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<br /> --- — ot th�m,ehnll ba eMItIW to enfores thls Truet Dwd and any other iecunty naw or he��ftsr heta by 8�n�ticwy a frunes in�uch u��hn rnd��nncr •
<br /> ''�'� w th�y or sithw ot them may In thev abaWute dlsCretion dstermino.No romedy hureln con�orrad upon or resnved to T�uetee a Bmsfkiary�e Int�ndsd —
<br /> -��� W bs axclusiva of any other remedy hereln a by law provlded or permltted,but each shall W cumulptive and eholl be in addltion to wery othsr nm�dy
<br /> �x�, qiwn tNrNmde a now a hereafler exisqnp at law a In oquity a by ctatute.Every powor a remedy provWod undar thW Tru4t Daad to Trusteo or Benalk��ry
<br /> ot to whlch elthar ol Ihem may bs olherwloe anUlled,may be erercl�w.1,conaurrently a Ind�ndenlly,lrom tim�to tim�and a�oR�n as may b�dwm�d
<br /> �"� "� - expediwd by irueteo a 6eneliciory and either of tham may pursue Inconalstent remedles Nolhing hereM�M b�con�du�d a�prohlbltln0 BM��lol�lr
<br /> 'M. �r.5. (rom sNking a deflClency�udpment ayalnat ihe Trostar lo tha extant wich acpon Ir pormlttW by law.
<br /> L n�. 11.TRANSFER OR TH8 PROPBRTY;ASSUMPTION.If all or any part of ihe Property a Interest thereln b sald,transfarnd a otherwise conv�y�d
<br /> — by Trustor w�[hout B�nNk�ary's prlor wriUen consent,excluding(a)Ihe creation of a Ilen or enoumbrance aubordlnate to thle Truil Derd.(6)a transf�r
<br /> --�°��� ti � by operallan of law upon the dseth of a Trustor who is e�ofnl tenant or(c)the grant of any leasehn�d Int�rsst ot three(3)yoars ar lea which das not
<br /> _—__-%���ti. ' wnlaln an optlon fa purchase,euch action i�e breach ol this agreemeM,and eeneflclary may,m 8ene11alary'e option,declaro all ih�wm�sacund by
<br /> ��_�........
<br /> —__ ;.,:a;;� `" thls Trutl OeYd to be Immedlately due end payable,provlded,lunher,lhls Trust Deed may,at Benet�iary'a optlon,iw d.�7a�a:.����:�a.��..v........r.
<br /> , n::�.¢���:;. " payable,II(1)Trusta isa parinershlp end any Intereat�n Ihe pennershlp i�sold a asslgned by any means whataoever,or(2)If the Trusta Is a corpa�tlan
<br /> ` �;�:�{ � and a bensfer of the meJorfty etock ownershlp interoat In Ihe corporatlon accurs,�r the Trusror caporaUon merpes In any fam with enolher corporaUon
<br /> or entlty.Beneficlury shall have wewed such option to acceterate If,prlar to Ihe sale,transler a conveyanee,Beneflclery and the pertan to whom the
<br /> '�'� - _ Proparty la to be sold or Iranaferretl reach agreement In wrlUng that the credlt of auch person Io aellsfaotory to BorwBclory ond that tha Intwast p�yabb
<br /> �/°�'°"`� � -' on th�sume aeeurad by this Truet Deed ehall be al such rata aa BaneHciery ahell reqwst.
