F },'S.. °'�f�+�i:�i:`+�i"� . : .. _ +�' :::
<br /> - � f..:'1 _ s+�a= .�---a .. ».:d .. . � . �-,_
<br /> .�� . ..''. " aIw a�r��.:ae -+..�a��a�..ti�iwwrw�..t� --=.- --. ', .--L--' . -_ .
<br /> 1 d �d.t C1. • , . .. . . - .
<br /> � earow«m.y nx.wcn . a�. .�a r.Y,.w•, u amnaea M vMa�rn �a. or a�•ha m. .abn a aocaa�a�o n. .
<br /> dw�a v�xn.�i,r,a+nM,.M�Mar.000a wm ex«�w,aron,wwwa�.�a+.inx.a m�.eono�.rs hi«wi„m.aroa«y a „
<br /> _ aMr mMMY YroWInK!t d N�Mn aNNd bY IhN BuwXy N�Wmrnt a UndW�e�avAy MIrNt..BarrowN�1W+No M h .
<br /> .�._' ., d�Nuk M Bortowr�dwFyl M�bn�ppfnYOnpr0o�r�9w�mHMdy hk�a P�wsunu h(ortnYOn a�MtNn�np lo UnEr(a ��D .
<br /> - -- ' NAid k Pfo+'i0�UnMr vMi �nY mWrNl Mkrt�wtlon) N wmKtbn wkh Nu lou� rAdmad 6Y tM Nole.MduQno�6ut nd.� , _
<br /> MA10 �0�� f4p+la�t�tl01f� conc«nt�p parrow.r'. oca,wn�y a u�• t�ov�ro •: •orw�q� n�na. n u* s�w�r,�
<br /> 41yWranl b af� IM��hdd. BonnwM�hd aompy vifh ai th�proNtimu ol Ih� IM�+. If LOttowv�yuYn IM tlW to Ih� M —.
<br /> _ P�op}tq,th� Yid M�IN tlIN�hY 1101 rt�tp�IMIMf LMOM�yOM t0 Ih�1MtpM YI WIIW9. � _ ..
<br /> — _-= 7.Pret�of 6�nd9r'�Rtghta In tM Proputy.H eararn MNa lo pMam th�cov�nl��nd�pqxnent�
<br /> wnYhb N Ih4 B�wfNy InsWm�n4 a Ihw�I;�NyN pta�dn9 thU rc+y slpnMCxiC/�Xat UnEM9 rlpM�N Ne Pro�ry . --"_
<br /> - (weh n�procelMp M Grdaupt.ry,qoWts.la eondan�tlon a fa1N�w�w to�nlau Wv+a rpiMtlonq,M�n L�nder mry
<br />.-_---- do�n0 p�y 1a whetwM U n�utury lo protKl N�veN�ol IM Oro�xry ui0 UnM/�tlphls h U��Propwry. L�nder'��cUon� � —" .
<br /> �_ � rcry hduG p�yYp �ny wm� twund by � Nn wMcA M� plaAy ovr ihb 6awily NeWmmt� Wpwhy In wurl. D�N^9 '"'-_"_�
<br /> - --_— rwionWN�Ranlyi't��nd�nlKh9 on Ne Propay lo rtWce rep�te.Mhouph lenda rn�y Wce�akn untla IhB pu�g►ph r;;"'—
<br /> -� 7,L�nda don not Mw lo do eo.
<br /> --� My�mpnN dPob�x�ed by Under unda pvap�ph 7��N D�came�ddXfonY dabl ot Barowe+aewred by Nb 8acurily � �
<br /> � -"° InsWmrnl. Unkae BorraeK �rA Under�grea to olhx larm ol qymonL l�ne�niount+ �h�J beu Ntaest Irom Ne Mta ol ��T!�'�-
<br /> �� dfe�unanmt al lhe Nou nte md eh�16e pq�bte,wllh Man4 upon notlw kom lender ro Bortmva requesUng p�ymait -°
<br /> '' 8. MOAplp� IMU/anC6 11 Cenda requYed mortgnge Naurnnce�e � eondAlai ol mJ�Mg the lan saured 6y Ihb � � -��
<br /> -�--�� 6ecwNy InsWmenl,BMOww ehY pry Ne prm9um�requYed to m�hWn Ne mo�g�ge Nsu�anee N eXec1. Il,lor�ny reason.1he �y�'-4=�
<br />' '��jn�; ' mqlqpe N�ump covenye«quYed Dy Le�de�4pae�or easa l0 6e In effed.Bortaxer shU pey I�a PrmNUms requYOd to R;�.�-.
