� ,... r.. .._ �.�
<br /> , . _ ��. ..�o�a►�.:�s .
<br /> pymenls;�n,iy no Ionaer w;required,al thp op�ion oi I.ender,if nangogo Insurence covorago pn Ih wqnl for Qa period
<br /> ttut L.bnder roquira)provided by m Inwrcr�pprovrQ by Lendu ag+in beqomes 4va11otiio ard le.oblilned.9orrower ch�ll qy
<br /> � . theprcmium�requi�od[o mdnroln mort5aga insunma In effa4 or to provide o loss reserve,umll dw requlrcnxnt tor nwd�ye.
<br /> InSUruka end�In acord�nca wlth�ny,wduen agranxnt Ixtwan Bortowcr ord Lender or appllcablo law.
<br /> – 9:Inspatlon.L<ndu o►.its ogent nuy mvice«asonable eniifa upon ond InsptcUone uf iho Propeny. I�cndcr eholl givo
<br /> — Horrow�t nodab et the Iimc of or pdor to an insp:ttiun spxifYlnB rcasonshlo causx for the Impealon _
<br /> _ t0.Condemrullon. Thc procude oi any ewnrd or cleim for danL�gcs, direct or conxqncmiai, in rnnnatlon wiib any —
<br /> condemnatlon or o�her�aking of eny part of tha Propeny,or t'or wnvcymce in Iicu of rnndemnntlon,arc hcrcby assigned and
<br />. . = shall-I»pttd�o Lender. ...
<br /> —= In tho cvcm ot o wtal�akinp of�ho ihaputy,tho prucaJs shall&applkvl to tha sunu securai bp thfs.;ccudty Jnsttu�nt, -- --
<br /> whether or not then duo, with eny excess pald to Dorcower. G�tlie event of e panlai ieking of the Propeny in�vhich the teir
<br /> markG vuluo of�he Property immedifltcly bctore�ho iaking is equal�o or grwtcr than�hc emount of�hc smm securcd by Ih4
<br /> Security fnsliurtrent Immediaiely beforo�ho�aking,unlexs Rorrower end Lender otherwiso egree in wrfifng.the sunu secured by —
<br /> this Securiry Instntment shall be nducod by �he anwunt of�he procceds multiplicd by the following trectlon: (e) �ho �olel
<br /> `:�.:- `° amount of the sums securcA Immedietdy yefore the�aking,divided 6y(b) the fair markU value ot t6t Property Im�nediately --------
<br /> befo;v�hc �aking. Any balwke shall bc paid w Qortowcr. In�ho evem of e partial �alcing of thc Property in whkb thc tair
<br /> mu1:e�value of[he Propeny immodlately before�hc�aking Is Iess than�b.nnwunt of�he sums secured Immediatciy bcforc�he
<br /> taking,unless Borrower nnd Lender othenviae egrce in writing or unt�ss epplirabie lew otlienvise provides, the proctcds shall
<br /> bo�+plicd to the sume saured by�hls Secudty Instrument�vhc�her or no�ihe aunu arc t6en duc.
<br /> � - If Qio Property�i�nbandoncd by Borrower,or If,eRer notice by Lendcr to Oonower�hat the comlemnor otters to make en
<br /> awgni or seatle a claim for damnga, Borrower faile w rupond to Ixnder�vi�hln 30 daya nRer thc date the notico fs given,
<br /> -��–°°– Lender is euthoriicd to wllay unA apply the proceede,at its optlon,eithr�to rcsroreUon or rcpair of�he Pro�erty or to�ho sums �_.
<br /> secured by�M1is Savdty Inswmem,wheii�cr or no��hen due.
<br /> Unless LenAcr end Dortower othenvlse egreo in writing. eny xpplicatfon of proceods �o principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone Ihe due date of the m�mhiy paymente rcferrcd to in pamgmphs 1 and 2 or cM1ango the amoum of such paymenu.
<br /> 11.Borrox�er Not Rdcased;Forbcarance By Lendr�Nat a N'niven E¢tension of�hc�imc for paymem or modllicatlon
<br /> of nmortiution of She sums ucured by this Saurity instruntenl granteA by Lender to any successor in imeresl o((lorrower shall
<br /> - not operato�o relau thc Ilabllity of the originil Dorrowcr or Bortower's xuceessors in intcres�. Lendcr shall not be nquircd to
<br /> .__ commcnce eracedings ngainst¢ny successor in intercst or ntust to eztend�ime for paymcm or o�hawix modify amanization
<br /> of fi; sumc secured by tMs 3ecudty Insuument by reason of any demand made by the odginal Dortower or Ifortower's _
<br /> — suceaxwrs in interes�. Any forbcamnce by Lender In exercising nny right or remedy shxll not be n�vaiver of or precludo�ho -_-
<br /> ._ exercix of nny righi or eemtdy. ---
<br /> ��;_
<br />�- �— !:. S..^c:�sors atid !s?a�a Baund; �olnt 9nd �veM_I L�nha���u; Cn.cinners. 1'fie mvenenu and a¢rcemenis of�hls . .._.-- . .-.
