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���,t � :�. .. _ <br /> ��,��_ ...� :_ - <br /> . . <br /> � -��-----�--� <br /> '. �i -- -- ---- _. — ---- =_-_ <br /> ��t' � ,. � ..._.._ . --- _ _ .. . <br /> = m`���;.•`.�:.-�'�"_ .J �, J.V��.i.�i�� <br /> - = g .._. <br /> �, epplicabk Ipw may�ecify for minctatement)before a�le of the Property pursuwnt w any power of sak contained in thic <br /> -_- Socuriey Insaunxnt;or(b)antry of A Judgment enforcin�thls Security Inauvment. Those conditions are thet Borrower: (a) <br /> - = prya L.eader all sums whtch then would be due under this Security Inatrument and the Note as if no accelerat�on hAd <br />-___ - ectt�sml;{b)c���rs eny A!+f•ul�of any�wt�er covenant�or a�neement�:lc)paY�All expenses incurted in rnforcing lhio Secudry <br /> _ Inurument,including.but not limited to, rea�onable attorneys'feeR;end(d) takes such act�on as[.ender may rca�onably <br /> �`,�� roquiro to essurc that tha lien of thls Securlty Instrument,Lenderk rights in tha Property and eorrower�obliga.lon to puy tha <br /> ,__ -- - sums secured by thia Securiry Insdument ahull contlnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowcr, this 3ecurfty <br /> inspument and�fie obligations secwed heneby ehall remain fully effxtivo as if no accaleradon had accumd. However.thfa <br /> _ __� right w reinstate shall not apply in the case af accelerAtion under paragraph 17. <br />� 19. 3ab of Note;ChawQe ot l.oan 3ervker. The Note ar a pertial interest in thc Note(together with this Secudty <br /> - Inspumenty may be sold one or more times without prior nodce to Borcower. A eale may result in a change in the entiry <br /> -_ (known as the"Loan Sarvicer")that collects monthly payments due under the NotB and thls Secu�ity lnswment. There also <br /> - may be one or more changes of the[.oan Servicer unrclated to a sale of the Note. If there is a chenge of the Loan Servicer, <br /> - -- — Borrower will be given wrltten notice of the change in accardan�e with paragra�h 14 ahove and applicable law. The notice <br /> ----`.�1 wi11 stete the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice wlll <br /> __- �___---.,°��� also contutn eny other informadon required by app8cable law. <br /> y._.t'� ZII. Hwu►rdous Subatances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal.storAge,or release of any <br /> =-----:.:i Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bo�rower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the <br /> --'"`�?�'� Property tlwt is in violedon of any Environmenta!Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or <br /> � � etorage on the Property of small quentities of Haza�dous Substances that are generally recognized to be eppropdate to normal <br /> - °� �= re�idential uses and to mainrenence of the Property. <br /> -�=.� Bomower shall ptnmpdy give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand.lawsuit or other acdon by at�y <br /> govemmentel m regulaWry agency or private perty lnvalving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentel <br /> � _-- - --=-:� Law of which Horrower hos nctual knowledge. !f Borrower learns, or is natified by any govemmental or regulatory <br /> •�-�s:;�=;"' authodry.that any removal or other remedfadon af any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property ls necessery,Bomower <br /> ��`��� shall promptly take all necessery remedlal actions in accordance with Environmental <br /> '.e.���'�=::::.:�,, As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substancea"are those substences detined as toxic or hazazdous substances by <br /> _:�„�.a�:� ��:`'' Environmental Lsw and the following substences: gasaline, kerosene.olher flammable or toxic peaoleum products,toxic <br /> --- .x-,�: <br /> —�� °4;:._r � ,, pesticides and herbicides, volatile solventa.matedals containing asbestos or formeldehyde. and radioactive materials. As <br /> r.:_ ..c <br /> ���?