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,. � . _ : , .,. <br /> .s yriri . .. , , ,' _ .;, � . . " . . � � r. , , :: <br /> �q �:_ <br /> TO(iBTNHR WiTN dl�lw Impr�vemeptl ndw dr hercatfei eioneQ¢ Qiepra�uttY,dKNIi e��N�,+� rt niareq��rd� <br /> flxtum naw or heresAer a p�rc of.Ihe'PropenY �II rep�xcmeme���dditian� 6h�ll aiw ba'coveral by ihU ¢ablfrYly _ <br /> � Ind�umrnt.AII of tM foregoing ia rcfemd to In thi�Saudty Inurument a�lie'Pro�xny�' . . — <br /> FIORHOWBR C4VUNANTB�hu Aorrower I�I�w(ully ai�ed ot ttw ato�p:}�crcby convaycd�nd lus ii�b riyl�y l0 4ru�t N�d <br /> comey�he Propeny�nd�Iut lho Plnpony Is unennlmberM,exttpt!tlr encum8ta��es et rceoM, Borrower w�nuNe uK!wi;l <br /> defend Qenenliy.tho d11e.tb ihe Prope;ty�g�inu wll clainu uid depunde,subJoct�o sny enambroncea ef rccord, <br /> � TFI19 S�`URI1Y IN.STHUh1tiNT wmbina uNPomi rnvemmi for nailona(usn onE non•unifonu mvan�nte w1�7�Ilml�ed <br /> variulons by judadlalpn toconsqtuio r r.nlfomi security ins�mnxm eovering re�t pmpehy� <br /> _ _ UNIFURMCAVi?NANT&.Harrowerandt.cn3arwvcn9mundogaea�foliawe: <br /> 1. R�yroent of PdnclJ�1�nd IMerat{ PYt{wyment oM Gte Ctwr�d. NorroNer shill prompty pq whcn due tFa <br /> pflnclp�l of and interese on ifio debt evtdenced by tha Noto end eny prepaymepl aiM Inro chergw duo under the Nola " <br /> 2. EUndv for Twxce end[nsuronce.SubJect�o appliwble law or ro a Wfluen waivcr by l.cnder, Dorrawcr shall pay to <br /> _ Lcnder on the day mont6ly paymema aro due under tho Note,until tho Nnw la pnld In Po16 a sum('�undsq for.(a)ycddy t��p <br /> and ossessmrnts whlch may a�mfn prlorlty over�hia Securi�y Inst�ment ns e Iicn on t6o Propcnyi(b)ycndy leaschold peymente <br /> ot gmund rents on�ho Propeny.(f�ey;(c)ycnrly hn�aM or propany Insurenca premiumr,(d)yearly flnod insurana prcmiurtle, <br /> -- .��3 if nny;(e)y.,ady mo�q.l,ca inmh�nce prcmi¢n�s, if ony;and(q nny sums paynbic by tiormwer ta I,ender, in acoo[donep,5�i�h- � � <br /> ihe provisions of pameraph 8,io li;u of�h:yaymenl of mortgngo insurnnw premiume.71�eso items aro calicd'[tserow It2ny,� -� <br />__— = lenJer may,ut any�ime,wlltct end hold F1mN in en amount not to exoxd �ha mnxinmm emount a Iender for a federelly . ' . <br /> A"� refaied nwrtgage Iwn nHy reqnirc for Borto���er's escrow eocount under tho federal Rcal 0.stute SCUlrmeatt Procalures Act of <br /> -;�?�� 17l4 as emend.d from Nmo to tlmc, 12 U.S.C.S�cUon 2N11 er seq.("RFSPA'),unlcs.s another inw that a�pllea ta Ihe FundY . . <br /> _�_;yj sUS e Icsstr amount. If so, I.endcr may,a�any�ime, collen and hold Funda in an emount not m oxorod tlw iesur anwunL ' <br />_ . ._,..,. .