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_-_ . <br /> � : , •� .�r---- .-��'-- - <br /> .a,.- <br /> ���i - - -- •.'w�'�!-��i°'�+' -- ' - _- <br /> . � ... <br /> � - . ... . --- --_--= - <br /> i .. .._. — - <br /> , � <br /> --���.��� .�..�...�! g�� .i U sf�� � - - <br /> �..�._.., <br /> �a�� :?.':.....-�-�..��!t�•v.�..t��4 R.n�llcial inta�nt in Borrower.lf all or anv aart of the ProPenY or anY intenst in it - -- <br /> �-�,�� i�sold or transferncd(or if a beneticial inten�at in Borrower is sald or transfcrned end Borrower is not a natural pe�con)w�tnout <br /> .,,_���. - Lcnder's prior writtcn consent, L.ender may, at its optian, uire imme�i�tc payment in full of all sums secur+ed by lhis <br /> :...��, Securiry Instniment. However.thie option shAll not be exerciRed�y Lendcr if exerci�e i�prohibited by federnl low�oi the date <br /> - - of thie Son�riry Instrument. <br /> ��; If L�ender exercieor this option�Lender nhall giv�Bu�rower noticc af acceleratioa.The natice ahnll pmvide a period of aot -_ _ . <br /> �css tl�n 30 daya from the dou thc noticc is dclivered ar mailed within which Rnrmwcr must pay all suma securod by thls c__ _ <br /> ,:�� Security Instnugeqt, lf Borrowcr falls to pay these sums prior to thc cxplration oP thi�pedod.Lcnder may invo�e any remedies r _ - <br /> ".;k.- permitted by IWa Se�:udty insteument wlthout furthcr notice or demnnd on Borrower. �rcower shall huve the �ight to have <br /> • 18. Sorrower• Bl�{ht to Rdnstate. If Homawer meeta ccrtein conditians. <br /> '�' • enforcement of this Secu�ity Instniment discontinued at any timc pdor to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such othcr period as �_ <br /> -- _ '� applic�ble law mey apecify for r�eiactatement) befone aelc af the Property PuBUant ta any pnwer af salc conuuned in this <br /> .-,,�,;,,��-'; ,. Seeurity Instn�menr.or(b)entry of a judgmenl enforcing this Security Instroment.Thase conditions are that Horcower:(a)payc <br /> Lender all sums which then wauld be due under this Secudty Instrument and the Note as if no acceleretion had occumed;(b) <br /> =��:��..,.��..„�: curcs any default of any other covenenta or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrumeat, -----°-- <br /> �'�=b••"..�, including.but not limited to, reasonable attorne�s' fces: and (d)takes such acction as l.cnder may rcasonab�y require to assure <br /> ";��• ��' • that the lien of this Secucity Inatrument.[.ender s righta in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums s�xured by <br /> _ ��� _A:` �- . _ this Secu�ity [nstrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instniment and the `_ _ <br /> -���*.� ..�.�. <br /> -�� :��� •• • obligations secured hereby shall rcmain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred.However,this right to reinstate shall <br /> ����= ^"'0 not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> - ��'s• .bF��`� 19. 3Ale of Note; Change of l.oan Servicer. The Note or a nartial interest in the Nate (together with this Security <br /> _-_�,��� :�a� Instrument)rtwy be sold one or more times without prior notice ro BaRawcr. A salc may result in a change in the cntity(known �` <br /> ..-_ ��-`x�� ' ' as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Notc and this Security Instrument.There also mey be one _ <br /> sv 1 Ti�l � �a" <br /> :;,�' ,� �� ' or mor+e changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Note.If there is a change of thc Loan Serviccr,Borrower will ba <br />----- � � given w�itten nodce of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above end applicable law.The notice will state the name and =""';'. <br /> ,`.;�..,�:•`-:�;.::-i- address of the new L.oan Servlcer und the addre.gx to which paymenta should be made. The notice will also contain any other �,_ <br /> - �• information required by applicable lew. � <br /> '�,y; r . ,. 2p, }/azardoua Substnnces. Borrower shall nat cause or permit the presence, usce,disposal, storage. or release of any <br /> , �;, • Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrawcr shall not do, nor allaw anyone clsc to do, anything affa.ting the � <br /> `�. J Property that is in violation of any�nvironmental Law. The prececling two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> ` �'•� ,:�;ra,•�,�':�'*�A storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances�hat are generally recagnized to ba appropriate to nomial _ <br />� �...