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_`':,;;'> ,,.� , T T_ _ ;. . <br /> 7008THP.R WITI!all�hA imptqACmenn now or herexRer eruted on�ho propeny.�nd ill cuem�enu,�}tl��ud '. ' <br /> fiz�uroe naw or herqRcr a p{+rt�ot�tl�n.Propeny. All rcpi,�cenkn�s end addiUmu shail,�tso bo mvorcd by lhla Secuiity <br /> InalNment.All of�ho forcgolnp Iq�efarcN to In thi�Securitydnkpiment aa tha'Propcny.' <br /> BORROWER C04BNANTB thdt Rortowor(e lawfully eeirad of the atale hereby conveycd nrd Iw��he righl ro gren4 ond- — <br /> convey iho Propeny anA iAm U�n Pro(nny I�une�iaimlxreA.exttµ for enwmbrnnns ot rccard. Battowcr werrama and wlll <br /> detend genarally tbe titlC ro tha Property ogeinxt alli clNm�ond demuds,subJca ro any e�xambrerM.w ot reoard. -- <br /> THIS SGCURITY INSTRUAf�1VT•combince unlform wvcnenu for retlonal usa nnd nomunlfartn cvvcnama�vith Ilmltcd <br /> vxdntions by Jurladiction lo mntaib�ta n:unl�omi socudty fnsuunxnt mvering reut propeny. <br /> T,,.�_� UNIRORRf COV8NAN7'8. Qar[ower a�vl I.cnd�t mvrnant eid agrcc a�fnllnws: _ <br /> 1, Yayment ot Pdncippl and�lq(6rah �'npwYmenl aod l.9te Charqes. Dortox�er shall promptly pay whsn duo tho <br /> pdno(p+l of anA Intereat on�ho dobt cviAanccd by�ho Note and any prepaYmem and late chargcs dao under thc Note. <br /> 2.61nds far Toxes and Inruranat.Sl�bJcn m apptiwbic law nr a a wdttcn�valver by i.eMcr, fionower cM1all p�y to <br /> I.endcr on iho day man�hly paymente nm,A�o under thc Note,until.�he Note Is pald in full,e sum(�Pu�')for(a)yrarly tuta <br /> und essessmente which may otlnin prt�dty over lhia Security Insuvmem es a Iien on the Pmpeny:(b)yevly Icaschold p�ynxnU <br /> ___. .. m ground rer.!_on tho Propeny,iPnny;(c)yeutly�hflmrd or properly Insumnre premiumc(dl yeady flood insurance Drenil�um. -_ _...._. . <br /> if ony;(e)yeady mongage insumnco p�emimm�, If any;end(q any smns�oynUle by I3ortower�o Lender, fn eccoMance wiUi �� <br /> tho provislons of par�sraph 8,In�ieu of tho paymentof mnttBngo Insurnnoo prendums.7'hae Items erc enllcd'Bscrow fttm�.' <br /> Lcnder mey, et eny�imc,mlicct enA hnld FLnde�amnnnt.nn� ro excced �he muimum a�nount a lendcr for a ftQCrally <br /> rcinlr.d mnrtIIage loan may raquir�for Bortower's escrorv�ocrnimt under ths fedaal Real &tate Setqemem P�aceduns Act o! <br /> 1974 es omended fmm tima�o Nme, 12 0.5.4. Sectinn,2G01 e�ecq. ('RQSPA'),udese enother law ttut upplies�o the Furds <br /> s:is a iesxr flmouoe_IE so, Lendcr mny, et any-ilmn, m1lat end hold Punds in en unount no� ro exmed the lesscr eiaoum. <br /> - - --� -� - Le�er map tix emount af tLndx dna an-�hn b�sis of current data end reasonable es�fmates of expendirores of future _ <br /> Cscrow Irenv or ahern�ise in acco�dnnee miq�•upplicable Ia�v. <br /> 7'he FLnds sAali be held in an instiunfnn.whnse depn�lln oro Insurtd by n hdcral agency, Inswmrnielity, or entity <br /> --� (includinp Lcnder,if Ireader ie such nn inqiwdnn).or!n-any�cderal Home Loan Dank.I.endcr shall apply No Funds�o pay the <br /> 8scrow Items.Lender may�m�chnrge IH�mo�ver f�r hnldDtp and epplyin�iBa Funds,ann�ally analyung�he escrow account,or <br /> - —= vedfyfnp tho Eurow[hmu,unirsss Lender pays IInrco���er hm:rcst on Ihe Funds and epplitnble Iaw pemdts Lende�to make wch <br /> e chnrge. Hoacver.Lendar mry r<quir Bortower tv pay a anrtime charge for nn independent rcal alate�ax rcporting serviw <br /> -- uaed by L.enAer tn rnnnection with this loan, uuluss eppiic.bte law provida othenvise. Unless en egreement is mide or <br /> ---_— epplicabla Inw rcquinre intenst to d;paid,Lendur sLnll not bc rcquired ro pay Ilortower any intercat or eamings on tM1c Funds. _ <br /> �o.�,.s Qorrowcr nnA Lender may agrec in writing,hmr.evor,Ihut Interesl s6a11 be paid on Ihc Funds. Lendcr shrL give lo Bortower, <br />��'— without cAnrga, en ennuxl acmnn�ing of thc Flmde4 shnwinp crcdin end debiu lo�hc Funds and �hc purposc for which cach <br /> �°1=i?rF,� .