<br />�:�-i�;�;,�i�' obtW wvMp�wDsImWP�I puMdent lo Ne morty�pe Insunnce praviousy In Nkc1.N� cosl aubslu�llVy equk�lent to the �j+,�,';,-;�-�
<br /> -_. �- � ;-�iti�:'_,:
<br />_:-��:+.�a> . ���„ cosl to Bortawp ol Ihs matp�ye NsuMee DrMouay in H1ec1, hom a.�Jtem�te mongaga Insurer �pprmad b�lmder. H _
<br /> � aubsWlMN equNaNnl matg�qe Insuruiu covmpe is nol rvai�bb. Bortower ahell pey lo lmder each month�aum equal to „ _
<br /> � � ,�� onelwNllh o1 1he ywy matp�ye Insunnee pteMum bNny pdd 6y Bortmra whm the Nsurenee wvenge Upeed a aased lo ,��;� ''�-
<br /> ';' `:�::;..- Ee 6 elfecL LanEer wi acap6 us��nd ratW Ihese paymmis�a�los�rosave In fe�ot mon9�ge InsvMCa Wsa rosme ;���Y};�.�,_
<br /> � `n' p�rmnU mry no bnpa ba raquYed N ihe opllon ol Lmder,fi moegage hcurenw cora�ge ((n li�e emount�nU for Ihe pulod ,'-.�; ., -�
<br /> I��t lenda requYa)proMded by an Insurer �pprovcd 6y LenAa�gain bewmp�reiLbb end i�obldnM. 8orrowu sha0 pey -
<br />�:�-1'"�''�'-a lhe premlums requYad to mWLN morl9�ge Insuwnce N elfcd.or 10 proNde n bse resene, unU Ihe«qu4ement fw morty�ge "' -
<br /> . -,t.-.�,�;;.� �_ �
<br /> v, }ji�(: NsuMae ende N�worduwa WM any�mttm egreement batwem Bonowa ond lender a appW.able kw. `''��,� �. -
<br /> .q ^_ B. Int�CtlOtl.landa or fte�9m1 may m�ke rc�son�bk mulea upea�nd InapeUkne ol the Propuly. lentler sfia9 pMe ���-� _
<br /> f -. Bonwia nolke�1 Ihe tlme ot or pdor lo m Nspecllon spxdyNg reasonabb eause(or Ne Nspealon. �F :=
<br /> �:-� 10. COnd�mnallon. 7Ae proceMs ot my mva�i or deim for Mmages,dkecl w oonaeQUmiW.In eonnection xilh ury � ��� .
<br /> : -�»,.:,�i� eondamatbn or othtt WJng ol eny pan ot the Proyn'y, a lor eonreyanoe In Geu ot artdmnnion,uo here6y�sslgntd nnE 'r -wi-�.��
<br />�•-�;��.� '•-;;' ehJ be ptlA lo Lmda. ��-�"=-_
<br /> �:'r,ih��;;��.,��- In Ihe menl ol � IoW IeNng oi tho Roperty. the proceeda shaR be epPYed W Ihe a�ma aewred by thb Becuriy �,(Fr�.w`—
<br /> Inslrvmen4 wl�Hher or nol thm due,wXh eny exeesa peid to Bortower. In I�e erml ot�par1W leldng of lhe Propuly in whkh =-
<br />.- �� '�''?`�,c:,� the 1�4 mukH rW�ol Na ProDMY ImmMlatey betxe the tekNg b equd to o+B�ealtt Ihan Ihs unounl ol the auma eewred
<br />�";�'11i°:�-�.`f- Gy thb SecurNy Inatnimmt immcdieley 6etae Ihe takhg, unless Uortower and Lender othmNSe �gree N w�Biny, Ihe wme
<br /> - "'" '�� .:;�� eecure0 by thie 8ecvrlly Instrument shJ be red�ced by Ihe unount ol ihe proceeAa mul4pfed by Ihe folowNy haUbn: (�)Ne �� - �
<br />��+�'�`i�+t��,<�� totd emounl ot tha aume seared ImmeQatey bMore Ihe laldng,dnitlM by @) Ihe fak mvket rtlue ol ihe Ropaty NmeJMIN/
<br /> :,,����.,;1j✓�� bMore tho tekhg.My baance ahaA ba p+ld 10 Bonowec In the wenl ol a pe�1W I�klnq W ihe HopMy N whMh Ihe iW mvkN
<br /> � �'��'=•�=� ' v�Wa of the ProD�Y�atllnley be(oro Ihe hNng is lass th�n ihe emount of the sume cecurM Mmedttay beforo the taldnq,
<br />-��-�t�r�':�!`.�,RS unkse Bortowa and Lender olhrnNSa egree N wrNng a unless epp&aDie kw mherxlse pavid», the proeeeQs eha� 6e
<br />�°"'�-'.i,�:+-�'� eDAeed lo iho eumy seared 6y Ih�e BeaWry InsWmcnt whelher or nat Iha sume ero then duo.
