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<br /> 9�. #►afla�F� TEE�9 IIEED Of flEl�':'1EYANC� � y o x :
<br /> ��� �� �p . r
<br /> - K l�O W A4l-I�N BY THE4F�PRESfNT9t � t� �
<br /> ' W1EFtEAS�,e1l. of Ahe lndebtedness aecured by the Trust peed executed.by ,. -�
<br /> � WILLIIIM HOV.LOW IIND�BE!fTY A: HOLLO'�IAY� husband and wife �
<br /> � . t� - REpt� �. B RC . a tor�ev� - � "- - �. -
<br /> Trustee• far the 66ne it'. f NAI£ FEOEfl � S R 011 -IISSOCIqTIq�OF GRplp I51.MD�
<br /> : I�BRASKR�.the benePiciery named therain, dated _ Dec�mbac,23 ,, , 1992 •
<br /> �
<br /> and secorded Jenuar 8 . 19 93 , in the Office oF the-ea0ister of Oeeds af '.
<br /> ; Hall�County�_, t.aska� as Inatr�ment�r 83-].00091 '• - _•. � h�g.been paid�
<br /> � fl�d seSd be�e i.Eiary has requeated in wrlting at fiis Dee of Rewnud�adce be exe- �
<br /> � cu�et►,:ehtl doliveredt
<br /> ,_r.
<br /> " r-�;N3W, TFIEREFORE, in consideration of sveh paymenk !n eccordanea witb ,the requast
<br /> of tfib 6enaficiery named therein. the undersigned, as Truatee, daes bK•I:h�se pre�ente,
<br /> grent. ramise, release end reconvey to the person or persons entitlod thareto ell the
<br /> interast end estate derived ta eaid Trustee by or through sald TrUSt Deed 1n the fol-
<br /> lowing deacribed promises, but �nly ea ta such premiaes=
<br /> ,,:. ..
<br /> Vjllll COUNTY, NEBRASKA � �
<br /> together Wlth all buildings, fixtures, lmprovements end eppurtenancea belonginq to ��
<br /> such premisea. F�
<br /> Dated this 17,�� day of _p„oust , 1993 `
<br /> : :
<br /> ruste�f��___���c� -
<br /> Arend R. Baack, ettorney ��
<br /> STATE OF NEBRA�KR ) `
<br /> ) �
<br /> COUNiY OF HALL )
<br /> - Un th18 i�r�, day Of __ _ Auoust • 19 93 . before me. !hn undnrair�.,cd_ n
<br /> Notary Publie duly camiiss oned end que ified�tor in sald County, personally came �
<br /> � , Trustae, to me Icno�:n to be the identical parson . -
<br /> whose namo e subscr bed to tha foregoing Trustee's Deed of Reconvayence and acknow- -
<br /> ledgod tha execulSun thereaF to be his voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witnoss my hand and Notarial Sual the day a d year last above ritten.
<br /> i�lIAl10TARYStlYM/rkrS� ��
<br /> ��µ�pM NOtBT Pu C
<br /> C�u.FY�ka2i.i997 Y --
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