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-- .,— <br /> '"��16''� -"•`� .,. � p�t`���' � I � � � <br /> — �,��r+L�l114d1 •�.�•►:�iii iiM9Mtr�1�. _ ,�•,,;rx:- <br /> ,�......._ _,,� --- - - __— -- <br /> :::ii1� _ � � " - <br /> �;•��i'(��;�rbrti.i�i�riii ` <br /> -_ - . 9i— iusoe7 <br /> -� <br /> _. , <br /> .nppUcnbk law mny�ecify for reinstuementl befarc sAle of the PropertY pursuant to any power oP�wlo cantrinod in thl� <br /> -- :=__- -- <br /> �� Secur(ty Imtrumenr,ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thie Security Instniment. Thoce candu�onr aro ehat ortower: w --- <br /> poy�Lender all sums whlch then would be due under this Security Insuument and the Notr ux if no xceleradon had <br /> =,� accurred;(b)cures ony default of any dher covenanta or agreements;(c)pays sill expenses incumed in enforcing this Security ` <br /> �. Inttrument,includin�. but not limitod to.reasonable auomeys'faa; and (d) u�ces such action as Lender muy rc�wun�bly <br /> requine to asaure that the Iten of this Security Inswment,Lenderi�dghts in the Property and Horrowerb oblipwtion ta p�y the _ <br /> sums secu�ed by this Secu�ity Insttument ahall condnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Burmwer, this Security r <br /> -�-_ _ _ _ _a _ _ <br /> — - lnstniment end the obligations�ecu�+ed hercby shall remain fully effective as if no accoleration had occurt+ed. Howevar.thir <br /> - — dQht to reinstate shall nat appiy in 1he case of acceleration under paragraph t7. <br /> 19. Sa{e d Note;C6�nQe oi f.oan Servicen The Note or a partlal interest in the Note(together with this Securiry <br /> - Tnsuumenq may be sold one or more dmes without prior notice to BoRawer. A sale may result in a change in the enNly <br /> -� <br /> (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. ?'here also <br /> ��- may be one or more changea of the Loan 3ervicer unrelated to a sele of the Note. If�here is a change of the l.onn Servlcet, <br /> --- ___._°� �,� <br /> ���� Borruwer will be given wdtten notice of the change in acco�dance with pazagraph 14 above and applicable law. Tha notice ! <br /> - --_�-� wfll atate the name and address of the new[.oan Servicer and thc eddresa to which payments should be made. The notice will � <br /> ---_� �i:o contain any other fnformation required by applkable law. <br /> _�=.� t0. Hazprdous 3ubstances. Borrower shall not cause or permit ihe pr�esence.use,disposal,storage.or releasc of any <br /> HazaMous Substances on or in the Property. Hortawer shall not do. nor ellow anyone else to do,anything affecdng the <br /> ��� Property that is in violadon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not upply to the presence,use,or <br /> ---`�I atorege on 1he Property of small quanddes of Hazardous Substances�hat ere gencrally recognized to bc nppropriate to narmal - <br /> --- -- - --�,.,=�'� r�sidcntiul uses and to maintenance of the Property. - <br /> ��•� Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any invegtigation. claim,demand,lawsuit or other acdon by any � _. <br /> -�----°_,�,:�, govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and uny Hazardous Substancc or Environmenlal <br /> ��;,_;;,�.�.`,�, of which Borrower has actusl knowledge. If Barrower leams, or is notified by any govemmentul or regulatory <br /> = authority,that ony removal or other remediation of any Haaardous Subslance offecting the Property is necessary,Borrower <br /> ��'r'+g=yj� shall promptly take all neceasary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Luw. <br /> ��_�=�•�-'--s- As used in this paragrnph 20,"Hozardous SubstanceR'are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous subxtances by =- <br /> _=='�•:��s���;." Environmental law and the following substances: gasuline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum produc4c,toxic __ <br /> �°�'���� �� pestkides and herbicides.valutile solvems, materials containing asbestos or famaldehyde. nnd radioactive materials. As � <br /> __,_���"� used in this p�uegraph 20,"Bnvironmenta!Law"means federnl laws and luws of�he jurisdictian where the Properry is located _ <br /> -.�..-�3„z,� -- that relate w or environmental protecdon. <br /> a,��''�; NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower ond Lender funher covenant end agree n.c follows: <br /> ,�_:��.:__,,� 21. Acceleratbn; Remedles. I.ender ehall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleretlon following Borrower's — <br /> - <br />