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t.. ?{"` r..,--�.`--r-��� ' ' ... _ __ .. _ . _ .. 1 . <br /> ° ' --' <br /> n � - .. . „ .. " . '1 ' >1 y. �n. .. <br /> ,.. _. <br /> � - ... .w. ../�MQ . <br /> ' � � - . Y'y; �V�VrrA .i ' <br /> . -.,p .. '�., .• - y ' . � <br /> �7Bif18R WlTif db�ho Improvem4na now a hen+(�ei aaied m�ho poqerty�iuid ill euemrnu�Wpunm+nu+ ' . , <br /> �Oxluns ndw or hererJ�er a prt of tho propeny. All npfacementa ud addiqons�hsll a1w ba covercA by�hifEiawl�y ' <br /> lni4iumeol• Ailo4�heforegolaBf�aRmAtulntlils3a�tllylnswmentu�ho �upedy.' <br /> BURROLVQR IXIVBNANIS thxt Uortox•et li liwfully oe!su!ot the astate hercby oonreyul and 4�.0 the dght ro gryht ' , <br /> - — t�nd ean�oy tho�y Nd tTui tla Pro�erry��unencnmUercd,except fot encumDrpncts of rtcord: sarower wur�yus pnd ,. <br /> wIU dNand genenl y the U�e ao�he Propeny agdnsi ell ciNm�arni demand�.6�bj�a�o My�b�,«9 oer�ra:• ,;,„ <br /> '[]118 SL'CURifY MS1'RUMENT combina uNform covcnants Por nntional ��so end non•unifomi covenants wllti <br /> Ilmited vWaUOns by judsdlGton lo consUtu�e a un(fomi c�cudry instNnknt covering raal propecry. . <br /> - UNlFOC�ihf!COVpNANtB. BortowerendLendercovcnxntandagrtea7follo�ve: - -`. . . '--'.`�.. <br /> — 1. .1!5�nsr.rM oE!¢tnstpal uid Interest�Prepuym�ent�nd G�te Ch��ea. portd�yer sha�t pramp�lypay whcn due tho - � <br /> FdiidpakoGenrffnlecrJteik�iedebtevldanced6ythoKotoaodanyprepaymenlnndtaidcfinrgacdnoun4crt�eNote, �``4:__ <br /> L &lrmlu0�e'L'1>iii�ier.✓2l�uranca SnbJecttoeppIlc�b]ola�vorau�rrluenwniver6yLendei,Boaoaeiet�a]Ippyto <br /> A�;ndr.r o¢Na day monthty pnymema ivo dno nnder tho Nota aNil ttw Note Is pniA in fuU,e snm(4�Ymd�'�for.(a)ycarly <br /> = taxae anA asscssmcnts whlch�uay etmin priodty ovcr thie SauNty Instmment ns a Ucn otl tM('mpeity:N)yearlY�casehotd <br />:: ` <br /> payments or ground rcnte on �he Pro���y, if my: (c) yearly harArct or property Insnranco premioms; (� peady Ilood <br />�� � � -� Insurance prcmtuma, if eny; (o)ytarly mongago insmm�w prcmluma,it any; nnd(q any sam� payaLle 4y iSOrrox•er to <br /> -- --------- <br /> I.�nder,In naordanco w11h thoprovislon�of paregreph 8,In Ilw ot thep�ynxm of mongage Insuranoe pmmhnm. Tfiese <br /> licmi are called'I?scrow Itcma. 4cnder may,at nny Umo,collca end hold Ivnde in an nmount nat�o excced�Iw maximum <br /> amomn��cndcr tor e fcdtmiiy roloi�d mongago Ioam m�y ru�ulro tor Bortower�aurow eceoum undsr�iw federal Real <br /> Bstaiu Settlemcnt 17ocedurca Act of 1974 w umc�ed from tlmo to timo,i2 U.S.C.9 Z60��i req.