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'. <br /> � � 98-im�oss - <br /> r " 4:4't�"�'1 t <br /> ; pqqr.herebY covenente and warranu to the Au�pnea�at(e) Aaelpnor hee natroxsautnd e0N q�itin ,�� - <br /> �wlynrtwnt ot cAe Leaae or ot Ib riflht,liUe and IMereet therein or the renie a to eccrue Ihereunder; )Ilaf��nr Uds h06 i � ,, �,,, _., <br /> r4",. peAamed�nynctaexecutalen InetrumenlwhlchmlphtprevsMtMASelynerhomopa�dnyundor�nyoll�Inrm���lA� n _ <br /> , cqnditlonsMreo},orwMchwould�imlttheAssi9neslnaucho�»r�llon•(o)Aui9norheinol�cceptadro nlYndtlrtlinl.eqna �h; ,�` a <br />� ,+ , � anY w IlothecurrentperiodforwnlchrenlhstalradyWcom�dueendp�y�bfr(�ther�lanndatmillnqW. �„r .,s,�;, <br /> � n; � exfilnyunderthe ee,and(e)ASSiynorhnenotexeculedorprenNdsnymodiACetlonwemendmfnlwhrinvotolq�alRanq �w t �� <br /> �.:: eitlu�ordty a In writlnp except ea eet torth In 6ctroduie 8,end thai the Lee�a�s�n lull lora�nd kfoct. �, c�,a�'- <br /> , .0 � <br /> � ' B. R 19 MUTUALLY AOREED WITH RESPECT TO EACH LFASE TI IAT: • —� ` ?�" <br /> �l'tl�-} p � Y���4 V i- ��S%' <br /> .,,y,_,. andprofitelromHie IsedhPremise�aendtorete�n�andu�sa�enye)oytheseme,butreeerveatAeriphtlo elv0�kesuohpe�mittAlnn: y �, r`. �� – <br /> etanytlme,withorwfllioNCeuae,byno�ceinwritingtoAasignabycerHNedmallaenttotheedalreuherelnnflnrplaearlqnd8nr•, <br /> � ti sendinp noticea In eny evont,auch pormlasion to Aaalgnor ehell be eutomatically revoked upon defeul�by Aaelpt�nr.irl�tltn- <br /> � _ peymontolan9o}MeObllflntlansaecuredharebyorinthepartormnnceolenyobligatlon,covennntsflreemnnlheroi�6insnicl <br /> morlpa n a tleed ot truat In the leasa or In any ol the OWigatlone eecuroC hereby,a In eny eeourinp dooumnnl,gIpOa,in <br /> connpaQlontherewith,(allolwhtpAvri)Ibereferredtoherolnes"DeteulY9.IntheeventlhattheAnipneeshouhlrqvokBauoN : ' <br /> permisslonorellertheoccurtenceoleDefault,thaAssignee,mayetReoptlon,alternoti8cetlontol4sslgnor,bycertitlndmnfl�to : � ' <br /> theaddreeahaelnaHerprescdbedloreenAfnpnallces,directan orellofthetenanteolmePromloesropnytoPaelpnno.ita '• � <br /> ' eQente or Ib aHorneYa auch rente, Issues,Fvofi1a rovenuea�epoe�ls, righte and Oanefils ee may now ha duo on eha11 .. - �.. , <br /> -�� hereineftarbecome0ue endAsslgneemaycollectthasame.Theef�davitorwritlenstatementolenotticer,epontorotlumay - �� � -' <br /> ' � ;,. ofAa�i neeetetinythett�erehas6oeneDefauitshallconetlNtaconcluslveevldenceNereot,andenyleonnt roat�ianparoona f ;, ,r a!+ <br /> --'-r Iaeuth�dzedanddlrectedtoretythnreon.TheAesignorlurtheregree�,thatlnthoeventthe mlealontouaeandrnteinthe - -, � � <br /> � �. renb,Incomo,iaauea,deposilsendprofifashouldbeterminatetloruponthnoccurancaofa�e(auittoimmadlutnty4urnover ` rt ,�r,-. <br /> .,, roAeslpnee,atthntlmnandinlhemonnorrevuoatedDyAsslgnee,ellsecurirydeposilaorolhormonlasdaposilndEyLes.ees r :, r �t�„ „ . <br /> of the Premiaes In esco�dance wl�h�io