<br /> Securi�y Inswment s1wU bind and benefit ihe successore anA assignc et Lender and portower, suhjec� w �lie provisions of
<br /> panfsrzph 17. SoirmvM'c mvennr,is und egrccmenu shnll bc jolm nnd severxl. Any Barrower o'ho m-signs �hie Securiry -- __
<br /> -_-- Insltument but dnea not exwvu tk No�e: (a) Is en•si@ning tM1ie Security InsWmem only�o mongage,gmnl and wnvey lhat �}�`-,.
<br /> =- — Qortowcr's intetut in lhe Properry under�6c tcrms of�his Stxurity Instrum:nq (b)is nm ptrsonaliy obliga�ed ro piy Ihc sums =-'_'___
<br /> �%`�sv securcd by�his Security Instrument;nnd(c)agrces that Lendtr and nny mh:r porrmver may egrce to ex�end, modify,for6ear or , -
<br /> - ��r.}7�±Z+s:_-:
<br /> --°�^r?."� mnke nny aanmmoda�lons tvi�h regard�o Ihc temis of this Security Instrumem ar the Notc wi�hout thn Borrower's wnsem. r{;y;�,;._.
<br /> =° l3.Lonn Charges. If�he loan securcd by this Secud�y Instrumcnt is subJect m a lew which ul�maximum loan charges, !�°=,:=:<+;J.�_._
<br />?=_�?� and thnt law is finnlly imeryreted so U�m the imercst ar oiher loan charges rnlleaed or m be mlla�ed in cunnettion with ihe "'``�`�'°���:�„�.
<br /> -- =�=� Iwn exceed ihe m�itted limile, �hen: (a)an such loan char e shall be reduced b t6e untount necessa to rcduce�he char e -'-}�:"`^' � .
<br /> P� Y 6 Y �Y B ':9;i.c .. :
<br /> -_"�� to Ihe pemiittad Iimir,and @l uny sume alrcady mllated Gom 6orronrr which excecded pemiftted limits�vill be refunded to F -•,,;�"-
<br /> __ __ [iortuwer. I.ender may choose m mnke this rcfund by rcducing �he principal owed under �he No�e or by making o direct .,;t;.,i;.__�
<br /> --';"' payment to Oomo��er. If a rePond rcAums princip�l, ihe nductfnn will bc uea�eA ns a panial prepayment withoul eny - .- +::-
<br /> yl�,� prcpaymcnt charge undcr�h;Notc. �''�
<br /> jf t •� ii`��:
<br /> � l4.Nolices.Any notitt to Borron•er provided(or in�his Securi�y Instrwnem+hz41 be given by dclivering i�or by mailing �J�n '
<br /> , ? it 6y firs�class mail unlcas applir�bic luw reqnires usc o(ano�hcr ntc�hnd. Thc nmice sAall be dircc�ed m the Pmpcny Address � � ,i �r �-.�.
<br /> c .��'� or any otlier addmss 0orto�cer daignates bg noticc lo Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given 6y �rst clau mail �o --?}
<br /> Le�der's nddms s�atrd hercin or any o�hrr nAdress I.enAer decignmes by naiice to Oorro�ecr. Any no�ice provitled for in this ' p�.�
<br /> A�i-__y Sccuriry Insuvmem ahatl be dccmed lo have bcen givcn io Borrowcr ar LcnJcr when g�ren:a provided in�hix parxgraph. � - p �'�t
<br /> - IS.Go��eminp I.ax; SeveraAlliry. Tlds Security Insuumem xhall 6e govemed by federdl la�v ur.d the law of�he __.�:.wi ;;
<br /> � �_t jurisAictlon In�rhich Ihc Properly is Wca�ed. in Ihc crcnt�hat any prorisiun or claucc af ihis Securiry Insuument or the Note ,;;�
<br /> mn0ic�s witl�applicable la�v,such ronllice shall not a(fect oiher proeisiom of this Sceuri�y Instrumem m�he No�c wiiich can 6e � ,.
<br /> �� �;, given effect withom Ihe mnlliciing provision.Tu�hf�enJ lhe provirinns of this Sitnri�y Inxttumem and�he Nole arc dcelared � .;- � `�-
<br /> �o bc xverablc. �,��'�(• =��
<br />- '•.� ib.Qorro�rcr's Copy.Bortmrer shnll bc giren nnc�vnformcd rnpy of thc Na�e and af d�i�Smri�y hi+vumcnt. i::;tt..�7: �. ;' �
<br /> ���.,�:. ;7 ..:
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