('RCSPA'),unles�anaher <br /> Iow Ihot�ppltes lo tbo Amds xte a lesut amount. Ii so,Lcnder may,at any tlme,wllcet and hold Iimd�in on omount not to <br /> cxcad�he lesser amoum. Lcnder may estlmato�ha umant of Iimdy duo on tlw INVi�of curtcnt duta ond rcasonxbto - <br /> _ esllma�ee of oapendllurea of futuro G'scrow Ilenn or ahcrwlx In accordancc wlth eppI Icnble law. <br /> 7Tie Fvnd�shall be held In on Insiimtlon whoso doposi�x aru insumd by a fcdcrnl agmay, Insuunwmality,or ent(ty ` <br /> (Includiny l.endcr,if l.cnder la such an Ini�ilmion)or in ony I+edcril llomo Loan Bank. Lcnder ehall eppiy tlw I'unds to pay <br /> _-__= thc Qscrow home. I.cndcr m�y no�chmga �loROwcr for Iwlding anA opplying�he Fvnda,nnmmlly nnnlyzing�hc cscrow ___ <br /> �unt,o�vcdfylng �ho(lscrow Iicroe,uNcae I.cndcr pay� ilortowor Intcrox�on iho ILnda nnd nppllcablc low permht �'�"""` <br /> I.ender lo m�ko such n chergo. Ilowover,l.ondcr mny requiro Finrtower to pny a ona�ima char�o for nn Indepcndcnt renl �_.,�_._ <br /> � ;;:�::'�1 e:folo lax rcponing servico used by Lender in connecllon wl�h ihl�loan,unless nppIlcnblo Imv provldes otherwiso. Unless un F,..�„_ <br /> ,;,,-a°`;s agrccment Is medo or apptirnblo law rcquirce Imcrest to bo paid,l.cndcr shnll not be nqulrc4 to pay Dorrowcr any intcros�or .---__ <br /> ��� eotnlnge on�ho Punds. 6ortower end I.endcr may ngrcc in wd�ing,howovcr,Uiut Imercst shall bo Pald on�ho I'vnd�. I.endcr �it,'[,`i.:�±�r.. <br /> �r � shall givo�o Uortower,without chargo,nn annual occounUng of tho Punds,showing crcdl�s ond debita ro the limde and t6o �� v�q <br /> '., Ry purposo Por whlcL cach dcbit ro ihc I'unds wna madc. 77io Nnds nrc pledgcd as edditionnl accud�y for all sums sccumd by ��„h� <br /> thia Sceurity Inswment. �t�'� .�``"`— <br /> °r; If�ho Punds he� by Lender excced �ha ¢mounts pemilacd m be held by npplicnblo Inw, Lender shall accoum to �� �',�t5{, <br /> , - Ga�r�wer tor C�e z:.�N S.�H.a�ar,.-;.:�ith t"x r.Gal.ment;oF appl::abl:laf:. If�he smo:mt of tF.c Puirl.M!d h; R yfi�N.,;,, - � .. -- . <br /> Lender a�eny tim:is�sufficiem w pay ih,�Escrow lu:m+when duo,Lender may so notify Rortower in wdtlng,und,in �sa __ <br /> such casa Dorrow�er shall pay to Lend:r tha e.mount n��oess�ry to make up the deficiency. �ortowar shall make up the � `s,�+t�- „:; <br /> ' � deticien.yinnortwrethannrelvemomhlypaym:nts.atLend:r4soPdixrcUan. ��,�r��I�ti��+R'��� <br /> :; Upon paymcnt in fnll of WI sums sccured by ihis 5acviry Insu�mxnt,Lender shall promptly rcfund to Dortower eny '3!h�;f�+;t � ��% <br /> Fimde held by Lender. If,ander paregreph 21.Lender sh�ll ncquire or sell the Cropeny,Lender,prior ro d�a na�ulsi�lon or .`:Y./��', • — <br /> - ��"�-- s¢10 of Ihe Propeny,shell npply eny I'unds held by Lender et the iime of ac�visi�ion or sale es a cmdit egeinsl tho sams �-."�`'��`� �'�!'- <br /> �: �r �`, secumdGythisSecuri�ylns�mmem. �- -_' "� r'�"� !�:� <br /> 'S.