provkicna of the Leaaes. i?' '' 'i' zA , <br /> , f� a' �•. <br /> � Q. NotwOhalendinp Ne Drovieiona of paregr¢ph 7 hereine6ova,upon or et any tlme altor e Dotuull,ua da8ned �� �f,` � ���t°' <br /> horolnaLave,lheAesl9nee,atitnc tlon,maydeclarea110611gutlonasecuredherebytmmedlatAlyduoanA�ayobluondmny,al - F�r• ��l �-. <br /> 'jt - Ils opdaa,wilhout nOUCe,end if any such ODI!gaHons be se:.ured by deed of Imat Irtespecdvo ol whatl10�9 dUtZ4f3tl00 01 � � � , ��• <br /> ' dafaWtundaealddxedoltruethospeend¢1ivc�2-dtoTruateethoreunder.exerciseellriflhlaandrumadiesconhtinedineaid � ,� � ���• ` <br /> .; . : mortgageordeadoitruatandwilhoutregnNhvMeadequacyofsecuriryfavtheOblipaBOneharebysecuro0,ai1h3rinporson 1r � <br /> orbyegentwllhorwilhoutbdngingRny aciic.�crproceeding,orbyereceNertoboeppolnPodbyatauMunlnrupon take . ,� �;��.; <br /> � � _ - . po ssesalon o1,manage and operate ra(d Pramises or eny purt thereof,meke,entorce,modity.pnd accept tha:urrenber ol r S ��;. <br /> Leasee,oblalnendevic�tenents,Poiamodifijrente,enddoanyactswhichiheAasl9naedaemapropertoDroWddhoOecuriry � ,_ . <br /> �st� �k�-`_l:- pereoLendeiUerwlthorwilhouttaklnnoossessionofthePremisea,initsownnnmo,euolqrorotl�arw�aecolicetand�eceiva �� ` ` _ ,r,�,•. <br /> ellrenb,Issuesand0����nciu0inglhosepastdaeandunpald,enyepRR�'�eeamo,�oeaca�tond¢r4uenaeaoiopora6onond � <br /> t•; collxUon,Including,b�n nollimiled ro,payments tor weges and pnyrci�r�xes,componootlan.o�maaaging egenl end other �, ; �A i` <br /> - -- . manegement cosls and expenses,real estate�ax2a end essessmonfa wslor,sewor,end eltnil¢r chvge�,Inaurance end , �r���_. <br /> y- r workerecompens+�lionpremiumagroundrente,cuslomaryrnnlastoloeommlasfon,endroasonn6leattmney'efeesandwurl e. �'t.�.-� <br /> ,� �f�„� w�txugonanyObllgationseecua�dhoreby.andinauchcrdereatheAsalgnnumnyduMrtnino.Thoenleringuyonendteking - �; _ - ,� - <br /> , �r,4�.i possassfonofthePremises,thocoiteclionotsuchranlaissueaendprofiloenAtlmappliCatlonthomofasefares.�id.shallnot _ - .`� ; <br /> „ ., wreorwniveanyde(aultorwatve,modiy,orsHectnollceofdotaultundoreaklmnrtpegaordaodolWStorinvslidateanyecl ,-:i�. { { - <br /> donopursuantlosuchnollco.AssignorharebyrelensesanyandallclaimnwhinhithneormiphthovsagulnslAssigneeadsing -- a - - <br /> � ���� outofeuchcollecUOn,menagomentoporetionandmniNOnence,oxceplinplhallubilltyolAeatgnaotoaccounttaramounts � <br /> - �r��'Syj;;'�� wlloctadandexpentledbyil j',;;;:;�';''�' S�i� <br /> �I).,:., -.. � � ' ',i�<';� <br /> rj- . 3. The Assignee ehall not bo obligeled to partann or dischnrqo, na duas il horoby undortake toI�eAorm a _�;�) � �� :, <br /> ` dischargo,enyobiigu1lon,duryorilabtllryundorlhoLense,orundororbyreasonotlhluAssignmonLASSignorshallanddoes - ��'> �- <br /> • . herebyegreetolndomnitytheASSigneeegninetnndholdithermlosalromanyande1111abllity,locsordamagewhlchflmayor � : � - ?