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<br /> $3- 1Q`71�.�
<br /> !; 1{�psd ov Properly Inwr�nct� Barrnwer ehali kcep iho Improvement� now oxls �Tg or he�wlter era� on tlw
<br /> �ropeny Insural o�nlnel lo»Dy firo, Ituard�IueludcA wlihin�ho tcrm 'exlendM covcrago'end uny oq�cr harard�, Including
<br /> t�na��u ncmai��¢,r��r wnitn�.c�x+c�rc�ui«s i�i��rmca T61�Insuranco e6a11 bo malmohxA in�ho nnwume and tor tho periade
<br /> �hat I.ender riqiUrce,TVio hunroixn cnrrier ptnviding tho Inwmnce nhall bu chasen by tlorrowct subJa�tn I.enJer'e approval �-
<br /> whlch n6n11 not Iw unremm�el�ly wltlihchL If IMrrnwet fnlis lo nmlNnin cv�verage deacribed nbnve, I.ender may, nt t.ender's
<br /> oMlpn,obtnln covcmgtl In pmiccl I.enAer'e rig6ie In�ho Pwpeny In nccordanca with pnmgmph 7. _
<br /> All Insuranco pollcha nnd renownl�s6n11 bo occcproblo In I.cndcr nnA shall Includo n slnnAnrd nwrlgaga clnuse. I.endet _ -
<br /> shnll hnvo tlio dght to hatd tho policic�nnd rcnewn�e. If I.ender r�idroa,Oorrowar shall promptly givo m I.endcr ull rcccipte of
<br /> ` ' p�id preminma nnd renowal notic�s.In tlio evenl of loss,Qorto�ver shall glve prampt nnticc to tl�c Insur�nce carder and I.ender. _ - ---
<br /> Lender n4iy nwko pra�f of lou If not modo promptly by Borrowcr.
<br /> Untcss Lcnder ond Horrovrcr oiherwiso abrca in w�d�ing,insumnm procecde shall Ix epplled to res�om�lon or repa(r of ihe -
<br /> Propeny dan�gcd,If tho restoroUon or rcpair is economlcaliy teasiblo nnd I.endcrY cccudty b not lascned.It�ho rcstoreUon or
<br /> — repalr i�not economicnlly lexsi6lo or Lender'e saurity would be tessened, tho Insuronce proceeds shall Ua upplled tu�he sum�
<br /> secured by Ihls Secudty Inslnmicn�. wheiher or nm then duo, whh nny axcese paid ta Dortower. If 6orrower abandone �ho —..�-
<br /> . ��- Pro{xny, or does not uiu�ver wfihin 30 deys e notice from I.ender�ha�tLe insunnce carcier l�a+oftered lo sGpe e clnim,then -- - -�
<br /> Le�dtt nuiy collat tho Imamnce proccods. Lender mny uso tho proceeda to rcpair or resiore the Property or to pay suma
<br /> secured by tNS Security Inswment,whether or not�hen dua Tho 30•dny pedod�vill begin when�ho no�irn Is given.
<br /> Unless i.endar�.�! Borrower othenvim ngree in writlng, any .pplication of proceede to principal sltell not excend or
<br /> postpom the dae d3:e ot the momhly paymems rcfernd to in paragraptu 1 and 2 or chango�he amour,�of tho paymen�s. If
<br /> under pamgr�ph 21�ho P�openy ie acqufred hy I.ender,tTortmrer's right m nny incurance poHciu and p�om*ds result0�g from
<br />. _ _. damage a the Proprty prior to tha xcquisition shall pacs to Lender ro the eatent of tRe sums xcurtd Ey this Security Instrumint
<br /> -_ immediatcly prior w�ho eiquisition.
<br /> �;_� 6.Oceapancy,Prtservetion,Malntenanm wnd ProteMim ottAe Properiy:Borrox�er's Loan AppLkntloni LeaxAolds.
