�.�..�.�.�..�� _ _ . :. . . l-.._ ., . _; .. . . �.
<br /> . �93. " .
<br /> TOOH7Ii8R WI7H Ql lhe ImpNvemenu now or tKrcafter erated on IAC D(�Y�V�tll�N� ��aw( •''. '.
<br /> ... flRrota now or tKmQtr � p�n ot tho D�Y� All rcPl�cemeMa ud.+Nd.ilfpnt:nlWl�dsn 6t+ �nvual bY��hli Sxiflty
<br /> .. !nlcuincnt.Allohhafore{dn�isrcRmd�alntAleSecudtylna�mmrntuihe'PtnpFny.• .
<br /> �Bff4RdWSR.COV6NANT9�Mt Bortower le I�wfully selsed oE tha esutahereby calveyad�nd Ars tha righl to Br�nt ru�d
<br /> = cunvoy ihe Proper�y r�nd�hr iM Prupeny 1�unc�wmbercd�eacept tor.encun�b�ukes ot rocord, Banaxar wurnnlsud'wiU
<br /> -- defrnd�enenlly the�hle to�he Pt.+pertY�ga(n�t ell ci�lme�nd dr+nonJ��subJec�ta my.encun�fir�ntts af raoM�.
<br /> — Tf119��CURiTY INS7RUFiGNT mmBinw unlfom�covcnann far,nadorol.uso aM nomunifarm toverum�w(th9lmited
<br /> —� vulalonsby Jurlsdic�lon�o conullule�uNfortn raurity Ins�Nment covaring rwl pr�p4nY.
<br /> - UNIFORM COYENANT9.Bortower and i.eniler mvenart ond ngrcc u tollawe: �_
<br /> = 1. Payneet of PrlAtipnl and 1Neniq Pre{�9meqt�^d late.Cht�gee. 6onaxrr alull Pf��W4Y P;Y w�l�sn,d�ro tNe ,
<br /> pdncipa!of m0 Intercst on�ha debt evidenoed by the Naa aM any prcpaynxn�aid luo chugca due undtr tha Nao.
<br /> 2.�Lad�for T�xa�nd Iasunnce.SULJxt to oppliabic law or to n wrinrn waiver by Lcnder.Bonox•er stull�pay to
<br /> Lader on�no d,�y mon�hly p�ynxnta are dua urtAcr tha Note,untll�he NMC Is p�ld in fidl,p swi('Purds'�for:(a)yeuly iva
<br /> - ud assasnxma which n�ay oualn ptiar(�y ovcr�his Secudiy Instmmem a+o llen on�he Ptnpetly;(b)yeariy Ic�xlald prymcnp
<br /> or grounA rente on the Propeny,if nny;(c)ywriy hmard or propcny Insurnnco prcmiums:(d)ycafly(lood Insurancc pmmiumt,
<br /> .—. U�ny;(c)yeariy mong�go Inwnncv pr�mlums,ff eny;md(q any sumt payabk by 6orroxrr ro Lcndcr,in ascorA�nco wHh•
<br /> iAe pruvisloiu oi parogmph B,In Ileu of tha paymc�t of nwrtgage InsurNxc premtums.Theso item�aru a•licd'Rscrow Ittms."
<br /> LtnAev may,et any time, collcU and hold funds in an emount not to exoced �he nualmum umount e Irnder(or a(odtrNly
<br /> ttLted nwng�ge loam m�y nqulro for Bnrrowcr'e cscrow acmunt urvlrr 1he fcdeml Rpl L'stato S:ulrment Proredann AU ot�
<br /> 197�as omertded from�inw ro timo, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 er seq. ('R�iSPA').untcss another la�v ttw ePDliq M Ihe�urds
<br /> Kta a ksser anwunt. If so, Lendcr mny, nt eny tlmo, mllea end holA Punds in on amoum rwt m ezceed tir.lasscr anwunt.
<br /> --�--°i Lender may esqmala tho e�nouN of Funda due on Ne b�sis of curteni dua and nxwnxbk estlm�tn of esptndimres of fumro �-._.—.
<br /> Cscrow Itcros ar Whcrwiso in p�wrtlanoo wltA applicablo law.
<br /> - Thc Nnds shull bo hcld In en fnstitution whnx deposiq aro Insnred by e fodemi ngency. Insuumemality, or enHty
<br /> ! (inciuding Lender,if Lender is such nn institution)nr in ony Federsl Hnm.Loan pank.Lendr+sh�ll apply the Funds to p�y tlx
<br /> j Cscrow Iiems.Lender may no�charge Borrou�cr for hotding and appJying ihe�mv8,unnuilly e�ulping tht escrow xmum,or =
<br /> verifying thc Curow licmx,unlese Lendcr pays Oorrowcr Intercst on th.Punds md applirablo law permi�s Lcr�cr m nnke such = _--
<br /> � a charga Hox•ever. Lender may rcqnire Itorcou•er to pay a one•HR�e chuge far on indeptndm�n�al estata taa rcporting urvice
<br /> .= used by Lcnder im m�nonian with this Iaan, uniess epplicabk law providtn othen.•iso. Unlcss an agrcemtm Is m�de or
<br /> -- appllcabio law rcqulrcs iNCrcs�ro bo piid.Lc'uicr shall not bc rcquired�o pay Domoxtr nny intcrcst or camiogs on lb:�u�r1f. --_
<br /> -"--, Bortower and Lender may agrce In wri�ing, howcver, �hat imeresl slull b:pilA nn iht�urvJs. Lcndtr shilLgire ta Dmmx•er, �i�n;--
<br /> ___= without chargc,en annual eaounting of tlm�unds, showing crcdits end dablls�n ilK Pun]s and �ha pu�x+so fnr-x�hidreach _v_
<br /> �"----- Ct`vii ta Ihe:=ur�:i'�as ya3c.1:�FuaE>ar.rl�gw:;.,^",.�:'ar�:µ�rity.rnr��I•��m•w�.��.vl hy�ytc Socudrv IncWnwnt. ,. .,. .
