u n t a l l o w e d b y l a w t h erefore at �fti�+�ry�;�._°• <br /> ' the time when auch request is mede,(4)such other charges as the Beneficfary mey deem reasonable for services rendered ..�� , .:_ ___ <br /> ;:.' .•�i-...•:;-- <br /> by Beneiiciary and furnished at the requeat of Trustor or any successor In interest to Truator,(5)If such property includes a � .. . •. �. -�._, <br /> leasehold eatate,ell peyments and obUgatfons required ot the Trustor or his successor in Interest unde�the terms of the �� <br /> instrument or instruments creating such leasehold,(6)all payments and monetary obligationa required of the owner of wr'�:;-- <br /> such property under any declaration of covenants, conditions and restricNons pertaining to such property or any � '""�_ <br /> � modiflcatlon thereoh,(7)ell mortgage insurence or guaranry iees,premfums,or chergea of any nature pertaining to such � '� <br />; • property.Trustor agrees to notify Beneficiery ImmedfeYely upon reaeipt by Trustor of notice of any increase M the assessed � <br />; :' value of such properry and agrees that Beneficiary,fn the name of Trustor,mey contest by approprlate proceedings such TM__ • <br /> increase in assessment i �:r;-. <br /> � In the event of the passege ot any law deducting from the value of real property for the purposes of texation any lien � • r- <br /> �.::;..�. <br /> , thereon or changing in any way the laws for the taxation of deeds of trust or dabts secured by deeds of trust for state or local � •• . ��ttxw-•� <br /> purposes.or the manner of the collectfon of any such taxes,so as to aHect this Deed of Trust,the holder of thfs Deed of Trust , . � . <br /> and of the obligatfons which It secures shell heve the right to declare all sums secured hereby due as ot a date to be : <br /> s specified by not less than 30 days'written notice to be given to Trustor by Beneficiary;provided, however,that such <br /> j elecllon ahall be ineffective it Trustor is permitted by law to pay the whole of such tax in addlUon to ali other payments <br /> required hereunder and ii,prior to such specNied date,doea pay such tax and agreea to pay any such tax when hereaiter ' ,;,:,,,,y:;._ <br /> ! levied or assesaed egafnst such property,and such agreement shall constitute a modification of this Deed of T�ust i !' ' - <br /> . �r+�r. <br /> � FUNDS FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE:If Beneficiary shell so request,Trustor ag�ees that there shall be added to the <br /> periodical payment required to be made hereunder an amount estimated by Trusted to be suflicient to enable Trustor to <br /> . , pay,at least thfrty(30)days betore delinquency,all general and special taxes,assessments, or other public chargea <br /> agaf nst such property,the Promissory Note,or upon or on account of the debt or the Ifen of this Deed of Trust,together with <br /> premlums for Insurance required to be provided under this Deed of Trust and all mortgage insurance or gueranry fees, <br /> premiums or similar charges and no interest shall be payable to Trustor in respect thereof.Upon demand by Trustee, <br /> Trustor shall delfver to Trustee such additfonal sums ot money as ere necassary to make up any deficfency in the emounts <br /> necessary to enable Trustee to pay any of the foregoing items. . <br /> SUMS ADVANCED TO BEAR INTEREST:To pay immedlately upon domnnd any sums advances or pafd by Beneffciary <br /> or Trustee under any clause or provision of this Deed of Truat.Any such sums,until so repafd,shall be secured hereby and <br /> bear f nterest from the date advanced or paid at the same rate as set forth in such Promissory Note and shall be secured by <br /> this Deed of Trust. <br /> .—. A551GNMtIV I Uh utru�i I$:i nai as addiiionai securiiy ii inis'vn n cOiiaiiuui��i���a��.Tiu'ai'v��o7oby:Pa���o:��^� <br /> assigns to 8eneficiary during contlnuance of these Trusts,all rfght,title and interest to any and all monies deposited by <br /> Trustor or deposited on behelf of Trustor with any ciry,county,public body or agency,senita►y district,gas and/or electric <br /> company,telephone company and any other body or agency,tor the installatlon or to secure the i�stal lation of any utfHty by <br /> Trustor,pe�fainfng to this property. <br /> FAILUR�OF TRUSTOR TO COMPLY WITH DEED OF TRUST�In the event Trustor should fail to make any payment,or to <br /> do any act es provided in fhls Deed ot Trust,or fafl to perform any obligation secured by this Deed of Trust,or do any act <br /> Trustor agreed not to do,Beneficfary,but without obligation so to do and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and <br /> wlthouf releasing Trustor from any obllgation hereof and wfthout contesting the valldity or amount ot the same,may(a)pay, <br /> make or do tho samo in such manner and to such extent as it may deem necessary to protect the securiry hereof, <br /> ' Beneficisry being authorfzed to enter upon such property tor such purposes, and (b) pay, purchase, contest or <br /> r,ompromfse any encun'�brance,charge or lien,whfch in Its�udgement is or eppears to be prioror superlor hereto,and 1 c) <br /> in exercising any such power,pay necessary costs,fees,and expenses,employ counsel and pay counsel's reasonable <br /> i • <br /> fees.Trustor agrees to repay a�y amount so expended on demand of Beneficiary. � <br /> • 'i - <br /> , _ <br />