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��: __ . _ � •.__�. r . � ___ <br /> ��Y . . � ..t .... _ .. _ ..,.�,.._'-�'__.=, <br /> ... _ <br /> � ������,��':s. °=� ..._ <br /> u.dl,.�Cci_�.-----'_�?_ -� - <br /> �"�„-- 91-� lUt� �� <br /> u <br /> �--�'� th�Prop�rty b so t�k�n or dam�p�d,L�nd�►ahMll h�vt Ih�optlon,In lu�iol��nd�bwlul�dl�arNbn,b�ppl�NI wah P►acMds, <br /> _�� dt�r d�duapnp thartl�om�II ao�b�nd exp�n�Inourr�d by II in aonn�otlon wllh�uoh Prookd�,upon any ind�budnw MawW <br /> hKNby�nd In�uoh ad�r��L�nd�r m�y d�t�rmin�,or lo�ppfy�II�uob ProaNd�.�IIM wah d�duaHon�,b Ih��Mbntlon o1 th� <br /> -=� prop�Ay upon wah aandldom u��na�r m�y d�armirn,A��r��pua.iiv��af t��oc+i:d4 W k�sadnzaa ahall na!eAtab a�aal�rorte . -- <br /> �•��= th�dw dtl�of any paym�nu und�r th�Noto,or aur��ny d�fsulf M�nttnd�r or h�nund�r.Any un�pplNd lund��hall br p�Id�o <br /> "� Tru�ta. <br /> �' 9. PKlonn�a�br L�ndK.Upon Ih�oaouironoo ol�n Gvant of Odaulf hu�und�r,nr U�ny�01 u uk�n or lap�l p►oa�dlnp <br /> ,�, aomm�na�d whloh m�brlally dbcb L�nd�t'�Inter„t In Ih�Prcp�rry,I.�ndrr m��In Iq own d1�urNlorL bul wllhoul obl�llon b do <br /> �n,-'' — eo,end wlthout notice to or dem�nd upon Yruetor and wlihout r�lwslnp T�u�tor rom Nny obllp�tlinn,do an�ul whkh ruuor hu 6 ; <br /> � . �prMd but Idls to do�nd m�y�leo do an�other�ot it dwm�n�c�uary lo protscl th•�.ou�iry ha.a.T�u�ar s�i.Imm�dlatNy <br /> ' -;�.:.�;;#�M�.� upon demand thnNor dy L�nd�r,p�y to L�nd�r�II cost��nd��p�n�a Inournd�nd�um���prnM�i b�L�nd�r In conn�adon wlfh <br /> --==�►*W�; th��xorols�by L�nd�r of th�lorpolnp rlphb,top�th�r wlth Int�n�t Iha�on�t Ih�dN�ull r�l�prorld�d In th�Noq,whlch�h�ll b� <br /> ---;�t.� �dd�d to th�Ind�bt�dn�s�Nour�d h�r�by. L�ndu �hall not Inaur�ny U�Wllty b�auw ol lurylhlnp 11 ma�do or omlt b do <br /> -=_,N:.� h�r�und�r. --- <br /> � p. H�s�niou�11Ad�1�.Tru�tor�h�ll k��p th�Prop�rty In aornpu��c�wlth�II�ppUc�Ol�I�w�,ordlnano���nd rpul�tWn� <br /> -- "` <br /> _,_ __�__rseF:� .� rolsUnp to IndudMsl hypl�n�or MvlronrtNntal prot�aqon(ooll�otiwly nhrr�d to h�r�In��"Envl►arm�nlal L�w�'y. Tru�tor�hall <br /> �-��t�' ka�p!ho Properly IrM Irom a0 wb�yna��dNm�d lo b�h�z�rdou�or toxlo undn�ny knvuonm�n�al Uw��aoll�anv�ly r�hn�d b --- <br /> '�'"--.:�t`!�! <br /> - .��,_.�, -,� � herdn�s"H�zardouo M�torl�l�"►.Tru�tor h�reby w�rr�nts�nd r�pnwnt�lo l�nd�r Ih�l thr�����no H�i�r�ous �Mrl��on or <br /> ` _-��,� .• und�r th�Properry.TruNor hereby apne�lo Indemnity ond hold h�rml���4�ndor,u�dlr�nton,otlicv�,�mp1a�N�md�p�nt�,�nd <br /> ,��..��'' any wccss�on to Lendor'�Intarat,lrom md�poln�t any and all cl�lm�,d�m�n��,lo�w��nd IIeb111tN�qrlHnp In conn�Ctlon wlth <br /> _;..; ths pretanae, u1s, dl�posd or tran�poh af any H�zerdous Mabrlal�on,und�r,Irom or�bout Ihe prop�rty.TH�FOREOOINO <br /> '=""�`t�;'• WARRANTIFB ANO REPRE8ENTATIONS,ANO THUBTOR'8 OBLIOATIONB PUH�UAN f TO TH6 FOfiE001NO 1NDHMNITY,BHALI --- <br /> -'��'�� SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUBT. <br /> r <br /> �. 