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u . j,.�.,..�..,�..�..�...�,-.- .................. . . ._ . . . .. ... ... . _ -• <br /> � . -j - � - - . . <br /> S�v:;::� . � . . . . . . . . . . � . - - • . <br /> - . . . � . . -' ...-, _ . . _ . <br /> , !.93..+zo�o�� <br /> :..,: <br /> 'FWltl'111t11 w111i�Il lhe IMptovmxnl�Mw or herc�fla erecicd un Uro propetly.uM dl eeunxnt�,appt�nen�np�, ..•• ': <br /> � rw4 h�►wn rNw dhettpfllf 1 pett of lhe' h), All rcpiuemenu wid�ddl�lons�h�ll�feo ba'coverod by thU Sbsuriry <br /> ; �r.�armbiN, r,t!nr�he/nerwiyl��etrertM o i �hii sen�d�y�mwmm�a ine•Provn+r•^ <br /> _ N(111qiYWNN C'OV1tNhN(�q IhN lbrfowtt If IowNlly�I�cd nf tha esluo hercby coRveyrQ�nd he�tlw right to gr4nt — <br /> Nide vey�Ai(�p�1y rnA IAei Ih!{Yppi'tly.y oMncumbercA,exceq forencumDruua ofrecoM. �ortower wurin�tAnd <br /> wlll ds�tl�d�r�k��l(y Ihe Iilb lo tke('nyxny ngelntit eil cl�lma an4 demmd�,su6)ea to�ny ennunbnnae ot reCo:d• <br />_ TH(Y,N�:CUj11�X)�19'Iit1iMNlYf iv»tlMntl;uplfam coven�nu Por n�ilond uso:RiW �1on•nnlform covenant� w10� <br /> � IindiMvb��iix��ny ndsNNliiNlncoilillwmaunlfonnx�,cudtylnsWUxnlcovedngrealptop.hy. __, ____„ `.. <br /> UNIIY)NMtY)l�:iN�AyfH� IIM(qy�'tt�tWlRnOercoveiu�muiA�aree�efollowei <br /> _ � 1� NAyMtIMNpfMtiMiMlMipI�renirnp.yn� tSoimicsrslmllprompdyp�y whenAue�ho <br /> hxl�+iInhndlMtu�t�M�MJeMavldeikcilMytlioNnlouM�n cp�ynxmandlq�aotiugwdnoandert Nae. <br /> � !� lYNMINf'tl�tN11M1lNW�fnm 6u� 11�+ppIlcablal�worro�wduen�enlro�byLender,0ortoa•teshslipay�o <br /> I�C1dt�on IAe My�txHMNY y�Yn�cuu�va due u�t the Nac,untii�he Nao b p�id In fn16 fl 6W1('Pond�%for.ia)ycarly <br /> bSti Mmllsxtsurnl�xTkh may Muln plixily over Ihb&cuH�y InsiNnxnt oe n Uenon�he Propaty;N)yeuiy leaseho!d <br /> - Wynxrut in q���uih1 ({�N� nn tiw Itupetly. If any; (c) Ycarty huerd or propeny Insn�anca prcn�loms; (d) Yuuiy flood <br /> In�pr��k ptmluni�, If�nyi(o) yx�dy nxxlQ�go Ineuranco prcmlunu,If uny;and (Q.nny Eumi payxbie by Bortowet w <br /> IRn�k1,�n�ttNd�n.�o wiN�Aoprnrhlom of pangraph B,In Iicu ot thepaymenl ot mangago Inswnnca prcmtumi. Theu <br /> lirnn Pro nlled`ltecrow ticm+. I.cndet may,ut any Unk,collcc�ond hold tynde in an amomm�o�a oxo�al�Fw muimwi <br /> mkwnl e kn�kt fiK a fcJenlly rcl�led nwtlg+go loon m�y rcquiro tor Bottowcrb cscrow nvcoum nndar ttw fcdeml RW <br /> BNelo&tlltinnH�y��cAun�Act ot 197a a+pmendcd from tlme lo tlme,12 U.S.C.g 1601 s�str/.CRF3SPA'L anless another <br /> I�w dul��IIC�lo�Ac Ilnfde kl+a Ic�xr m�nuN. I(so,l.cnder may,at eny tlmc,colia�ancl holA F4md+In nn amounl nol m <br /> oxi+ted tlw Ietik�anpwm. l�endcr miy exlimato�ho mnoum oi I�nde duc on �ho basi� of curtent dnia and reasonablo <br /> ' `= oulnuieeotra�cidilme�nffmurol'.xmwhcm+uraherwlselnxcordnncewithapplicablolnw. " - <br /> — 71q 11md�a6�11 he IwIJ In nn lu+pmllun whow dcposl�a arc Insurcd by o fcdeml egcncy,Instmn�ent�iity,or enAty �-;��3� •° <br /> ---- (InrluAli�g I.endcr,If I.cmkr 1��nrh nn In1tIlNinn)or In nny i'cdcrnl Homc Loan Dnnk. LcnAcr sho11 epply�ho P�mds ro pay _—_ <br /> ---==° �he Ituvo�v I�enu.