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<br /> — �, , ' . - � on c �a`��
<br /> _ _ .���'. ��,�;8�1�°' . , . ..
<br /> T�sund�rolpnld'Trueror"uidentlfledlnihetollowlnpMeAOtTNal.v�d�..Mrona4�moii,underet�ndthatlh�dooument �
<br /> - th�y�n-�boUt to ex�o�te 10�Deed ol Tru81 MC nol p mactQa�A a`rJ OS,ts14�e�x�ae04 e,i'�Frorlded(ONn th�Deed Of Truet -
<br /> gcorid�a OubaUMt�Iry difteron�rlyhte�n�d 9Eltpilta�a t0 iM Q:«4�smta;l^�1`ie+i*m2qMi'�In c[�v�en101�Mtault or t#MCh of
<br /> -- - CCtt,�{ta1+.�".�rthlDeadotTn:SLU�-,,;��7 b'v'l,fAE1fJYAp"13L`?„T{.'.it8Dt549�r#)j'ffK$7ti(V[vTt4ttf�p%tYlQMll3M1tdlniM _--. ... _ . . .
<br /> Fotta•xtng Qp,g�. 1 Truet foid►�%tt�ti Tnialf� wlthOiA AhySC41/.%n7 pi?ceOdaM,y,TNatcr re��Y�asd�o�mmta tfu.l'+.'ie
<br /> 7
<br /> A ��t�;.�;s�a W�a exec4t�d 41 cMr�+b�toro the executicn oY Ftre 0eed of usl herE�':u:5�t tcrt�. - _
<br />- _ .,�# .. - . . , . . -:i
<br /> �
<br /> �. . ` ',., . _ � , . � � -
<br /> — � � � '.;. RONALD IL (IAN88N ° ��'
<br /> - , t�� �`FI�.�� � _ -
<br /> •-�� ' . SLSIE L. IIANSSN . �,-_.�°-.
<br />�=-���:� FONALD I!. [IAN58N ANb "�,i'.SIS � �':"��
<br /> ..,�r� THISTRII$T-0EEDmaOelhie_I217ideyof �ttRI1ST ,18_R3__,betwee� � _,_ .,._
<br /> ��� I. IIANRRN /)IIISR�N� AMI WfiRH�pB(18I OLII"7ruata",whose mallinq ntldreas le»>p W��,��?m�?a`m,3�3.(A803 —""" -`
<br /> �� -'�f� AItQ�R. 84KX „ ,Attorney st Law,whose meillnp eOdaee le��� N w�Ri RA (FIMI TSI.ANII_MNJ�YIl �„3dL"_
<br /> '' .? ae"Truatee";and Home Fe�loral8�vinpe anE 4oen Assonletlon of arantl letend,whose meillnp addreaa le 2218outh Loouet, �
<br />--� {L •, ��_— .
<br /> ,� , A�6� - P,O.Bo�1009,Oiand Ieland,Nebrpakp 88802,oa"Beneilalary". � � � �•
<br /> � �tu�-�- FGi r�luabta¢enslder.ettor,Tlll9�OS I::�.CC.9DI�QfCOI.�1fGII0�0lH�COf!'!?:�!nQ eealana to Truetee;In lmel;Wltll DDwor o} m� _. __.
<br /> t�.j��': pEle,torthabonelltpntlaoourllyotBanollclary�,uLnderendaubJeottolhotermaanAwndlllonaolthleDeedo}Trual,lfiu�ollow• _.-
<br /> :;,�T, . ,Nebraeka,to wlt: ��`;�. �
<br /> :�, ; -Inp Oeacrlbed propeAy locatod i� .._ —.
<br /> ryi��� - . �_;
<br /> t � �. •�s ' errerst�
<br /> ,�:�.:: �t�'� � ,::�j{�}�,.ic�,ai:}_
<br /> .:�5.�' -. HALLOOUNTY� NBBRASKA. �i:;�};,•.L'ii��.
<br /> t� .. w�w.a�:
<br /> r-` iI d-.'_-%at'
<br /> t- -� .,� ::�e7 Y��
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<br /> s ,r�.�_: 1Te,�;,� �1�itls `*:.
<br /> �y^ Yftyx �4(rjki f ti��}�'.
<br /> � ?��r� �i i��t�•1}'�R .-
<br /> ��%5�` .S A��'fil'i�4,,6`-:�"
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<br /> .y ,Y �.,.,._l; lo9eMer wlth all bulldinge,fixtures, improremente end eppurlenancoa therounto Eolonqinp, it Ceing eBreed lkot ell of the �.-•;,, -�* -�--��
<br /> t �� forepoing e�all be horeinafter refened to es t�o"Propenyh". 1 "I�Y °' t�`" �
<br /> � ,,� men�oftheprncPpege mFOfEELEVENP7H0USAt�D FI�'C III��RED��rtdn$vpf�tol7maforpollere(Sl�n��n$ahooey, - -•�;o ��=`i_ ;
<br /> q---� NU / �� -.
