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S-/I;'F . ` � : : : f <br /> "-�—r"1--- . :�..--�---_..�.__•_' _ -°- - --:- - . . <br /> r ,'� . _ . .. • ; , . <br /> ,�A <br /> � �93- so�:�z�� <br /> 1, P� wt�t M Yrfxlp�l,feterEtl aad L�le CMif{e. Barowcr sha11 pey wtxn dua dx prfncipal o/,and imercst on, <br /> the deM ev�nced by Qro Nao uM lue cA'uQa duE uACkr�ho Note. <br /> 7�'MaN�iy�y nwra of Yhxe�,fawrante�nd 01her CMr�ef. Bortower nMll Include in tach momhlyyy p�ymOnr <br /> �ojnhtr wf�h tlq drioelpl uid Inuroad a Kt fath In Ua Nae�nd my Lw ch+rgoe,m Insidiment ot uiy ��uxei:r.� <br /> •peeW uKUmcnG bvkd or�o be Ievkd�jdns�da Propeny,(b)luxho;d piymenn a Qround rcnu on ihe AY,+� <br /> (o)premium9 fa In�bru�ca rcqutrcd Ay P+nynph 4. <br /> 6ach momhlY imuliment ta tumr(q.@)uW(c)ehdl equd one4welflh of tl�a mnwl �mounu,ar rcum�biy <br /> estimned by t.ender� plu� �n wnanl wfiicient to mdntain �n ddiUon+l b�iu�ce ot na moro thuf one•eix�h of�he <br /> - ° . ¢e�inulo0 antounu. 7Tw tull ormuxl amaunt tot cach Aem sAall be nceumideltA by l.ender whhln e perlod endln one - <br /> manh betoro�n Item wald 6ernme delinquem. Lender sh�ll twid tla xmanu collaied ln uust eo p�y item�G),@g and �_� � <br /> (c)before tlwy becortw dellnquent -�- <br /> Ii u my�ime tho tMOI ot�ho papmema held ty Lender Por itema(a),@)end(o),together whh�he futuro mo�thly <br /> paynxnts for such Items payable to l.ender pdor ro tho due detee of such luma,exceWs by moro ihan one•six�h the <br /> uqmiled unount of paymsnle requlted lo pay such itune when duo,end it pa,meme on thc Note oro curtent,�hen I.ender - <br /> shill eiQKr rofund tha exass over one•sixth of�he estimated paymmts or c�l the excess over onasixth of the es�imatt4 - <br /> - �� paymente to subsu�nent paymenn by Rortower,m�he op�lon of Bortower. If�he total of thc paymenn mado by Bortowel _ ._ <br /> � for;tcm(a),@),er(c)Is insu(�ieimt ro pay the Ilem when due,lhen Bortower shall pay to Lender any emoum necessary to <br /> mWco up Uw deticlency on pr betoro the data tho item becomea due. <br /> As used in�hls Sesurily Insuvmtnt,"Secrc�ary"mean�the Surctery ot Ilousing end Urban Dovelopment or his or her <br /> deslgnee. In any year In whicA the Lender must pay u mongaga insurence pixmlum to�he Secrc�ary,each monihly payment <br /> shell elso include elNer. (p an (nstallment of tho ennual mortgago insurence prcmtum to 6e pald by Lcnder lo �ho _-_ <br /> Secretary,or(ip a mon�hly chazge ins�wd of e mortgaga Insumnce premium H thls Securi�y Insimment ia heid by the = <br /> -� � Secretary. 6ech monthly installment of iho mortgege fnsumnw prcmlum shall bo in en emount sufficient to eceumuiate tM <br /> -�- -- - �� --- full nnnunl motlgage�osnrence prcmtum with Lender ono momh pdor lo�he date the fuil annual mortgege Insurance . <br /> -- prcmium b duo to tho Surctery;or if�hie Seeudty Instmment is M1eld by the Secrctary,wch momhly charge shall be in an `_` ' �- -- <br /> amount equ�]�o onatwelRh of ono-haif percent of the ouutandinp principal Wlance due on the Note. — <br /> -_:ma�-�y� If�oROwer tenders a Lender the full payment ot nll sums securcd by�hb Secudry Instrument,Bortowerk account e„__. <br /> �`- shell be crcdited with the balance rem�ining for eli installmema for items(e),(b)end(c)nnd eny mortgage insurance �H�;;�� <br /> pnmium Insrellment�hat Lender has not become obGgated to pay ro tho Secretary,end I.ender shall promplly eetund eny �- <br /> s__�.� oxcess funds to Rorrowec [mmediately pdor ro n forcciosure sale of tho Propeny or its acquisiilon by Lenda.Borcowerk �.w _ <br /> .-��� eccount shall be eredi�eA with xny balxna rcmaining for ell ins�allments for Iteme(a),(b)end(c)• �= _,. <br /> -- ,�� 3��.