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!C!L"✓i .l_ . .c:''r'y�R�.� : .. .. �.. � �.G_ . <br /> ;��F,i.' �-__ — . _ y�YY 'i'�'1_' . `_ :f..�1 �_'- .'G.e...f_ - -_;' __.. .. <br /> . .�rs . . . ' ? ! . ' _ <br /> . � ; . .g3A i(�'�, , <br /> 1 Pa7n�enidPrfafipN,Interest�nd LNeChAtas Bortower�halt pny when due ihe prhx p�i IoP,�j��itlAreat on, . , <br /> thn debt evldenced by aw rao u�d I.w c�uYes duo wxlcr aa Now. , <br /> i. Mont6ly p�ymtnt�of 70x�a,I'rdunnca�nd Olhtr CSerea� Rortower sAbil Inciudp in each mpmlpg qymem <br /> toBn�wUh.thop�{ncipll�nd INettst a xt foi}A in tAe Nrte artd ony leto Instpllmsnt of my U)tuea u� <br /> sp�c�ni usestm4nfa Ievied or to Ix lavled egqlnst tho Property,(b)leauhoid peynxnu or ground rcnu on che Propeny,and — <br /> _ (c)pr<mtumrtorinRUrnnrerequladbyAvegrophA. <br /> 186ch q�dnihly (nnmlimoat for iieme U).(P) �(c)sAdl equal o��4�yAlllh:pf,tF�e annuil enwunu,n� rcuonah�y <br /> estimntal by l.endcr, pine an amount sufliCirnl lo malntaln an addiiiqnnt�bp6meo o£not mora �hen ono-sixih of tfa <br /> � estimAtad unounte. 'fTa PoIC appual amwnt far exh i[em ahall be accumnlqir,d by LenQa within e pedad ending one - -�� • -- <br /> � morth befae�n item Wa�ld betomn d��linqUem. l.ender shall ho1A Ihn emdunu collettEd in Intst lo pay Iteme(e),(b)and � -_ <br /> (c)6ofore�hey betome delinqucnt: <br /> _ ff pt my Nme�he toial of tLc paymente heid by LenAcr(or.iiemv(a),(b)end(c),toguhar with�he fuwro montM1ly <br /> paymenu Por such Items paynbie to Lender pdor-ro�ba dua datse of such i�ems, excecda by moro�han ono-sixth�he <br /> � atlmqtal emoum of paymcnt�rcyulrcd to ay suab.liGme wpen due,end it paymeme on tho No�c aro curten6�hen I.endu <br /> —A shetl elther rcPond the excess ovcr one•sixtR ot U�a eatlmntcd paymema or cndi�tho exccss ovcr one•sixtfi of the cstimatt4 <br />� �_�—�= p�yment�ro subsequent p�ymrnts hy!3oaotver,at if�u c�tfon of Surtavor. If�hc�oial ot Ilu.paymmtq nudt by Bortower - ���- -- -- <br /> fur Item(a),@),or(o)Is insu(ONem Io pay ihe hem when due,Omp,Qortosver sh�ll pay lo Lender any amoum nccessnry�o <br /> make up iha dcfiNenc9 on or beforc�hc duo tAo item becomcs dnn. <br /> A�used In thla Sewritg lnstrument,'Saretary"meonn�Aa Sccm�nry oE HouainB and Urban U:veloDment or hin or her <br /> dasignee. InanyywNnwhiahihoLendermust pay amnrtgagoinsurancepreminm.totheSCCretary.eachmonthlypaymrnt <br /> shall alao Inelude eiihar. (i)an inatallment of tlia annual monpnge inRUrance pn:mium �o be paid by LenAcr ro tho <br /> Secrctary,a(iq e monthly:chhrgo inRtrtad of e mongage insuranee p�emh�m 3f thia Secudry Insnument is held by�ha <br /> .