<br /> , ' ' '���:���. Il lhe Properry la eGnCOned by Uortowd,w X.ailar notlw 6y Lender to Bortowtt Nat l�e conGOrmor oflxe to moke�n
<br /> •"'� '-+��� �wvd or aH11e � cYim for damages. Bortaxer lails to respond lo �ende�wnnh so ays aRn Iha Gte lhs notke u gN�n,
<br /> . -�;..�.,.
<br /> . �-`��,._._� Lenda ie aulhorixed to cd!ecl�ntl epDY�he D�oceeda,et Xe oplion. ellher�o restorelion o�repW ot iho Flopaty a ta lho
<br /> � ��f`.� ���§ aum�oewred by lhis 3eafity InsWmm6 whelher or nol then dua
<br /> Unlesa Lmder enO Borraxu olhmASe egree in wriWg. eny epp5cellon ot praeMa lo pdndql shat not etlend or
<br /> . . poslpone Iha due dala ol tho mor.ihy pnymenu relerted to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or chango the emounl 01 such pay�nmle.
<br /> - `�" 1 L Borrowo Not Relaassd: Forbavance By Lendar Not a Walver.Extmsion ol the tlma lor p�yment w
<br /> �-"y�"�� modACatlon ol emorliralbn ol lhe suma secured by ihls 8eariy InsWmen�granled by Lmdtt to,ny successa In Ntaeat o�
<br />� ��°-��,!.i'�£'�"' Bortowtt ahaV not opaeto to rdeasa Iha IlabOily ol tAe odginal Oortovrer a Bortowe/e succossme In Inlernal. LmAa ehaY not
<br />- � " "-'�� �` ba roquired lo wmmenoe prouedings egainal eiry suueasor in inlereat or reNSO to extend Ume lor Dnymmt o� olhdxise
<br />.-.:�..;, ',...
<br />..=e,sT.��_�u mod�ly�monin0on ol t�o eume eewretl by Ihb Secudry Insuument by reason oi any demand rcrde by Ihe otlghel Borsown a Ff.+_:'" .
<br /> ' r� -�-'� 6ortowere successore In 8�teresl. My Porbeawnce 6y lentltt in exerdsBg any dghl a remedy ahe0 nol ba e weWd oi or .
<br /> .: t � _
<br /> - " D�eUUde Ihe exerdso of eny dght or remedy. �t --- -
<br /> ,_ - '�� 72. Succeeaore and Asslyna Bound; Jolnt end Suvoral Llabllity; Co-signore. Tha eovmants ena ;`; ;-�
<br /> „y,,,�;it�l�, egrecmente ol thls 8ewtlry InsWmmt sM1all b!nd entl beneN lho suxescors end esslgro ol Lenda onA Bortowtt,subJeal lo Ihe ,-+t r.
<br /> roHSions ol are ra h 17. Qortowern covenanb and e eements shall be oint end ae�ttnl. M Bortower who eo-sl ns Ihb - .F ''--
<br /> . .� P P 9 P Ff I Y 9
<br /> 31i+�i �„j!.�i Seariry InsWment bul does not oxewle�he Mote: (e)Is co�sigNng Ihis Secudry Inswmmt ony to matgage.B�ant entl wnrey '� '
<br /> '�°;��+��<' c'� thet Oortowefe Nterest N Ihe Hope under Iho lxma ot ihia Sowri Inslrumeni: @)B nol ttsona obC ated lo a the
<br /> - ,�t`.-; M N P M 9 P Y
<br /> ?`il"�'i`;��. suma sewred by ihis Seariry InsWmenl; end (c) egrees Ihel Lendv end eny othe Dortower may egrea ta rxlmd.modRy. .
