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<br /> Toog�y�g� wmt .0 ti. 1npr�.m�a, oow a e�n�na «�a+a a. d. , ra� a� .«�.�w
<br /> �ppwwror rwl flxNww ww or MraMr � of�M All Md��11 Wo b oov�
<br /> _ — ��N�CYfItrllkNp101.�1I0IlY0�Of�/OI� �f1�NM'��SfIVfI�M���JC�IIAy��
<br /> ____ B„n„wu,cow+u.n�rw eorrowe+�.�awNUy«+.ee or ma eww e�ner aa�eya ne iw�M dde a rrt Ma
<br />------ � �p�t)rd iMl tM Propxq t�uoeewa6erod�eaaq for a� cumDnooa oP temrd.BorroMw w�mau wW
<br /> -- --- w(Il�defer!tearr�lty IM t11M b tM�Y+i��11 cW aer ad der�dr �1 b ry recwMMar of ncotd.
<br />=- °— 11m 6�aan Ixsmvwert ca unlform coveanu for aulaa�wa�ed eon�uetform cawwt�witb iimitd __..°----
<br /> y--' vwWiaaM']wbOktbaaooaultuta.udform�ocuriryinKrvmewcoverie re�lpropt+tY• -- , .
<br /> u,inow awa+u�r,.earox�x�aa Leed«wvee�et ra K r«wro Cixs�a'.6oimwa�era�prom�puypy weo.a�e
<br /> --;-`=zn�nv 1.l��w�sM af M�iP�I uW Iatenali MW�►
<br />�w�� �!e pr{alp�otrd InutM aa�he debt evWeeced 6y Note e d�cY ProP�Ymeol�od Ata cluuta due uo0er" tia NMs. --
<br />�._f.� 2.Y�1edr fa Taa wd U,arance.SuDJect 10 iable law u w�wriqm wdver Ey�I�Aedx�Hamwx irll P�p -- --
<br /> '�';�J q 11erder aa I�e d�y moelhly pymseu�re due uodu�Nob.uedl tEe Nole A pdd la fUll�a am('Fued�' tot:(q =
<br /> peri�t�u�a�ed arn�meou wiiich m�y uuin pP,ari t y OVC�WIf SOCYfIIy IONNm(Ot M�IIfO 00�EO P ro p t R y; �Y�Y
<br /> �a IeweboW P�Y��a�carid ram on ihe Pmpary.f t ny:(c)Yur1Y A�wd m ProP�n Iwunace p r a NUrtNi -_
<br /> �� fhod iwnxe Prcmlumr.ii�ayp(c)Y�!!�Y�i���Premiumr ff�oyi� ay a+m�p�y�ble by
<br />'�'t�� � a Iiedrr� in�oc�aoe with iLe provwo�of panpMh 8. ie Ileu ot Ibep�ymm�o rnottEr,{e Inwtma Pn�+luaq. _
<br /> �-' t. .: 7La�e i�an ue alled'Hxrow Ileme.'I.eodn m�y.Y�ay time.collcct�nd 6old luod�in�e wawt ad w anaed the _ ;�:...
<br /> �' C�� mruci�wm�ma�ot a Ieed�r fa�fedenlly rcl��ed��e lan mq roqulro fa RorrowaY acmw�ooawt uoder�he :__-
<br /> � - tedenl Ral RatMo Sdtkmeot Procedura AU of 1974 n �mrnded hom �imn to tlme� 12 U.9.C. 1 2601 d xq. � � -_,
<br /> "7c ;,, (RSSPA')�uelta�oother hw�lut�ppIIa w�6e Fuod+oNs�laea�mouot.It w.ieoder m�y,Y�ny Ifine.cdMct�ad -
<br /> 6old Fueds in�o�mouot eol ro a�ceed the laaer�mowt I.eoder mq atimue 0e suow�o(Fwdi due aa�he hdi of �'�,-
<br /> �wmrot dNa¢d reawo+bb cslimtua ot npzaditurss of Pomw iiscrmx[temi m c�rnrix in�cordmce wi�h�pplicable
<br /> t ���:� Iwv. ;
<br /> � �� - 'Ibe Fmds�11 be held io�n inNiNtion wLae depaiu ue IsW+md by■fedad �ocy�ine4uripAdiry.or tatity .