��AppIlwtlon of Pnymenta Ail paymems undcr Paregrephs 1 and 2 shall bo applicd by Lender ns foltuws: q�� . - <br /> v FtIRST,to the mongage insumnce premium to bo paid by I.endcr to Iho Saretary or to U�e monthly eharge by the _ _ <br /> -�� S�e�c�tt��ta�r�insteadofihemwnhlymongageinsuranceprcmium; ?�'�•�•*��° <br /> F.,S� . !�F�to nny tezes,special nsseumenu,Iwsehold paymems or ground rcnts,nnd firc,flood and o�her hazard R�.��_ <br /> � sY�� <br /> , insurence rcmium�,esrcq ulrcd: <br /> '" s��r� TlIIBp,to intcics�duo undcr�hc Noie; �� -- <br /> �� FO1fRI'H,to nmonizetlon of ihe pnncipai oi�hc rio�c: -- -`°'� "°� <br /> �ts�"� N <br /> ,.���� j+�,@pj,to leto charges dua under ihe otc. ,�i>J� ,�:'.-. <br /> ._{,)� 4. Firq Flood and Olher 1lazard Insurance. Qortowcr shall insure ell improvcmema on the Propeny,whclhcr now ., r .:.— <br /> � in exis�enw or wbsequcnti erated,ngainst xn hazuds.casualtles,nnd mntingencica, including fire,for�vhich Lender . <br /> �:,ti�� rcquirea inmrencc. 71ds insurance shall bo mainieined in the emoums nnd for�he periods�ha�Lendcr requires. portower �1� , g�;_ <br /> �� ,� shall elso insuro el l improvemenls on the Propeny,whether now In existence or subsequently erteted,nga�nat loss by�oods ;� r,° . <br /> - , - r w the oxtrnt rcqulrcd y the Saretnry. All insuru�ce shall be certicd with com :mies np roved b Lender. 71ic insmance �� f�i�hf k4(�:_ <br /> .. d;;..' b P P Y a�s A°��/ r;�:� <br /> '�:jy.:�.,�t_, policies ond eny rcnewels shall be hdd by Lender nnd shnll Include Iose payable clouses in favor of, and In e fomi ;;.�;,.,_,u�;,:;,�;:� <br /> , � y- ncceptablelo,Lendea }; �p'� `���- <br /> � i In the even�of loss,Bortower shall givc Lender Immediatc no�icc 6y mail. Lender m:ry makc proof of loss if na . j nf7!]i_ <br /> r ��-; made promftly by Dorrower. P.nch insurance comp�np concemed is hereby authodud�td Airctted�o make paymem for 'f 'S��`i_ <br /> - -�+1 r � such loss dircnly lo Lender,Ins�ead of�o Bortmver nnd to Lender jnimiy. All or any pan of�he insurance proceeds may be '4 , ��H1) _- - <br /> ' 'y����� eppiled by Lender,a�I�s op�ion,ciihm(a)ro the rednc�ion of�he indebtedncss under ihe No�e nnd�his Security Insuument, j �-� }} �� ,_�.••� <br /> ^-:'!�;��lt��;�; Orsi to nn delin ucnt nmounta e Iied In thc order in Para a h 3, nnd �hen w n � ment of nnci al,or @)�o thc ,3.j?::, .-. <br /> , Y � PP F� P P 'P•Y P� P f�+i-!'�. <br /> -�-�F+! rcswretlon or repa r of�he dmm�ged propeny. Any applicntion of the proceeds to�he principal shnll no�extend or posipone *:�? � ; • <br /> 'Y' " �ho due daie of the monthly paymems�vhicl�nrc refened m in Poregiaph 2,or chnnge�he nmonn�o(such paymeNS. My k°°; �� �� -� .-� <br /> ., . <br /> excess Insurnnce procceAs over an nmount rcqulrcd to pay all outs�anding mdeb�edneac under�he Note nnd�hia Saurity ' -. } )�y-�,>n-, <br /> Insemmcnt shall be paid�o the en0�y Iegally cmitled therc�o. !� 3 "��,��=• , ' <br /> -� : ' In Ihe event of foreclosurc of Ih�s Sceuri�y Inswmem or oihcr tnns(er oi IiQe m�he Propcny that exlinguiehes lhe rr,, - - _ <br /> ?�,,,,,_,,.,,-�. Indebicdncss,ell righ6 iide nnd imeresi of 8arro�vcr in nnd to hisumncc polici.s in force shall pux w the purehasct. -,,�„y�;�fi,_��j;-.:. <br /> f�,.,�< 5. Omupnncy, Prescrvatlon, lfainlenence nnd Profecilon of the P�operfy: 6orrower's Lonn Applicatlont .- �ft�'�s'.�,.-; <br /> `" l.enseholds. 6onower shnll occupy,esiablish,nnd use ihc Pmpeny as DoROx�erk pnncipal residence within sixtY days � .�_ ��tt�.k�t.; _ <br /> ' � -i•i aller the execmion of�his Securi�y Inswment and shall cominue ta accapy�M Propeny as f3onower�principal rcstdence ,-. �a�'�ys$,g,f•. <br /> '� - tor et Ieast one ear nNer�he da�e of occu anc unless�he Secm�a de�emiine.