<br /> ' lolbear or make eny accommodalions xilh rega�d lo lne lerma ol this SeaRy Instrvmmt or Ihe Nola without Ihet Bortowe'n •>�� �
<br />- l� �, con9eni.
<br />:'�c'i�'�-��- 13. Lonn Charpea. n me ioan securea ny �me Sewriry Insimment U subjeu lo a law which neta meximum loan '' � -
<br />' �����'�` ehargea. ond lhol lew is 6naly Nleryreled so Ihat thn inteies! or othe� loan cha�9es co0ttted or lo bo w�ected In conneclim `������� '�
<br /> r'�?�-,�� =. - -� wlth the loen e:ceetl tho permnled lim0a,ihen: (a) eny auch ban cherge s�a11 be�etluced by Iha amounl neeessery lo reduce -"'l,'�;'+
<br /> � „�,,;:ry, iha chugo lo tho perm0ted tim�7: end(6) eny auma alreody wnecle� trom Bortvxtt nhieh excee4eC pertntlletl IimMe wi0 be ��•��-,!�..�:�'
<br /> ;F,,': relundeE lo Dortowec Lenda may choose lo meke thle reNnd by reAuUng Ihe prinGpal oweA untler Iha Nota or by maWng a
<br /> :-.zF�f?;� drecl paymmt lo Borto�ver. II e reNnd rrduces prindpai. the retlucfion m�l be treate0 es a paNal prepaymmt vrithaul eny .� ' -
<br /> ��'�'%�i:l'� prepeymml charpo undcr lhe Nolo. �
<br /> :.i^.�!(.,.....
<br /> - ' .r�a 14. NotIC09.My mtice lo Bortower p�oridetl lor in Ihis Sewriry Inswmmt sha0 be gWen by de&edng D or by mai!ing X
<br /> ' `�tj j;�i1�54� by first Uasa mc1 unless eppllcable law requ5ee use ol am�her methotl. iho no�ice shas be tluede0 lo Ihe Prope�ry Adtlrese
<br /> .'.'i�: -.civ
<br /> ++`7�+��}y.,;�.'�.. or eny othw addwsa Dorrmver tlesi6nates by notice lo Lender. My notice to lender sholl be 9hen by 6rst dass mal b
<br />::r'� ��+'�Fi�*i lendeis edMesa s1atM httein or any o�her eddreas Lendtt designales by nolitt Io Owowec My nolix pwWded lor In �his
<br /> ia��.[_�_�`_' SecuiM InsWmvrt shnA bo Eeemed to have bcen aken to Bortmrer or LenEer whcn ukm es nrodCed N Nia omm�reuh. .
<br />.:,U:'.>---� 16. �overning Lew; Sevorablllty. Thia sewuy mswmmt shen be gorem[d by IMcrel law entl Ihn law al Ihe
<br /> . - '_�� , "� JudsdcUon N whkh �ha P�ope�ty is lowled. In lho erent Ihnt eny prorision or dause oi this Securay InsWmmt or Ihe Note �
<br />--� +�;ty e� aonficle wAh eDDficable Ww, svch wnmd sha0 nol eflttl olhd pm�islons ol Ihb Sewriry InsWmml or Iho Nole which cen bE
<br /> '?� _ ghm eIICG withoul l�e conllictinp pro�i<loa To thb end Ihe pro�islona ollhis Sewriry InsWmcnl onA Ihu Nofe ere tledaretl Io
<br /> ____ 6e ae+ereble.
<br /> . +• , 78. BOffOWBt�B COPy.BortowH BhaO De gMen one conlortned CoDY o11he Nate end ol lhis SeWrily InsiNmenl
<br />" �,��,j,�.'1:�••' Fl)16 VAD(1AJ1 Ceqe]ol S �V �ry� �
<br /> '��,`_ ��"—
<br />.. . . . ..YbDJ.U1 ._– � . .
<br />