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-'J�Ft�f� . iislir�rai� i� ft-� - _..' — p _ _ <br /> �- ., <br /> S t�F d5- 6:n +1�1 �wecx ...�+.�.:.�:.:.�.:��......:::-1"_ - . _. - 1f __ - _ � "— '__ <br /> �, • .. ' � � � . . � 0�,421� ; � <br /> , ,. , <br /> �i ' _�; <br /> : 1�,; �.(r7'QR3 � ut«siLdr r.�.s,�''�i, d:� ee u <br /> -. . Lo�n No. l-19d8D1 p� . R�ni•�rf) <br /> t,q1�aU <br /> • AU9 17'tA93 ,, <br /> �,EOAL Df390FiPiI01j (Q I�� !I �e1 .. <br /> AM <br /> - _ _.. <br /> C <br /> The Northeeat QunrEnr (NE t/A) of SecNon Nluo (9), ioynship Eleve <br />--_--- (11) North, Itanpo iMrLann (13) Nnel of Lho 8lh P.N., ���rr��o CowiEy, <br /> - "� Hebreeke � <br /> �=�e: . — <br /> - '— Tho L•nst Ilnlf af Uia HorthHOel Quarlm� (L• t/2 HN 1/A) of 6nctla� iNOnEy- <br /> _`-� 01x (2B)� TOMIIBIII� 1HflIV0 (12) Norlh, Iteuga lhlrlaon (13) Wast o� tha <br /> _ _ -. ___._._ <br /> � 81.h D.H., ltuffalo Caunty, Nobraske ���������� --� <br /> R� Tho 8outhNes! Quortor ol I.ho Soulheoel (luarlor (SH 1/A SN 1/4) of �5;,;••.,�ZNE�� •- <br /> "• `a � � tlon Txanty-sovau (21), tm+nshlp Twolva (12) Nm•Lh, lianpo ihlrtoo�•"'Y°""'"�^�r _ . <br /> �,�� Nest of tlro 6th P.H., Uuffnlo Counly, Nabrnekn AU61� �� <br /> ��!y' � ihe Norlheast qunrter (NE 1/A) of Section lhlrly-ihreo (33), toxnst�tp `� ' <br /> j ��ri'jF, irolve (12), 8anga ihlr'Coou (13) Host o4 tha 6t1� P.N., OufPolo Co�ya�y, _ y r�1 - <br /> i 4 r�s��� ,t�s ft¢breske, E%CEPT a@rocA vf lnnd boing qe�rl of llia Norlhxesl puerl7� '�T-�--.......+.�� � ,+�� ,. _ <br /> fs<�1�(�} , tho P;orthoest fJiinrler oT Suclion 33, Tou��slilp 12 ?:crih, qanpo 13 Nnst e+t ��d�,��F^,�- _ <br /> ��i1164. tlie 6th P.N., �u(folo ComilY, NeLrnska, morA prtrllcalnriy doscrlbud os ;"'j�,Y���+.�� ° <br /> .e t yu� ._. <br /> � j,+ �;�jh� aeinp .the-Rorth 220.0 feet of tha Wast 220.0 ioel ot tha Northxsst �•Frcl[ � <br /> ,, ?�� y�,;i . Qut�rSer of tho Northeast Uunrter of Sectlon 33, iuunsh{p 12 North, �InnBe 1 {i Fi}�}� •E�—. <br /> �-�s,a.r„ ;: <br /> :�. ;_„ .,-;�) �- 13 iaasb: Conlaining 1. 152 ncres, mo�e or lesa, of ai�ld� �.t67 �crns, ,� ,, i � ;o,r,�`�;'-;y:=. <br /> � moYe or less t�re presently btlug vsed for road purposes logether elLh n �-�-t_ z_- =��. <br /> ��. '�. 30 foot stNp oT land to ba use� far tngruss--u�russ oosemant roed `" S�t, v....�= <br /> purposos, mor.e pnrllculnrly dascrlbaJ ns tollows: Rofarrin8 to tho �-:;� • <br /> � �.I �- Northeost Coi�uar o� Lha NmUionsl �uniler of enld snc6lon :i:i; Llwnco `-,Y,: - � �_—` <br /> .:y Enetm•1y on 6ho Norlli 11ua of enid Ilorlhoast OunrLor n dletmicn of 220.0 ,,;?�fj ,�„-__, <br /> ; foot to tho ACTUAI PLACE OF UEOItINItIO; thonco conllnuing Eaetarly on U�e . � <br /> , :� ofm�o closm•Ibed coursn n dlslmico of 3�.0 fool; Uianco W1Lh n dnflecLlon , <br /> � 'i, anylo to U�o rtght of 90' 2G' 3D" n Jtalanco of U0.9 fool; thancn rlyh! ` „ `',: . t <br /> 28' 36' n dlsLmico uf 82.1 fnoL; thonco NnrUwrly n dlsteuca o� 12G.1 ;��: ° <br /> faot to tho P1aco of 6ngluning, RIID�OCI.