�� � . �`���;:� � _:._. .� :
<br /> r � vy._ ry:., t ' i]1. a n _
<br /> ( �, �_,=.T,�._.-... }—�-+aii.�_ o . : t •� , r . . ._ . _ . -�.��—cr--,�—
<br /> ...��ti � . � - . , r -
<br /> --- FIi1E,CA8UALTY,ANDQTHEHtMSURANCE.Tpk�apeuchpiop�tlylneured�pdnYtloaorJ�mlye�rHr��ndclhn�, °,
<br /> rfHc a r 4We oplqfpR,of.9�nCNG«ry Nf?uld W�nNUAd�9dp�t,uqdx polkN�bl lnwrpna wNh 14K
<br /> pxy�bl�M e Inlomi,qmai�ntendcomppnlN�eep�pN1oB�nuficllr�I.8nldpollclM�h�i1MdNW�rrdtqand , .
<br /> f Inlnp4ftMNop018�eflCie�y�llUrlhenOCUtNylwlMhNhlulpiAo!!AMCROI1h�s�0�lkrqon�,whlChdNlv�' i1VM4 �
<br /> --�" �HNyN m utynm�n�by.Tru/fo►to B�IIgI�ry ol�11 riphq 1Mrwnd}6lnolqdiny�II r�lurn pnrit�umr to dN va 10 ,;.
<br /> - _ B�npNoNlryppo�syapolioiasien�vinporext�ndln¢lnyexp�rin8�n�l�nawiih.:rocNpl�howlnyprKnlulinp�W�t
<br /> __ - IM�t thir,ty l34)dqe Geio�e�xdirellpn.If Tru�tor la h to�o d�I Yit�ny f�ntw�i popclN,�naBGl�ry m�y prxuro weh ... ..
<br /> _ _�.��:mav„ inxu�ance�eitmsyNeol��dmqymekopaymento�prem(ufnethereon.whlchp'symenpuepey9MsqnNm�nd.NNthn
<br /> ----=-� Try,�uenorBMNfolqy�hNlbsrotpon�IblNoroDwininpamainlalninp.wcbinwrpna�.&n•Iiclery,IromfimetoHrrw,�
<br /> _�,�`-.;
<br /> �syfurnlelttoeny Inaur4nceppanayorcompeny,orenyothsrpereon,�nylniormetlonconplMdlnor�xh�cNdkom�ny
<br /> - : �_, IncurencepoltoylheiototoredeiivoredtoBaoeltolarypurcuanthoreiv,andanylntormntlon�ncemfngipelcAqeeoui�d � - .___----
<br /> hx�Dy.ln no evsnt and whePoer or aof deleult herounAer hs�x6urrW�hall 8�neflciery,Dy tha Gct of ryprovfnp, �
<br /> -_��-�'��B eccepHnporoblalninp�uehlneurenee,lnuurenyllebilitylortheamouMOteuabin6urana,tlt�lormorlep�IwMi�NnpyM
<br />��=�.��:�➢. � in9urance contracM�poivency of ineurero,orpaymenl of loaue by Inaur6r6 And Truator he�6py 0xproetlyedturylM fuli
<br /> - �:W,�i� .�_
<br /> ;�:;rr,,��;, p� responslEnlryfharqfareandnnbnity,Itany,thereunder.IMheeventofloae,Truetorshallglvelmmedlatewrittennotice
<br />,;..-;:• . .-.-• Bepsfiolery,pnd8lnefldleryMey,butfenotobllgatedto,mAkeproolo}IOSSIInotmadspromptlybyTrustoClriceeeotMny
<br /> - • ` '_ � Iosatheam�untcoilactedunderenypolioyolinanranceoneuchpropertymay,attheopllonoltheQeneNCtary,MSppliid
<br />-;::`C� ��:'- by8enaflRiqryuponany�nAebtednassenti/orobligatien�ecuredherebyandinauchorderdndsmounteeBenNiciaryrrNy -
<br /> 5;,;���;;f,+,'�;;, determine;or eaid emnunt or eny portion thereof may,at the opllon of fhe Beneficiary,eifher be used In repladny ar
<br />,t.,.
<br />},,• .>.• � •'•- reatorinplhelmprovemonUlp�rtlaltyortotaily destroyodtoacondiqoneatielactorytoeaidBenqiiRiary.oreaidamountor
<br /> _•�" " �`j�'.;� any porUOn thereot m1y�Ge relea�od to tha Trustor.In any such event noiihe�tho Truetee nor iha Benefioiflry Mell:be
<br /> ' (tA[Y1��_.