<br /> ry � (iadudio`Leader,if I.eader te cvc2��o instiNtloo)or io wy Pcdcnl Homo I.om B�elc.�l.mder eMll yyly IEe Fuo1�b �; • _
<br /> � py t4e Hscrow Iteme. I.eodet m�y not ehute 8onowtt tor Loldlny �od�pptybj tEe Fuoda �onuuty �alyrlaj IEe -_ •�
<br /> Y-�• tetnra��ocouul� or verifylnj t�e Hacrow Item�� ualcx l.mda pya Bortox'er Inlercal oo t6e F�imde ood�pplir�Eb In� ir;t --��
<br /> 7 .; u I.eader W nwlce sucb � cLuee. Howeva� I.eader may roqulro Borroxer to qy � oaoHme cEusa fa �o t .� _
<br /> ' edepeedeol ml cstate tu reportin�ernica wed Ly I.eadu In camectioe wf�6 tLl�lan�wlae�PPtic�Ele Iaw provida i 'i r
<br /> - :' •,�;,ti dEnwl+e. Unlw m ajrameat(�wde or appliublo I�wf0Quircs inmrat to be nld.I.eoder�E�ll eot 6e roqutred Wpay ...,.,..,a.�-
<br /> , � ?,�„'�`(,� Borrower�o9 mroreet m amiug�oo�he Funda.Bortower�Od I.tUSCf[Oty�j1t0 r0 w7IlNj�6ow��w�th�t ietaeal rhdl ie :+�;--;;�it(,: _—.::
<br /> �. .'•,.�:�':.'� oa�hu Fuode.l.ender ahill grve to Bortower�wi�hout clurge.�o�noval accouotia�of ttie F�b.�howlnj orediu�od '..t•<i;;,;,----�
<br />,L ` d�ebtu ro�he Fuod+�od thep+��pose for w61ch ach debit ro i6o Funds wa�m�de.abe Fuad+ve pledyed a�rSdit(oal �-.i}r, � - ---
<br /> � , 1 �!� �Lrity fa�II wme eqwrcd by nhi�3ecu�ty Insuumeot. , ,` �r , -
<br /> � � . :.'0.`.:P::�3^!d b;S�c�r s�cµ!tha!swmu;�����d bv wnliable law.lsader stu31 w�ooual to � n.. � ._. .._ .
<br /> Ibrtower fa�bo cxcea+Funde in�ccord+nce wi�b the rcqulrcmeats of�ppllable liw.If tLo�moint ot the Fuodr bNd Oy n'� T,-�
<br /> j � ._:.i?'r . lApder�t�e time la not w(ficieal top� �La Escrow Item�wtea due.Leuder m�y eo notity Borrowsr ia wri U e u.�ed�tn � __
<br /> ench we Borrowu slWl pay a L e n d uY�he amount eecztwy to mdce up t6e d eficl.mcy. Bortower s�l l ¢n f ce up t h e �+;%�i j i,,..
<br /> � �'��' drh'ideacy le no moro tEao twdvs mooiNY WYmeats.�t Ln�der'e sole diaercAion. r�' ' ..•...�r�1.-
<br /> ' ..-, +" pn p�ymeat in tu11 of JI suw securcd 6y Oila Secv�ity Iastrvmenh I.eeder e^.all promqly roPood w-Bonower ;�� t ��
<br /> ' .;,� �ny FuUnde 6eld by Lrnder. If. uuderp�ragreph 21. l.en2er sh�ll acqulro or scll tha Propeny,. I.eade*. Prfor to �Ee r.�: ' . _�`� __
<br /> ' �cqufeltioe or ede of�he Property, sh�ll�pg1y my Funtls held by Lender tl t6e llme of�equieitloo or sale�s�orodil Yj
<br /> > > '-..•� qdoett6ow�eecurodby�h1aSCCUf11y IOb�NIO[fl6 � -°� '
<br /> -4s.:1...,,. �"'. 3. AppIkatlon of PBymrnts. Unless appliable law providw othc`wiae,aU pymrnte rccelved by I.cadcr uoder .'� _.. . .--��;*�
<br />'t�:;`:i"' '�r.:;' n de 1 �nd 2 shall bo� lied: first, �o en a mw�chugea due under�be Note: second. to�mouuro pay�ble � . -_,��.�.
