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:�*'� <br /> ��.�� . . J,, � . . --. � � � ,-� -. <br /> �j` _. _ .� --. <br /> ...�Gtl _ _ . - - ._ - ----=_- "----- <br /> , � .�7 11��t -..........o.� •- °-- �e�----- - -- ----- _ _ <br /> _. <br /> .� i :. i � <br /> �_- _._. i <br /> _=_�=�,, _�;.�,,,� 91.... 1 U615.0 <br /> ,_.. _,.t - <br /> .-_i TU(3ETHBR WITH all ihe improvementr now on c�reafler erectcd on thc property.aid all cwRementA,appurtenonccs� <br /> -- - und fixturc�now on c�rtAflcr a parl af Uw propcny. All replacement�and adAitlons shull alra be covercd by this Security <br /> ---'! — Inxtn�mcnt. All af ihe fare�oin�ir rctcrred to in thia 3ecu�ity Instrument a�the"Praperty." <br /> BnRRQWER COVENANT3 th�t Borruwer ir Iwwfully e�eired af the cslate hcrcby ronvcyed und how the�iQhl to Qront <br /> � � und canvoy thc Propeny nnd�hut tho Rroperty ia unencumbcred,cacept for encumbranccs of rcccmi. B�xrowcr war►w�ts onu <br /> = will dcfend genorrlly Iho Utic ta Ihe Nrapeny aQuinct uU clwimA and demw�da,subjec��o+uiy c�u;umbranccK oi'rccard. <br /> ---- --- - - THIS SECURITY INSTRUMP.NT combfncs unifcKm covenams for nalianul usc and nan•�nifann covenwu� wllh <br /> '�. IimUed varlptians by jurfsdictian to canxtitute e unlfurm xecurity inslrument cuvering real prapeny. <br /> ��— -� UNIFURM COVENANTS. Burruwer and L,ender cuvenont and agrce uh fulluwr�: <br /> _ 1. Payment ot Principwl Aad Interest;Prepayment xad Lpte(:hrrQa. Bomower shall prompUy puy when due 1he <br /> _ __— prineiPpl of ond interest on�he debt evidenced by ihe Note and any prepAyment and laie chargea due under the Note. <br /> =-- - 2. �ndr for 7Y�zee and insurance. Subject to applicuWe law ar to a written wuiver by l.ender.Borrower ahull pay to <br /> •. Lender on the dAy m�nthly payments arc duc under the Note.until the Note ia pnid in full,u�um("Fundr:")Por:(a)ycarly <br /> -_�� =�;. '..� uuces and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Inspvment as u Ilen on�he Property:(b)yeariy loasehold <br /> _ __ _ ___•-� payments ar ground rents on the Property. if uny; (c) ycarly hazard or property insurance premiuma; (d) ycariy flaod <br /> insursince premiums. if any; (e) yearly mongage insurance premiums, if any; s�d(� uny sums payable by Barrower to <br /> —_-`� accordance wlth the provisions af parngraph 8, in lieu of the pnyment of moAgage insurnnce premiums. These <br /> items are called"Escrow Itema.' Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amaunt not to exceed the muximum <br /> amount a lender for a federally related mortgnge loan muy require for Borrower's escrow occount under Ih�: federal Real <br /> -��rc�n ��- Eslate Settlement Procedures Ac�nf 1974 as amended from lime to time. 12 U.S.C.�2b01 et seq.("RESPA"),unless another <br /> ���==-� law that applies to the Funds sets A lesser umount. !f so,Lender may,at any time,collect And hold Funds in un amount not to <br /> :.�.}yg�:. . exceed the lesser amount. Lender may estimale the amount of Funds due on the basis of current deta end reasonable <br /> _ _,.� , __ __.__�„�,-, ' esdmates of expenditunes of future Eccrow Items or otherwise in uccordame with applicable law. <br /> �,�y..;.-. <br /> The Fund4 shell be held in an inslitution whase depo.cits are insured by a federal agency, inslrumentality, or entity <br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. l.ender shull Apply the Funds to pay <br />--�„�,�.'•+ ?,�� ' the Escrow Items. L.ender muy not charge Borrower for holdins and applying the Funds, Annually analyzing the cscrow <br /> _ `��^'_ _. .. <br /> ��.,.;o,.. ,. � account,or verifying the Eticrow Items, unless Lender pays Bortower interest on the FLnds and upplicoble Inw permits <br /> ��`• y�;�•. Lender to make such a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for un independent real <br /> _ _;��,; '' ' • estate tax reporting service used by l.ender in conneoiion with this loun,unless upplicable luw provides otherwise. Unless an <br /> °="���^ �' agreement ia made or applicable luw requires interest to be paid,Lendcr shall not be required to pey Borrowcr any inter�est or <br /> _--�.��'• eamings on the E�nds. Barrawer smd I..ender may ngree in writing,however,that interest shnll be paid on the Funds. Lender <br /> _ _ ``i'�!