��h�������q Flm�a wq5 mMn.Thn fh�siu flre olCduCd at addiiionai sCCU(IlY�Of alI 5Wn5 SeCUfCd by lllil SCCUiI{y If151Nmellt. . . <br /> If thu Nnds held by I.endur ezacd�he emounts pemiiu�d to he held by applicoble law, Lender shall amount�o Dorrower � -� <br /> y`:}y��. for the exeeu Nnds in.attordnnee with the requircmems of applicable law. If�he anwuN of the FurAs held by Lender ol eny '^-� <br /> - ° time is no�suRicient u>pay the F.scrow I�ems when due,Lender nvy so notify @orrower in wri�ing, szich case liorrowet ;�?'=�'- <br /> ' - shnll pay to l.cader U3e svount necessnry ro mnke up Oie deficiency. Oorroo�er shall m�ke up�he deficiency in no more than ''��A�� <br /> - -��' lwalve nwntt�ly paymens7,al lendur's sale discretion. �''�� � ".. <br /> t - �� },� Upou p.ryment in fulL of nll�sume secured by this Security Inswnxm, Lender shall prompUy cefund to Qorroo•er any i��^t�v � — <br /> --� x y:' Fbnds hcid by Lender.!E,under para6r�Ph 21.LenAcr shall acquire or sell Ihe Propeny,Lender,ptior to the acquisition or sale ;',.L} �--.- <br /> - ���".""' of Ihe P�openy,s6nll•apply-any Fundx heid bp Lender a�the�inK of nequisition or sale as o cr.dit against the snnu securcd by `;rt�:.-r:.'2. -�� <br /> �('�`�. <br /> :"— IhieSecuritylnqivmem. "` ' T � <br /> �,-� - 3.ApplteatWn oENiyuiente.Uniess upplicablc law provides o�henvise,ell paymems receired 6y Lender under paregraphs ,.'�; � �+f ' -. <br /> �n -�� 1 end 2 shnli be a licd:fitst,�o en re a nxm char es duc under�hc Note: second. to amoums able under are re h 4; --1�"'Fi�� '-_ <br /> PP Y D P Y B WY P S P . , � ,dr��� <br />-`_,+.�5/'1; thl�d,lu Itnurosl duc:(nurth,ta pdncipnl due:and las6 lo any late charges duc under lhc Notc. �,,��7�r,4�,.riY�,n:,;._ <br /> s � ��-�c.; iieoh.�orrower shnll pay all taea,acsesamems,charg�s, fines and impoxi�ions attribmable ro�he Propeny ^•']"t �Yi����; <br /> Mi, -`Y'l� which mny aunin pRnri.} ovcr lhia Security Inurumem. ar.d Icasehold p�ymems or ground rems, if any. Ilonower shull pay ��_}�'t� �� - <br /> 3`�' �hese oblipmfnna In the manner provided in pangrnph 2,or if nw paid in tha�nunner.6orrower slmll pay�hem on�inm dircctly _ �. <br /> ,4 ft� to�he pcebn a�vr.d pnymcnt.I3urrorccr shail promp�ly furnish to Lendcr all nntices of anmunte to Ik paid under�his parngmph. �-. %; � , <br /> If Qmro�ecr+imkee thuc payincnts direcUy.�orrwrer shall promp�ly lurnixh�u l.cndcr reccipts cvidencing Uic payments. _�; � � <br /> , { -'• Qamnw:r shnll prompdy discharge any lien�vhich hu priori�p aver 1hi.Securi�y Insvumem unles�Borwxrr.(n)agcees in ps,� ' <br /> , t� wri�iu0 ta ilm pnyment af the obligation secund by�hc lien in a manner aceeptabte to l.ender.(b) good faith�he lien f ' <br /> �• +'I <br /> by, ar defendo agoins� enforcenunt of the lien in. legal proreedings ��hich in tl�c I.enJer's opinion nperate lo prevent �he -- .� T di���. �._ <br /> ; enfnn:emem nf the licn:or(c1 seccrrs fmm tlie holder of�he licn nn agrcemem�a�i.factoq to LenJer suhnrdinaling�he lien m y ry"� <br />-�' � dilx Scemily Ine;mmcN. If l.cndcr detcrmincs Ihat any pan nl the Prnpen�� i.subject to a li.n x�hi.h may attain prinritc orcr ���;.:}^�,.i.. <br /> ��ti���-�' thic Samiry Imxivivcm. LcnJrr may gi�e Darraw�er:i nn�ice idemif�ing thc litn. Ikxroxcr ihall .:ni.f� Ihe licn ur lake nne or � s' .. <br /> �tr� mom of�LC sninns set forth aboce wi�hin 10 day.of�h:giring of no�ice- ' - ''Q -.. <br /> ' . „ <br /> -;��'- Fo�m 3018 9180 , <br />.`�. :.,f:r • . . . <br /> _..: .' G/Y]Jy l <br /> .'�Y.�s �.� - . . <br /> - . • .�.•�� . . . TF�:•:� • .. . . � . . <br /> " . . �)" � .. - . . . . . . " - ' ' • . . <br /> � " �� t iF" . � . .. .. . . _. . . . . . <br /> ) ' <br /> ;:r . �;. , <br /> . ,1 ,• : <br /> • . .. , <br /> �' . . _ , <br /> :. � ' , . , . <br /> 3 1. �� � <br /> ., ._ . .; . <br /> ' . . ,_ . ' � . , <br /> . . .' _ . .' . . fi� . . . <br /> . , <br /> .. : . . � . . � . .. . . �. 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