10. AwlpnnMnt ol R�nb.TruHor henby aulpns to Lender Iho nM�.I�sun and prolib ol th�i'rop��y:provld�d th�t ru�tor -- <br /> -_= -���°+� - shell,undl the occurrence of an Event of Default herounder,hove the rlpht ro coll�c1 ond r�t�ln�uch r�nh,i�run rnd prolit���lhoy � <br /> -,��a� become due and payable.Upon th�occurrence ol e�,Bw �t of De1 ult,Lond ir m�y,Yllhnr In ponon or by ap�nt,wlih or wlthout <br /> �"'"���� Ixlnpinp en actbn or roceedin ,or b �racelvor a olnted b a wurt and;+It1��ut nq� 1 to ths�d�qu�a ol�i�s�ourl �nt�r ��� <br /> 'x ' '•''�`•";i'• �, .. 9 P 0 Y PP Y y �� <br /> upon end take po�se�elon ol the Property,or any pert thereol,In II�own neme or In the name ol lhe Tru�t��,end d�my aots whloh Il <br /> �+�i�{`; ��`� • deeme necetsery or dsW►ablo to preWrve Ihe velue,marketablllry or rentebllity ot the Prop�rty,or any put Ihuspl or InYemt Ihentn, <br /> ,�` �" increa�e the Income therelrom or protoal the eecurity hareol and,wlth or wlthout taklnp po�s�ulon ol th�Prop�rt�r,�u�lor or <br /> ' ' otherwise callect the rents,I�aues and prollts lheraof,inaludlnp tho�e pa�t due end unpald,and epply tho eama,les�cails and <br />;p:e�s11�wN.%�{,.. :.. -- <br /> _. ,:. :.� expenees of oporatfon and oollectlon Includinp atlorneye'lee�,upon any indebtedne�s�ecurod he►sby,all In�uah ada�s L�nda <br />�-W {" r may detarmine.Tho enterinp upon and tekinp poe�es�bn ol lhe Property,the collecllon o1�uah renl�,luuo��nd p►ollls and th� <br /> _'��, . ;��= --'�=-'° appllcatlon thereot ee alore�ald,shell not cure or we�ve nny he�euU ar notice of delault haraundor or InvaUdel��ny�ct don�in �_ : <br />�._-= r��. �'""� " responte to euah deloult or pursuent to euch notica of delault end,notwllhetandinp the conpnuenc�In po�wuion af Ih�ProprHy or <br /> �',� ' ..;- ::?"�` ,, " the collection, receipt end epp�laation of r�nte,ieeuea or prollts,end Tru�tea and Lender�hall bo enlltl�d to oK�rols��v�ry ripht <br />�w��;��. {�,.,r t.�,w: providod for in any of the Loan InetrumanU or by law upon oacurrence oi any Event ol0daitlt,Inolud�np wllhoul llmll�uon th�rlpht <br /> �.}•=-- 6 -i_; ' ta sxarcisa tfic powar af�ls.FuRher,Lander'a riflht�snd remedlee under thf�pern�rn�n Rnpn bw cumul�uv�wuh.�nd In no w�y� �__ <br /> .,�._f •� •-•• � ^•. Ilmltation on,Lender's rlphts and remedtee under any a�elpnment of lea�ea and rent�rocordYd opsln�t lh�Prop�rty,L�nd�►.Tru�fN <br /> Y��� .