<br /> � PwY P PP Y PrcP Y ;� �•.:.. ���
<br />'1f1;-.1��`�. '+?`�. uadu p�ngnph 2:thlyd,ro interes�due;founh.�o princip+l duo:and lu�.to�ny lato d++ges due ueder tLe Note. �f':...:. .. . ..:.•:.
<br /> *r�+ 4. Chusdf �k+n. Borrower slull poy all tues. acussmeels. ehugw. finea�md imposltluus�Itri6uUble to IEe . �_ �,__
<br /> -.-- .' Property whlch wy ��tale pdority over �hie Saurity Insdumeet, �nd IuseLold yaymrats or Bround rmts, It�ay. i:' ,i" ,
<br /> - Borcower s5�11 pay Wese obligalions m the mwser provided in pangmot�2.or if r,otpu d(o tM!mrantt.Borrowtt shdl -. ,:
<br /> ;r..�,'1:t py them oo time d�teuly ro lho person oxvA prymcot. Borrower sha11 ptomptly Pornish to I.et&v n11 ndiaa of�muunle � �, - ± , ,�.!._`..
<br /> " ' to be pid under thle p�ngnph.If Dottower mkes Iheae paymente dircctly. I3orrowor sLdl pmmply Pomla6�o I.cuder .....fi1�;_
<br /> receipte evidwcing�6e p�ymen�s. � �
<br /> - - Bonowu shstl proropAy diuhuga any litu a$ich�s priority ovu tWs Secatiry InsttumeN unl�Bortowu: (�) .. 1 - � "
<br /> �grxa in xri8a�to tho paymm�of Iha obligadon secured by the liw in a mmner aceepltble to Leader: N)cootesla in � � - -
<br /> - ;ood f�ith Ihe lieo by, or daftals�ga{ns�euforcement of tbe lien in. legil procecdinSe which in Ne I.toder's opinion �P ���� �'
<br /> �� _' ' opente to provent �e eaPorament of tAe liw; or(c) seeurca kom the holder of 1ho liea �o �grcemeel eatiaf�clory to „
<br /> -i �� I.eader subordina�io�the lieo�o�Ne Sreuriry Iasuumeat. If Lender ducrmines�hit�ny pan of�6e Proper1y ie sub'at ro� „��v�t �
<br /> '��� ' Ileo whtch m�y �fmn priority over t6is Seeurity Insuument, Lendar wy givo Bortowcr�notice ideotifyiny� 1(ee. . •,�, _�� -_
<br />:>;...y -'.' . Borrower s6d1 euisfy�he lien or take oee or moro ot the netiom set fonh�bovo within�0 daye of the giving of ooNca. ..+ .' �.;;::,;��
<br /> � . 5.Ilxrard or Properly lrtturance. 6orrower a6a11 kap t6e improvemwu oow exisung or hereaRer erocted on the _. : .
<br /> --<� .. Property insured egainst lon by fire, haurds included wi�hin the �erm 'ox�endod coveraga' aed my cnher hawds,
<br /> - -' rw,�so2e ereo W,y.a or sl , - `�i-�`�
<br /> � ���
<br /> 'i1{.:.._..�. ..
<br /> eexcuatretwAnrt.eLnaw.uxeeao:Maoon.vo.uvorveua.�ntonn� - . '
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