1) . ". av F - - " -Jl. — .
<br /> Z! -��r -v_y�iYfr� � - � �l _. ...
<br /> '. - . 'r�, :. � :
<br /> , w�—.--• _ t .. .._ _ _ . ' '._..__ _.� _ -- . - _ _ ..
<br /> � - �. . ...._ __— . _.
<br /> � _
<br /> �
<br /> ��� . . .
<br /> . -.Qarawr nrY rm wch e dMaW{ �nA utn�uU. �� provWW In p�nynPh ts,bY uv�Np Ih� �ctbn a procadA+�lo h+ " .
<br /> � 'd�mNNd wilh�nMiY iM?.N L�ndKY p0od hXh LHKmNlllon�GntludH fafelWr�ol Ih�BOrtowKq NlN�tl N�A�Ftp(+My a .
<br /> 91hK m1lMU fmpY�mmt of�h�kn aMUd Dy N4 &wAy InsWmMl a lK1A,M�pKUdty hlK„I. Bortrmu�hN oN0 W N .
<br /> — .- ' . d�p N 6aravw.duAn9,h�lo+�a.p{pFc�tbn proce3��WYa ri»ixYAY fNt+a h�aunu NlomwVon a Rut�mnN to lmev.!a '-. -
<br /> WW-lo pemkl�LmMr�h rnY rtwlxldln7ortMVon)N ecnnKWn xMh 1�� b+n MMnuC bY�h�Na�, IddudNp, 6ul.nof �
<br /> .. NNNd lo, r�pm�nYtlona conqmNp BortawW� oaup�nry ol th� i�opMy u �-phcpY ralMnu. H ihk 8�ci+riH —
<br /> -' N�Ywnml N a1-�1MNhoid,BprOwM ttMA eortprj wl�h d 1A�qovltlqm ol Ih� luf�. I� BortOwK uquYO�la Uile to Ih� W
<br /> _— � propMry,tM IniiAOld uid IN IN NN�hY nol mxp�udtts LMOM�ynn lo Ih�mrrp�r N wiN1nA• ,I� _
<br /> _— 7.Prot�ctfon of I.�nd�r'� RtyM�tn th�Prop�Ay.n eoaoxx lub to pMorm Ih�eownuib�nd�9rNnHnl� �
<br /> ' � conMNW N IhN&cuAry Inswmn6 a tAr�U�MpW proeMQny lMl m�Y uD'��ai'�„�LmdK�ryhl�N ih�WcpMy
<br /> - �aiv.:. (wM u�MocM6np In WnWuPiry,prob�te,lor cmdamillon a forkMUn o�to�ntaa ww�a rpuhibne).Ihm UnMr troY �
<br /> - -� - �--= do u�d pry la wMqvw b n�eaary lo qoted 1he va4�of Iha Properry mQ Lcndcfe tlqAt9 in Ihe Roperty. leeder'�ediona . � - -� ..-.... .
<br /> mry Ndud: Wytn9 �ny wm� ��axM tiy � fan wh!rh Ms D�N ovw tnb &curitY Inawmem� �pPamq B wun� WY„9
<br /> --��w-�' re�sm�bt��nomeys'Itof�nA�nt«In9 on the Propay la mAu repWe.Mhoug�lenda ray Uk��pbn under Ihb Fu�g�DA
<br /> 7,Lmda dom not Mv�to do w.
<br /> My uiwunle 676u�sed by lmdev under pv�gr�ph 7 ah�l beeome�d?rtiond debl oi 8ortown aewred by thi�S�a:r{ty w
<br /> *° `�' In,lrement. Unlne Bortowa�nd Undx�4rea lo olhn tcrtna ol p�ymenl,these amouma ehN Dear hlerest hom the Gle ol _
<br /> � -� - dubunement at Ihe Nole nle�nd ahd be p�ya6b,wNh Nlaoa6 upon ooliu Irom Lendn to Oortown requeslhg Wrnai6 =__
<br /> -_ - �:-`,� B. Mortgag� Insunnc�. 11 Lmda rcW4ed malgage hsuenee�s � eonANOn ol mokJnB iha Iwn sewred by thls - -�
<br /> Seat7ly InsW menl,Bortower aMl D+Y�a premWnn req,�YZd to maNtnN the mo�lg�ge Insvranw N elfcd.II,for�ny mson.ihe
<br /> � �-`(� matqa9e Nsuru�a wvanye requYed by LmAa I+psee a cense�to be In ettec6 Oortown ahaY pay lha p�mduma«quYed lo
<br /> � .�-. -}� oDHin corenge aubaUnl4y eQUNatml la tho mortg�ya hsuronw provious!/In eReU, �t a eosl aubstanllaTj equNalenl to the �,+,' :=.
