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<br /> � Ra�ta wuil(i)Lenda hu lt�vat Bamwer notice of defwit pursuant w para�rAph 21 of the 9xurity inswmeet and(ii)
<br /> ._-__ __-_ [,ender haa given notica W the tcnAnt(s)Ihat�he Rent�arc W be�wid to Lender or Lcnder'r a�a�� Tid��i�uncnt af�
<br /> cautiwtea on abwlute asoiQnment�nd not an asciQnment for additlonal�ecurity only.
<br /> - - --- -- !f Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower.(i)all Rents received by Barower ahall bc held by Borrowcr as uu:tee for
<br /> � the beneflt of I.ender only.tu be �pplied w the sumi cxurcd by thc Socudty In4wment; (ii)Lendcr�h�ll ba antitkd to
<br /> — � collect and trceive ell of the Rents of the Property:(iii)Bomowcr agrees thpt cach tenar�t of the Prc�perty ah�ll psy all Renta
<br /> due wrl unpaid w Lendor or L.endcrh Agmu upon L.eaderk written demwnd ro thc tenrnt;(iv)unle4c applicable luw provides -
<br /> otherwise� ell Rents collected by l.e�der or L.onder's agents stwll be appliod t7rst w the coats of W�ieg control of and
<br /> ma�wging 1he Praperty and wllecdng�he Rcnw,including.but not limited to,attorney�i feea,r+eceiver�fees.premiume on
<br /> receiver's bonds.repair ond maintenance costs,insurance premiums.taues,assessments and other charges on the Propetty,
<br /> '""' and then to the sums secured by the Securi�yr Instrument;(v)Lender.Lender's agenta or any judidally appointed recoiver
<br /> .-�— -• -- sh�ll be ljable to account for only those Rents actually received;and(vi)l.ender ahall be entitled to hove a receiver appofnted
<br /> - N� to take possession of and rnAnage the Property snd collect tha Rams wnd proBW derived from thc Property wlthout Any
<br /> -Vl�
<br /> ;,,,� showing ac to thc inadequacy of the Property as security.
<br /> A If the Rents of the Pro}xrty are not sufticient to cover the costs of taking control oP and managing the PropeRy and of
<br /> collecdng thc Rents any funda expendal by Lender for such purposes eiwll become indeWedrcess of Borrower w Lender
<br /> `'=W�'- secured by the Secudty Insmiment pursua»t to Uniform Covenent 7.
<br /> -� � Aomnwer nepresents and warrants that Borrower hes not executed any prior assignment of thc Rents and hoa not and wW
<br /> not pedorm any�ct�hat would prevent I.ender from exercising its rlghts under thia paragraph.
<br /> Lender.or Lender a agenta or a judicially appointed receiver, shall not be t+equired to enter upon, take control of or
<br /> �=;;'';� maintain the Property beforo or after giving notice of default to Barower. However, I.ender, or l.ender�s agontc ar a
<br /> —��•._-� JudiciaQy appointed t�ceiver,may do so at any t(me when a default occu�s. Any application of Rents shall not cure or waivr
<br /> --��,�:�,•:: any default or invalidate any other dght or remedy of l.ender. This as�ignment of Rents af ihe Property shel�term�ns�te when
<br /> _a-���:; � aU the sums secured by the Securiry]nstrument are paid in full.
<br /> l.CR033•DEFAULT PROVISION.Borrower's default or bneach under any note or agreement in whkh I.ender has en
<br />_"— �' '_`�-:.��,'� interest shall be a breach under the Security Inswmcnt and Ixnder may invoke any of the remedles permitted by the SecurftY
<br /> ��`. Inctrumen�
<br /> �s�:���; : BY SIONINO BBLOW.8orrower eccepts end agnees to the terms and provisiona containetl in this 1-4 Famfly Rider.
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<br /> -�*'�°'^`�� n J. Melnick, Sr. 'ean'01N�'
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