��.,�: <br /> . mlght Incur under tho Lease or undor or by reason ol lhls Aasigmm�nt ead of and Irom eny end sli clalms and demand , -.,y�� <br /> whataoeverwhichmaybeesseAedagainslitbyreasonolanyellagadobligulianorundoMakingonHs�nrllopedormorinl�e _ . ��.,�- <br /> __';y. __,� diachargeolenyoltheterme,co�•enants,oregreomnnlacontninadinthoLense;shoWdlhoAsaignoe ncwenysuchlipbtliry, . :� <br /> ,� - lOSS a dnmeg9 under Na Leasa or undar or by reflson ol thi9 Aasi8nment, or in�iio dolenne egnlnsl eny such clnimn or �� �_ _ � ;:_ �: <br /> demands,tho emount thereol,including cosls,oxpenses end reaeone bVs atlorno a teos,logothor with interost Nereon et the . ,- ;_.1 .,�� <br /> _ highestretesetfoRhinany o11ha0bligetlonssecurodhereby,shallbosecurad�arebyendbyfhosaidmortgngoordeedof <br /> truaLendASSlgnorshallrelmburaefieAssigneetharetorimmotlialolyupondomand,anduponthaYadureolAssignorsotodo �' - - :%;'�- <br /> . :�� the Aasignee moy doclare ell Obligatlons secured horeby immodiatoly duo end pnyaUla. !: _ .��; � ., - <br /> • ',�, <br />_�(;' �� ; C. IT IS FURTHER AtUTUAILY AOREED THAT: ''" <br /> . <br /> � -` 7. UntfltheObllgationssecuredherebyshnllhavebeenpaidintull.ASSignorcovonnnlsandegreestokeepieascU � � <br /> �. . - elagoodondsufficieNreMalthePremiaesantlupondomandbtrensferandessiflntothoASSignoennyandellsubsoquont - <br /> Leases upon all or eny part ol such Premises upon tho same or substantinlly tho same lormo end condilions as nre herein � . <br /> � contnined,endlomake,execute,nndtlolfvertotheASSignee,upon0omnnd,enynndallfnsUUmonlsthatmaybenecessaryor <br /> - desireblo�herofor,but Ihe terms end provisions of thta Assignmont shull apply to any such subseqvent Loasa or Leases <br /> . whothor or not so assigned und tr�nslerred. <br /> 2. Assignorshall.uponrequestotAssignee.furnishitacompletolistesofthedatootti�erequestofellleesesand <br /> � � other tenancios o1 the Premisas in such rensonable delefl as muy be requestod by Assignae.Funher,i1 requested.Assignor <br /> 6ha11 dfltiver to Assignee executed or certifietl copies ol ell Lenses end other wrillen agreemenla correapondence,end <br /> - - - momorandabehveenAS5lgnorondLosseesandothertenantssettingloMPhecontracNalarrangemenlsboNieonlhem.Such <br /> requssts may be mnde et nny reasoneble time. <br /> — � 3 Tnnineurelolislnnvsoer.ificLensesunderSchedulaBhorolo.Sha�InolinvelldatOOrB(fOdinenymenner,ihe <br /> - �] gonornl auignmoM ol rents end(eases provided for herein. <br /> 1 <br /> � 4. Upon tho paymont in tull ol ell Obligafions secured hnroby,es evidenced by tho recording or filing ot an <br /> � instrument ol autisinction or full release ol said mongege or doed ol Wst,unioss thero shall have boen recorded another <br /> � mortgageordeedolVUStinfnvorolthaASSigneecoveringthowholeoronyparloltheleasedPremises,lAisASSignmontshall <br /> become null and void end ol no eflecl <br /> • ' � i t oemo e�es z� <br />- ...�;.i .: <br /> I <br /> � <br />