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. . .. <br /> Y . , . I�'���{� .. . <br /> 't'OOSTF[t�R W1TN at�Qp�mpro4eh+aKa now w hNa�er«oaed on tho propen,y,Nct al we�aM���puneiw�iw��Ad <br /> fixNrc+�nnW or htraflfr �.put uf tl�e pcopeny. All rcpUcenxd� and dA6ioM �Aill �la be.mrued dv_N1r Saturity_'..' . <br /> — ' InMNmel�t.All q(Qa t9rc{o(n�is rcPured to In thlf Saurl�y lnuNmrnl w Nn.'pm��y.• •,''� ... ." — <br /> BOStRO1VHR COVBNl�NTS Ih+l 9ormwa I�!¢wfully kluti of tho eN�tn hArCbY Mnveypd�nd fuii Iho rl;ht 19�u+�!Md, . ' <br /> codvey�Ae piopeny uid�A+l'�la Propeny Is une!!sumbcrcd�cx�ept fqi on�vn�Dmka'o�tscuN. BorcvWu.wuroM�N�d wll( .�" <br /> deknd�rnsnlly tlailtte w the Froperty+gdnu ill d�6ro uid dntwd�.su8}ttx to piiy p�u7nhtqliCL9 oP.f4cord: = �' <br /> " ?Ht8 SECURITY IN5IAUMf:NT mmbina unlfomi wvcnml+for rotk�:)My and np�runtfqmurovfnux�wllh IIn71ud _ ` <br /> variNlm�byJurisdk{IOaloconsUroto�unlformctcurlrylnHtumenrcovarinpmlpfopenY�' . '• ` .: •, ..` r <br /> .� . . _ <br /> UNIF�RMGAVIINAN7S,BortowerudLcnclermvenantandogreeu(olt6wt: , ; <br /> _ '. i. hyre+M ot.P�intt ud inSeiatt �P�Y�wR.lalaCl�r{a..8ottoP'�s RMII I due <br /> prinClpat oP}rq inEm!on t�debt evldenc•d by Ua Nab rnd�nY�repayment enA INe rluqe�d+le oM�rr-!l.r.NMp,h� �s(� . ( � - - - <br /> 2:Flud�tor 7'�xa�nd Imurynts.Sub)a�lo oppltca6to Iqw or to e wrlReD.w�Iver by;l,endeu 89rrowit sl�nll,�`�W ... .._�. <br /> I.enderon ihe day monthty qyments aro due under tho Nu!e,untll tM Nolc fa pald In Poll,n sum S'FuMs7 Por;¢j yntty tD'xN '' ;t: <br /> uvJassessmenuwAlch atmin dorit over�AlaSCCUdt Ins�Nmentaaallonortlhe -'°.�_- <br /> �+Y P Y Y �n9:(b)Yatl,Yde+xMW pYm�!'?;. '_ <br /> or grourcl rcms on�he ony:(o)Ycuty h�zard or propeny Imu[�nca premlums;<d)YS�dy flaatJnwrenoe pilmiuw� „ . <br /> —. If any:(e)Yarly mortgage Insurarke preinlurtu.If any:and(p eny wnu paysbte by Bor{ow�c�Iq 1,oihtAY�Jn�ccordineq vyMh= ` •''i': <br /> ihe proWsloro of pu�grapA 8,In Ileu of the paynxnt of nwngago Insuhna pttmiuiro.77ieay hemc_pm.Eal(i�'Esctow Itb�u."' , <br /> Le�der nuy, et ony tlme,mlloct end hold Funds In en anwunt na ro excced�hp mulmum.piia�nt�a:landat(or,�fedet+lly " <br /> . rcl�ted nwrfgage Iwn may rcqulra Por ltortower's ecerow eccount under lho f�de�s1 Re�l•PsWO SvNqpmnnpY�do4d�Ue9'Aq oi� - <br /> - l974 as enxnded from Ume to QnM. 12 U.S.C.Sectlon 2GQt et seq.('RL•SPAq,uNe�.a endher hw ll�bGap(Qiq1;(R,i(�n�Fund�- - <br /> scu¢lesscr onwum. If so. Lendcr nuy, et eny tlmc.mllttiv aM hold FLnd9!n an anwuol nol to exceCdlfiO tr3cEP:wpl�at. . <br /> -.