<br /> ;�. � _ _ .
<br /> t . .::- .
<br /> �.,.
<br /> • �1. � Y �!f � .� .�..Y .� . ._ . ..
<br /> ,��I� i � .. . • , . � . . . . .. � ..- ...
<br /> — '` . . I . - . �93-'�,�s � '��;
<br /> - _— th� Pxoperby �n vidlation ot qny l+�w, ordi�anao, or raqd'laCiont "
<br />- --- and ahall pay end promptly d+echarqe et Horrouer'e c��t pnd " ` , __
<br />---_-- expense' all liens, eaaumbrAnoee and oharqee levled. lmpoend ox
<br /> --,p,•� � , aeeesead againeE tho Properey or any part eheraa£.
<br /> ,.,,_;_��: ' 6. Sminnnt �om�in. Lender ie hereby aesigned eIl
<br /> .� : aqmpanpaCion, aWazde, damagee and other payrente or ralioP � � —
<br /> Fs— (hnre4on£ter "Proaeode") i.� Qonneotlon with conr7emnabion or other —
<br />" ��:`' �ak�n4T o! Ehe Proporty or parti thareol, or Por oonveyAnae ln l�eu ---
<br /> �T�� •�-.:t�° of oandoro.�ation. t,nncler ahall be entl.eled, at it� option, to
<br />�� � ����r�' aomnenae, appear .1n nnd proaeoute in Sea oWn neme eny aotion or
<br /> • ��.rr,tR'�
<br /> ,r�„_.. _.`,., prooeeAinga, nnd ehall elao 6e enCitied to make any oompnomlee or ---
<br /> .;.,;::�.. settlemenr 4n conneotion with 4uoh taking or damoge. tn ehe !--
<br /> •f '+�:�`+ event any portion oP Ehe Propsrty i� so teken or Cemaqed Lender
<br /> ;:,' •�r 'J" �hell have tha option, !n ite wla +�nd ab�oluCe di�apet;on, to __
<br /> '' °^ apply oll �uoh Prooeeds, elbar dsduoting Ehereirom all ao�be and �°`
<br /> : _ .. .. �,..-.._
<br /> „,��.:,'',, ,, expense� inourrod by St !n aonneotion NLLh euah Prooaede, upon �;;,,;;,;
<br /> ,� „ , ppy inAebiedneee neour�d hereby •nA in �uoh ordsr a■ Lender may �y '�
<br /> � dotermine, or to apply ell euoh Proaeede, alrer euoh deduoCl.ona, �j"'} r
<br /> �?'=`� �o the reetora4lon o£ tha Proporty upon auah aondltiana !16 L8i1d01'
<br />- �'�'�';;`�� may dotormine. Any applioatlon oY Proceede Eo indebtedneee ehall � 3:� '�
<br /> not extend or poetpono the due daee oE any paymante under Che �'"?�`'�
<br />_ No4e, or oura aqy doEaulC thoreunder or horeundar.
<br /> � ';: ;;s s,,;
<br /> +:� 7, PorPormanae U Lender. In tha event of Dorrowor'e °.'c '°-
<br /> "�`• ^ Eailure to per orm any o t e covenante herein or make any pay- "'.;�,. ;:.':-.
<br /> `?=�;;�;::� ` monte required hereby, or if any aot ie taken or leqal psoaeedinq 'r.,:':_,;:;;°
<br /> �,.y- . aommenaed whioh materially affeote Lendur'e intarest in bhe '",' �r -
<br /> , t�� �;: Property, Lender may in ite own diecretion, but without oblige- � �,�--
<br />��r,,jp�•,,.:;�•'` Cion bo do eo, and without notioo to or demend upon Horrower, nnd {;: �,.��
<br /> �'+ - � - W1�IIOU� �IB18delllg HoJCr0lvbx' c"r��n any u`uliy6ciGTi� dG dii}� wII� ::21�C}3 - - " "�- --
<br /> 1,•';l
<br /> j;'''r'.'�::`-•�- . g Y Y .�.:�.,�,y;..-_°-
<br />, , tj�,,_; - the Borrowox l�ae a reed buC faile to do and ma also do an other s.'a`
<br /> aat it deeme necesonry to proteot the sacurity hereoP. Borrowor }� -
<br />��'� f�� ` ehnll. immediately upon demand therefoz by Lender, pay to Lender „�;,,�,��,.,�.__
<br /> +;,� all coete und expenaes incurred and euma expencied by Lender in ;:.nit� --
<br /> �+„ aonnuation with thn exercise by Lendur of the foregoing righte, : }����
<br />