�lcr may noi ch3rge Uortoxcr for holding und upplying �hc Ponds, nnnually onalyzing tha ucrow =-- <br /> � Mawnl,nr ceflfylng the Iturnw I�cma, nnicu lendcr paye DoROwcr Intcrcsl on thc Ponds end appllcabio law ptrtniu <br /> ���"'� I.cnOtr to mako�ucli n eharga Howcrrr,I.cndcr mny n�nirc 13onnwcr�o pay n ono-tinw chnrgo Por an IndependeM rcal v <br />= ciislo taa rpatlug�crvim uud by I.cidcr In wnnccilun wi�h U�U Inan,unlcs�uppIicoblc law providca otherwisc. Uniae en <br />�;r�",''.'i'�� ogrccnxnt H uiado ur op IlcaDle taw tcyulre�Intrrcp lo be pald,l.endcr�hall no�be rcquircd�o poy Dortowcr any intercat or _- <br /> '�`"' r. e�minge on�he NmA�. IRu�mxrr a��d lendcr may ugrcc in writlng,huxrovcr,�ha�In�creat sAall bc pald on�M10 Nnde. Lender -- _ <br /> -"�'srs �hatl givc lo Uorrox�r�,wlihom chai 6�c,an annual ocwuming af�Ik f�nde,nhowlng cnWid nnd dcbita to thc 1'undv ond tho =-`��°--� . - <br /> ��V � ���° puryosc tm xhlcA cxh J.bii�a d�c I�Und+wa�maJc. Thc I@md�aro plcdgcd u�addhional secudiy for all sums saarcd by .,�. - <br /> ra' ''? �h1�SccurltylmuunxN. <br /> ` ''�f If Ne fLnd+ heW hv ta�Jer e�ceeJ dx wnuume permlued w be heid by a�plieable law, Lender chall eccount io �' -__�_ <br /> h ' Oonox•cr for�he esccu ILnA�In n�rnnlanm wi�h ihe nqulrcmcm+of upplicnble Imv. If�ho nmoum of the Ponds hcld by --_� _ <br /> � " I.cndcr nl ony Ilmo I+nol�ufllcicnt In pay�hc I:sctow Itcros when dua landcr mny w notlfy Dottowcr in wdiing,end,in ���'�lir��" t . -_ <br /> � -:"+r, such caw 1lortox•cr ehnll pay In IFndcr�hc nmaum ncceitin �o mekc u thc dclL:ir:or.y. Rortowcr shell makc up the < <"�Sl� `"'�." ' <br /> � r ��t��__�� <br />�ti .,:,�,. dcficirncy in no murt ihan ixvi��c mnmhly paymcnu,nl I.cndcr �nlc discret on. y�Jr7�;;%G�,�:. <br /> r......: ... . .. Upon aynkm in fnU ot nll unn+ucurcd by thM Sccud�y Instmmem.Leo�:a sAaJL�.�y�:l�rz8md m Dorrowcr any , y:,.;.,,r „ <br /> I�nd�heid By I.ender. If,unAer para��aph 21,I.cnder�hall u¢yWrc or Eell ttu:Pn.y�'tp.I+a�r9:r,prix o�cht ecqnisl�lon or ;�'o�,t � 5 7r��-� <br /> - '� ., �ute of�he Propeny. �hall npply nny�imJ+held Uy I.ender nt the iime uf.r.�prnu.ciaa cr sr.4t m n cv.�4A agatnsl Ihe suma 'tI�{ -x�t.r ���. <br /> ap � - %'f sceurcd 6y ihis Secudry Inammcm. �„ ; �",n"��t�'+�--- <br /> £�rp)��{i.�' ' 3. AppllrAllun of WjnMNe. Unlc+� nppllcnNlc Imv pro+id:� o�htca�vr,efl px�mem� r..Yi�hi by ta:,9re un'iv °. i�,� a��;��F?� <br /> � ( '.:� p�r,gnpht I nnd 2�hnll be uppllcA:flnl,ln nny��n�+aymrm chargcs Ju.twdla t�t�ox:secunJ,ro nmoaau pz�aS'a im�s ��tii..;1�:'��Tf�;�._ <br /> 5 - .�'};;;,:� puagroph 1:�hird.�o imcrc.�Juc:f��w�h.m pdne p.i Auc;nnJ la�l.W any ImreF.n-Fts du¢und.r the no7r. �;,��,;....:. <br /> - -,�[. . /. Ch�ry�i�� Ilntto�rcr +6a11 pay all Uuc*, m�c�•mcros, chnry�r�, fnts nnd impoii�iou anrihataD): �o A: -: •��_. ���--� <br /> �: -+';;: Propchy xhith may ollah�I�dadly o�er�LI+Snmily hn�mmenL nnA Ic.ubcbJ{�a�mems or grou:.d rcnts.if any. Dortm��er ..