• used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"menns federal laws and laws of the jurisdlction where Uie Property is lacated <br /> r,:, : �; <br /> --� �:;,.;.;- that relete to health,safety ar cnvlronmental protection. <br /> °''""���u�}�: NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> �-� - —� 21. AccekraUon; Re�medles. L.ender shall give notice to 8arrower p�for to uccelerution follo�ving Borrower'A <br /> _�-��;�";'';�"' breach ot any rnvenant or Agreement in thls Security Instrument Ibut not prior to acceleration under parAgraph 17 <br /> =t��y;: -,• ualess applk�We Ipw provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a)the dePault;(b)the actbn required to cure the <br /> __.�.:�,:.�_ defaulN,(c)a date,not less than 30 days from the date the noiice Is glven to Borrower,by which the defAUlt must be <br /> " --_;�T_�,��� �° cured;And ia)ihot iaiiarc to cure fhe dei�uli un ur beturc U�e dwte��iR�1 in ti�e iwtk�w�y resuit iii�ceierstfon ot <br />- °����'y the sums secured by this Seeurity lnstrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower oP <br /> --- � ..` � the right to reiostate after acceleration and the right to bring a court actlon to assert the non•existence of a default or <br /> - •�r� •�����+�.` � s�ny Mher defense of Borrower to acceleratbn and sale. If the defAUlt is not cured on or before the date speciQed in <br />-- „,, �� <br /> ",` :�' . the notice,l.ender At its opdan may require Immediate payment in full of all sums secured by lhis Security Instrument <br />_ ,�_�� '��. without further demand and may invoke the power of snle and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. <br /> �:.:L.a1:2fl�i.: <br />-- - �' •. , Lender slwll be entilled to collect all expenses Incurred in pursuing the remedies provWed in this perAQraph 21� <br /> � �� •� including,but not limited to,reASOnable attorneys'Pees and costa oP dtle evidence. <br /> �-`�`� '�"` lf the power of sale is invoked,7lrustee shall record a notice oP deiault in each county in which eny part of the <br />-�"�����-�;;�•^ Property Is located And shall maN copies oPsuch notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to <br />-"�_�� � the other persons prescribed by applicable Inw. Ailler the Hme required by applicable law.7lrustee shall give publlc <br /> ;w�.;��:x:�, <br /> �.:�.� ''" notice of s�le to the persons and In the manner prescribed by applicable law 'ilrustee,wilhout demond on Borrower, <br /> ��:.,' � � sholl sell the Property at public auction to ihe hlghest bidder At the time and place and under the terms deslgnated In <br /> -��=-�y��+%� the notice otsale in one or more urcels and in�n order 7Yustee determines. 71�ustee ma t ne sale otall or an <br /> -�����' ��°"� parcel oP!he Property by public ennouncement at the time And place oP Any previously�hedsule�d sale. Lender or ils <br /> -=�'��T' � � desl�nee mwy purchose the Property at any sAle. <br /> Upon recetpt of pAyment of the price bid,71�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveyinq the <br />"-""�' ' Property. The recitals in the'I�ustee's deed shall be prima iacie evidence oP lhe truth of the slateme�ets made therein. . <br /> �� •`' ~' . 71ru�tee aiwN Apply the proceeds oP the sale in the folbwing order: la►Io all costs and expenses oP exercising lhe power <br />-`=•�.��,�,C_I�,a�'.,.�>, ,;_•.: <br />--'.�.�._ � , °,;.,tV�.� <br />��j��.�,••= <br />.���.::��� _ , <br />.,p�T� Y <br /> _' � . <br /> '.�.i <br /> • � Form 30!!{ 9/9B IpuR�S n/'A/w�xrt! <br /> ." • ' .—.ihirYk:,r•':ti;�;:, :. ._.. . . .. .s,. ;y _.... ... - .r...T�.....+a•«wa.--�•-= <br /> .. � . ., . , . <br /> * <br /> , _ <br /> ,., . , .���•� � <br /> --- --- ------. <br /> � __ <br /> . u <br /> �� � � <br /> �� ,. <br /> . .. � <br /> . '� �4•t 'I.\ . .�� "� <br /> . ` �. <br /> . . . � . .T� . . . . .... _ _ _ _ _ .. .._`______ . _. _""_. .. ___ <br /> O �. <br /> Q 1 <br />