-_ '� 3. Appilcation o(Puymenb. Unless applicnble law provides o�herniyz,all payments received by Lcnder under r r 1j_ ��f�;� <br /> �� „)f puagraphs I end 2 shall be applicd:Iint,lo uny prcpaymcm cliarges due undrr thr Nac:urnnd,�o emouma payable undcr :t �'k<>/ �� <br /> �- �- paragraph 2;third,�o Interext due fourih,�o principal due;nnd lusl,to any la�e charges due under�he No�e. �ly� �Za :{t - <br /> - 4. Cherges; Uens. Oovo�ver ahall pay all �uxes,asxcssments,charges,fines end imposi0ons nt�ribmnblc lo �hc -:v�� j}t "� <br />:.;;E�y.�f, Propeny which may u�tnin priofiy over�hfs Sccuri�y Inswmcn4 nnd IeaseholA pa�mems or gronad rents,if any. 6ortowcr S,.y,;.ls�t�a!�:� � ' <br /> ��/?l1; sholl p�y ihex obligadons in the manacr prmided In pamgr�ph 2,or if noi paiA in�hai mannrr,mo:ro�vcr shall pay�hem on 7�r-'•c?t=Z�J�°� }V�- a <br /> S( hlt`tl ! <br /> �} f tlme direcQy to�he petson o�red paymem. Bortower shall promp�ly fumish m Lender n➢noticra oi nmuums�o be paid uMJer �{.��`(,V�j� a 3s@ fi <br /> r��"! �,�� thla pamgraph. If$orronxr makes theae p�ymems direaly.Dorto+cer shall promptly fnmish tn Ler.der receipts e}idtacing �at1r�t`�rf`��J4!r ^#.�. <br /> �.. ;, <br /> r. .� Ute Burtuxer+hail prumpdy Jixhivge wy licn xLici�Iin.,Fiimi�y mcr ihi.S.cwiy lu�UUntent unitss Uo��oaet.ta)ejrit+ �e Ac:'j, �r �p..Yrt'rj;� <br /> - ' in wdting to the payment of the obliga�ion uwred by�he lien in n manner aceeptable�o Lender,(b)contesls in good laith t`� �F� __- a i_t-= <br /> � ;--i, Ilen by,or de(ends ugafnst enforcemen�of�hc licn in,iegal pracecdints xhich in Jr Lender�s opinian operaic�o prevem�he 1� -.�,_�� `���,, -_ <br /> ' enforcemem o(�he Ilen;or(c)sewres fmm�he holAer af the lien an ngntmrm saiis(nctory to Lender subordina�ing We lien f), - a� -� �' <br /> Y -,- ro thie Secoriry Inswmem. If Lender de�emiines�hat any pan of ihe Pmpeny ix auhj�ro�to a lien�vhich may euein priority �t�-_ � > J}, <br /> over lhis Security Insuumen6 Lender may gWe�orro��rr n noiice identifying�hr lien. �orto�eer shall smisfy�he Ifen or�ake � � ' °' �- <br /> 4Z'���s one or morc of the actions set fonh above�rnhin 10 da s ot�he rvin of no�ica. -+� � { �» �- <br /> "''�' �- �� 5. Hemrd or Pro p erry Insurana. Oormwer ehall ke p the improvemrne.nmr exis�ing or hercaller erected on the `�• f�'.%S`.t.r`�_.',;:J <br /> �i#�",L�"�� Pro rt insured n ains�loss b fire,h:¢mds included�vi�hin ihe ienn"exiended cm�era e"and an other harards,includin j��1''�'"���� <br /> P� Y 8 Y E Y 8 .or•.,,..',...:,r,;•�.; <br /> Ooods or Oaaling, tor which Ler,der requires insuranre. 'Ihis insurance shall h msintaineJ in �he amoums nnd (or the -��:.,�_( . . �� ' <br />._ � 4`rU : . . . <br /> :f` . , .. � .'y <br />. _ . FormJ028 9/90 lMA�7c/6�nFri1 <br /> ?'. 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