_ _ __
<br /> � ,,, . . ; . ;. ,;-� ,.,; _ _.. .
<br /> 9 . . . ., 1 - .1 ..
<br /> ..� . . . . . -1,� _.
<br /> � , � : .. . - ,���e1 �. , . u
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<br /> .� w�V4
<br /> � . y
<br /> ,� i;>:
<br /> p�y�tp►`p{,�!i'Snelppt;Initral�nd Lah CMr�e. 8orrowor arnll pny when Ano tla�{4rrlecipnl nf,4nQ Inlercu al, �"' '
<br /> �heddbt S,�i�•�,^.�Ey ,F!Iae�ndluochugeaduopnektlAof�4. .
<br /> 2,��lI)I'tA � tA ..7Mx4�i�nnee�ndONier, �r�. Bortowerch�illnslnAe(nr,�.hmpn 1y qYmCht
<br /> io;ah�r y9thrittA p (IU��ptiI���nle�est u set tonA in�he Noin.and nny I�to-chugeu an�nst�llnxnt of uig e)tue<a�
<br /> eppcihl:j,Sbosl�nlrnlA�iN�1�st��olovkd�g�lnstihePto�xny,(b)taseholdp�ymanwbrarauixlrtnt�anfhe�ny,u�d �'� .
<br /> (c)promlumpfqrinsumnrarq,p���byPeragmph4. �: �� �
<br /> e�c'h m nihip�dnitnlit li (�e hem�(o),(b)ond(c)shdl equal one•twe1M of the amu�l amounn,xa kason+bly , _
<br /> esqmn�M,6r`�.eitMx�rP.hip��lKAnun[sufficient ro malmdin an �ddi�lonel ba1Nw oP na nwro �hrn onealxih b,��he -
<br /> � cidmttM nmmm�r TI��"fut feu�nNet entoum for eecfi I�em shnll be eccumuletW by Lender wl�hin o perlod rding ona --- -_—__—
<br /> moh46,beFina aa�IF�nI,Nm7Td� t,o�10 delinquem. Lender shali hald�he amounts cGilai2d tn inisi�o p�y iicros(e),(b?M�d `,�
<br /> (o)Mtoreil�>YptcwOUdrJln9qM{if� .
<br /> IEqGaM1y;Unia-iha tntnLp6[hh paymenu heid by Lcnder for items(e).(b)and(c),�oBeiher with tho Ponuo momp(y .
<br /> R�,yry�tnta fnc sur.h:itcmR pPSr,dla,tp l.cndcr prioc to dw duo datca of such i�eme,cxcad»by mnm �han one•sixih�he
<br /> acimtAM amnunl,of ppymrnts crp�{i�nd o pay such items when duo,and 1f p mmu on(ho No�o nra curtent,�hen Lender
<br /> sUi.11:efthtr rofund�ha exc�ecs m•r.ttm:•s�xth of thc utimneed paymente or c�t�ha exccsa ovcr ona•sixih of tho utimated
<br />__ ..__ __ pay�p�rnta lo suhsoqnr.nLpaymrntady Aortox•tr,at the opHon of Uoro,wcr. If tM10 talsl nf tha payments made by BOrcowtr
<br /> — (pc11G+n�(N,(h).o�(o).is IntutfldmDlo pay the Irem whcn due,�hsn Bortower shNl pay to IxnAoi eny amnunt nuessary ro = --
<br /> --- mr.Yn up thudt�ic.iracy on.ot.4efaro ihe dnte Nc item 6ecoma duo.