-— I.ender nuy estlnu�o�ha amount of�unds duo on tho bub of oumnt data and rGason�ble atlmua o6 e%p�oAil�id5'BE;fWUie..__ �-,_ <br /> -� Cscrow Ittmt or oihenvlse In eccordance wlth eppliwble law. � . - ';'��: �i. �:'�.� - <br /> . 'R�e �unds shall be hcld (n on Instimtlon whose deposib ue inn� a fcdtrd �geney, Iq#�unlCnl�li[ ;or,alGty �:-•�i'�:"�; <br /> � (tncluding l.c�der.If Lendcr Ie such en Ins�lwdon)or In eny Ptderal Homo Loan Dank.Luidcrabnit aPPIY���������+6�!hJ�Oy I� - � - <br /> � ¢urow Items.l.ender nuy rat cAuge Bortower(or holding andapplytng lho FLnAs.enmmlfy�annlyzing�lhq.occro�V�biti$lfli(r,or .. <br /> __ ved(ying the 0.urow I�enu,unlcs�LcnJcr pays[fortowcr Intcrcst on the FUnds e�iA appliouhla Inw,pcm�fin�L.enddr j���md(t!�sych.- ;. '��� <br /> �-�� a chuge.{fowevcr,Lcnder nuy requlru Iiortowcr to pay e onealmc chnrgo indCperxlent�e�l estmn 1nx n�p(iil(jIQ 1Sk P�?����; <br /> . uud by Lsndu In cronmtlon wlth �hls loan, unlrsa epplicablc law prortdas otherwlsc. UNlS! an adhcm¢n�`;1p!�Xh o�- '( ,_ ..-, <br /> eppllcable law rcquires inten�Y ro hc pald,Lendcr shNl nnt bc reqvircd to pay�Borrowu any inMtut or eatni0�e qn,t�y T,�i�i1,a.-„t,,. ..- <br /> __d�;;.� Barrower end Lendcr may egrce in wdting,however.�hit inr.Y�sha116o pnld on tha Funds. Lcnder shalt g ve tii;Rrim7ii.fd�2.:�Y%"�'`� <br /> ��_�,:ii� wllhoul chargc, un onnuy ettrounfing of�ho Flmds, shoivtng m^3its unA debfLS ro tho Funds end Iha pu7pOSe fon�44llfdt elch .•. .•�-.- <br /> ``"""'`'"'� debf�[o thc funds was made.7T�c Ponds ero pled�ed as eddiiiuma)securiry Por a1l mnu savrcd by�hls Secud�y Instrbhier3..:"°� ;,�:-,• :•._. <br /> '�- . _ . . ._.,.___. <br /> �� � If the�unds hetd by Lender excced the emoun�v p:rtniu�+d m be hcld by epplicable Iaw,l.ender xdn1U oaant�ro Boriowu - <br /> u?� for�he exees�Punds In eccordance wi�h�he requircments of appllwbla luw.IYthn omount.of�Ao fUndx hhld�6y Lender nt fny ' - <br /> - _ 8mc le not sufliclent to pay�he 6rerow Items when duc,Lendermay so no�iCy Borrower In•willfnp,end,iln�wCh�cnse�Faiivwu <br />--`�'�}^1�.� shall pay co Lendcr the m�ount n�r�ss.ary m mnke up�hc deficiezay.lbrzower shall malcu up,tlm defidancy In-no more thu� <br />[;;r,u�-, n��elve monthly payments,m Lender's wte dircrcUon. <br />'^°.s.r�.2.�? Upon payment in PoII of all sums sccund by �hls Sccurip Ins�vmrnt: Lendcr shull promptly refund to I3orrower eny . <br />"m�';.�k:i" �unds helJ by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Isnder shn1l ocqnlnr cc sell��Bc propeny,Lendcr,prlor lo the ecqulsiHon or sale <br /> "�-'� ot�he Pro en shnll a I on Punds helJ b LenAer at Ihe timu ef ac iisiifun or salu nE n credi�u alnst the sunss sea�ced b <br />.