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<br /> ywQ i f� + �J_ � ��
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<br /> ` '7�0(11�7118R WTri!�I�Impr,�ve�now a he+q�ile�5�fd on the ProPFnY�M�N��!�!M��r+�°
<br /> 11�tNni mw M hsre�ikr a put of tho propeny. All�npinamaMS ind rddillonr �iull tla be covaed bY tpi� 6ea�rky, ��
<br /> :'IRNnu�xrM.a1l of Q10 forc{oin�I�nhrted lo in�hi�Savdry Imiiumrnt u pq"PropeeY•�• ' � " .
<br /> °.,BpRltOW�R GV7VBNAHTS thM�ortmrte!s AwN1iy�Ikd ot Ua n1Ye fxteby ca�veybl uid hu Ihe rl�f�o fnM ead, r �'. '
<br /> . corrvcg�he�rcpary�nd Uu�la�'rapeny i�uncnsumbercd�exttpt for encumbnuicts.of rcWrd. Hotrowet wertuNi ind wtu�, .:.. ,
<br /> &frnd gajeroliy ih�e UIIoYa Un PlPpalY rtti^u�II cldm��nd dmiandi,wbJat to uiy m�vmbni�i ai rxord
<br /> THf$,SCCURITY(N$TRUMENT Con�bines un�(orm cave�ts for natlonil um anA non•unifomi covenanls wlih Itmlled ", _
<br /> � vul�tlom.by�JurladkYion�oM�itule�uni(otmxN�itytni�ttumMtmvedn�ral-psopCnY� . - .: ., .:..
<br /> --- - - � UNI�ORMCOYfiNAN7'9�8aroweratdLendercovcnAUtu�dagrcewfoilow�:• . '� � _
<br /> �"!i 1. P�n�M of Prf�tlpd uW iMenM{ Pcepn7qfeM �pd Gta CAu{ei� Bortower sAell Pron?P��Y P+�Y When due Uk .
<br /> pri�c�pa1 of uid interat on tla debt;vldenoed by t1p Nae�nd any prcpxynKnt u�d IYe chqrgee duc undu�ha No1S• � �" ;.::
<br /> '2.tUpde(x.'f'�xes�nd Inwnoce.SubJect to�pp�icabla Iaw oT to a writted we(ver by l.endcr.Bonowdt shNk pny,to
<br /> i;enAer on the day monthly ppymente are duo under tha NWC.umil tha Note la pald fn Po14 A sum('Funde')for.(a)ycarly.uxa
<br /> �nA assasmen�s whish mag otWn prior(ty over ihis Secudry Iostmment av a Ilcn on�ho Ptopeny;(b)YtarlY teasti�o�d ptymenp
<br /> � ot groFrd�tiue on the PropeM1y,If any;(c)yearly hazud or property tnsunnce pmmiums�(d)ypriy fload In'sunnce premlurta.
<br /> if�nyt(e)yeuty mortgago Insuronco prcmlutn�,if any;and(�any sum+payable by Bortower to Lender, In aocOrdsnce'WIUi
<br /> qa p/ovisiona otp�ragroph8,in Hcu of�ho paymont of mongege insurenco premiums.Thcac itenu ero cailed'Csero.w Iteme.7,
<br /> I,endcr m1y,et any�imo, collett and hotd Funda In en amount not to excud tho maxlmum amount e lender for a f�deraliy
<br /> «toted-mortgage Ioan may requirc for Bortowcr's csttow eaount undcr tho tcdcr�l Rcal [lstatc SetUement�Procodura Act oP
<br /> 1974 a�amendcd from timo to Ilnro, 12 U.S.G SecBon 2601 st s�q. ('RESPA").unless another lew tlut epplia lo Iho FUrdi -
<br /> sda e lesxr anwum:If so, 4ender nuy,at nny timo,collect end hold FLnde in an anwunt�at ro exacd tho laser�moun�.
<br /> - Fxnder may tstimero the amoun[of funds Auo on�he buls of arrcnt daea and reasonnble esUnmtes of cxpendiNrcs oF fufuro - -
<br /> Pscrow Ilems or othcrwiw in acoordanco wiih eppifcable law.
<br /> A'he Fund� shnll bo haid in en Inslin�tion whoso deposi�s erc Insured by e federal agency, InstNmcm�li�y, or entity
<br /> (inclq�tng l.ender,if l.ender is such en ins�imtion)or in eny Fedaral Homo Loan Uank.Lender shall uppty tha Fundv tp pay the
<br /> Eserox'Stt�iis.lender nwy not charge Borrower[or holdfng and epplying tho Funda,flnnually eiulyzing�ho escrow aorounl,or �
<br /> verityfng}tie Tsauw Rems,unleas Lender pays Dortower(nterest on tho Punds and epplicable Iew permiu l.ender�o make such
<br /> - a chArgc.However, Lender may rcquiro Bortower to pay a one•�ime chargo Por an independent real esteie ten rcponing servla
<br /> � used�by Le�der in conncction with this loan, untess applicable law providea othenvise. Unl:sa an egrecment Is mado or
<br /> applicaDio�nw rcquirea interzst to be paid.Lender shall aot bo required�o pay Dortower nny(nterest or eamings on the Funde.