� l.ender may estimaro�he amnimt of�nnAs Ano on thc bztis of cvrtent deta end reasomble esUmates of expeMitures of.fiituro • ______ <br /> - Cscrow Remr or o�hefwiu in ncmrdance��ith npplicable la�v. -. "' <br />� 7hc FLnds shell be held in en ins�imtion whose deposl�s nre Insured by a (ederal agency, Insitumenlelity, ot;,godiy- <br />�+��'��: pncludin I.enler,if Lender is such an in✓itullon or in en �zder.d Home Loan 6ank.Lender shail a 1 Ido�unds ro a tho � <br />--��.,� S ) Y PPY P Y . . . <br />—� -- ,� Curow Items.Lender may not chnrge Ao:rm�•tr for holding and nppiy�i:ig Iho Funds,ennually anntyzing the escrow xmunt,aa' ;; .,�•.. <br />�t,;"��;� verifying the Escrow fiems,unless I.enAcr paya Dortoa�er interes�a�n�ha Punds end epplicablo la�v pertnits Lendu to m�fco sqch �• _ <br /> --�—+Tn;_�° n chazgc. Howevcr, Lender r.,;p reqidre Hortnwer m pay a onc•time ehergo(or en independent real eslalo la%rcpotting 6CNige. __ <br /> ' nsed by Lender in connxt�on wiih �hfa toan. unleat applipble Ina provides othernise. Unlese en egrounent Ip made;oT - <br /> � �'� ��' epplicable law requfres interest ro tx:paid,Lc�der shnil nm be rcqnirrd lo pay Oorcower any lmerest or taminge on tln Purids. . � - <br />.Y-_�1 -','�: Bortower end Lcndcr may egrec In«riiiv5,however, �hei imerist shatl be pafd on tho�unda. Lerxler shell give to Borcower.� �,, ;,.,��: <br />'F- �fl r�:, � ��i�hom charge, an ennual ecwuntin�of�he RunAs, shacing crcdiu and debits �o the Nunds and �ho purposo fot which�nch;;,� ���ti <br /> L;:i�:-- -_ Aebh to�he Runds was nxde.7Le Punds nre pledgcA as adAi�ional xewri�y fnr nll sunu secured by IBis Secutity InstrumCnC -- -���� �� "'=_- .. <br /> `'?���+'�`�' If Ihc Funds hcld by Lcr.dtr excced tF.t anwunts pemii�lcd�n be held 6y npplicnble lew, Lendcr sAall acoount m ffunower'-.�;:;:�'r.',;';_. <br /> ,''}'N.!'.,j1';c <br />�,;'Z . far the exmss Runds in accordar.m with tha requlremeNS of eppflexble lew. If the nmoum of the Runds held by Lender ntFlny `;� . . <br /> _ ,'.5:;.'i.;;:. <br /> j;,'�i iy�< Ilme Is nol wfOcfenl�o pay�he Cscro�c�iems�vhen dua L.ender muy so nolify 6orro�ver in wrliing,and,in wch caw Borrower � - <br /> Jc�.? ,,,��,��� s6all pay �o Lender the nmoum narsmry�o make up �he deficiency. �orrmver shnll make up lito deltclCncy In no moro thon ' <br /> ���� �-�'-�-�%' nveive monthly paymenis,m Lendcr's sole discrc�ion. <br /> '+"�1..;�=';:7' Upon payment in (nll ot all sums ucured 6y tlds Securiiy Insuumem, Lender shall prompdy rcPond lo Borrower eny <br />'{.'-„t15!��'- Funds held b Lendca IL undcr ara m h 21, l.cnder shall u ufrc or scll�he Pro n Lender, nor to Ihe e ulsf�lon ot sale <br /> . . �.�,. : Y P 6 P �q M Y. P � W <br /> �+^�:-'i��:::�'•� of�he Pmpeny,shall npply nny Runds held by Lender m the�ime of ucquisitlon or sale ac n credi�egalnst the suma secured by <br /> ,;:� :y;;.