�iYn�.. � P Y. PPY Y Y N b Y - <br /> � thls Security Inxtmment. <br />�`"=;�',::�' 3.Appltcal[on ot Poyments.Unless npplicable law p�uvidue o�henvise,all paymGita mtived by Lendcr under paragrephe - <br /> - `�� I nnd 2 shnll be npplied: firxL �o ony prcpayment chnrges dua under�he Mnw:second,m nmounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> ::.:::�,i.-i:- . <br /> �;•,,� _� �hlyd,to inlcrcs�duc;fuunh,w principnl duc;and Inx�.�n uny Imu chorgos duu undcr d�c Nute. <br /> �_�v-:_ 0.Chnrges: L1eav. 6�rtower shnll pay nll�axes,ussexcmcmx,chargee, fincs�nd hnpacitiuns mtribmnhle m�he Prnpeny . -- -- <br /> ' wlilch ma} enain priority ovcr �Bis Securi�y InRUUmenl, and luus:hold paymems or growid rcms. If any. 6orrowcr shull pay <br /> !' �hese abliga�iunfi in�hc manncr proviAcd in par�graph 2,or iCim�paid In�ha�mm�nca &xro��cr shall pay thcm on Untc dlratly �'��TS- :, -- <br /> - ��� �o�hc penan u�ecS paymem. [farco�vcr shidl prompdy fwnit�h tu Lender ull no�ices ot omounn to 6c pvd under this paragraph. � ;y�,�,. <br /> � -�� If Qortower mnl�es tBes�pnymeme dircctly,fiarcun•cr shnll�prump�ly fumish to Lender reccipts eviderrcing the paymems. +ti-^� _ <br /> � ' Ourroo•cr shdl p�vmp�ly dir,charFc any licn aLlch Inu priurity uvcr�his Sccuriq�Inswmem unless Uortm��cr. (a)agrccs in - - «� <br /> z . , 4'�3�'�`' <br /> writinp w ihe poymem of d�e ablipu�ian necmcd by tl�e licmin n manner acmp�abte to Lender.(b)cuntes�s in gaad taith the lien ��}{2�1�'� F� .°- <br /> ...':''�` by, or �:efend. againu enfnreemcm af�hc licn in. Icgol pnice�dings �ehich iu thc opinion operate m prcrent �hc c*::-�i"a.^�t,1-".:.-_. <br /> - t�;�.>�sl}3�. _5<._:.�_-: <br /> enforccmem N the lien:or(N heivies from ihr,hnlJcr u(the licn an agmmant v�li+factuq• lo I.cnder�u�irdinaling Ihc licn ro - : +' 3�3 ., _ <br /> �j _ Ihis Security-1nv.runurL If Lender Jeh:miinee iGut any pvt nf�he Pmpen�� i.wbjeci�o a lien whid�ncn auain prioriq�over � - . . <br /> h -�- U�iS SecUri�y Inswmenl, Lemler ntay give Onmi��er a nnlw�iJ.nlifying�hc licn. Uormacr�hall.ati.(y thc licn or lake one or `;��' <br /> j�j ;t more ot ehe ac�inns u�funh u6uve icidiin Ib da�.ni ih.giNng of nouce. � r�L`'� <br /> � F«m 3078 9190 ( r, {";3�n . <br /> _t _ 1,:. .;17r�,d, ':+;:., <br /> _ Geg.)o�6 L � ., <br /> t{,..i.. .r, <br /> :L�i � Si�:lj{t'�!:^ <br /> {j <br /> 1 _ � � . <br /> f <br /> i� rr"T"_r"`{'"_-t� -rx^--r-.•_ . . � --� r "T} - - t � . � .:'i ':?) . <br /> _-,.�Fj7i � _ .1 _. - . ` � . . . . _ <br /> .. <br /> > . .,«h4�:r;�;5 t1 :. . . . 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