<br /> � •', es evlCenced Yy e Home FeCOral Homo Equity Loan Agroemenl bolwenn Trustor end Bonellelery(Ihe"Loen Agreemenl"�pur• �� � ��• �
<br /> •'-'' �`-�`� avunt to whlch Benofidary wiil edranco funtla to Truator Irom tlma lo timo et t�o Inlorwt retoe end upon tho rorma provltlod -,:�•„-�-. � ..,,
<br /> thorelq topether wlt�eny eum or euma o1 money wilh Interesl theroon wNch may hereatter ba puid or edvaneeA un0ar Ne � _ --
<br /> '�,,,c;,���" ` � terma of tnla Deed of TrusL both pdneipal num end Intoraet t�ercon boing payablo accor0ing to t�o terme sot forlh In t�o Loan ;;`,`�;,�;._ �•
<br /> f: .;;
<br /> ��;,��, Ayroamens,rolerence lo w�ieh ie herob�metlo,af I�e oftlee of the Banollelary In Orand IslunO,Nobreska,or at eueh olhur _ . • -. .
<br />� ,.« �� ,
<br /> `.;�y,„r,�: plaeo as Bonotlelary mny tloslpneto In writinp.
<br /> .;�.,.;�.:.r•_. • _
<br />�;�:,.�r��„;'.,":; 7FlUSTER ANO OENEfIC1AflY COVENANT AND A�REE AS FOLIOWS: -
<br />-`} �•� � � 7.W�mnty o1 TNie Truslor Is lawfulty solze0ol tne ProDe�Y:�ae good rlght end lewtul authotlty to seii en0 eonvoy t�o Pro- . .
<br /> -�-F�F�,i.. portY.lhePropetlylstreoendeloerofa1111oneanAeneumberanee5exeoDtllonsnowofreeor6:enOTrostorwillwarrantandEU� .
<br /> _� :,y'i�1;;i fenC l�o Iitlo to t�o Proporty unto tne Trusten and Its suecesso:s or.A aeslgns forevor epainst Iho clelms of all pnrson3. �
<br /> - - 2.Peyment ol Pdncipd�tM Interost.Truator shaii puncWally pay t�o prindpUl ol,enE intarest on,ail advancoa unEOr tha
<br /> � � Loan Apreomonl enA will punctuplly pertorm aIl agreemonts,contlltlons end 6�ovlslona of flny ot�o�socurity inetrumant givan '
<br /> ' - In COnnociion witt1111ie lrensection. — ----
<br /> 3.P»��rvation�nd Ma1nt�Mnq ol Propei:y.Troetorwlll not commlt any�veslo upon Iho Propohy at wlil,at ell limos,mafm -
<br /> taln tho Bumo In pootl otdar end contlitlon entl wltl mako,Irom timo lo Iimo,ell ropalre,ror.o�valo.repincomonte,eAditions enC ��
<br /> -_--- -�' imprcvomonts whlch aro roasonaCty reQWred to provonl waele,inryatrmom,or Jolodoretiun of sald proDerty.No Dullding m I ..
<br /> . '_ _ _ Improvoment now or�oreaftar orectad upon tAO ProDOrty s�all bo eitoru0,rnmovuA or domolls�od wlthout tho prlor wrllton
<br />; consont of Banoliclary.
<br /> - . I.Inwrancs.Tmslor,et Ite azpnneo,wlll malnlain wilh Inau�ore epprovotl hy Bnnoticlary,in9uranco wtth respeG ro Iho Im�
<br />-`��,��:�� � provgmonte an0 poreonel Droorty conallluting tho Proporly epolno!lose by Ilre,IIgMNng,tomado end olAOr podle covnrotl Dy
<br /> stenCard oxtond9tl covorapo ondorsamont In an emount oquel to at laast ono�undro0 pareeni ol t�o lull roplacomont value
<br /> "��� � t�ersof,entl Inaurflnco egelnst such othor hazarda anA in euch amount ae ia eustomarity carrloA Oy ownors enE oporatore ol
<br /> � �F�'�.��`'`� elmllar propetlies end ee Benellciory may repulro lor Ila proroctlon.Trueror will tomD�Y w���such olhor roQWromonle as
<br /> - - , . Bonoliclnry may trom tlme Qo tima requost for tho proloetion by inaurence of t�o Intarest of lho res0aolivo pmtlos.All In• �
<br />' ' eurance pollcias malntulneC pursuant lo IMS DeeA ot Truat shall nnmoTruator entl Bonoflclnry es Ineurotle,ae t�nir rospnelivo �
<br /> . . ,
<br /> : ::', :::'..
<br /> ' �"- -� � � InlorealH may eppoer and provl0e Ihat tllore shall bo no eancellalion or modl!ICatlon wllhoul Illtaon(15)day9 prlor wrlltnn
<br /> ,
<br />