<br /> ' ,.+---,Ji:�;, t041 !0 BOROWG! OI 1110 f11011Qi9! MISURnC! pICA0U6ly Y1 N(tt4 hOrtl �n�tlem�te mo�igt90 Nsurtt�DD�ovtd Cy LMdef. 11 v r,µ _.
<br />-;...��,��y��(a�_ � au651�nllay equMyml monqaye Nsurmca eovenqe is nol evaa�0le. Bortaxer ah�Y pry to lunEer ach moNh�aum equal to t_.'_
<br /> ' - ono-trrNM ot the Y�'mong�9e insuranee D��m beNg paid by Oortower whm t�e Inwranoe eovenqe lapaed or ewsed lo ��..•.';. _.
<br /> �i"= W In Mecl. La�der wi�axpt use end retah Uae D�N�mta m� loaa tesme In feu ol mwl9age hsu2nw. Los7 rcsrne .is'�r:�.
<br /> , �� paymmU mq no bn9a 6e reqalre0.at the oDGon ol lmda, U mongage Nwruica eorera90(m t�e pmount and for�ha D�od �;-.; - � ---�
<br /> thri lmda requYe�)provided 6y on Nsurer �DWa��6y LenCer�ga4� 6ewmea�va�b16 end U obtaned. Bortowe�aha0 Dry ': s -
<br /> ..-R.:�:'.�,��. �
<br /> ,,s., _, the C�+��s reQaYed lo ma;ni9ln mohg�go Insuhnce in elfecl,cr to proMde e loss resc+ve,unUl the requtremml lw moetgage _
<br /> ;"j,.-�-:"a'.,r',y�� inaunnce mda N necrordance wtlh my w�iRen ogeunenl6elvraen Bortower end Lendtt or ePDGCablo Ww. - ���� y�
<br /> -":����`;;.�;:��� 8.In!(l�ctl0n.lmdxr w Xa�gmt may make reasonebie mVies upon end InspeWone ol lhe Prope;ty. Lmder ahal gHe _ -'•i'+��
<br /> F � - �� Bonnwer no0ee el the Uma oi or qlor lo en InspeWon sD�N�^9�ossona4a wuse/or Iho HspeU�on. ', s�
<br /> 3�1 't,��•1 10. COnd�mnHlOn.The proceeda ol erry�ward or claim for damigax dvecl m consequmtul.In conneWon wiih�ny --
<br /> ;�f r t 4 � eonderm�6on a olha IeMng ol airy Da�t ol the PropMy.or fd eonvoyanco M fieu ol condzmneilon, ero htteby assigned�nd -11 t ` --.
<br /> ?t� i/�/�+'�� shJ be p+id to Lmder. - v) p�!''�
<br /> ./{I 4• -- 1 Y��tA� .!��--_
<br /> - s �:. In ih� wcnl 01 � toNl tYldng of the RoD�Y• �e proceeda shi'1 bo appGed to Ihe sums aewrod 6y thb SeaAy :: � 5 ad:�
<br /> Inswmml,whe:Aw ot not Ihm due,wilh eny excess pdd to Bortower. In Ihe e�en1 0l e partWl taWng ol tha Properly N whlch �,;�, ,��i>�^`*rry?s-�
<br /> � . � - . -} 2'.4�._
<br /> - - - - `�- ths IaY mukH wwe ol lhe Propetly ImmedL3lay be(ore Ne IaWng is equa!ta a B�eatcv Ihan ihe amounl ol ihe sume eecured �,._--
<br /> ' -- " l. w d mYLu� nLc. Rnnnwp and Lmdn oihmvise YUree N v(1fIN9. Ihe 6umf � -�S, i�"l .- '-
<br /> ti t�7s �i�j 6�:n:c�:t ::r�a:.., 6_�e lhe __.,. v. .—�
<br /> � }����i'�;� s2arcd by lhls Sewdty InsWmmt sha0 bo reduced by No amounl 01 Ihe praceeds munlOGed by IAo lo7wving IrccBon: (Q ihe -f �' 9j -- - -
<br /> y. to1n1 unount ol the suma sewmd Immedalcy balora the IaWng,dnided 6y @) lhe faM mukM raWa ol lhe Propery Immedutdy �� -��'9 �� }��� -
<br /> � _`
