� L,,..,.�..�.._.__..
<br /> _ _ � � , -.
<br /> � � 183- /►�.�
<br /> " TOOFift18R WITt{tll the improvemena now a hercll�a enckd on tfa propeny� au�3 i'�i�l �ie.�ppunenuicee,
<br /> �nd fix�wa�ww or�ere+fter�put of�hopcopl�y, AII rcpt�ainems and additlona sh�ll dm be coverM by thit Sauflty i
<br /> In�Wnkn6 AllotQafore�olnyifrcferrcdlolnthi�SauritylmuumeniuU�e'Propeny."
<br /> BORROWER(:l1VFNAN't9 dut Bortowel b IiwCully eelsed ot tta cst�te hercby sonveyed�nd Yw�Ua d8dt to�+ne
<br /> and convey iNap�ny end�ha�Qro Propeny b unencumbercd,excepl for encumDrenca ot raotd. BarroWer wuronta ond
<br /> will deRnO Qenerdiy Uw tltk w Uie Prcpttty agHnat all cldm�and d:nunde,w6Jcet to eny cncumbw�ca of rceord.
<br /> TNIS SECURRY INSTRU�fF.NT�ccmbinea unlfam cdvon.�nu for wJorul uu and non•unifami covenmts wl�h
<br /> - - Ilmitcdvulatton�OyJudsAittion�ocmnWUG:nunlPottnsesurl�ylmtn�mentcovedngrcalpmpetly. F--------_-_
<br /> UNIPORMCOVBNAM'8. Bortowe�andLendercovenanlimd�rcaastvllqw�:
<br /> -.� !c F"YtlY..:1�!9tl�Cl�+.'�•.=.•�rwqtiue�pw�y�nf�S.aS!C�roaa, Itnirpu•nr eh_!1�nmr:dyp a�ehrn d�_�!e ,_— _ _.
<br /> pdncip�1 of ind Inuresl on�he dete cvtdcucd by No Noie ond ony prcpaymcm end latc chugee due unaer iha�(ac.
<br /> 2. E1rd+for 71un�ad Lnur�nr.a SubJce�to nppliabto law or w a wdtten wniver by Lender.Bortower�hall pay to _
<br /> Lrnder on�lw d�y nwn�hly p�ymcMa erc duo unda tha Note,until Ne Noto 1�pald In NII,u svm("[�und�')for.(o)yeuiy
<br /> . _. .,_, lues ond usessmcnu which mny aiWrt pricrity ovcr thi�Sccudty InswmeN m e Iicn on�he Propeny:@)ycariy IauMid
<br /> --- �-�-� p�ynxnu tt ground ren�s on tho R-�pcay,if ony; (c) ycarly huard or propcny insuronco pronilura�;(d) yeuly iload =-= - �
<br /> Insunnca prcnilum+,if eny;(e)yculy mortgage loxurance prcmiums,if ony;and(0 any surtu payebla Ey 8ortower lo
<br /> Lender,irt o mrdanco wl�h�ho provlsinna of pvxgraph 8,in linu of�he Wyment of mongage Insmance prcnilums. 7hese
<br /> ilems an�col��:d'Bscrow ftemv." l.enAer may,al eny time.collwct and laid FLnd�in en amount not lo exceed tha m�xlmum
<br /> amant a Icndcr fw u kdenlly rclqt�d mongagc Iwn may rcqnics for Bortowcrb cserow uccoum undcr�hc kdcrol W:a!
<br /> Bstete Sel�lcment Prcceduna Act of 19"/4 es emendcd from�ime lo�ime,12 U.S.C.¢460t et u .('RQSPA').untese eviaher
<br /> law Nat upplla ro�hc FLnds scc�e Icsscr amwne If sa Lendcr may,o�eny timc,col lcc�and ho�d ILndi in on enwunt not to
<br /> ... ._._. .. extttd �he Icsut emamc� Lcnder may cswnaut the omount of fimde duc on tTC Dasie ot curttnt diia and rcawnabtc
<br /> esdmataotexpcndi[uree of Poinn:E¢iow it�ms oraherwiso in eccordance wf�h eppIicablo law. `---�
<br /> 7fic Pmd�shall bc Acid in aa InfiGUifion whau deposiu on insurcd by a tedcrel agcncy,Instrvmenlality,or cntiq
<br />"�_;gs;a_� (includfng Lender,if I.ender is aucR an innGUidon)or(n my frderal Home Loan Dank. Lendar shall apply�he Ponds to pay _
<br /> --- �he Hscrow Items. l.ender may not chnrge&:m3wer for holding and applying the Phnds,annually anniyzinQ�he escrow
<br /> — � aaount,or verifyinp We Euro•x It.ma, unlrtss leodu pays Borro�+er intnrcc� on �he Wnds end applic�6la Iaw pertnlM _ _
<br /> �''_��� l.ender to m�Jce such.e charge. Ilowevcr,Lender may reqmre Uomouer to pry e onatlme ch:uge fer on independent real =_— -
<br /> �- aw�e tax rcponinp scrvkc used by Lendcr in connttlton wiiR�hia loan,uniess eppIlcaMe Iaw providcs cNenvtse. Unlcu an -
<br /> -R�ti� egr�rment is mada or opplicable law nqulrcs Intercsuo l�c pnid.L�ender shall�wt be nquircd a pay[iorrower any inn:rcst w
<br /> -_ ;t .7�y: eaminga on the f�nda Burowcr und Lender mny a�ree in Wr��fup,Rox�ever,t�at intcrcst sh�l be paid on 0c Ponds. I.cnAer ,— --
<br /> ',-t,;; �;�s shall give ro Bofmrve�.wi�hw�charge,an ennua6necanting of 4�e t4nd�,shnWing cndits md deblts�o�he Ponds and U�e _--.