�_ ' shall give to Borrower,without charge,un unnual uccounting of the FLnds,showing credils And debits to Ihe Funds and the <br /> �'.'�r'.�'►;�. .- � purpase for which each debit to tha FUnds was made. The Funds are pledged es additioaal security for nll sums secured by <br /> _ � a ^ this Secudty Inst�ument. <br /> � "�"=� � .,'i If the PUnds held b L.ender exceed the amounis rmitted to be held b A licable Inw, L.ender shall ac�ount�o <br /> ._„��..�a,,:i Y F� Y Pp <br /> -- - '��'=C= Borrawcr for the cxces;Fltttds M sccordattce ettith ihe reguic+tments of appllcAble lew, If Ihe amnunt of Ihe Fundc held by <br /> �'�� r "'� , Lender at c+ny time is not sufficicnt ta pay the Escrow ltems when due.I.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,und,in <br /> "-�'�w�� xuch case Borrower shall pay ro Lender the umount necessAry to mnke up the deficiency. Borrower shull make up Ihe <br /> -�'<`�•.� •� '� deficiency in no more thun twelve monthly pnymentti,ut Lender's sole discretion. <br /> _ ;'. ' " Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thix Security InstNment, L.ender shull pmmpdy refund lo Borrawer nny <br /> .'�:�•;� . ' Funds held by Lender. !f,under parugmph 21, Lender shall ucyuire or sell[he Property,Lender,prior to the ucquisitbn or <br /> =c��. �. , ' sule of the Property, shall apply uny Fundti hcld by Lender al the time of acyuisi�ion ur ralc ox a credit ugain�t the sums <br /> -°^;�.�a. � �� xecured by thic Securiry Instrum�nt. <br />- ''� � -• .l. Appllcation ot Pnyments. UnIcK+ u�+lirziMc luw pr�widcs oiherwisc, ull puymenh received hy l.endcr undcr <br /> J.. <br /> _�._1''�. s."�,_��� �� ° parugmphs I nnd?tihull hc upplird:first,to uny prrpryment churgc�dur under Ihc Notc;�econd,w umoun�s puyoble under <br />_ - ,;;�,,° ' pauagmph 2;third,to inlercst due;f��urth,to�xincipul Jue;und Inrt,lo uny lolc churgcs duc under Ihe Note. <br />-��� • ,� 4. Chnrges; L(ens. B��rrowcr �hull pay ull tuxc., uzu�xmcntti, churge.. I'inr. and impo+itionti uttrihulublc to thc <br />_'�_�- " '`�� ;���:�,�x. .,� Property whirh muy uuuin p�lority uvcr�his 5�curity Irrmtrumcnt,anJ Icuuhnld puynxnt.or ground roms,ii nny. Borrowcr <br /> _ �,N��"" ` xhall psfy thesc ubligntions in Ihc munncr providcd in parugruph 2,or il'nrn puid in that munncr,Bc►Rawcr xhull pay them on <br />-- .. timc dircctly to thc person owcd payment. Borrowcr shall pmmpUy fumi.h t�i l.rndrr u11 nniire.of amoun�x to he paid under <br /> "���'�'�� ,.r,.�e�....... •• this paragrnph. If Borrower mukux�hcsc puyments direcdy.Borrower xhull promptly furnixh la Lendcr reccipts evidencing <br />_'•"�` � the payments. <br />:=_Y.;z;;—`�� ; " Borrower shall prompUy dixharge�ny lien which has priarity uver this Security Ins�rument unless Borrower.(ul a�rees <br /> • in writing to Ihe p�yment of the obligation sccureJ by�he lien in a manner ucccptublc lo Lendcr,lb1 contcrtx in goad foith the <br />-- ���*� •.",.<; lien by,or defcnds ngainst enforcement of the lien in,legal pracedings which in�hc L�nder;opiniun operate to prcvent the <br /> �-ti*�� '�;�. enforcement of the lien;or(cl securex from�he hnldcr of thc lien an ugreemem sutixfuctory�o l.ender tiubordinating thc licn <br /> •. +� ' •��' � ` � to this Security Instrument If l.ender determines�hut uny pan of the Pnipeny is subjcrt to u lien which muy uttain priority <br /> �"� '° �� ••.+�'=-�'�" over this Security Instrument,Lcnder may givc Borrowcr u noticc identifying the lien. Borrower shall satist'y 1hc lien or take <br /> :-� �a ..c.. .. <br />=�.*:� ; � one or more of the acliom set fonh nbovc within 10 days of lhc giving of noticc. <br />_;:_::. ' „ . 5. Hozard or Properly Insurance. Bornowcr tihall kcep Ihe improvemcnls now rxisnng or hercufcer erected on the <br /> . '. �� Property insured against losx by fire,hazards includrd wilhin Ihe tcrm"extended coveragc"und nny othcr hazurds.inrludinF <br /> , floods ar tlooding, for which Lender reyuircx insuruncr. 'f'his inwrance shull txx muintuincd in the nmounts und for the <br /> a,6 „ . . <br /> ' F'ormJY28 9/90 ��w�e2.,jn�wgrsl <br /> . � .. • - . . -..-,. . .-, .�. - - • . , . . � - . ,. • . . .., � -�:.u�«:�ou�,-:-- <br /> . ��:'. ' . .. <br /> s ' <br /> �. , . � . <br /> � 1., <br /> ..�. . C <br /> ' �. <br /> . <br />