� hoxnvnr lo n 30 foot xtrlp of >• =� °� <br /> land whlcii is to bo usad for Ing�oss--opioes onsnmenl purryosae, whlch Is �1 '; o ti a�i - <br /> � ' '� moro rym�ticulnrly dnscribnd ns follovs: Rofon�lug lo Lho Northwaet C, x��t � , ; rf�'' <br /> �'` Cm�uor ot tho Norl,hoaat quorlor of SacLlon 33; llionco Easterly on tho - ' }�l�hti}�I�s:_�;,, <br />>.;�'.',;: : 1lorth lino of sold Norlhoost (JunrLor a Jlstenc� ot 2Y0.0 fool; lhouco _ ,{1,i,; <br /> ' .r --�:� Lanco��otY0Jn0�feot Lo�thn'�ACIUAL f'LACE��aFp11EUI11t11N0e�llenco'conLluulPp =, r��v'�t=YY'��'. <br />� �; �';i ! SouLharly on tl�a nforo descrlboJ caurea n dlsLonw of 62.7 faet; thonco }':� ��+�'� �i- <br /> ` -- �a.; vilh a deflecLlon nnglo Lo Uin rIyIR of 20' 35' n dlslnuco o� 110.9 - - �t �;''�� `�.� �� <br /> % ��t�, -,� feot; thonce Nght 60' 69' 30" nnJ P��nllcl wilh U�a florlh lino of snid :, <� <br /> . ��ji'��a-i;t' NOPLI18081. QIIAYLBI' 0 Jislnnc� at 3A.3 fenl; lhonca i�ighl 119' 00 30" n f<'� :- _.. <br /> J1sLmice of 100.6 feal. Lo U�o pinco of beginuiug. �' ; t � <br /> q 'r-�� ,h �-.-.. <br /> `' ihe Southnasl Quarlar (SE 1/A) of Secliou ihlrly (30), Townsliip Twelva I; � `,�,ti <br /> '%`.-;��"{:�.�� (12) North, Ron9e Twelvo U2) Wast of Uie 6lh p.H. , I1a11 CounlY, , . 4 <br /> '���. ... - o� ' <br /> Nebresko � <br />� - � ; ra�_.X..�� �s> ,. <br /> `�� IRAIGA7ION EQUIP>fEHT w��— ' �� � �� - <br /> . '"`""—" RECORU,LD <br /> . � � One U.S. ltotore 110-hp genrLend, serinl no. t15002769 }7__`I f)� .; � - <br /> ,;;, -.:-: '? One U.6. Motore 90-hp geerheeJ, earial no. IM1119h5 �'��� V ,, ' - <br />- -_ "'�� 5,280 fnet e-inch goted lrrlgotlon �i�e Pn�e `L}a1 7J - <br /> •� " Ono 6nrgen! 10-inch [urbina ptunp, eorlol no. N9990 'J -. . <br /> - " - Ono Noolern Lnnd Rollnr 8-lnch turbino pump, ooriol no. D67092 93 ���j �] A�� 1Z� - <br /> � . . Ono N i !1 000 naturol �ne mococ, serlol no. 27002109 .�.�„� 14a�4 t <br /> - One M 6 N 605 naturnl �oe motor, scrlal nu. 711004ll i <br /> ',.�' '' Ona U.6. Hotora 90-hp geerhead, eerlal no. 1749H93 ���: a,v.t �ut�wr,✓ [ <br /> -� �����.��� ,. 1 . --. _. <br /> - �i One T 6 L 10-toaer pivac, eerioi no. iio ���i�"a <br /> - " One Sargent ti-lnch turbine pwnp, setial no. 11978 DUFFAIO��lqNfY NE. f <br /> - �`:��.' ��_� One M i H 605 neWrnl goe motor, ourfal no. 31100613 � _ <br /> , � '`-`i � ' Ono tlendolph 125-hp ganrhoed, earlul no. 99103 <br /> ' :r`it•.:.y.y..y <br /> : � t>;�.'-� �.. One T L L 10-toeur pivot, neriol no. 1662 � �, <br /> ��SY�,`,;'y� - '_ <br />:`�,}t, .,SS, Ono 6argent 0-1ncL tarbine pump, eeriol no. 47776 � <br /> - ����?��41:':�.� Ono Internntionnl liarves[or 549 na[ural gae motor, aoriol no. 160757 I <br />�jli�:<!F`;l c . '_ <br /> ����-a�.; +t .iA-�q Onn RondolpU 125-hp �eurheod, eetinl no. 99357 [ �.= <br /> . ,�`"� � - ��`t 1 Ono T i L 10-townr plvot, oerlol no. 1770 �=`� <br /> .;�`�;;,;;••"�� � Ona 9nrgant 8-lnch [ucbino pump, eariel no. ]0177 �� _ <br /> ,-_ �� Ono Intcrnn[Sonal Iinrvoo[or 41hf Alusol �notur, earinl no. 10309 � � <br /> � QANi �y� /, <br /> �x� Initials <br /> ,,-� <br /> I�Ata�v wt a� . --- ----!=,��_w...._ _.. _. . _ . __.. <br />