<br /> , i pwpose for which�ench.deb@ eo�he Phnds wae tnndu. The Iimds am pledged as addl�lonal securiry for all suma secnn:d by --
<br /> `i � NbSccurttytnsuvmqnt.
<br /> � <�• IP�_�:
<br /> ���:;i' ` 1���e :���3� Yeid�ty tendcr es:c:3`e Y'.."'CJ.^.IS F".fifL'L'tC IO L:Il��L�C'� �j,FIICCL'Il' �0`.V. Len.c�er!hn!! ecmnnr m ,. ... .. .
<br /> , , s.;, Oofrower for�he exeess FLndn Li accardnnm with Ihe requircmenr�of npplicable law. IC Wr.omount of�he Pondu hnLt 6y E,. 1��._ _
<br /> '- -:�t.; Lendcr at eny tlmc ie nat sufficicnt.to�oy ihc Cscrow Items when due.Lender may so nmif� f3nrrowcr In wd�ing,and,-in �,�f -__.
<br /> such wx Dortower shnll pry to Lender �he emount necessary to make ap thu Jeticiency. 6urtan�er shnll�mnlie up��u �C ;-:_,;��
<br /> .- ' deflciency in no more thnn twelve momhly paymente,et Lender�s sol�diwmtiva. .- � ,��,
<br /> .;,,,.,;`. Upon payment in-PoII of all sume securcd by�de Secudry Inswmen4 Lender shall promptly rofund�ta�Eurtvn•cr any „5,'�,`._
<br /> - •-.- Punds heid by Lender. If,under puagraph 21,Lender shall acqutre a sell the Property,Lender,prior to-dm acquiriilun cr , �- ��
<br /> -' salc of�hc Propcny,shall apply eny Ponds hcld by Lcndcr at thc time of acquisition or s�lc os a emdit aguinW thc smn� ;�,::,'
<br /> -? - � securcd by this Seeurity InsWment. "F��'
<br /> '•" 3. Applltatlon of Puyments. Unless upplicable la�v provides o�herxise,all paynxn�s received by Lender under �: ",� s -
<br /> - ' �� sro ra hs I and 2 shall be a lied:�rs6�o an re a ment char es dne undcr the Plate;second,�o nmwnts a able under /- � `'+ ��
<br /> P 8 P PP Y� PY 8 PY � � -
<br /> � paragmph 2:third.�o intensl due:fomth,ro prine pal due;and laa,io eny late chmges due under�he Nuta. �t}�-- -: t _
<br /> �,_ -` A. Cl�arges; L1etu. 6ortower shall pay ull �axes, assessmcnts,chafges, fines and impositions attributablc ro the _ 4.;: �;-.,
<br /> }, ; -- Praperty�vhich may nttain prioriry o�zr Nis Sewri�y Ins�mmen6 and Ieacehotd p�ymenu w Fruund rems,If any. Dortower �+ t5'.4k )+ •+:-
<br /> i{'"``.�- shall pay�hese obligations in ihc manncr provided in paragiaph?,o:i(no�paid in�ha�mana•r.Rartower shall nay them on `�.� � --
<br /> �Ime diret�ly to the person owed payment. 6ortower shall promptly fomish w Lender nll noiices of mnouo�s to be paid under -}"'�a xt� ' y�r":'
<br />- - �his paragraph. If Borrou�er mukes�hese paymems dirccQy.Dortower shnll promptly fumish�o Lender mmip�s evideneing -• '<<i -a:�t'�..-`;;
<br /> �.- �- Ihe p�ymentc. -r .
<br /> Dortower shall promp�ly discharge nny lien�vhich has priority over�his Security Instrumem unless 13ortower.(n)agrtes i�
<br /> in wriung Io the payment of�he obliga�ion securcd by the lien in n manner accep�able m Lendar,(b)contesu in gaod fai�h ib: - �j��y. �
<br /> - licn b ,or deknds a ains�enforcemem of thc licn in,le al rocceAin@s which in�he Lenderl o inion o rz�c�o rcvrn�fi. ' ''�'�s',.-- -- -_
<br /> � enforcement of�he Ilcn:or(c)ucurcs Gom�he holder of�hc lien en agreemem va�isfacmry to Lender su�to�dina�ing die lien � - '•� `` ' -��
<br /> - ro this Secud�y Inswmem. If Lender detem�ines fhat any pan of�he Ropeny is xubjec�to a lien whith nuy auain priodq� '(fr�, �. �{l, '
<br /> y- , over this Secumy Insuumem.Lender mny give Borroxer a notice identifying thr lien. Oortox�cr shall sa�isfy the lien or take yi, ,i �
<br /> ---�<7�3�;.,•' onc or more of�hc nctions sei fonh abovc wiihin 10 days of�hc giving of noiicc. �-._�;.,.i"r��?,,,.,.vt;��:
<br /> � ��S,iQr.'� 5. Ra�rd or Properly Insurance. Dorto�ver shall keep�he improvemen�.nnw exixting or hercaRer erccced on the ;:;����J'1'}' �::�,�:
<br /> �'^KG'rP _ �°P�rty insurcd agalnst loss 6y fire,ha�ards included within�he icnn'exlended co��erage"and nny other harards,including + �
<br /> _ OooJs or Itooding, fur �vhich Lender requims insurance. This insuanee sh:dl M maimained in�he amounts and (ar�he ' �•• �
<br /> '� l��
<br /> �_
<br /> .. :^i�- furmbi8 9H0 rrac.7n/6ryFm j:'•� - � . .
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