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�-��Itu...�:. �.�c�ri . ,. . �.__._ . _ _. <br /> _-_—� ' . <br />'-.-.— - . .. ' ._ .._"'"_' ' _ "_'.� .._'__ __ _ <br /> ��t`�."- _�� .. __.. __ .___-__ � ._�___.__ _ <br /> '_��,.�.l_.-,i � C ' <br /> _ —.= 1 .� gi.,... s.�s��3o <br /> __��, Appflcrbk I�w mwy dpecify for reinalatement)beforo sWle af lhe Property pursuunt la wny pawer of�nle contained In 1hfA <br /> _����� 3ecurf�y Inrlrumenr.or lb1 cnuy oP p judyn�ent rnforcinQ lhis Sa:urlty Inrttument. Thocc condilions are tFwt Bortowcr: la) <br /> p�ys L.ender�II rum� whicb Ihen wauld b� duo under thiR Se�utity InRlrument und tha Note as if no nccclemtiun had <br /> -= occumed:(b)cunec wtY doipult of any other covenants�r agneement:;(c)pays all expenses incun+ed in enfuncing this SecuMty <br /> = Inot�ument. includinQ,but nat limited to,reasonobte ettomeys'fees; end(d) takes ruch action as Lender may �asonwbi� <br /> ,;;�� �"' rcquirc to asaure ihpt the lien af this Secudty lnsirument,Lender a righ�r in Ii�e Property a�d Iio�rower�obl{getian to p�y thc <br /> _ _ sutns secut+ed by this Security Instn�ment shall continue unchenged. Upon rcinstetcmant by Bo►TOwer. Ihia Secu�ity <br /> -_°'_' __ _-- .--, <br /> ---- -- lnstrument and the abligations�ecured hercby shall romuin fully effeclfve es if no accelers�lfon had cecurred. However,this <br /> ��:°�-----�-�-_-_� right to reinatate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under parugrapli 17. <br /> -- . 19. SWe of Note; ClwnQe ot Loaa Servlcer. The Note o�A partial interest in the Note(toge�her with thie Security <br /> — ._�,_y� Instrument)may be sald one or more times without pr�or nodce to Horrower. A sale may resu11 in a change in the entity <br /> T;,:� (known as the"Lown Servic�r")that collects monthly paymenta due under�he Note and thie Securiry Inswment. Thera also <br /> __W'�� m�+y be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, <br /> ��e`� Borrower will be given wrftten notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice <br /> -'��"��'.:a will state ihe name and addrcss of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. Tha notice will <br /> ----- 3��°� also contoin any othcr information requtred by applicable law. <br /> ----= 20. H�rdoue 3ub9fancea. Borrower shall not cause or permit 1he presencc,u�sc,disposal,storage.or releuse of any <br /> �--�'"'�"'```u'' N�- Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone clse to do,anything uffecting the <br /> --��.�..�`'� Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences ahail not apply to the presencc,use,or <br /> - �r'v�ti. storage on the Properry of small quantitles of Hazardous Substances that are generaliy recognized to be appmpriste to nama! <br /> �._._�'`'�t'x`�: residential usea and to maintenence of the Property. <br /> " �" "`° -- Borrower shall promptly give Lender wrinen notice of any investigation,claim,demand.lawsuit ar other action by any <br /> �.�."'"�`.'.�-`_• g � �Y 8 Y P P�Y � Pe Y Y <br /> __..,.,,�, ovemmental or re ulato a enc or rivate involvin 1he Pro rt and an Hazardous Substance or Environmental <br /> �-1 ���"' Law uf which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notitied by any govemmenwl or regulatory <br /> --���"' author�ty,that any removal or other remedietion of any Hazardous Substunce affecting the Propeny is neceaxary.B�rrower <br /> �.�:�... <br /> '�'�"��•�4� st�all promptly take all necessary r+emedial actions in accordance with Environmental Lew. <br /> '�`-�-,:�.���•� As used in this paragrnph 20,"Hazardous Substances"ure those substences defined as toxic or haxardous substances by <br /> �~J ' Environmental and the fdlowing substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic <br />-_=��ti��.���? . pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials containin� asbestos or formeldehyde,su�d radioactive materials. As <br /> _ �.�"�,, � , used in this paragraph 20,"Environmentxl Law"menns t'edernl laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property ia lceated <br /> ���;,, ,;,�,;�• , that relate to health,xufety or environmental protection. <br /> ��"•• � • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agree us follows: <br />_�!•,d��.�rr1_.u:..� 21. AcceleratEoa; Retned4ea. Lantler shell glre nodce to Borrower pri.�r to acceleration Pollowing Bor�ower's <br /> breach oP any covenpnt or agreement in tbis Security Instrument(but not prior Io ecceleration under poraqraph 17 <br /> =��'''�`�*'°'�`"�'� unless applicable law provides otherwlse►. The nodce ahall specify: (al!he default;(b)the action requlred to cure the <br /> � — �°�"'=-'--•a defanit;(c)a dute,not less thwn 30 days from the date the notice ta given to Borrower,by whkh the defauk must be <br /> —=�-- .�'ya• � enred;and(d)thpt ipflure to cure the defAUit on or before the dote spec�ed in fhe notice may resuit in acceieration oi <br />- °�`�F � LL the sams secured by thi�Security lnstrument and sale oP the Property. The notke gball i'urther inParm Borrower of <br /> =Lr�.` "�"" = the r(ght to reinstate ef�er acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert Ihe non-existence oPa defanit or <br />