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<br /> When Recorded Return To:
<br /> C.I. Title, Inc. - NEBRASKA 66200106538570002
<br /> 203 Little Canada Rd DEED OF TRUST 00485//VJN01 ��
<br /> Ste 200 , - -, S
<br /> St. Paul, MN 55117 �Ol�"..�"� '`��-� c�
<br /> CINDY L. SETR2NdON TSg.M11 1[ 11D1111/. 11 9IB10LB PERBOld
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<br /> TRUSTEE: o.e. su�x Nszzataax� �►ssocv►zzaa �
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<br /> n wn ration o t e oan or o er acoo tion ere na er s an any ure ances or ure gations,as n ere n,w i
<br /> may hereinafter be advanoed or incurred and the Vust hereinafter merrtioned and other good and valuable consideraUon,the reoeipt and suffldency of which
<br /> are hereby ac�viowledged, Grantor hereby irrevocably warrants, bergains, sells, transfers, grants, corneys and assigns to Trustee, his suxessors and
<br /> assigna,IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE for the benefli and security of II.s. snxx ru►�rsat�u. sseocv►zzaa rtn
<br /> ("Lender"). the
<br /> bene ary un t is of rust,u r an su �ect to e terms an ons ere n set o w g of entry an posses on o Grarrtor's preserrt
<br /> and future estate,tight title and irrterest in and to the real properly descrlbed in Schedule A which is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein
<br /> by this reference,together with all present end future improvemeMs and fixtures;all tangible personal properly induding without limitation all machinery,
<br /> equipmBrrt, building materials, and goods of every nature (exduding consumer goods) now or hereafter located on or used in connection with the real
<br /> properry,whether or not aiflxed to the land; privileges, heredttaments, and appurtenances induding all development rigMs assodated with the Property,
<br /> whether prevbusly or subsequently trsrsferrerl to the Property fram o�her real prcperty or now or hereafter susceptibla of transfer from ihis Property to other
<br /> real property;leases,I(censes and other agreements;reMs,issues and profits;water,well,dftch,reservoir and mineral rigMs and stocks peRalning to the real
<br /> property(cumulatively"Property");to have and to hold the Properry and the rigMs hereby granted for the use and benefit of Lender, his sucoessors and
<br /> assigns,urrtil paymerrt in full of all Obligatlons secured hereby.
<br /> Moreover,in further consideration,Grarrtor does,for Grantor and Grantor's heirs,represeMati�res and assigns,hereby expressly warrarrt,oovenant,and
<br /> agree with Lender and Trustee and thei�suxessors and assigns as follows:
<br /> 1. OBLIGATIONS. This Deed of Trust shall aecure the paymerrt and pertomience of all preserrt and tuture indebtedness, Uabilities, obligations and
<br /> covenants of Borrower or Grantor(cumulatively"Obligations")to Lender pursuant to:
<br /> (a)thfs Deed of Trust end the following promissory notes and other agreemerrts:
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<br /> 11,608.41 07/12/99 08/01/09 66200106538570002
<br /> (b)all other prese or ure,w en agree s w n a re r s y o s o ru er sxecu r s sams or dlffsront
<br /> Purpoaes tlum ths fors�oln�);
<br /> (c) any�ararriy of obligations of other perties given to Lender now or hereafter executed that refers to thfs Deed of Trust;
<br /> (d) future advanoes,whether obligatory or optional,to the same exterrt as if rtmde cornemporaneously with the execution of this Deed of Trust,made or
<br /> extended on behalf of Grantor or Borrower. Grantor agrees that if one of the Obligations is a Une of credft,the Ifen of this Deed of Trust shall continue
<br /> urrtil paymeM in full of all debt due under the Iine notwfthstanding the fact that from time to time(but before termination of the Ifne)no balance may be
<br /> outstanding. At no time �ring the term of this Deed of Trust or any extension thereof shall the unpald and outstanding aecured prindpel future
<br /> advancea,nat induc�ng surns advanced by Lender to protect the security of this Deed of Trust,exceed the following amount: , 1��6(f A_6�
<br /> This provision shall not constitute an obligation upon or comntmerrt of Lender to make additional advances or loans to Grarrtor;and
<br /> (e)all amendmerrts,extensfons,renewals,modiflcations,replaoemerrts or substftutbns to any of the foregoing.
<br /> As used in this Paragraph 1,the tertns(3rantor and Borrower shall indude and also mean any Grantor or Borrower if more than one.
<br /> 2 REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS. Grentor represents,warrants and covenarrts to Lender that:
<br /> (a) Grantor has fee simple marketable ttGe to the Property and shall meirdain the Properry free of all liens,security irrterests,encumbranoes and dalms
<br /> exoep�br this Deed of Trust and those described in Schedule B,which is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein by reference,which
<br /> 4rantor agreea to pey and perfortn in a timely menner;
<br /> �b) CiraMor is in compliance In all respects wfth all applicade federal,state and local laws and regulations,induding,without IlMtation,those relating to
<br /> Hazardous Materials,"as deflned herein,and other ernironmental matters(the"Ernironme�rtal laws"),and neither the federal govemmerrt nor sny
<br /> ather govemmeMal or quasi govemmental entiry has flied a lien on the Property,nor are there any govemmeMal,judidal or administrative actions with
<br /> respect to ernironmental matters pending,or to the best of the GrantoPs Iv�owledge,threatened,which involve the Property. Neither Grantor nor,to the
<br /> best of Grantor's Iviowl�, any other perty has used,generated,released,discharged, stored,or disposed of any Hazardous Materials as deflned
<br /> herein,in connection with t e Property or transported any Hazardous Materials to or from the Property. Grarrtor shall not corrrrit or pertNt such act(ons
<br /> to be taken In the future. The tertn "Hazardous Materials" shall mean any substance, materfal, or waste which is a becomes regulated by any
<br /> govemmerrtal authortry induding,but not Iimited to,(i)petroleum;(fi)Mable or nonMable asbestos;(ili)polychlo�inated biphenyls;(iv)those substances,
<br /> rnaterials or wastes designated as a"hazardous substance"pursuarrt to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act or listed pursuarrt to Section 307 of the
<br /> Clean Water Act or any amendmeMs or replaoemerrts to these statutes;(v)those substances, materials or wastes deflned as a"hazardous waste" ',
<br /> pursuarrt to Section 1004 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or any amendrr�errts or replacemerrts to that statute; and (vi) those j
<br /> substances, matertals or wastes deflned as a "hazardous substance" pursuarA to Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmerrtal Response,
<br /> Compensation and Liablliry Act, or any amendmerrts or replacerr�eMs to that statute or any other similar state or federal statute, rule, regulat(on or
<br /> ordinena nbw or hereafter in effect. Grantor shall not lease or pemlt the aublease of the Property to a tenant or aubtenarrt whose operations may
<br /> resuR In contamination of the Properry wfth Hazardous Materials or toxic substancea;
<br /> 1 .��....�.,_...,.,�. Paa�1 d8
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