�;p;�, � and the►ecelver ehell be Ileble to account only for thoae renla actually received. <br />. ,;.:�. ' , 11. Hvmb W DNauit.The followinp ehall conedtule an Event ol Default under thfs Dead of Tru�t <br /> � •�•��'• � (a) Failure to pey eny inetallment of principal or iMereat ol any other sum eecured hereby when due, <br /> � a��"� (b) A breach ol or delault unde�any p�ovitlon contolned in the Nota,this Deod af Trwt,any of Ih�Lo�n In�trum�nt�.or�ny �'� <br /> '? ` d ' rY <br /> • . d,� �• otlwr Ikn or encumbrance upon Ihe Properry; ''�� <br /> - �� (o) A wrlt of execupon or attechment or eny almllar proees�shell be entered apefn�t Trwwr which sh�ll b�cpm�a Il�n on ""'' <br /> �� ••� �' th�Property or eny ooAlon thereof or intereat Iherein: <br /> °s , (d) There ehell be flled by or ageinat Truator or Borrower an actlon under any preeent or luture fadoral,st�lo or olher <br /> - .,�..�;:. •••.+4.�, stetute,IQw or�equlation relatinp to benkruptcy,insolvency or other rellef lor debtore;or there shell be eppolnled eny tru�te�, <br />,�� . ��-. •• recelver or Ilquldator ol Truator or Borrowar or of all or any part of the Propeily,or Iho ronts,Inue�or protiU thuYOl,or Tru�tor <br /> o►Borrower shell make any yeneral essiqnment lor the benefit of credltore; �,' <br />" �, r ,�� , (e) The aale,tranaler,lease,asalpnment co�veyance or lurther encumbrance ol all or eny part ol or eny inurosl fn tho � <br /> . ,�„ ,. Property, elther voluntarlly or Involuntarfly, withoul the expreas wrltton conaent o1 Lender: providsd thet Trustor shsll be <br /> .. permltted to execute a lea�o of the Properly thet doea not contem en optlon to purchaae end tho torm of whlch doo�not oxcoad ��_ <br />;,...`, � ono year, �:,� <br /> ����.., • <br /> i ,�� � (q Abendonment of the Property;or <br />::� � �.:, �.�J (p)If Truator It not an fndlvidual,the lesuance,sale,tranrler,essf�nment,convoyence or oncumbr�na�ot mor�Ihan�total _ <br />::x., ` .` - <br /> � ' '� of porcent ol(II a corporetlon)Its Issued and outetandinq stock or 1f1 a parinership)n total of_—__perc�nt ot � <br /> "`��°, f� ��� pertnerohip Intereets during the period thls Deed ol Truef remalna a Ilen on the Property � � ' <br /> ��.' •:... �' 12. R�n»dNs;Aeal�ratbn Upon DN�ult.In the event of any Evenl ol Default Lender mey,wilhoul notice e�cept e�requlnd by <br />_;�''.�� , i <br /> law,declere all indebtedneee s�cured hereby to be due and payahle and the same ehall theroupon bocomo dw �nd p�yabl� _ <br /> 'F'�� ,^ without an preeentment,demand, roteet or noQce ol en kind.Thereatter Lender ma : <br /> .