<br /> pa usaa Iry.m�n SacudlµJnstmment,"Secrciary"mcnns�ha Secremq of Housina end Urb:m(kvelnpment or Aia or her
<br /> dtsi�nm:6taayqeu.in�whlc�tAwLendermust pny amortgageinsurancepremh�mrothoSecrclery,enchmonthlypayment
<br /> stitll�al+o indnAo,eiEht:r.. (q.mi:lnstallment of iho annunl mongago ins�iranca prcmlum ro bo pald by LenAer ro�ha
<br /> Snnettyy, or(Ilhp innnAil�!�cbvrpe instcad of e moqgago insurence prcmium it thle Seaid�y Insirvmcnt is hnld Dy the
<br />-- 9LCmtmy:.Ludtmnnlhl�!dntt�flmcnt of�hc mongego insumnw premium shnll Iw in an emnum wfficlent to eccumutnta�ha
<br />— .— fulUamfne6mnrt�c�;o Insumntt premium wiih Lendcr ono momh prior ro tAo dnro tho [uil annual mortgngo Insumnce
<br /> � -- - -�-� pmminm,ysd��o m O�a Stcretnry;or i(this Securiiy Inswment is hcid by tlx Secreiery,each momhly chnrge shnil ba in nn -
<br /> °— ammtma�qr.laciono-tl«:1tlhufonefinlfpercentofihoomsixndingpdncipnl6nlancodueon�hoNoro.
<br /> -`--°`A� NUnnnwv.s tuadrsx ta Lcnde��hc NII payment of ell sums securcd by this Suurity Instmmcm,Borrowerk account
<br /> '�'�``'�'-.'�'� atull�be ccMi1M����ih��ho b2lte�ce nmaining for all instnllmems tor items(a),@)and(c)end any monguga Inaumnce
<br /> -�-- pm+nfunn�initn111nrai��hat Lendzr has not becomo obligaied ro pay to the Secrctery,and Le�er sM1all promp�ly rcPond any
<br /> ._���;�� oxcess funds ta�Ummwer. Immediatcly prior to e forcclosurc snlc of the Property or hs acquisf�ion by Lcndcr,Bortowcrb
<br />=— -a eocount shzlbbe crcdited with any balnnw remninina Por ull instaliments toT items(n),@)and(c).
<br /> ���:;` 3�. A�QpIlcarion of Payments. All paymenre under Paregrapha 1 end 2 shall be epplied by Lender as follows:
<br /> ._:��YT: �, rs ,to the moegago insurana prcmium�o be pafd by Len�r m�hc Sarciery or to the momhty chargo by tho
<br /> .-ta5;►-;� Secrcluy instwd of tl�o monlhly mongegc insurencc prem�um: ___
<br /> "'�' r.�+ .E�Nn,to any�axes,specinl nssesmicnta,Icaschold pxymems o�ground renta,end!ra Ilood and oihcr hnzud __-_,
<br /> �+'���'';S insurenceprcmiums,asrcq uircd; —
<br /> �C r-� D to intcrest due undcr the Note.p
<br /> �;��_ : �N to I o har��s�duo underihe�NO�e ui u�c riute; -°- �- °-°°
<br /> G. Flre,Flaod and Other 1[ozerd Insurantt. 6oROwer shall insurc xll improvcmenu on�ho Propcny,whahcr now
<br />�_'R'�`%:�1+%;,�• In exix�ence or subscqueml erected,ogalns�en hazards,cas�wl�ies,nnd contingencics,incioding flrc,far which Lender
<br /> •-!i,;'.'l:�...�, y Y •
<br /> . _��s_. rcquin;s insumna. This Insurance shnll bc mninte�ned In the amounls�nd for�he periods thnt Lender requims. 6orrower era�?.
<br /> �:'?f.'�_;-.' shall also Insure all Im rovamems an Ihe Pro�ny,�vheiher no�v in exis�ence or sabuquenqy crected,agmns�lose by floode -€=:_= =�
<br /> '��'���1=�^':�: to�ho extent m ulred B the Secrc�ery. All nsurmn�shall be carricd witB com :uilee ep roved b Lender. 7Le Insumnct ��'�"'""JYi-�=�
<br /> f-� '' polfcia ond eny renewals shnll be heid by Lender nnd shall include lou payable clatues In fuvor of, md in a form �j `''�' -a��
<br /> .s. ?�, '' ucceptable to.l.enAer. �G" ��
<br /> .. In the event of loss, Uorcosver shall give Lender immedia�e na�ice by mnil. Lendet mey malce proof of losa if not � -.' h °`�'�•
<br /> '! mnde promptly by Dorto��•er. Cach insurence company concemed Is hercby authoriud ond directed w mnke payment for � _ _�
<br /> ���r`. such loss dimetly�o I.ender,insmad of l0 6ofra�verand�o Lenderjoimly. All or nny pan of�ho insurnnce proceeds m.ry be r,.,;,�5„ .. -i..