<br />"'��'� If the Funds held by Lender exmd ihe arn;rm�s pertniUCd lo IK htld by appllcaNa la��•.I.end<r ehill nccount-lo Oorto�ner
<br /> "�'" for�ho excess Fuuds in necordaneo ivitb tl�e requirements of npplicable law. If�he nmoum of ltn.Punds hticl by Lnsl.r at-miy.-
<br /> - �Lne is not sumcient to p�y tha Gscrow Itenu atcn due.Len3:r nuy w noilfy Dnrtnoer in wriling,nrd,in such case Brrrov�rt
<br /> `.�-t sholl pay�o Lender tha nmount nttrasary to make up�hc d�dt�cy. Uormoer slFvl rtuku up th:defidtncy in•m�m�uo than =
<br /> " twcivc nwmhly paymcnta,at Lcndcr's mlc dixrc�lon. 4'
<br /> �� � Upon paymcnt in full of all sums sttvnrei by this Sccuriry Im�mm:nL Lctdor shill promp:Iy retmrd lo Ilurtox�er any -
<br />- -�' � Funds held 6y Lender.If.under pangraph 21,l.ender shall acquiro ar sell Ilw Prop:ny, I.ender,pdor tt�aht acquisiilon or sale ��=- - _
<br /> -�� of Ihe Propeny,shall nppiy any funAs hcid by Lender a��ht iime nf aoyuisiiion m R�It as n crtdi�ngaimt t6e smns sccvred by i a ��,:
<br /> -�-�- � thie Sccufiy Inswmcm. �� - -
<br /> r - � v
<br /> -„�' 3.Applicatlon of Puymenta.Unless applicable lau'prmides odKrn�isc,all�uy-m:nts raei�rd by I..cndcr under paragraphs t y �
<br /> - ' '� I end 2 shall bo applied: fim. to nny prcpayment charges dur uniu�he Nmec xcaroi. ta umoutt ptyrbk under parugmph 2: 1 +� }r .,_t.
<br /> -�- third,to imeres�duc;lourth.�o pdncipal duc:arA las�,�a anr latc chuca du:m�far�Ir. Nma. �S ��r
<br /> ��� 4.Chnrga; Liens. Ourrowcr shnll pa��aU�axes, asustim:nts, ch�iy<v. fin:s ani Imyrosititmt audbmabte�o�he Propeny a fA
<br /> which nuy auain priomy ovcr�hfs Sccuriry Insimmem. a�x1 Irnsch.ifA pa�m:nb o�Eromr! rcnu, if my. Dorto�inr shall pay
<br /> = �he�t obligaU�ns in�he mnnner�rnvidcd in��nnn�h 2,re if nn��a�A In�h!t nnnn�r.F1ivm���cr�hall pay thcm en t6nc diartly r --
<br /> f. ;� lo�he person o�rcd paymem. Ilorcowcr shall pnimpily furnish�o Le�r7ea all nmkc.of nmounts�o be paid under�his parugmph. r �
<br /> - I(Dorro�eer maV:es thesc p.rymems dircctly,13mcovnr sh;Jl prnmptl�•(urnit6!o Le�h'er reoeip�s cridencing the paymems. t ' .+*'�-
<br />- - -''� Dorrower shall promp�ly dicchargc nn��li.n���hich his prinriq•mer this Sa:uriq•Insuvmcm unlcss 13orro�ccr. (a)agnrs in ,,=;fk,, .�,"
<br /> � -���� �vriting m�hc paymcm of thc ubliga�ion secund by�hc litn in a m�na:r atecpuble to Lender,(b)conlcsls in good taith Ihe lien ti, .:
<br /> - by, or defends egainu enfarcement of ihe licn in. Icgal puwceJirrt+ w{»:h ln �h. Lemler's opinion opera�c w prcrent ihc �•-?;'�'��
<br />, ,"tf en(ormment of the lien:or(c)xecures fmm iln holAcr of tfk lirn an agricm:nt aa�isfactory�o Lender suM1nnliuming thc lien to +��i�+i
<br />� "•��!'' thi:Seeurity Ins�mmem. If l.enAer de�ennirr.[M1:n an)p�n of ltR Pnm:np i��ubjecl Io a lien ��hid•�nu)�auuin priorily over .
<br /> lhis Securily Instrvmem. Lender may¢icr Oorroucr a nn7ire iJ;ntif)•irrF�h;lien. 13nrrnwer+hall sa�ixfi•Ihe licn or lake nn;ar "� ;„��.•_-
<br /> more of�hc actions u�fonh abo�r wiihin 10 da��s nf�hr gioin�o(n.�iee �; �� � '• .
<br />• - Form 3028 9f00 . -
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