�. residential uses and to maintcnance af the Property. _-__._. <br /> . Borrower shell promptly givc Lender wntten notice of any investigation. claim,demand, lawsuit or othcr uction by uny <br /> � govemmental or r�eguletory agency or private pa�ty involving the Property and any Hazurdous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> Y �`` • • � of which Borrower hes actual knowledge. If Bon�wer Icnm+s, or i�s notified by uny aovemmental or re�ulatory authority,that <br /> �?�; -�•� '". any removal or other r+emediation of any Hazarclous Substancc affecting the Property is neceasary.Barrower shell promptly take <br /> � �� all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Luw. <br /> . ,,'�ti As used in this paragraph 20. 'Hazardous Substances' are those substanccs defined ax tuxic or hazurclous substances by <br />' -`= �'�-•- -'•= Em ironmenta! lstv and the following subatanoc�� �nu�line, kerosene, other flnmmuble or toxic petrolcum praducts, toxic <br /> ��� pesticides and herbicides.valatile solvents,materials wntaining usbestos or formaldehydc,and radioactive matcriuls. As uscd in �_�__ <br /> . " � � this paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" means fcderal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Pro�crty is locatecl that _ <br /> ' relate to or environmental protection. <br /> - -. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und l.cndcr furthcr covcnant urxl ugrcc as follows: —__ <br /> 21.Acceleration;Remedies. Lender sAoll give notice to Borrower prior to AcceleratMn following Borrower's breach �� <br /> oP Any covenant or aRrecment in this Security Instrumenl (but nd prior to acceleration underpa rograph 17 unless _ <br /> ,� � applkable law provides otherwise).The notice shell specffy: (a)lhe dePaull;(b)the acdon required to cure the deiqult; �-� <br /> ,.;;' (c)a ds�te, not less tium 30 dayg from the dwte lhe notice is�iven to Borrower. by which the default must be cured;and �'`�=� <br /> ` �•� (d) Ihat follure to cure the default on or before the date specitied in the notice may result fn accclers�tion of the sums ;•�'�- <br /> � • secured by this Security In4trument and sale oP the Prope�ty. The notice xh�ll further inform Borrower of the right to ���`-''' <br /> reingtote�tter acceleration and the riRht to brin�a rnurt action to assert the non-existence of a default or Any other �°°- <br /> • "�� dePense oP Borrower to Qcceler»tion and sale. If the defwult is not cured on or betore the dnte Rpecified in the notice, �'!�;`���-. <br /> .;�,, „ . , <br /> , Lender, ut its option. moy require immedinte paymeM in iull of all sums�ecured by this Security Instrument without �� <br /> ° further demend and may invake the power of sale and Any othcr remedi�permitted by applicabk IAw.l.cader sh�ll be <br /> "� ' enNtled to collect RII expen.ges incurred in pursuln�the remedi�.w pmvided in thie par�rnph 21.including,bul not limfted �,:M° <br /> '"' ' , _ to,reagonable attorneys'Pees and costs oP tltle evidence. _- <br /> � �� 1[the power of sale Is Invoked,Trustee shall record a nolice oi'defgult in euch counly in which any part of tMe aG�:•::'•�`��' <br /> � property is located and shall mail copies uP such notice in the mAnner pr�scribed by applicable law to Borrower and to _ <br /> , �;�,; � � t6e other persons prescrfbed by applicsible IAw.At�e�the time requircd by applirable law.Trustce shall give public notice ;;�*?s-- <br />� - •• ot sale to the person4 ond in t6e manner prescribed by applEcable law.�'rustee. without demand on Borrower.shnll seU �s� � <br /> , the Property at public auction to the hi�hest biddcr a1 the time and pluce and under the terms designs�ted in Ihe notice uf �� <br /> ' ;�. sWe in one or more panels and in any order Trustec delerminkw.Tru.stec may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the i <br /> Property by public announcement �t thr time s�nd place oP any previoa4ly scheduled wle. Ixnder or Its deszignee m�►y ,. <br /> put�chs�e the Property at any sale. <br /> . � ... . <br /> Form 3028 9J90 � <br /> Pep�6 0�B � , <br /> • I � <br /> � <br /> y <br /> , _ 4 . <br /> . � � <br /> . .. _ . <br /> ; <br /> � � � � <br />