<br />` .,=• ; , oblipatedtoseetotbeprOAQreppliaution�hereot,norehalltheamountsorelaesedorusedbedeamedepaymentqnpny •
<br /> ?-�;��+it�n�`'�� ' IndebtednesesecurAdhereby.Sucheppllcation,usennd/orreleaseehelinotcureorwaiveanydefaultornotice0ldefqult � -
<br /> �}?;.'�`._,;,r;; hereunder ot Invelidate eny ect done Vureuant to such nol[ce.Any unexpired Insurance end ell relumable Inaurnnce
<br /> '��"' pramiumsshaii(nauretothebene6to},endpassto.the0urchas°rolthepropertycwmedtharobyatenyTrustea'aealeheld � - -
<br />-i,�,:¢j;�;��.%1� harounCai.B6aldprOporty189oldpureueMtotha�oworofsatecontainedherainorpurcuanitoenydecreeolforeclosure,
<br /> ��;:-��.,. :, elltlght,fi110andlnterestofTruatorinendtotheproceeESOTtlreandotherfnSUrancepollcleslordumageDriortolhesdt9,
<br /> , � -, whlchproceodserenotreceivadpriortothedeteofsaidsale,she116elongtoF3ena11ciery.Truatorwtllwmptywithsuch �� -
<br /> ' � - 5,: otherrequlr6mentsandD�a��desuchothertypeotinxursncees0eneficiarymayrequlretromtlmatotimefoilheBroteotlon --
<br /> � `-�a i�`= by Innurance of the interest of the respective parties hereto. �'X� �
<br /> _ `�' — -
<br /> TAXESANDOTHERSUMBDUETopay,satio1y enddiacharge,aUeasttoten(10)deysbetorede�inquencyallganeral %�;:;;,�-
<br /> _.;:^':..;
<br /> ' - -` �� ends eolaltaxesandasSBSameNSendother ublfccher es,andinnoevenllatarthenthedatesucbemountebecome '.,�-�.' t-- _
<br /> '� - ',�.����'�• dueendtoturtherpaywhendueorre uested:(7)allencumbrances,char esendllena,wtthintares4onsuchproperry,m -�;•;>r':'`�—'
<br /> :.r�i`�'.;':_,;; 9 9 !�.. •�.;� �.-_
<br /> _„-.,�;�., ,,.� enypertther8of,whlchere.orpppeartobeneGciary,iNtseolediscretlon,tobeprlortoorsuperlorhereto.(2)elicosls,leea .�_:.y,_i,— "
<br /> . _ endoxponsosollhislru¢4whetharornotdescribedherein,(3)(eesorchargealorenyatetementregardinglhoobligation
<br /> � BBCUfQ0i18f8bYlflflflyAp10Uf1id2(IIt1f1f1@OUyGBT10tIC18Iy,noiioexceeoinn���nairm��amccrta�{c:�dtytaathoP6(C(v� � � _ --_ -
<br /> � ,-_r, ��ti� thetimowhensuchroquoatlamede.(A)suchotherchargeseatheBeneficsarymnydeemreasonablatorservicesrendered �4 a1 �`�„-_ _.
<br /> :�u9 .li.if
<br /> �P�r.;,,;,rw��:� byBone11c1aryantltumis�ednttheraqueatottrustororanysuccassoriniMereattoTrustoi,(6)BSUChproportyincludese :<<.>t;,..r. u(., _ .
<br /> S �- -' `�- ` leasahold ealeto,all paymeNa end obligetlons reQuired of the Tmstoror hle successor in InleresY under Ihe torma ol the . "q _°,-_- ��.,-
<br /> (? . - " Inahument or inetruments creating such leasehold,(8)al1 paymonls and monetary obligeliona required ol liio owner ol �;,.�i,3� ,_ -.�°. .
<br /> .�!^.��.�.-� such property under nny declaralion ol covenonta, contlitiona and restric0ons peAaining to sucfi properry or eny ��:'^i�;�,�,;'�;;'.� ' ��-._.
<br /> • moditiceUonthereoF,(7)allmortgageinswanceorguerentytaes,premNms,orchargoso}onynn4urevenafninglosuch � :: -a.;:': ;.
<br /> property.TmstorugreeatonotityBenolicieryimmodintolyuponrecoiptbyTrustorofnolicoofanyinereaseintheeasosaed 'e�,�:-,�'�•�.'-'=•��._;��,_;'
<br /> vnlue ol such propery nnd ngrees thot Beneficiery,tn the name ol Trustor,may contesl by eppropriate p�ocoedinga such �'.� .,- I, ��;��,-;-
<br /> - � ;� increasainessessmont -, �(t`3, f�--4��� 3`„
<br /> ` ? -�-�� In Iho event ol the passage ol any lew Ueducting Irom�he valuo ot real proporty tor the purposos of taxetion eny Ilon ^y� , ;
<br /> _ �� ihoreonorchenginginanywaylhelawelorthataxationofdoodsoltrustordebtesecuretlbytleedsot�ustloretateorlocel �'--� '���
<br /> _.;. "� .;;;f-;���� purposes.orthomanneroltheco11oc11onotanysuchtexas.soestoaflecithisDeedolTrust,theholdorolthieDeedofTrusl �Y - °:_..t.�;;:'..�•"•-�
<br />-a - ��- - end of Ihe obligetlons which i1 aecurae shall have tha right to declare nll sums secured hereby due ea ol e date to be '- ��;;
<br /> '�, ��}-�� spedfleU by nol less than 30 days' wrilten notice to be given to Truslor by Beneticiery;provided,hawover, thal such ;3;`;° �r-:
<br /> -fCA)�_,i,.:
<br /> �.,,,,-�,-,.-, .;,� elecUOn shnll bo inafluctive if Trustor ts permitted by law to pay the whole of auch IaX in addlUOn to all othor paymenis ,,,__ _ ;._.�_.���
<br /> ���.'•. " '1� � re Wred hereundor and il,p or ro auch a acllied date,does a such tax and a rees lo a fln such lax when hereafter ���`; y ��Sn;��.r� ^+ '
<br /> r Q << P PY 9 PY Y , ,..
