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<br /> , _ Su�i if : �a�eu�If6� �tU�,IIuty,��, 1'1�wtba,�`fi�A ! .'R, s�rk�.ot�boudr;.W be ,,�` " _:
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<br /> _ ` 14�Ch�:�Pwf!ltini?�t'�di ot;Fh,�6Ys45�....^rTCS.tt�an aids fss��xJ e�'J�outetj�l+��y.o�'tba d1�a bt iLir ----
<br /> --^' Sbgp�;etrtali(llii�ddenture, 33,�41�9a!,�iasip�ll,uaount�ud Fp�n�wpich�tt� Compwy, rCcCh�ld
<br /> e�umtv�±c�.xn,ed Incerese,iho.{�re�S�p:4qm,of�S3.A6�9,MS:�nd�� . �
<br /> ;tVt�tEtiv punwnt to tbe tetm�' uvJ• pnwiekro of tls�e Ori�ul �ndentuie �oQ w • . •
<br /> Su{�,�aenW 7orkaturo d�ted Sepkmtier l,1970,the Compury aated�aew of AorvJM w �
<br /> .,.;
<br /> bm Mai�qd wxkt the Oti�ia�l ipdeaturo��ad W b9�own a F'ust MortpDe HomM,� �76 Seria due ;�
<br /> _ . _ , ._- 1Sn32FdwWch Hond�oFtiw 4Y�4fi 3eria thera weta Tkrewtota�suyd S6,OOR�P�P�emo+�nt,- -- �---. - -- -
<br /> URxaE.wAkA wau p�W tn NU�t or�Rsr ra�tvr(ty aud eco no bn�et ouut�odia{t ud . ;�,.•• . „;..;;
<br /> �� NtHeReti9 punuant w tue term��..nnd pmvlsbns oB tla Origtnal Iudeature md ,t
<br />---- 51ipp�tmrctiul Iadonturo d�ted Au{utt 1,,1712,the Comp�ny croat�d'a new�erks of boadt�to 6e .
<br /> -----�� Gttuad ivadee tlxi Origtnel indenturo, �rJd to be Inwwn s+ F'u+r Mottgage Bonds,8�+&rka due
<br />-' -- - = 2COGtl.o$�aYkkh Bond� of the 8%Serlea ttxro azo iuued and oputeading, a+ of the,daco ofithie
<br />_A�� SUPp}�to�rtnlal Iadenwre, 56,000,000 �dnctpai amouat end for.whic6 tho Compecy reu[ved,' . ,
<br /> exclqaNte cE acerued interest,tha eggre6aro sum of Sb.000�00�:and�
<br /> . .
<br /> � -- �".. - �Yhmon�c ��n��fnl In �hl1 tRIIR1 9M� D[OVL110i14 Of"1�0 �tT1I�111�• t(�C�IU[C �0(�- Q� '
<br /> ♦'t� .
<br /> _. ._. , - P�-�..-
<br /> = � '=•� " Si�:mentnt Indenturc deted Ju1y 1, 1973, tia ComPany created a new aedes of bonde, to be,
<br /> � `�' taswed undcr tSs Otigiaai IndcaWto, and to be kdown a�Frot Mortgago Bondt,8'/i96 Setfa due;':•; . -
<br />_,;, . ., ,
<br /> � ZCOCf,of whlch Hond� oE tho 8S'aab Setlp thsro ara issutA and ou�tanding, es of the dato ofdhh ' •
<br /> htpplcmentel Indenture, 515,QOD,OJD pr(ndpal nmount end for whlch the Company rcutvcd;
<br /> -.,"';;; exdwiva of accmed inrerest,tho aggregato eum of SIA,862,000:and
<br /> r �:'��: � WtmRens purouent to td� tomu end provtsion� of the Odg(nal Indenturo and e _ -
<br /> Supplementel Indenwro deted May 1, 1�Y15, the Gompany created e new sedea of bond�, to bo ='=_
<br /> _. - Lssued undu �he Orfgtnal Indrntur0. and to be Imovm as Frst Mortgego Bond�, 11�'o Sedea due :—
<br /> 1995,of whlch Bonds of the 11%Sedes thero wsrc heretotoce issued 515,000,000 pdncipat emount, "
<br /> ell of wlilch have been redeemed ead aro no longer omstending: and �.��
<br /> ' �� WHaxens pu�suant to the termv nnd provislons of the Origfnal Indenturo end e ��Y
<br /> ' Supplententel Indenture deted Juce 1, 1977, the Company created a new sertes of boads, ro be
<br /> tssued under�ho Orlginal Indenturo, an d to b e k nown as Fin t Mor t g a g e I 3 o n d s,&8 0%S e r i d d u e
<br /> , - 2007,of which Uonds of thc 6.80�/o Scries tl�ete nre issued end outstanding, ns of the date of this x_. __
<br /> Supplementel Indenture, 512,000.000 principal nmount end tor wLich the Company recetved, )y _; '
<br /> 3 �- exclusiro oF ecerued interest, the eggregate sum of 511,895,000; end ' *L'
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