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<br /> �_� appdcabla law may specify for�efnstatement)before ealc of tha Proporty pursuwnt to any pawer of sale contained in this
<br /> Sa:urity lnstrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfot+cing this Securlty Inswment. Thoce conditionA ere that 8orrower: (a)
<br /> _�________ _ __ _ , peys Lender �Il sume which then would be duo under this Security In�trument and the Note as lf no ncceleradon hwd
<br /> - occurt+ed;(b)cures any default af any otter oovenanis or ageements;(c)pnye�It oapensea incurred in enforcfng tfiis Secunty
<br /> �- Inswment. including. but not limited w,reasonable attorneys'fees; and(d)takes such aqlon ax Lender mwy r�eacun�bly -
<br /> --- I t+equine W Assure that tite lien of this Security Inawment,Lenderk dghts in the Properry and Borrowerb oblfgadon w pay Ihe
<br /> __ ---�
<br /> - sums sxured by thia Security Instrumer.t shall condnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by eorrower. �hia Seeurity -
<br /> _- __ __ _�� InauurrKnt aad the obligetions secured hereby sMall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had accurred. However.lhis
<br /> . - -- �' ri�ht to�einata�e shall�ot apply in�he cuse of acceleratfon under paragruph 17. _-
<br /> - 19, 3�1e of Note;ChAnQe ot Loaa Servker. The Note or a pattlal interest in the Note(tagcther wlth this Secudty
<br /> lnstrument)may 6e sold one or more Nmes wl[hout pdor notice to Borrower. A sale may result in u change in the enpty
<br /> '� (known as the"Loan Serv�cer")that cotlects monthly payments due under the Note and Ibia Secu�lty Instrument. Thcte also
<br /> :_-:.. may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unr+eleted to a sule of the Note. If there ie a change of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> __� Borrower will be given written notice of the change In accordence wlth paragraph 14 above and applicoble law. The notice
<br /> will atate ihe name and address of the new Loan Servicer and tha address to which paymentR ehould be made. The notke wiU
<br /> ---- "- ° `�- ' also contain any other informatian required by applicable law. -
<br /> _,j,�,_� ?A. Hazordous 3ubctAaces. Borrowcr shall not cause or permit thc presence,use,disposal.storage,or rcleuse af any
<br /> --=-<� Hazardous Substences on or in the Property. Hortower shall not do. nor allow anyane else to do.anything affecdng�he
<br /> � Property lhat is in vfoladon af any Environme�tal Lnw. The preceding two sentences shail not apply to the pr�sence,urze,or
<br /> - storage on the Property of small quantit�es of Hazerdoua Substancea ihat ar�e generally recognized ro be appropriate to normal
<br /> "" residentia!uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> ----=:;� Borrower shall pmmptly give Lender written notice af any fnvestigatian,claim,demand,lawsuit or other uction by any
<br /> _=�=��=, govemmental or regulatory ugency or private party involving thc Property and any Huzardous Substence or Environmentel
<br /> - - - -
<br /> �'_,.� I.aw of which Bortower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notifled by nny governmental or regulatory
<br /> authority,that any removal ar other remediation of wny Ha•r.ardous Substance afiecting the Propeny is necessary,Borrower
<br /> - - ��'°`=� shall prompUy take all necessary remedial nctions in accordance with Environmental L.aw.
<br /> __�-=.°�.,: As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substunces defined as roxic or hazardous substances by -'
<br /> �,�,�,�-,�:. Envlronmental I.aw and the following substanceg: gasoline,kerose�e,other 8ammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic =
<br /> _ -- pesticides and herblcides, volatile solvents.muteduls cantaining asbestos or formaldehyde,nnd rndiouctive materiels. AS -.
<br /> - _�-;� used in�his paragraph 20,"Environmentai Law"means federnl laws and laws M the jurisdicUon where the Property is located _
<br /> - - that r�elate to health,safety or environmental pratection.
<br /> _ :___ _ _ _,„� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower ond L.ender further cavenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ���,�y�,�� Zl. Acceletadon;Remedies. I.ender shall give notice b Borrower prbr to pcceleration following Borrower's
<br /> � breach of apy covenAnt or agreement in this Securily Instrument(but not prior to acceleration under poragrop617
<br /> _''�`��'.�.� unless applicable law provWes otherwise). The�otice shall specify: la)the default;(b)Ihe acNon required to cure the •
<br /> -= defaali;{c?a dalt,nat kss thast 34 slays t'rom!he ilatr tlse nottce Is g4vea to Sorrower,by whkh the de�a�lt must be
<br /> ��''�__„� cured;and Id)that fi�ilure to cure the default on or before the dete speci8ed in!he nodce may result in accelernUon of
<br /> - "��-��°' ,�,� the sums secured by tMa Security Inatrument and sale of the Properly. The notice shaW further in�orm Borrower oP
<br /> ;;�;pra:• • the rlght to relnafate After accekralion And the right to bring a court action to�csert the non-existence ot u defamlt or
<br /> —_-=sav::,+`�r';�. `, any other defense oP Borrower to acceleratbn and sule. IP the default Is not cured on or before the date specifled tn
<br /> -- -�'�- - Rhe nodce.I.ender At ifs optbn may require immediAte payment in full of All ssms secured 6y this Security Instrument
<br /> __ � '• • ' without further demaad and may Invake the power oP sale and any other remedicw pe�mitted by applicable law.
<br /> . •�, ;
<br /> °— � �r�'-"`"'` Lender s6all be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in thls paragrAph 21.
<br /> � �� 6"���` including,but not Iimited to.reasonAble attorneys'fe�w and costs oP title evWeace.
<br />"�� _ N "�'s��`� � If the power af sale is invoked�'IYustee shall record u notice of default in each county in whkh any pArt of the
<br /> �,�� �7 �---�'' Properly is lacated and shall maN copicw of such no[ice in the manner prescribed by appNcable law fo Borrower And to `-
<br /> -���4�•�'� the other persons prescribed by applicAble law After Ihe t(me required by ypplicable law.Trustee shall Rive public
<br /> • _.,�,�. :,. .�....
<br /> -=--_.".$���''='":-''.�� notke of sale to the persona and in Ihe munner prescrfbed by upplicubie lew. 71�ustee.without demand un Burrower. T
<br /> �''���;`�,.."^��s;:.•' shall sell the Property at pubNc auctlon lu the highest bldder At the time and place and ander the terms desigmted In �`-
<br /> :�°�?�.;_t,�;��;,; the notice oi snle in one or more parcels aod in any arder 7lrustee determines. 'I�ustee may postpone sale of all or any �
<br /> ���..,�,:.�;:; parcel oP the Property by public announcement ot the time�nd place of any previously scheduied wde. I.ender or ils -
<br /> ��` desi�nee may purchase Ihe Property at any sale.
<br /> � a'""'''`"' �" Upon receipt of pAyment of the price bid,7lruslee shall deNver to the purchaser 71�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> � -i'�=`"°��'r Property. The recitals in the'I�ustee's deed shall be prima fucie evidence oP the truth of the statemenf.g�twde tdereln.
<br /> - ��..��.� �'.
<br /> -�- _.-:=ti.'-':�'�,,.,: 7Yuatee shall Apply the proceeds of the wle in tqe following order: Is�l to all costs and expenses of exercisin�the power
<br /> ---�—...--a�:�a'_���_.
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