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�,� . - <br /> I _�,*• .�� �r _..�� � _ — <br /> �1, . -. � .y.• — '�{y,r•. +J'. ' ;���� ._ �.�_ - '��.. <br /> . i t�', n _� _' <br /> -��1��?n .-. ,ie_ � . . <br /> � <br /> __- u,i�,xr� •�•.� <br /> ��'� 91-- a.uso��. _ <br /> .R:�,e <br /> =�a�:�3 <br /> � <br /> ..�—� li Lender required mon�e iawnnce a�a oatdition of mvcin�the IoAa aecured by this Socudty Irutruma�t� 6 <br /> •►� �� � Borrower shdl pay the premiumi requirod to maintain t6e insurance in eQxt unNl such time a the roquiranunt for tbe <br /> iasunnce terminata in�ecordance with Borrowar's and Lender'�written�rament or�pplicable Vw. <br /> S. IasPecdoa. Let�der or iu s�rnt m�y make rawn�bla entries upon and iatpectiom of the Property.Lender _ <br /> �haU�ivo Borrower notice�t the time of or pdor to nn inrpoction�pecilyin�rwaonable cause for the jnapection. � <br /> °'" �,�� 9. Co�deawNo�. The praceed�of any awud or daim for d�m��a,direct or con�equrntial,in connxtion witb <br /> ���;�.�'°"° �ny condemmtion or other taking oi any p�rt of the Property, or for convey�nce in Heu of tondemnation�ua hereby <br /> � ,r:;;s�c'`', asti4ned and�hall be pafd to Lender. <br /> �',��.: .;,.-�:.``� I�the cvent of�total taking of the Property�the praceeds sholl be applial to the sums securad by tb�3ecudty <br /> WAe�• �. ".. <br /> ��*■*{��•���•'•• • Inrtrument.whether or not then due,with any excess p�id to Borrower.In the event of s puti�l talcing of the Property, <br /> _.__ ������ + unlas Honower and Lender otherwise a�ra in wdting,thesuma socured by this Security Inatrument shall be reduced by ` <br /> � `�'`�°`°�" the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following�fractian:(A)the total amount of the sums sxurod immediptely _ <br /> ��--l `s"' before the taking.divided by(b)the fair m�rket value of'thc PropeRy immediately before the tA�in�.Any bAlAnce chdl be <br /> �'„�a� 3:� • p�id to Borrower. <br /> -��:-�:_;ti•. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,aRer notice by Lender to 9orrower that the condemnor od'era to <br /> �`��_,��-; ` � moke t�n award or utde a claim for damn�es�Horrower fails to respond to L�.mder within 30 days after the date the notice i� __ <br /> �''._A�;��.._ .,' given.Lender is authorizod to collect nnd Apply the praceeds,at its option.either to rcstorallon or repair of the Property or = <br /> __ �� �.;;?, to the suma secured by this Security I�atrument.whether or not then due. � <br /> �-��� Y�==�==_• Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrlting,any wpplieation of proceeds to principal shall eot extend or � <br />``l"*�•` t ne the due dote oP the moothl ents referred to in ra hs 1 and 2 or change the amount of ruch a ment�. �- <br /> -__ ��;s:�ti;�;b- P°s Po YPaYm P�B P P y _. <br /> 10, Horro�er Not Rtlduedi Forbearmce By Leader Not�Wd�er. Extcnsion oP the time for p�yment or �; <br />^�.1��`r"�_ " � modi8cation aP amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in <br />---- �'-` `� intercst of Bortower shaU not operate to rele�se the liability of the or�ginal Horrower or Borrower's successors in intere+t. <br /> �w,,.. <br /> ' ,,� �,s„� •� Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for <br /> _. ,r� �;°::• payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums�ecurod by thia Security Instrument by reaso�of any demend made <br /> =�'°•;• ;'�:a; by the origin�l Horrower or Borrower's successora in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exerciaing any right or remedy - <br />-- �.. ,�... <br />- .. -._` ' �,� '�, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. _ <br />-��qti:�_ �. ° ' ^ ' 11. Succe�oro aad A�i�s Bound;Joint�ad Se�erel Li�bWty;Co-�iQner�. The covens�np and agrccments of - <br />-r;,:•. .3-,.. this Security Instrument shall bind p�d lxneflt the successora and asslgns of Lender and Borrower,subject ro thc provisions ` <br /> ` ` .�� _ .= of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenants and agrexments shell be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry <br /> _ -- � Iuntru���ent bui does noi execute thc 1+iote:ta)is co-signing this 3ecorisy Instsument only to mortgegr,8rnnt and eanvey <br /> ' <• •»�_. • ' that Horrowe�'s interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Inatrument;(b)is not person�lly obligated to pay <br /> . . '� _�. ..' , the sums secured by this Security Instrument and(c)agras that Lender and any other Borrower may agra to extend. <br /> � •{.�• modiPy,forbear or make any YccommodAtions with re�ard to the terms of this Sccurity In:trument or the Note without _, <br /> �c� � that Bonower's conaem. - <br /> ` , 12. LoAn Ctw�c�. If the loa�secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan _ <br /> ,� . •;; charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan eharge.c collected or to be collected in Y <br /> .. connectian with the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount <br /> t .. � necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit end(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded <br /> � ���. .,.. .