<br /> � —='�.;�;�;�,, ,, 12.ACCELERATION UPON 08FAULT;REAIHOIES;8ALE.The faNure by Itw Truslor,to meke any payment or to perlarm any of the termi and cordlllons
<br /> - -°"'4'' of thls Trust Deed,a Iha lerma and condltlona of the Nota,ar any renewels,modlllcetlons or exlensions thereof,a Ihe(allurs to make poyment of any
<br /> _ _" _ _�y..,,,
<br /> ----�y� -`==:=-� other indebtedness,prla or aubsequent to thle Truet Deed,and securetl by 1hla properly,a the death of one or more Trustas ahall be a breae on
<br /> -a�,�_`.�_`
<br /> __ �i��_._.._:.:�.,_� delault o11hls T�usl Deed and�he Benehcfary may declare a delaul!and mey declare aU sums seeured heraby immedletely due and peyahle and the
<br /> — --=— eame ahall thereupon become due and peyable wlthout presentment.demand,prolest a notice of any klnd,provlded,Trustor shall have eny stelutory
<br /> •F�•�.,. rlpht to cure the deloull be(ore any noUCe of defaull and demand for eale may be dellvered to the Trustee.Thereafter,Beneflclory mey detiver W Tru�te�
<br /> ""=�� '`•��� a wtltten declarallon ol defaull and demend far sale.Trustor agrees and hereby granls that Ihe Trustee ehall heve Ihe power of sale of the Properry and w
<br /> ° • ,��"•* If B�neflclery declder tho P�aperty Is to be eob it ehall depoeN wuh Troslee thla Truet Deed end Ihe Nate or rwtes end any othar doeumente evldenclnp __
<br /> ��• axpendlturea eecured hereby,and shall delfver to Tfuelee a wrltten notice ot defeull and elecllon to Cause the p�OpeAy to ba eold,and Tru�tae.f�turn, _
<br /> f, a � : `�'°�" dwN propare a slmllar notice In the lorm reqWred by law,whlch ahall be duly Illed fw record by Tructee.
<br /> _ ,.�• . :�. ,y (a) Aker the lapae of such tlme as may be requfred by law IoHowing the recadallon of Nopce of DefauM,and Notice of Delault end Notice o}
<br /> -.,:;,�M �� .. Sale havmg been g�ven as requlred by law.Trustee,wlthoW demend on Trustor,ahall sell the Property,If not redeemed,In one or more
<br /> „�-�� • percele and In such ader as Truatee may determine on tha dolo and the tlme and pleca dealpnatad In�►Id Not�c�ot Salo,at pubNC aucpon
<br /> r.�� ,��,_. .
<br /> ���.•- �� •r.n 6CCOf(�111�lO�YW.
<br /> : ____ ' 1- � (b) When Trus[ee sells purauant lo the powers herem,Truslee ahall apply Ihe proceeds ot the sele to payment of the coats and expenaea ot
<br /> ==.rr�.,:- _
<br /> ;�,��,!`�� ,4,� exercising the power of Sale and ol lhe sele,Including.wlthout IIm1letlon,altorney's feea a�0�he peyment d Trueiuti a Fu65 Inturr8d,
<br /> !r�= ' ' ' T►ulfee'a Feea ahall nat fn the aggregate exceed the fdlowfng amounts based upon the amounl seeured heroby and rematning unpald at
<br /> ._.�-:•r• b� -
<br />`,_Y.�„D :� ',,, . the tlme�cheduled for sale:5 percentum on lhe belence thereof:end thQn to the Iteme in subparapraph(c)In tho adar thare atatad.
<br /> ._ �
<br /> `': .�, ;,�;�; � (c) ARer payin{�the items epecllled�n subparagraqh(b►,ff the sale Is by Trustea,a if Ihe aole Is pursuait to�udlclol foraclowre,the proceeds
<br /> - :�w,�.• . ., of oale ahall be applled in the fallowfnq ader:
<br />:���..��° �' (t)Cost ol any evldence of Utle procured in connectlon wlth euCh oale and ot any revenue lrenefer fee requlred to be peid:
<br /> - - .:z'=�:! (2)All obNgatlons secured by lhia Truet Deed:
<br /> +': �
<br /> - � r ....:._ (3)JuMa trual deeds,mortgagos,or other Ilenholders;
<br /> --:;;,�. i. �,, •: (4)The remalnder,II any,to Ihe person legally ent�tled Ihereto.
<br /> Y:.�_;,� .,';. , 13.APPOINTIMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE,Beneficiary may,lrom nme to time,by a wntten mslrument executed end acknowledged by 8eneflclary,
<br />-=
<br />