<br />„=-;�5?r��s� Ifortower shall oceupy,establish,end use�Ae Propeny az l3orrower's principal r.�sidence within sixty days nIler the execulion o( �_
<br /> _ this Sttud�y Inswmen+.and shaU mntinue m occupy ibe Propen�•xc IIorroirer's principal residenee for nt:�,ui one ye�r{�nqt . ,
<br /> r 7�s'� �he dsle of occupam.y, unlesa Le�edcr oi}�ernise egrees In wri�ing,which wnsen�ahall noI be unreuonably wuhh�id,�or un1lss - - -
<br /> ;;�rie� ex�enuating dreumvences ads� �chich are beyond Oorroo'er'x a�nttol. Qormwer shall not dutroy, damage or Impatr ihe _ -
<br /> °��'�i`?�4�� Propcny, oll�w the Proprny to d:uriorate,or commit wesm on iha Property. Bortawer shall be in default If any fotfeitnm -
<br /> ,_,;��� ectlon ar proceed(ng, ��9:ciher civil or cdminal, (s begun�hat In l.eoder's good f�iih judgmem coutd raaU in torfcl�urz qP-lhe -
<br /> -;f;����� 1`toperly ot al6erwise mztrrially impri�the lien crealed by Ihis Security Instrument or Ler.der'a securiry Imerrst.DOnowulnnp
<br />--�J,��+`t��¢� w:e 6e:h n Ztteult end reinseate,az}+:o�ited in paragraph I8.6g ca�isfng�he ac�lon or procerdiag lo be dismis!ed ailh e rv]inF -
<br /> .,�,�.°.,,� �� ibrR,�in 9.enf�r'e gad taith d.tcrminatioa,prccludcs (otkitt�rr of t}a 6orrowroi s in[er�s*, in thx v^m�rny oi other mnterial _
<br /> ,� j�",'� im�aiancnt of lha lirn erea:N Dy enis sxcriq usaebm:at or i,endei s securiry icv.u�s+. c3a:ru�vu s.aii nisn aa in deinui� iP "°" ��-�-�--��-
<br /> �' ''"F� Qortower, during Ihe loan epplfwtfon proccss,gse ana:rria:t� fntse oi in3xur,r.r d�tomia�ion or ra�ertkms�o i,ender(or lailcd
<br /> ;:-;a<1���}f:a
<br />�-,,,5:�,���tk_ to provide Lender wlih nny mnledal Information) im m�nec�lon��i�h th lu-rs evidmced 6y the No�e, including,bm uot Ifmited
<br /> .-�i'•iif�?5��.,°.. lo,reprcsemetlone mnceming Dorrawer'a occupancy of ihe Propeny as a principal residenca I(Ihis Securl�y Instmment is on e
<br /> - r-4���"`- Icasehold, I3orto�ver shall comply with oll tho provisions of U�c Icuc. If Rorro�vcr ecqufres fec Ii�lc ro thc Propeny, tho
<br /> -.,;-'�. ;.� :
<br /> ;;ai�t�{;�-,', Icasehold and tho fa�i�lc shall not mcrge unicss Lendcr egrccs m ihc mcrger In wming. `_
<br /> r�..�; 9.Prolcetlon of l.ender'x Rlghla In lhe P�operty.If Uorrowcr lails�o perlom�the covcnams end egrcemems rnntained In .�__
<br /> 4��r� �hls Securiry lasltunxnt,or�hcm i�n Icgal proceeding�6ai ntay signiflcantly uf(tti Lender's righle In lhc Property(such es a -�;;-�.-- -�
<br /> --° praceMing In bankruptcy,proba�c, for mndemna�lon nr fodeimre or to enforce laws or resul:dions),�hcn Lender may do¢nd >5,:�>='--�t
<br /> r-,' � pay for whetever is necessary ta protec� ihc raluc af the Propcny and I.ender's rights in Ihe Propeny. Lender's ecttom may -�-;= _
<br /> ���-(�� ., include payfng nny suns sccurcd hy n Ilcn which hax prloriiy nvcr tlds Stturi�y Instrunxm, nppeadng In mun, paying -S�i� s r .-,-;_
<br /> Yf' ` rcawnablo nitomcyx fecs and en�cring on�he Proµny lo make rcpairs. Although Lendcr may Wkc aclion undcr this paragmph _4� tt �i�� ._
<br /> t �t�. 7.Lender docs noi havo to do u�. � , � i '�_
<br /> ` ++', An emoums dis6urscd b Lender under �his ru r� h 7 shall bccomc edditional deb� of Oortower sccurcd 6 Ihis � �'�'�
<br /> Y Y W 8 P Y -i'( � S , �. .
<br /> ' ' Security Inswmeni. Unlas Dorro�ser and Lender egree m oiher temic of paynum.�hese amounu shall bear intercs�trom ihe i?iJ$ 4,�gt "�•'--
<br /> h -.:q date o(disbursenxm m �he Nou m�e emi shali bc pay�ibk. ai�L imcre�t, up,n no�ice from I.:rier io Qorrox�cr rrquesting --'°"a�L ,t,'�.
<br /> "1 paymem. - ; S ,�''' , ;::
<br /> ? •' ' 8.111ortqage Insu�enee. If Lender required nwngage imuranee ac a ca�uli�inn of maAing�he loan ucurcd by�his Securi�y j�_,, :?�, r_;�.-:�-
<br /> r ���� Insuunxnt, Dormunr shall p�y ihe prcmiunu required to nuimain �he mongage insurnncc in effce�. If, for any rcason. �he ' � � - �
<br /> �
<br /> �t % mongage insurnnce mverage aquired by l.ender lapses or ccvus m be in effec6 6nrro�cer shail pay �he premiums requiral ro � - }}rFfs�s .�• --
<br /> « ' obmin rnverage subs�amially equivalem m the mongaSe inmra�c previausly in cfket, ai n co.t subuamially cquivalent to�he i�yS " '
<br />-•��;;;,;;;;!�.�� ms� io Qorrower of�he RArtgage imurance previnusly in effect, fmm un alternai. mongage incurer approred hy Lender. If ;:,�!e"�-:-`-i1�:-'•��
<br />� '�����i?�5�'�%°���� substamially cquiralrnt mongaEc insurancc mv.ragc is nut availablc. Dorrn�rcr 5hall pa��to I.ei�f.r cach month a sum cqual to .:•,i�:}-•:':.-'� .
<br /> r�� S}; < onc•rnelhh of Ihe y�carly mongagc in+urancc prcinimn bcing paiJ hy &xro�rcr uhen�hc inmranac a�vcragc IaperJ or cea.ed to �{�' _:.
<br /> ..i ill%;.`�'• be in cffect.Lendenvill attrpe.use anA rc�ain ihex psymenn ac a he. rncrre in lieu of mm�g:�gr inwnnce. lusc rcccrve . _ y�p...� :...
<br /> t� „i ::
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