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<br /> 93'► �� lVftViYOAlpfP itAlUt.11lT! DRRD r .
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<br /> Thomes 8. Claik and Stephanie e. ClASk, husbend end wife,
<br /> harein QdilQ[� 9LAOE0= whether one or more, in aoneidaretion oE
<br /> Pifty�One Thoues4d Doliare ($51,0OO.OD) reaeived. fxom graqteea; , _
<br /> doee gre�t, bargain, eell oonvey nnd aonfirw unto Jeen a. Plourd�:. �
<br /> and Kat� N. Plourde hueband and WiPe, as joint tenante with rf ty�•.,
<br /> - -° deearib��realiproperty in HalZ Cou Cy, iNebree�ka�� tha Eo114s+�f��;!!.�;,..(,;';;,i�'
<br /> :,��;,,���f�rti; _-?;
<br /> `F; ' '}„•,,ti��ro. .
<br /> Lot� 3V'ro Bundred Fourteen (21�) end T�+o :(�; ;�� ��.;, .. , _ _
<br /> —= Aundred Pifteen f215) in Weet I.�wn, an _ ::i ,,���� ' "' . �
<br /> ---- Addition to thb City oY 6sartd I�land, qsll '', '"�"%;"' ' ,"''^t{n'�:
<br /> = CaunCy, Nebre�ka. • iY� �•�
<br /> . i."'� ' r!�::i�t ' n{P��'..
<br /> � �o have and to hold the abova deeoribed premiees eoc�e��,�y�witq
<br /> �-'� aix .tenay�ente, herediCamente end appustenanaee there�q �1bri��rg 1 �
<br /> ' ut�tb. tho granteae and to their aeaigne, or to the heise �nd}ers gn� ' ;;,
<br /> � '� of the,muzvivor of thom forever. :;t ' ,y' ��j.-
<br /> -r:- . • "�i __---
<br /> & . ' �': ,
<br /> + Y# And grentar doee hereby aovennnt with the grenttl�a''and with ^�� '
<br /> „`,� Che1r eagignt5 amd with the heire nnd aeeigne o£ tha ;6'UYvivor oP , J',r'
<br /> �„ ;. them ih3t qrantar le lawfully eeised oP eeid premiee6p bhat they y!��f:i'��•
<br /> -:' "• are free from enoumbranca exoept eaeemente and reetrlotions o! t�.�;�,,;rx;
<br /> ' ' reaordi thaL grantor hae qood right and lawful nuthority to aonyey !, ,a�;_,
<br /> - r� the eema� ana tt�at grantor warrante and will defAnd the title�tQ , ,.t,t,;
<br /> `�"-"'} eaid remieee a ainet the lnwful olal.me oE ell pereono ahomaoeVee:``; •1-{^;�,+e%r.
<br /> P 9 . ,:,�;.
<br /> r-+��.'• It ie the intention of all parbies hezeto that in the evenC oP ;tr� � '',.;�:�
<br /> - ";:,; the denth oP either oE the gxnnteee, the entire fee eimpla title to
<br /> �';:� thie reel property ehnll vest in the eurviving grantee. � -_
<br /> '�''�`.' Datad Chie ��day of Auguet, 1993. -
<br /> , .�,
<br /> ����s�
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<br /> -.�.,f1''. Thomae 8. Clar � rantor :.;:��_^-�__
<br /> ��[L,C ° ��''J..
<br /> 1 . �pl n e 8. Clark��� �;�,��,��j
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<br />.���.:C'��-:i STIiTS OF NSDRT8RA� COUI7TY OF IIF�LAS ,',rT�y.:° .
<br /> ���,
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<br /> eefore mo, a notary public qualified for enid county, .� ;'t
<br />-,ts;`-�'� peroonally cumo Thomas � Clark and Stephanie S. Clerk, husbflnd urtd
<br /> ` �` ' csife, known to mo to be the identical pereon or peraone who eiqned
<br /> the foregol.ny inetrument and acknomledged the execution thereof to
<br /> be their voluntary act und deed.
<br /> Witnose my hand and notarinl seal on this ��lday of l�uguet, �
<br /> �eoa k--
<br /> _,.-�..6 �•�V• �C�lIIIQi/�fSpYNlir� -- ---
<br />;_...� .
<br /> r�a.:��w.�� � °^
<br />- :`,��,, Notary Pu>1 c '
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