<br /> _.'��iti:�<�"�i,"�, e plied by Lcnder,ai Ith op�lon,ci�her(e)to�hc redunion of thc indcbtcdncss nndcr�hc Notc end�his Secudry Insuvmem. �{t?,:�t�,.�,�!�q"',";`.�;:,
<br /> , � .. �rst to cmy dclinqucm nntoums npplicd in ihe ordrr in Poragraph 3,and�hen m pmpaymeN of principal,or(b)ro thc � y .��
<br /> � ti{�F� rcstorntion or rcpair of iho dnmaged propert . Any applicaflon of�he proceeds m�he principal aholl not ex�end or postpone � :< / i --,
<br /> �,?�������' the due un�o oi�nc n�����i�iy pny.�w���..i��.�arc r.krted�o in Pnrngroph 2,or rhang:the amount o(such paymems. Any ;..jp,��t+,>��`.�,�s,-'
<br /> „..�i:�, "; exeess insnrnnce proceeds over nn emoum rcquired ta pay nll ou�standmg mde6�eMess nnder�he Noie nnd �h(s Sewrity i;��.:;���k�k��'q>>�,�;;::
<br /> ^ Inswmentahn116cp,idwthcemilylcgallytnli�lcdlhcrcla. :��� ' , + - � -
<br /> In Ihe event of torcclo�um�f Ihic Setnrity IncwmeN nr Mher Iransfer of lille l0 1he Propeny Ihal calinguishes lht ._ /,-..`� '
<br /> r � indebiedncas,nll righi.ti�lc and imcrest of tiortower in anA m insunnn:policirs in(orce shall pus to�he purchaxr. )?� .� . t Z%�-;�
<br /> , _ �-t 5. Ottupnncy, Preservntion, Mulntennnce and Prmecfion of Ihe Properl�; Ourrmrer's Loan AppllpNon; _ - i.� _,.._
<br /> �, Leaseholds. Uono�ver shall occupy,cs�ablish, and use�he Prap.ny us Oortowert pnmipal residence�vithin sixty days sy ; �,`- a ..
<br /> ' a(ter the exaulion of Ihis Securily Inswment and shail cominue�o accupy the Property.s bortower�principal rcsidena .; y i -
<br /> s :
<br /> � for n�lesst one year nfler�he date of occupancy.unless ihe Secreiary de�crmi�s�his rtquircmem will cauw undue hardsM1ip :. � - i.;.,�;-
<br /> ��. +`"��1�� for Bortosver, or unli:cs ez�enua�ing circum«anYS ezist whic6 am Myond Uorto�rer'.s control. 6ortow�er shali notify ' '`�?���. � ('.
<br /> '" ' l,enders of any ex�enuating circumsunces. 6urroo•er ahall no�commit�rute or des�roy,damage or subsl:mtially change �`�� , '�.;y;
<br /> •^`:''y����'�� �he Ropeny or allo�v the Propeny to de�criora�c,rcaconablc utar and tear cxmpted. Lendcr ma��inspect�hc Propeny if�hc
<br /> "�""'�'� Property is vacunt or xbandoncd or thc loan ii in dcfauh. Lcnd.r may takc rcaconabic aciimi io prmce�md prescrvc such
<br /> '•� �"��°�t`� vnrnm or ebandoned Roperty. Dortoner shall al�o be in drfauh i(I3orro�cer,during �he loan applica�ion process, gare � � -
<br /> ''i�'��VS`.t'i matcriallp fnisc or inaccun�c infonualion or xtatemcnls m l.cndcr (or faitcd w prm�idc Lcndcr with any matcrial �•°J- �- '- ..