<br /> � '-:s levied or essessed aqainst such property,end auch egreoment ahell conslllule n moditication ot thia Daed o1 Trust. `.. _ � ���
<br /> e -
<br />��1�� -.--,:`:r h�: . .
<br /> ?,Y::,:} .l.rJ.
<br />���,,,y:t1 i�".� �, FUNDS FOR TA%ES AND INSURANCE:II Beneliciery ahall so request,Tmstor agrees that thare shell be eddod to lhe .
<br /> m lc�..::: � -.
<br />���,Q;�t �- poriodical paymont required to be made hereundor un omount estimaled byTruste0 to bo sutticlont to eneble Trustor lo `��'_,.,
<br />�• � �_�,:;"'� pay,el loesl thirty(3p)daya beloro dolinquency,eli geneial end special faxes,esaessmonts,or otho�public chargos _ .�;.,.F,s;,
<br /> �� -a � -� agalnstsuchproperty,thePromissoryNOte,oruponoroneccounloithetlebtorthelionolthisDeedolTmsLtogelherwith - . i_
<br /> �,-�'r" -` prt+miuma lor insurance reqWred to ba provided untlor tnis Deed ol Trusl end ell mortgage insuronce or guerenly tees. ., • "'
<br /> ��:.,�,,,.. '. I
<br />_.;�,,,�, . . , promiums or similar charpea end no interesl shall be payable to Truslor in respect thereof.Upon demand by Trustee. ..
<br /> �--�Y•'- ��-� . T�ustorshnlldoNvorloTrusloesuchadtlitlonelsumsoimonoyasarenecessarytomakeupanydeficiencyintheamounts � .
<br />�;-�:,."��-,.` "" neceasary to enable Trusteo to pay eny ol the lore9oing Ilems. �
<br />....y,. ,. - _ .
<br /> �';,'�;:, SUMS ADVANCED 70 BEAR WTEREST:To pay tmmedietely uDOn demund ony suma advances or paid try Beneficiary { • -
<br /> orTrusteeunderonyclouseorprovisionolthisDeedofTrust.Anysuch5um5,untilsorepaid,shailbesecureAherebyanA .
<br /> bear interest Irom fhe dale advancetl or paid al lhe seme rele es sel forth in such Promissory Nole antl shall be secured by
<br /> �?-.:-`��� � this Deed ot Trus1.
<br /> - ` �- � ASSIONMENT OF OEPOSITS:That as adtlitional sewrity if Ihis be a conslruction loan,Truslor hereby Iranslers antl
<br /> ° -. __� essigne lo[ieneficlary during continuance oi iheso Tmsts,all right,titlp and tnleresl lo any and a11 monies deposiled by
<br /> -_
<br /> r.����.....,ne....eu�....�.e�.su.d r..���...�.�m a.,,.���„�..�...n. ..��nr��,ndo nraonncv.ssnilarv disldcl.oas xnd/or ulednc
<br /> '_ , . ., """""'�'_.._"'"_'.._.._...__._. ......_..�"'""'""�'.'_"'___• _ "' •' ' -
<br /> - company,lelaphonocompunyendnnyotherbodyoragency.lor�heinsteilatianortosecuretheinslalletionolanyutililyby
<br /> . • Truslor,partainfng lo this property.
<br /> >'
<br /> PAILURE OF TRUSTOR TO COMPLY WlTH DE ED OF TRUST:In the avenl Tmstor should fall to m�ke any paymenl,or to
<br /> - - do any ed es provided tn Ihis Deed ol Tmst,or fail to pedorm eny obligation secured by this Deed ol Trust.or do any ed
<br /> �`-�s;.'�;��`.�� Tmstor agreed nol lo do,Beneficiary,bul without obtigation so to do end wilhout nmice lo or demend apon Trustor and
<br /> s_�,..t�;_„�� � wilhoutreteasinpYmstorfrcmenyobliga�ionhoreolandwilhouttontesungthevalidiryoremountotthesamo,may(e)pay. �
<br /> _ make or do the same in such menner and lo such extenl es it mey deem necessery to prolect lhe security hereol,
<br /> - 8eneliciary being authodzed lo enter upon such property for sucn purpo::es. and (b) pay, purchese. contest or
<br /> compromiso eny encum6rence,charge or Ilon,which in ils juAgement is or appaers to be prior or suporior hereto.and(c)
<br />- -,,;�.,��'•�,,' In oxorcising nny such power,pay necessery cosls,lees,and oxpenses,employ counsel end pay counsel's reasonabla '
<br /> _ =- .� loos.Trusto�egreea lo repey eny emount so expended on demand of Beneficiary. I�
<br />- .1
<br />