<br /> belore the Wkng.My belance eha7 bo pald lo Bortaver.ln Iho evenl ot a paNal WkMg ol lhe 7rope�y In which Ihe Mlr ma�kel . �� � :�if
<br /> - YaNe ol iha Flope�ry immeda!my belore Ihe IeMng q la5a Ihnn Ihe emounl ot lho eums aeared Immedatny belore Ihe takng. -• y� t
<br /> �-- �+ unlese Bortown anA lendct olhemise agreo N w`iGng a unfess eppliwble Ww olhe`wiso proddee. Iha proueds sha7 be ��� �E
<br /> ,, eppfied 101he sume aecured by 1Nt Seariry InsWment Wholher or nol Iha eums em Ihen duo. x j� _
<br /> ` ����' ��� tl Ne Propttry Is ebandoned by Oortower,or X, nfltt notice by Lendtt lo Bortowet Ihal tha condemnor oflHS lo mnke an Y
<br /> t � �wsrd or eellle � WM lor Camagea, Dortowtt la�s �o �espond to Lendtt wi1hN 30 daye afler tha dalo Ihe noUCe is givm. �
<br /> ' ' Lmdc�Is eulhodieA to wl!ect end eppy lho poceed�.el i�s opiton. etlha to reslo�e0on or repau ol tha PrapMy or to Ihe ,1 4_.
<br /> �I�r� auma aewred by lhb 3oariry Inslmment,whe�hn or not then due. a� �_
<br /> -���. Unlesa LenAtt end Oortowa ofhemiso agrce In �mting. eny aDP���Gon ol proueds to prinapal shoA not e�tmd or • : ;
<br /> � .: = poslpone Ihe duo tlate ol Iho momhly Daymenla relertod lo in pamgmphe 1 antl 2 or chenge tho emoant ol sueh DaymmU. :: � i�t :-
<br /> : •' 77. Borrower Not Heloaeed; Forbearance By Lender Not e Walver.e,nmsion oi�he nme lor vaymem or .-,; �,.,1 -,�.� :;
<br /> - e(�;,;' mo6AUlbn ol e:r.oPi•albn ol Iho sume sewrM by iht.Sxurin Instmmenl grenled 6y Lenda lo eny sueeessor in Nizresl ot - r � �._1f l�'�
<br />_ ,_y,i� :° BonowM sha7 nat opersla lo releaso Ihe�ubi�y ol lha oAg�nal Donower or�ortower'e successorn in tnleresl. lmder ahnll nol
<br /> :;S: ',,..! bo reQu4ed lo wmmmee proceMing� egainsl eny successor N Inlerosl or reNso lo odend lime for paymml or olhmviso `�«: .. ; !'' � ' ' '�:
<br /> ��- � moQ�y�monWUOn ol lha suma newred by Ih0 SeauAN�nsirumenl by reason ol eny tlmiand maAO by lhe odgNal Oortowtt or i '�t`�
<br /> �-��.''��` ` Oortowefe suaessore In Inittest. M lorbea�anco b Lendtt in ozerdsN an d At or reme0y shail not 6e a waker ol or '. c-� '�`
<br /> Y Y 9 Y 9 . �'. - +�:.::
<br />�_t._.����Ip;,��^ Ptedude Iho exerdso ol any dghl or remetly. ° �..jA.;j++�'_��T_�.'
<br /> ; ��� 12. Succosaora and Asaipns Bound; Jolnt end Saveral Llabllfly; Co•slgnera. Tne wvmema end ��
<br /> t�t�'t�:`� ` .
<br /> � .� , aqreemenls ol lhif 3ew�iry InsWment she11 bNd entl beneft the auecessou end essigns ol Lendtt end Borto�ver,sub�eU to Ihe f -
<br />_y�_::�,'�,�•-'�; provlslms ol pamyeph 17. Uortowct s aovenanis entl agreemenla shall bo�oinl end aereral. My Bortmver who co�s�gm Ihb •;���.