` ` ; t�k t�z' <br /> � :�Il;i;.' ihill Qay�hcse ohliga�inn+ n�hc mannrr praYlJcd In paragmph If nol pas!�a�ha�m:nncr.Nortourr ahall{uy�hrm on NI�� »>�<�.�`rr .. <br /> a ,7!+.. "' tink dtrCClly lu Ihc pcnon oa�cJ papncm. Oortm�rr+A�ll p�ump�ly fuml�h lo ls�cr ull nu:icrs of amoums�o be paid undcr .'�. '�`,�� y s�' �,:'�. <br /> -'4�L�,.,. :' �hlti pungraph. If Ilorrnx�er make+�her.e p�ymrm�Oim91y.Omrnxer�hnll prat�tl��fumish to Lend.r rcceipts eridrncing -.'.,/:,;Y..,;.�'�;.!?::;,; �-� <br /> � -�i�y�i�� the paynxnu. ��; n i t�tt . <br /> .�. Ilurtuwer sliall pmmpily Ji�charge nny hen e6ich ha�pnumy utct dii�Snvc�+� in.tmmcm unln+Uurcui�er.(ai agrcc� y4gr� t���f.;°'' t',., <br /> � In�vdiing�o�hc paymcm nf ihc abligalinn+���nrrJ I�y ihr Ilrn In a mannrr�Et�o(.cndtr:lAl ronics�s in good fuith thc ' }�'�= <br /> i -- licn by,ot dcfcnd�ngaimt enlnn�cmcm nf�h�Ilrn in,lepal pn�reQlnN+�N�kh m cS:I.tmlrr\n,?nion op.rste�o➢rcrcnt thc - �.'._ rtr_- <br /> �f �,_;�� cnfonrmcnt of�hc Ilcn;ar 1c1+ccute�ftmn Uic holder uf ihr. Ilrn nn n rccmcro san�fa:tnp to I.cndcr suMrdinxung thc licn ".�i .:: <br /> -._: �o�hi�Stturfiy Inummem. If IsnJn dt�runlnr�ilni nny pan of d�c�'�o�xny i.+ub�av m r licn u'Aiah maq anain priority •f�..::. •-'":� <br />+'��. �� ., oecr�hls Securiiy Immnuen6 I.endrr may gire Ilmr��wer n uuur.Wentlfyln k��he II[n. I{OfIPUCI�htll saliaO Ihi lien or�ake "��"';.:pi;.,;"'�' <br /> unc ot morc of�hc nalnm�ci fonh nlx��c e i�hln III day�nf tl�c ph�ln�uf nnifrc. <br /> � �.-:,. .� S. Il�rard or 1'mperly Imurunce. Onnm�cr.hall krcp Uir Imprurcmcnt�nmr exluinp nr hrreaficr crccrcd on�hc �- _ .. <br /> ' � , Prnpcny InwrcJ�galna Ilrc.6ar.uJ.mrWJrJ anhw�hr Icnn'c��cnJrJ co�¢ragc"anJ�my ulher harard.,including . � . <br /> n�a��� n«�a��g. r,�� .�i�„n �.,•„�i,� �,��i����,•, ���.���,����,� n��, ���.��,:��„, �h:dl he maimaineJ 6i �hc umounu und for thc <br /> < . , .. <br /> rx; . <br /> , . PotmJOlP Vfl0 II•�Rr1nJ�p�xn1 - <br /> , i::'. <br /> . �I • <br /> , . � ,. . <br /> � , .�, ._ . . . <br />� . . . :: <br /> , _ . _.._...._..__..__ _ .-.'.ra�;�': <br /> _' . - <br /> . �..•.--•--�_..,..'"_"_"__... . ,.._ . - � ..:�. . <br /> .. .:.v. . . : .. . . . t:.,'�. ),,. .. <br /> -.. - .. , ' . . . <br /> - ._ ' . ., .. ' . ;� . ._ . . .. . . . , - -.. <br /> .. .. .. . . .. . . . . <br /> . . - - .- .-.. .. . . .. . . . . <br /> , - . .-i: ° .. . ' . . � � .. � . . . <br /> e .. . . . . . . - - ' . . . <br /> ., , .� .. .. , . . . <br />- -9.. .....:_.- __' .,: _ _ . _ ' -. .. � . . ... . . . . <br />..__-_.:_. .,_.�.._-.- ,. ..,_ _ :_. . . . . . . <br /> :. , . . <br /> . .. . ... . . . , ' <br /> . .... . ,,.� .. . , <br /> �-... ' . . . . . - . . . <br /> � � �:r^ � � . _ . _ ' . ... ' . ' .... n�. . - • . <br /> .:•.. .j. -. .. . ,. . . . ' ' .. - <br /> ' � ��. � ., • .;` ' .. _, _,. „ . <br /> ... � <br /> �- <br /> _ Y. _ � _ .. . . �- � . . . <br /> � � . . .- -. � ' <br />