__- Secrctary. Eech mon�hiy inetalDuentof,the mnttgagc rosmancc premimm�hnll ba in en emonnt sutficiem lo accumuluta�bn <br /> ' �"'- -`-��-� fuil annual mongage tnqurance prembtm with l.endcr ono momh ptwr to iAe date the full:annunl moegagc Insumnrc --... <br /> ---° premlum Is due to�he Secrclary;or if this Security InRtmment ts hnid by�he Secre�ary,each.mnNhly charge shn11 be in.nn. �...-- <br /> ' amwntequal toone•tweifth of one•haif percentof ihe autatandinp prbicip:J balance due on�he Note. � <br />:v...:=t.�� If Bortower Ienders to Lender the full p�yment eF ell sumx ucurcd by�hiy Secnrity Instmment,Borrower�ecwunb �y_.�. <br />-• - - shntl ba ekdited wi�h the balanee remaining for e1L inei�liments for items (a), (E)and(c)end any mongago insuranee <br /> —=�y� premfum inataliment�ha�Lender hu not 6ecoma o6itgated�o pay�o ihe Scerctary,end I.ender shall promptly rcNnd ony _ <br /> �—==a� excew Ponds to Oortower. Immediateiy pdor�o e forcelosurc salo of the Property or its acquisiAon by Lender,Bortower} __-____ <br /> � eccount sha116o crW ited wiN eny balancc mmaininp for all ins�allmeme for imme(a).@)xnd(c)• _. <br /> '��?+� 3. AQplkatloo aPPlqments. All paymenes undurP+vagraphs I enA 2 shnlLUr,npplied by Lender as toliuws: — � <br /> ' � F1R57'.ro the mnnIIuge msurance premium to 6e pnid by Lendcr w tho Sermmry or to ihc monthiy chnrpc by the �� .� -- <br /> � t,St Secrci Insteadvfll�emonthlymortpegeinxuranceprcmium: i;+^ _- <br /> ��h, '. gL�,�o any taxes,apecinl oss:�mems,latisehnld paymanre or ground rcnn,nnd firo,itood and other hnzard <br /> � �i_: �ruranccpremiumx.esrc�nired: ar P_. <br /> - � !C inewr�q Aun�n�[hr O:rct; _- .... . <br /> "� °�� �,to amorti�ation of�hc prinripul of thc Nom: � <br /> �����`?.-s�+, �,lo lete cher�os due under tLe No�e. �sF��� �.� <br /> -Y�:i <br />;;;.i;;;y,.,,s,k�::`tj _ 4, FYre,Flood rnd Olher Hazerd Insurance. Borcower shall insurc nll improvemen�s on�he Propeny,whefirr now .Y.�,`��_ <br /> ���•'• �t m existence or subs uently erteted,egainst eny hnzardv,casunhfes,nnd rnntingendes,including fire,!ot whi:h Lender ;�;.;u�,__ <br /> ty°��i ?1�� � L2qUIR'S1116Vfe11C0. �ils Insurance shnll 6o maiNained in�he emounet and Por�he periods tha�Lender requires. Oorrower •�-.,� _. <br /> -SY��.�� �� shall also inwrc ell improvemenu on the Propeny,�vheiher now in existenee or subseyuentty erccted,againc�loss by Floods '�� ._., <br />�';}�'r,(,�'�.rr','[d to ihe ex�ant n;quired by Ne Secretary. All msurnncc shall be carticd with comprntes npproved by Lender. 'Ihe insurance .hy�;..;_.,:,.- <br /> K/F4�J��; poiicies end eny rcne�vas shall be held 6y Lender ond xhall include loss paya6te clauses In favot of, and in a form ��nit s:- <br /> }k}�;�'�'�w4 acceptablcto.L.cnd.r. ` �. <br /> ��� !n lhe evenl of loss,9ovower shflll give Lender immcdiale noticc by mail. Lcnder may make proof of loss If not �fti�n`� <br /> � ���t,r; mado promptty by Bortawer. Cech incu�ance eompany eoncemed is M1ereby awhorized and direc�ed w make payment for � :<,�� �� <br />... „+�S�ri'�:t,� sucM1 loss dirce+ly to Lender,Inslead of�o Borrower and w Lend.r jointiy. All or nny p�n of�he insurance proceeds may be - -:�.:+�., _7..