<br /> Bortowcr and Lender mey egrce in writing, ho�vevcr,�hat intcra�shall bo pald on the Funds. Lcndcr ahall givc�0 6ortower,
<br /> . without chnrge,an annual accounting of�he FLnds, showing crediie and debits to tho �unds and �ho purpose for whlch each
<br />...,... __- „a-`,.,,::;c:th:F.::�:•��mr�e.7E:FL•i�.9rc p!�gd m e�dE:!�.^.���:ur.!y for sl s�ms�!mn hy�hie�cnrny�ncwnrnt. ._.. .
<br /> tf the Funds hcld by Lender exoud�ho amounts permitt.d to be held by epplicablo Inw, Lendcr shall eccount to 8orrower
<br /> for the excess Fuads in nccordance with the requircments of xppliceble law.If the amount of tlie FUnds hcid by Lendei at any
<br /> timo is not eumcient to pny tho Fscrow henu�vhen due,Lender m�y so notify Borrower in writing,end,in such caae Boiro�ver
<br /> shnll pay ro l.ender�he umount necessxry w make up qu deliciency. Honower shall make up tho deficlency in no trore then
<br /> __�__� tetive monthly paymenis,ut L.endcr's solc discre�lon.
<br /> �__ Upon payment in full of all sums secund by�his Secnmy Inswmem. Lender shsll prompqy rePond lo Oorroner any
<br /> --__— Funds held by Lender.If,under pnragraph 21,I.ender ahall xcquire or sell�he Propeny.Lender,prbr to�he acqulsiAon or salo
<br />.-=��*:r•s of tho Property,shall epply eny Nnds held by Lendtr a��he�inx of neqnisillon or sale ns a crc4i�egafnst ihe sunu secured by
<br /> --=-'A thle Security Insuument.
<br />-__-M1�'� 3.Applleai�on of Payments. Unlec+epplicable law providcs a�henvise,all payments rcceived by Lender under pafe8repl�s =--
<br /> = — 1 nnd 2 shall be epplled: first,ro nny prepaymen�chargcs Aue under�he Note, second,lo omoums pnyable under paregtaph 2; __
<br /> -���ac-�� third.�o interes�dne:founM1,to principal due;nnd lut,to any lam chnrgce due under thc No�e. �-
<br /> '�';"'�� 4.Cherges; I.lens. Uono�ver shnll pay nil laxes,auessmems, charges, fines end imposl�lons oltrlbu�eble tothc Propeny =___
<br /> rs�� which ma^ enain priodty over�his Securi�y InsirumenL end Icauhold t.yments or ground rcms, it any. Uortower ahnll pxy = _
<br /> f +.` thea obliga�fons in�he manner providcd in paraEraph 2,^r if nm patd in that manncr,6orrower shall pay�hem on limc directly _ .
<br /> r f�l+�� Io�hc person o�vM paymem.Uonmecr shall prompUy fumi.h io Lcndcr al I notices ot amounts to bc pafd undcr Ihis paragreph.
<br /> �,�4 If�orrotver makes Wese paymems dirtt�ly,Dorrower shtdl prompily Pornish w tander receip�s evidencing the paymems. �S.
<br /> �'��-%'��, Dorrower shall rom tl dischar c nn licn which hus norit over lhis Securil lnsuunum miless fiorrower.(a)a ras In
<br /> ;,,�},i P P Y 8 Y P � Y Y 8 E_'-.
<br /> � ,;;,> writing to�he paymem of the obligeiion secand by�he lien in a mamier a:aptabie�o L:nder.(b)contes�s In good fai�h the lien �..
<br /> -� -�:�',s by, or defends egnins� en(nrcement o(�he lien In. IeFol pramdings �vl�ich in �he Lender's opinion operate io prevent the
<br /> �.`'�.
<br />. �i.�>y4+1 enforeemenl of the tlen:or(c)securcs from Ihe holder of�ht licn an ogrcemeN sa�isfacmry m Lender subordina�ing the lien to �--�, -,
<br /> �'P:i:-':r� - this Security Inswmem. if Lerder de�emiines that any pan of Ihe Propeny is subjttt to a licn�ehich may euein priorily over '�-�_ -�
<br /> - this Securiry Inurumem. Lender may give�rrower a notice idemifying the lien. 6urrower shail satisfy the licn or mke one or ;- "���`-
<br /> morc of lhc aclions scl(orth abovc�rilhin 10 dara of Ihc giring of nnti.r. .
<br /> ~•'�rj' '
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