�his rc�wrcment wi11 cause undue hardshi <br /> - •.,Skf�'� for portower, or unless ezicnun�ing ci�cumsiances exist which are bcyond Bortoo�crk conuol. Oortower shall no�ify _ _ �X�; _-� <br />-_�+.'i5;;,iSj'�i l.enders of any ex�enua�ing circums�ancec. porto���er shall no�commi� wac�c or desvoy,d:�mnFe or substamially change ,`.'_;�':+-::.".S�Qi,,�`y°.}. <br /> �;,�"�r- �hc Propcny or allow ihe Propcny m de�eriara�c.rcasonable u�car and iear exccpicd. Lendcr may mspca tice Propcny if the ^'+_,se.?�;�%;,p'.d, <br /> Propeny is vecem or alundoned or Ihe loan is in defaul�. Lender may mke rcaconaAle ac�ian to protca and preserve such :-���%;}iS' <br /> � - '� vacanl or ebandoned Prop.rly. Dorto��rer shull also be in defauh if dnrto�rer,during Ihe Imn applicnlion pracss,gave - <br /> ^,�,s�.��`�;� m�lcrially falu or inaccuram in(onnation or cia�cmcros m Lcndcr (or failM �o providt Lcnder �vi�h nny matcrial -'}�.: � _ <br /> i,�:; �� infomiauonJ in conneaion wi�h �he loan cvidenced by�he No�e.incluJing,bm no� limited to.rcpresenta�ions conccming 2- - <br /> . :--�;'� �orrower�oceupancy of Ihe Roperly as a Principal residence. I(�his Securily Inslrumen�i.on a leaeehold.6ortoxer shall - <br /> � comply�vith the provisions of the leate. It �onow�er acquire.(ee�itle�o�he Ro�xn��,the irxcehold and ftt lille xhall nol <br /> � "- be merged unleas LenJer agttes Io Ihe mcrger in�vriting. .. -. . <br />- -- 6. Chnrges to l3orruxer ond Prolecllon of I,cnder's Righls in the Praperly. Uurtouer.hall pay ali goremmenlal - <br /> �;? or munieipal charges,fines and impnsitions Ihat are not included in P,iragraph 2. Bortmcer.hall p.ry obligalione on <br /> '" time direcdy to�he emiq• ahich is o�rrd Ihe paymenl. If(ailurc m pa���could adrenely af(ecl Lender� imercsl in Ihe � <br /> � Propeny,upon Lenderk rcquesl Uorto��rr shall promptly fumieh w LenJer receip��eridencing�hexe pa��menls. <br /> tf Oono�rcr fxils �o make �hete paymcm.or the pay�nums rcymrcJ by f'aragr�ph 2,or (ailc m perform any oihcr _ <br /> �' - eorenan�s ond agreemems comained in Ihis Stturily Inslmmenl.or ihem i.a Iegal proceeding Ihat may signifc.mlly afkct <br /> �� � - Lcndcr4 rightx in Ihc Ptop:ny(such:u a procccding in bankmpmy,for condcmnalion or lu enfurcc la�cs or rcgulauons]. <br /> . .. . - <br /> " __�.__ . . . . _ �—_�"' . <br /> -^�� °- �: then Lcnder may do and pay�vhatevcr is ncccesaq�Io pmtea nce raluC oi me Yropcny and i.cndcrt nguu m mc rmprny. - -- - <br /> including paymem of�axes,haLird insur.vice:md other ilem•meNianed in Paragraph 2. <br /> ' Any antoun�s disburscd by Lcndcr undcr�his Pam�raph ahall lxromc:m addilional deM of Dorro�rcr and l+c xcurtd . <br /> s � :,. by this Securiry InswmeN. Tliese amounts shall bear uucrcu(rom�he daie of disbursemcm.:n�he Notc ra�e,and at �t^ . - <br /> op�ion of Lender,shall bc immediatcly duc und pa�ablc. � <br /> - - - 7. ConQemnaUon. The proceeds o(any awarel w ciaim fur Jamagea,dirccl or wnneclion�ri�h any . � <br /> ' �� rnndCmnaliun or other laking of eny pan of Ihe Ropehy,or(or convey:mce in place uf condemna�ion,arc hrreby a�aigned � <br />,:`P:��I'�.2,�m ; and shall be paid to Lender�a�hc calem of�h:full mnoum of�he indebudnnc�ha�mmains unpaid under thc Nmc and�his � - � <br />- SauHty InsWment. Lender shail epply such p�oceeds�o the rcduction of lhe indebtcdnes under�he No1e;md Ihix Securiry <br /> InsWmcnl, firsl lo eny dclinquent nmounts applied in Ihe order pruvided in Nangraph 3, and then to pmpaymcnt of <br />� prineipal. Any application of�hc pracccds �o �hc principal shali not cxlcnd or pnslFronc Ihc duc date o(Ihc momhly . • <br /> �� <br /> . �wsrT���/vxor � - <br /> _ �. <br /> _ �-1.::�:_ - . <br /> . . •�::!.� „ . <br /> _ <br /> . __ -- ."_.__._ <br />