•., � permitted limits wip be rcfunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed �. <br /> � �`��� under the Note or by making a dircet payment to Bbrrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be tra►ted as a - <br /> ' �•� panial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. _ <br /> .:.r u`•' ••• , 13. I.eQi�l�tion ARectinQ I.ender's Right�. If enactment or expirution of epplicable laws has the etPect of _. <br /> ' ''` , . , rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according to its terms, its option, � <br /> '., �. '�,� may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thi5 Security Instrument end may invoke any remedies <br /> - �. . .. � permilted by paragrnph 19.If Lender exercises this option,i.ender shall take the steps specifled in thcsecond paragraph of <br /> _ ���. paragraph 17. �' <br /> � '�' � 14. Noticea. Any notice to Borcower provided for in this Security Instrumem shall be given by delivering it or by _ <br />_� ' '��T'�' ��+� ' mailing it by Brst class mail unless applicable law requires use uf another method.The notice shall be directed to the �•- <br /> ; � Property Address or any ather address Horrower designates by noticc to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by <br /> • . . 8rst cless mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bc�rrower.Any notice <br />= __ , " • provided for in thia Sewrity Instrument shall be deemed to have been given[o Borrower or Lender when given as provided <br />- in this paragraph. <br />. . 1S. Coverning I.ow;Severability. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the � <br /> - .. jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located.ln the event thut any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the <br /> Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note � <br /> � which can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To�his end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the � <br /> Note ere declared to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower•s Copy. Borrower shall be given one a:onformed cnpy oP the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 1?. Tranafer ot the Property or a Bene8cial Interest in Borrower. !f all or any part uf the Property or any <br /> interes�in it is sold or transferred(ar if n beneficial interest in Borrower is sold o�transferred and Borrower is not a natural � <br /> peroon)wuhout Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at m opnon,rcyuire immedtute payment in full nf ull swns ; <br /> ' secured by Ihis Security Imtrument. Huwever,this opnon shall not be exerc��ed hy Lender if raerc�se is pruhibiled by <br /> ' federal law as of the date of this Security Instrument. � <br /> • If Lender eaercises this optinn, Lender shall give Borrou•cr nouce uf acceler�tion.The notice shall provide u periocl � <br /> . of nrn less than 30days from the date thc notice is delivered or mailed within whirh Rorrowrr mutit pay all sums sewred by ` <br /> �� � , this Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sumti pnor ta�hr expiration uf thi,perioci.Lender may invoke any � <br /> _ . remedies permitted by this Securiry Instrument withuut funher nnt�ce or demand on Horrowrr. <br /> '� � 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borr�wer mcets ccrtam condmon�. Horrower ahau navc tne rign��o nuve <br /> � enl'oreemem of t hi�Securiry Instrument discontinued at any ume pnur tu the carlier oL•(•r)5 d•rys(or such other pericxi as <br /> .• applicablr lax•may specify for reinstatcmenU before�ale of the Property pur�u.+m to any pnwcr uf sale rnntained in this <br /> ° Security Instrument;or(h)emry of�judgment enforcinb tl�i�5ecurity In>trum.nt. 1'huse conditions are�hri 9orrower. <br /> (a)pay+ Lender ull sums which then would br due under this 5ecurity Intitrument and thc Nute hs�d nu acrelcration <br /> �� occurred; (b)cures any Jefault of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pay+all ex�xnu�incurred m enforcmg th�s <br /> , Security Instrument, including,but not limited to, reasonable uuorncys'fee�, and (d)taketi�uch acuun as LenJrr may <br /> reasunably require tu assure that the lien cf this Sccurity Instrument, Lender's r�ghu �n the Property and Hiirrower's <br /> • obligation to pay the sums secured by this 5ecurity ln�trument shall continue unchanged. Upon reina�rtement by <br /> Borrower,Ihis Security Instrument and the obligations secured hereby chall remam fully eflective as dno accelrration had <br /> � � occurred.However,this nght to reinstate shall not apply in�hecase of acccleration under parugraphs 13 or 17. <br /> ; I <br />