<br /> +�� ,5� ,�:� 6ecudry Inswmmt bul does nol exewlo ihe Nofo: (e)B co�slgnNg Ihie Sewriry InsWmenl ony Io morlgaqo.gronl end eonray _ . . � $-[���„ ,
<br /> - •�y�;,�y . Ilul Oortovrer's Nlttest in lhe Propttty unAer Ihe le�ms ol lhis Securiy InsWmcnl: @1 is mt pttsonaly obfigate0 to pay Ihe - _, - •�
<br /> 'fY:'�)}� � suma acwred by Ihla Sewriry Inswment; end(c) egrres tNl Lender end eny othar Bonower may egree ta alend,mod�ty. � : „
<br /> "'4�`�� _ lorbear or make eny eccommodetions wilh rega�d lo Ih¢Ierms ol this Security Inslmmml or I�e Nola wi�hout Ihat Bortowere �
<br /> `'... �i conSmL . �
<br /> . `-::-'"� 73. LOan Charg09. 11 Iho loan secmed 6y Ihb Securiy Instrument ia eubJecl lo a Ww which sets ma�dmum loan _ � .
<br /> ,_ ��� ehargee.end thal law U finaly Nleryreled so Ihal t�e Imxesf or ofher Iwn cha�qes coNCCled or lo bo co0eetetl in eonneNion I " .
<br /> �:'�;`; wAh tho loan exceM Iho pttMI1M limils,ihen: �e)any such loan eharge chall be reEueed 6y Iha emounl neceswry lo reEUw .
<br /> ' `�';i'<<, �ho tharpo lo �ho pmrvlted limil: and (b) anY sums a5cady coileeleA hom Bortowtt wnlch exceeded perm111ed fm�ls wW be ( •
<br /> `-1°S2:'{.'- ' :
<br /> reNntled�o Bortowec Lender may choose lo make Ihis�efun�hy reCacing I�o pdndpa� owetl under the Nole ae by makinq e
<br /> - '������ duect Daymmt lo Bortmrtt. II e �efuntl �educec prindpal. I�e redvaion�vi11 be IrealeC as e Dartal prcpaymml wnhoul any •
<br /> � - prepaymml ehar&e untler�hc Note. �
<br /> • - ;��,�_,- 74. NOtICBe. My nolice 1a �ortcwer provitled mr a this Securiry Inswmmt sha7�e 9�+rn Dy tl8nenn8 it or by ma2mg tl
<br /> by fi�A dasa mai unlesa appliceLle hw requ'ves use ol another meihod. ihe noGCC shal be tliecled lo l�n ProPCrry Address
<br /> ,=;���,- or eM olher eCtlress Bortower tlesignales by nolice lo lentler. My nol¢e lo lmtlM sha�l Ee grcm by fu¢I Uasf ma0 to
<br /> ' Lmdde etldresa stsled httcin or eny aher edd�ess lender designales �y nolice to Barta�rer. My nolice prodtled lor In Ihia
<br /> - ..D.....�...e....�a.na....Mn M.nn a rvnviAM N Ihh oarauaoh.
<br /> _—_ _ ....__-_ n__.r.�_._.__�_�_��_��_�����..��....��:....� _
<br />__'l� .... _ - ucu�nq mauumm�ana.w................�.....��..y.�...��_.._.._' _. __.__ ...._.. � _-! � _ •
<br /> " ' �`' � 76. Qoverning Lew; SOVO�abllity. Th7s Securiy Inawmenl sha�l be govemeE by IeGtta� iaw and �he law ol Iho
<br /> - �udsdUion N whlM tha ProDmY�3 IocalN. In Ihe ercnl Ihal eny proris�on or dause ol Ihis Sewriry InsWmm!ar lhe No�e
<br /> - eonlGNe xilh oppGfA61e�aw. wch conflid shaA noi e11x1 oiher prorisions ol this Securiry Instrumenl o�Ihe Nole which can be .
<br /> ' gNm etteq wdhout Ihe wniticEng proris�on. To 1MS entl Ue p�odslons oI Ihis SecuriN Inslrumenl anA Ihe Note ere dedared to
<br /> - - 6e srrnable.
<br /> '__i '.
<br /> ., 16. BO��OwOf�e CO�Iy.Uortower sha7 be gkm one eonlormed wpy ol lhe No�e enE ollhis Secunry Inswn+m�.
<br /> „ .' .
<br /> -'n •• Ft]tS.UAO p/Sl) vao<J o�5 _ •
<br /> . . ,
<br /> iW(Wl1 �
<br />