<br /> �' ' � � infortnauaN in conneclion with�he loan e��idenced by�he hote,incluAing,bm no�limiled to,mprcsema�ions concrming .
<br />�sF,"_.S�"�::�;•� . `
<br /> ,f�,�r.:,;, . Uormwerh oceupancy of ihe Ropeny m a principal tesidtnce. If Ihii S.cufi� laarumenl is on a Ieasehold.6orro��rr shall
<br /> -;2��f;+;. .,• comply with thc provisians of�hc Ie.uc. ff 6otraucr a.yuir.s fc.�i�lc lo th¢Proµny.lhc Ica.chold and fcc Iiilc ehall not
<br /> be merged untcss Lendcr agrees�u the mcrgcr in���riting. . '��
<br /> - 6. hnrges l0 6orron�er and Protcrtlan of Lcndcr i Righis In tl�c Properlr. �urroorr shall pay all gavemmental _ _
<br /> . - or munic�pal ehugls.finex and impotilions that are nol mcluded in P.rtagnph 2. I3urtuaer shall pa��thne obligalions nn � - .
<br /> � time dimttly m lhe enliiy a�hich is un�ed �he pa}men1. If(aiWre w pay wou1J aJcenel)�affea Lrndrr:+ interc�� in the . . �
<br /> �� . ' Pmpetty,upon LenderS rcyuesi 6urto�rer�hall promplip fumi�h In Lender rcccipt�ecidencing�heu paymenl.. - -
<br /> - 1(Dortower lails�o make Ihe�c paymenn or�he pa�mcnle rtyuired M1y Paragnph 2.ur faih lu per(umi any o�her
<br /> ' , , covenams and�grcemems conlained in�his Securiq�Inurumem.or them ic a Icgal proceeding ihal may signific:uuly affen .
<br /> Lender�rigMs in�he Ropeny(such a�a prucecding in hanAruptcy.for wndemna�ion or lo enforce law�s ur tegula�inm).
<br /> - -- — �hen LenOer may ao ana pay aita�erer is na�ecsaq�o procea me vaiue of tn¢iTOpen)'and�endrr i rigin.in inc m�periy. [[_�---- '-_- -
<br /> � in[luding paymcnl of laxes,hazard insura'xc anJ uthrr i�cros mcmiuncJ in P,�ragraph 2. [[ .
<br /> ��� Any emounls disbuned Ay Lender under thii Paragqph shall Ixeome an addiliunal debl of Uommer and M ucuttJ �
<br /> . by Nis Saurity Insnvmenl. Thcsc amoums shall Mar intcrcsl Gum Ihc da�c of Ji.bunemcN.a��hc Nnic nle,and w�hc
<br /> _ ���ti.• ophon o(Lender,shall be immedialely due and pa�able
<br /> -- - 7. Condemnalion. "Ihc procccds of any a��ard or claim(or damagc�.dirccl or con.cyucntial,in conncction with any �
<br /> ""�� �� condemna�ion or other�aking o(any pan ot�he Propeny,or for conrepance in place nf condemnation,arc hemb��u�igned '
<br /> � end shall bc paid lo Lcndcr lo�hc cxlenl of Ihc lull amounl of the indcb�cdnc.��ha�remain.unpaid undcr ihc Notc:md thic �
<br /> �e4„' ,_`.� Securily Inswmcnt. Lcnder shall apply such pr�xttds to thc nduaiun of�hc indrb�cdncs.undrr the ho�c u�d thii Se.urity �
<br /> - _ .�r '" Inswmcm, fini io any dclinyurm +wouut� appli�d in Ihc ordcr pro��idnf in P,vagnph i, and then �u prcpa�mcN of
<br /> -"'�::"" " principaL Any application o!Ihe pruceeds to the principal shall no1 exlrnd or pn.lpon. ihe due date o(th� momhl��
<br /> ' ,
<br /> 5�:i I...;�'.t �
<br /> ..a. .- - < iryfe2.�IM�i� `t
<br /> ,. . /
<br /> �. � ` . . __ __ !I�_�_... _.. .. _ .
<br />