�_ <br /> �j�t - �� npplied by Lender,nt its option,either(n)to�6e reduc�ion of�he indebudness under ihe Note nnd this Securiry Insuument. }z}�+o- L-r� <br />';iJ�•,;f't:,���, first to eny delinquem aniouNS npplled In �hc order in Wragraph 3,and Nen to pmp.rynunt af privcipal,or (b) lo�hc �,J^ , _ .- r.': <br /> i_ - A .:- restorati�n ur mpav of ihe damaged propeny. Any npplicaiion o(the praceede w�he principal shall no�extend or postpone ++-`-:= � -,; <br /> -., i� :�-�,; th¢duo da�e of�he momhly payments wh�ch arc rcferted to in P.:ngraph 2,or change ihe umount of such paymenu. Any 1 -�^.` � ' - <br /> �-,t exceas insuranee prceeeds over an emount rcquircd io pny all amx�anding indebte ness under�he No�e end ihis Securit � "�- };'�� <br /> d Y �z � . <br /> ---�._= Insuummt shall M p�iA�n ihe emi�y Iegaliy emuled ih.rt�n. -' -. <br /> n - In�he event of forccbsnre ot Ihis Security In+tmment or mher transfer o(lide lu Ihe Propeny�ha�extingutshes the [�---� )� -i' <br /> . + -- '` IndebtWneu,ell ri h�,ti�le and imeres�of Qorrower in end io in+urance policics in force shnll pase io�he purchasee t�+hy'�� � :"- <br /> ..-[,.-.'_i#,� 5. Occupancy, Preservotioo, Mxintennnce nnd P�otection of Ihe Properly; Oorro�rer's Laan Appticnqon; �!?,✓,t;" -- <br /> }Tr' n� j! Leasehoids. 6ovower shall cecupy,csublish,nnd use the Propeny as fiorrowcrt principal rcsidence within sixtY days }��}�r}�, x•"-� <br />--••)c:.�;r?;�+.� nRer�he execution of t6is Securiry Insuvmeni and ahall continue ro accupy the Propeny as Dorto���erh principal rcndence �.l.�ll,;.�f;�„ <br /> � i �f Por el Ieast one year ufler the date of occupancy,unlacs Ihe Secn�ary dr�emiine.ihin requircment will cauu undue M1ardship ; : '' -'- <br /> iry S}��r <br /> _�- .., for Uortower, or unless ex�enuating circunisiances exizt which nrc heyond 6ortoo•erk comrol. Bortower shall mtify <br />.- `,}?.;,,_';. ;•'' . Lenden of nny extenuating circumsia�ues. �ortower shnll noi commi��vas�e or desuoy,damage ur subsiamially chonge `.%:��t;..` �-- <br /> r - �•�:, � �hc Ptoperty or allow the Rnpeny lo detcriora�e,rcasonable�rear and Icar czccp�cd. l.endcr may mspec��he Ropeny if the , <br /> Property ie vacant or abandoned or thc loan is in Acfault. Lcndcr muy iakc rca�onablc action to pmtcc�and preserve such - �'�_ <br /> �r _. vacam or abandoned Propeny. 6ortourr shall al.o be in defauli i(�ovo�rer,during�hc loan applicaiion proccu,gave <br /> maierialiy false or innccura�e infomia�ion or siatememc �o Lender (nr (ailed m provide Lender �vi�h my mmerial �', . <br /> infortnauon)im m�neclion with Ihc loan evidenced 6y�he Note, induding,bu�not limi�cd�o,represemaiiom conceming 1 �S; -- ., <br /> � - Qonowerl oceupancy of lh:Propeny n+a principai rcsidenee. If�his Securiry�In�wmem ix on a Ieasehold.Uorto�eer shall ?iY:S;=,• <br /> eomply wilh the pro�iiionc ohhe Icase. If Uorto��er ac.