� � 'P (aj Demand ihat Trustee exe�clee the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,end Trua�ee ahell ihereafler cou1Y Tru�to►'� 1' <br /> , . ' Interost In tha Property to be sold and the proceedY lo bo d�otribuled,ali�n the mennar provided�n tho N�►bra�ka Tru�l Dwd� �'� <br /> Ack w' <br /> ' (b) ExerCfse any end all rlphis provlded lor In eny of ihe Loan Instruments or by law upon occurronc�ol Yny Ev�nt ol �' <br /> • Defeult;end <br /> (c)Commence en acllon tu loreclose Ihl9 Deed of Trust ac a mortyeqe,appoint e recelvnr,or�pecdically unlo►�Y�ny ol thY <br /> covenants hereof. <br /> No remedy hereln conlerred upon or ro5erved to Truatee or Lender ia intended to be eMClusrvR ut nny othHr rome�ly hxre�n,in Ihq � <br /> Loan Instruments or by law provided or permitled,but each ehall be cumulatrve.aholl be m j�ddition lo nvery nther rtlmudy�won <br /> hereunder,fn the loen Instruments or now or herealter eK�stlnq at low or�n eqwty or by atatute,n�id n�ay be u��rasYd concurroiqly, <br /> Independently or succeaslvely. <br /> 13. Tru�te�.The Truatee may resipn at any time without cousu.and Lendcr m�y at ony time and w�lhuut cnuso uppo�nl e <br /> succesaor or subatitule Trustee.Trustee ihall not be I�able to any porty,mcludlnq wlihoul IlmNatlon Lt�nder,Borrower,Trusivr o��ny <br /> purchaeer of the Property.lor any loss or damege unless due lo recklesa or w�lllul miaconduct,rind�hall not be reqWred tu Ipke rny <br /> aCtfon in ConneCtion wlth the enfOrcement ol thla Deed ol Trust unlesa indemnilied,in wntinp, lor all coate. �:amuen�alwn ur <br /> f • • expenees whlCh may be nesoc�ated theiewfih In udd�tion. Trustee mpy become a purchoser of any su��ol lhn Prdportyl�ud�c+Nl o� <br /> under the nower of sele 4ranted here�nl,poelpone the sHlu uf i►II or any portion ol the Propnrly.u�provid�d by I,�w,�r �oll Ih• :_ <br /> � �.:� Property as a whole,or�n separate parcels or lote at Truslee's d�acretion. <br /> ;.�' t4. F�and E.�pensn.In ihe event Truatde sells ihe Propurty by exercie�of powor ol eale.Trurleu eholl ba�mUtlwf lu aUU�Y <br />� ! any sele proceeds tlrsl to payment ol all coats and expenaee ol exerciainq power of sale.InCluqlnp nll Trusteo�feee.;�nd L�nd�r'� <br /> and Trustee'e ariorney'e feea,actually Incurred to extdnt perm�lted by oppli�nble law In thu event 8orrowor ur Truntoi��reii:nar��i�y <br /> righf p�ovided by lew to cure an Evenf ol Default.Lender she11 be enhllod lo recovur Irom Truntor;�n waU ond u■pun���ecluHUY <br /> � InCUrred e�a rYSUII ol Trwtor's delault,inCludlnp w�thout Iimdetion all Trurtee's end attornuy'e te��,Itl Ihe ex1Yn1 ytlr�mNod t,y <br /> eppllcable law. <br /> 16. Fulur�Adv�no�s.Upon requeat of Horrower,Lender muy,al de opl�on, muku add�Uonnl imd luturu advoncor ��nd�u <br /> edvences to BorroWer.SuCh advanCea ond raadvoncea,w�lh interest thoroon.ehell be eecur�d by Ih�n Daed ol Tr��sl Af n��t�mN�hMll <br /> the princfpel amount ol the Indebtednoas eecured by Ihia Qeed ul Trusl.r �t�c1i nt��Lurns etivi�nci+d W prutnct the sucu•�ly ul Ih�Y <br /> Oeed of Tru��exce�d thv orlpinal princlpel nmount aleled herem,ur S ��u-�o��•UU ,whicnovo� re�realur <br /> f <br /> +.. : . . � � � <br />