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<br /> .... , � �UI��ALMYan��{f�t W��NH W{GSblil � oj(1��F-�/��1�4�:F�y\���yN UYW[W �Y - .
<br /> - ' II�pC{r•1�1fCO �1���01b0�iu�{tiet�veea Norlt�ri�e+tera ill{IIOY.SCIV�00 WM�r...•�� �CM�Wf��Oq :!r " - -
<br /> or�e�!.e.e�pdsttegur!Ierlh�[a4i�e€th0�tataofDetnvrora(heteineftercalkdthe•C.ompe.ry?'j, _-.-----
<br /> , ::. puty„o(itho-fint�p�rt, aod•1`H8 CttA56 MAlt1fAT1AH BANK (N�tbnal'Auoel�tton)�'� wtioo�l.
<br /> . •is�ghld���uociitf4n�oraadlttd:u�d ad�tiut undtc t}a Iewr of the United Suta oEAmetka �nd �
<br /> - luivtt�,lupdaelp�l:o[iima,plueoElxuixssiatheHorouShoLM�ehatten,7laCityoENewYorfc,':
<br /> _- � St�te ti[+MttiwYotk,turcasor:to TLn.Chnto Nrtbnet Bank of tha Qty of New Ywk(IieretM[ta �
<br /> - -`° c�licd ihe`itinte�'�r,aod C,L HRtxiG8I.1,9ANft.of Nat�au Wvaty,Ne�.!YuTk,�vcci,asar to Gtiul S - .
<br /> anetky�rta'llvea+e .na+ala •G;d._ ,N#�..�+nm+bcinx�gtP+a��"�1������"f�',!� �-- --- - -�-
<br /> t:", • iermwherothe9untt�taequt�antaqa]sades#�nnlCi4o�?K3Pect��PTc�toc}+soralAttwyr�9�t '
<br /> '�` � ..uEQco+�ddressoftheTl4uRteibcingL�tt{aiat�7FwtA�ilnistkalbul3N1+9on,o+CbneeMattaTo� .
<br /> , _ G�pt�x:,3rd�7oor,Broakayn:New 1'ork 112457,a+7tuitees iiiider ihe.tndeataia#latr,dl}1p�yat.i,
<br /> -= - 19j0,bereipatiyr mentlohed,par=fes of the aecond pa�. � ' ��:
<br />-_,,.�.,. :�. :-
<br />- � ' "�Vt[dttEti9 the Compauy iuw lieretofore execut�d and dcltvered iw Indenture(herelneRer
<br /> -�- roferca] ro e� the'Odginel Iudonturo`),dated August 1, 1940,to tho TYustcca for the«cudry oY °
<br /> -���� tho bond�of tha Company tuwad end to be tuued thcraundcr; ead
<br /> ���� W1teAPw9 the Company, Gom time to timo,has heretoforo duly mede ead deltveted to the
<br /> . .� 7Ywtea wrtNn indentura wpykmenql to tha Odgin�i Indenture, Ucludin; iupplomentd
<br /> _�:._�z Gidentu[a d�ted Lnuary 11,194f,Aujust 18,1945,September 23,1946,October 1,1946,7uls�2!,
<br /> r ....;,:. 1947,Juno 1, 1948,Soptembcr 1,1938,June 1,1949,Auywt 16, 1950,March 1, 1932,M�y 1,f953,
<br />"''? :- r Febtuary 1, 1931,Auguft 27,1953,October 1, 1956,Juiy 1,1957,August 1,1939,July 1,1961,July
<br /> .., .
<br /> 1,1966,September 1,1970,Au�ut 1, 19T2,Juty 1, 1973,Novemixr 14, 1974,Mey 1,1971,June 1,
<br /> , ,.:
<br /> ,'-:?:" _ to7�,r�_fy t; to7A ne�mher t,19'78;Mty 6;1987,Novem6cr 1,1989.JuIY 15.1991.Novembee 13, _
<br /> ' 1991 end September 1, 1952 (tho Original Indcaturo e� eupplcmented end amended by t6a
<br /> eForemontioned aupplemental tndentures end by thb Supplomentel Indenwre being heretaetter _
<br /> mfarced to es tho'Indenturo�; end �4!��.
<br /> � .' �:;
<br /> WtmRttes pumuent to tda tcrma and provtslans of tho Orig(nal [ndcature and e , -_,�i - _�
<br /> Supplemental Indenture dateA Ocrober 1, 1946 (heretnaRer rcFerrcd to ro thc 'Supplementel = '
<br /> '' Indenture dated October 1, 1946'�,the Compeny created a new scdes of 6onds,to be issued undcr ' '•�=
<br /> �4 t6o Odginal Indenrora, nnd to be known av Firat Mortgege [ionds, 3%Sedcs due 1973,of wlilch � . ,x�,s.�.�-
<br /> ��: Bonds of the Sedes due 1973 thcro a�erc heretofore tuued 56,275,000 pr(nclpnl emount,ell oFwhich �S}�Sr� '� , _,
<br /> � �� were paid tn full et or aRer matndty end ere no Ionger ouutending; and T`j�1}�i�J 1'Yy �
<br /> �.,�
<br /> r �;4;. WHIlRPiIS ursuant to the tertns and rovisiom of �ha OrI innl indcoture and a `°4 � �� � -�`' _
<br /> • Supplementet IndenWre deted June 1, 194$ �he Company created a new series o[bonds, to Ixi h '._ ��'`Ihle-=
<br /> `-'.- tssued under the Orfgtnal Indenture,and to 6e kno�w as Firat Mortgege Bonds,3-3lS% Sarics due �� �31 �t4?- ` :_
<br /> • �� 1978,of whlch Bonds of tho 3•3/8% Series there were hererofore issued 5600.000 princtpal emount, z�,t�t,�5,��:�'
<br /> :4 all oF which were pa[d in full et or efter maturiry end ere no longer outstanding; and '�_ � �,��f{� �•
<br /> - - .vp .. l. a Si�SI�..
<br /> �:�:-' � n , 4. ,. .
<br /> � �_� WHeRPns pursuant to the terms and provtsions of the Origtnal Indenwre nnd e ;4� t�' � t'•�'�
<br /> Supplemcntel Indenture deted September 1, 1948, the Company creeted e new series of bonds, to ` �1��''�•� {�` 1 _`. A.
<br /> be Lssued under the Origfnal Indenture,und to bc kno�m as Frst Mortgage Bonds,3S4%Serics due � „ ':�: .
<br /> .,�:.c:�.
<br /> . • ..;(��: . :.�t,;':il,:.,
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