�uiru(ec Ii11r lo lhe Rnpc:ly.Ihe Ieasehold and fee tiUe shall not f s_.". � <br /> � be mcrged uNess LenCer agrxs lo Ihc mcrgcr in wriung. --�" <br /> ' 6. Charges l013orro�rer nnd Protectlon oi Lender'.s Rl�hu in Ihc Properl�. dortowtr sM1all pay alt goacmm.mal f,;: ' � <br />- ar municipa7 eharges,fines and imposi�ioro tha�arc not includ.d in P�ragraph 2. Uortox�cr shxll pay theu ubligalinn�on - <br /> time dircclly to�he entily whicli ic oard �he paymem. If(ailurt tn pay �rould adrenely a(fec� Lenderi imercst in Ihe _ . <br /> � Roperty,upon Lenderk rcyuesl Uoaower thall promptly(umi�h w Lender rc<tipt.evidencing(hese paymen6. - <br /> - -- � If Dortowcr(ailz to makc thesc papncNS or�Fc payntcros rcyuircd by Paragraph 2, or(ailt to pcdorm any othcr _ <br /> � �_.:_: .� covenants and agrcemenls conlained in lhis Security Inslrument,or Ihcre is a Icgal pmcceding�hat may signi�camly af(ecl � <br /> ��a__i.:_�...:.,a...o..........,r..�..�.., ..r....d����n hmkmm�e !nr rnndrmnaGnn nr m cn(nrcc la��'n nr rcculaliunsl. <br /> i _"-i.-.,- .. .y..........�....�._.y ."""'E�""'_'_�""" '_'"__,_. _ ___ .. _ <br /> �, ��. thcn Lender may do and pay o�ha�evcr is necasary io pm�ce��hc valuc of�he Rupcn�and Lcndcrl righis in Ihc Proprny, <br />`�x��'`.'��� inCluding paytncN of laxcs,ha�ard insufance:md olhcr i�cros mcnuuncd ir.Pamgr.�ph.. <br /> "O�-:��- My emoun�s disburscd by Lcndcr undcr�his Para�reph shall bccomc an addi�iunal deb�of Iiorto�eer and Ix sceund <br /> " � by�his Saurity InsWineN. Thcsc mioums shall bcar mtcrcst fmm the daec ot Ji>burscmem,at ihc Yutc rate,ond ut�hc - <br /> -:�..—';:`�!' oplion of I.ender,shall 6c immedialely due and paya6lc. . <br />. - - 7. Candemnallon. llie p�ocecds o(any awartt or claim(or d:unagcs,dirccl or conccyuentinl,im m�nttlion�vith any _ <br /> condemnntion or otl�er mkiug of any p:ut of the Fropeny,or(or mnvrpance in place uf condrnmatinn,an hereby asaignrd <br /> md ahall bc ptid m Lender w�he cxtcm o(thc tull umoum uf thc indcblcdnc�•�hal mmains mipaid w�Jcr the Notc and lhis <br /> (.�� "'���' Sccurily Inututncm. Lcndtt shall apply such procceds lo Ihc rcdnnion af lht indcbkdncss undcr Ihc Nutc and Ihis Sccurily - <br /> '-,r�. � Inswment, firsl lo any dclinqucm amounts applicJ in ihc ofdcr providcd in Paragraph 3, and tl�cn m prcpaymcnt o( _ . <br /> � principal. My application of tM1c prucceds �o �hc piincipal shall no� cxrcnJ or pos�ponr Ihc dur dalc of lhc monthly <br /> , 1- �,: : <br /> �..� :yq',�' . . <br /> -5 n.r` <br /> iNlr 1 n/�NCn� <br /> . '. . ___. ��_� '�-�____. . <br />