`'�:� this Sccuriiy inslmmem. <br /> 3.Appllcotlon of Poymeuts.UNess applicable law provides o�henvixe,nll paymems received by Lender under parogreph� <br /> '.,;��:k�;.;����� I nnd 2 shall be npplled: firs6 �o any prcpaymenl chuges duc nndcr thc Nmc: sttnnd,to amoums payablc undcr paregreph 2; -- <br />--��,;�,i�'��%�1! �hird,�o intcrost duc;founh,to princip�l duc:and IasL m any laic charges duc undcr�hc No�c. -- <br /> ;�y>-,,;�; d.Chnrges; I.ICIIS. IIOfNIrd aL:dr p�p�II �azes,ucussmrms.aharges, lines und imposi�ians otaibmable ro�hc Propeny �-'�--� <br /> i Aii�}4��� which may mmin priority over�his Sc.i:iq Insuumen6 nnd IeaccholA p.rynumc ur gmund rcms, i(any. [3orrower shull pny - <br /> � n?;. ihcse obligmions in ihc mamxr prm�idzd ln paragraph 2.or if no�paid in thnt manner.Oorroacr shall pay�hcm on Ume directly -.:�::. <br /> `� - w�he persnn oweel p,�ynun�.9nrtm..r fh�ll pmmp�ly fumish tn Lender:dl notices uf amoums tn be paid under�his paragmph. 3 <br /> �J, ;-.. <br /> �n -r� If 13orrox•er makes�hese p::?:,ems Jicecdy.Ikirrnxer shall prmnpA��fnmi5h lo I.enJcr receipls evidencing Ihe paymeNS. �frem..�,...: <br />_,=',.-�:[+n'r�= 13orro��'cr shall pmmpdy�Aixh:�:�;any licn�ehich has prinrila mrr thi+Sccurin•In.uumenl unlc�a[{orroo�cr.(aI ngrcet in �5}r;ji�:�: <br /> �r:,;,..;li:�:.:., wdttng�o the N}nxm of�hr obligaiiun.mund hy�he licn in a m:m.a:r arccp�ahir tn IAnJrr,�M contes�s in good feith the licn '.:�+t;�,'�- <br /> - by, or defemia agairot cn(orcemem uf ihc licn in. Iegal prarcdinps �ehich in ih: t.r�xitr'. npinian opera�c �o prc�rm ihc '!:-'� <br /> `'�"-� cnforcemcm of�he lien:or�q Fccurc,fram Ilu hnlder of thr lien an agrcemenl.aif.i.,imn �.�Lraicr wbordim�ing the lien to : <br />�';'..�.:,"�,;,;� this Sceuriiy Inswmem. If I�nJcr dr�rrminc.iha�any p:m af�hr pn,pcny i.<uh�rn w a lirrt xhich may anafn p�iorily ovcr �` �," <br /> ,%-"'-.%:i< < lhis Sccurin Irouumcnl, landcr ma� gi�:IS�rtru�ccr a nuli.c�Jrmii}in_Ihc licu. &xrnHC� >.` Ihc licn ar lakc or.r n� <br /> S <br /> - more of�h:a:r.ons xt fnnh abuvc onh�a tU da�,uf�hc gn ing of�hace. 7 . <br /> � '� '. <br /> Fo�m3028 B190 j�t�� ��+_ <br /> ^w��s � <br /> q�1tr� <br /> ` �'i��{jr,�•i �.� . <br /> . <br /> . . �r+.��-iS�Y)I�C;_' _ Tf... _�,.._ ..;. � :- : S' . ,.,;� . . _--_ ':�7�i:_ .�,.:'"._ _ . .. . . <br /> ,� r� � . - � :. - . ' .' . . . , _ ) _ _ . . <br /> �Q-:� . . . _ � . . . - _ . ' _ ' . .- �. . <br /> — ___ . . _ _ . —_—_—_. _ _ ... _ . _ . _ — ____ — _ <br /> .. . <br /> ._ }���-. . .r. . _ .. . -' . � - � . ,. ' � . ' . _ <br /> lY-' ' JSt . _ , <br /> : , . . . 1 _ 5�_ ( � - ,..a . . . . <br /> /�t <br /> 1`� '. _ .. . . . . . . <br /> � , ". <br /> .-.. .. Y.� '. . � �. . .. � . . - _ . . ' • i - . <br /> . .. � <br /> .. ....-�r :..r : :� , . .. :- .. . .. .. . . - . <br /> cvr. . . ..�,.�. . . ...... -�. -� .. . � .. .. . �' � .. . <br /> ' -i.` � ',� , . � �+ _ _ . . o �. � . �j , f.`,� - .'. .' I � . <br /> - �t • . . " - . / ': ... <br /> .. .. <br /> ,� <br /> � �� � �_.• -.-�'.- •,. . . - : . ' n . . . <br /> . , <br /> � • b <br /> . i .. <br /> �_ _. . .�.. � . . . y . <br /> . .%� i. T�.. , . . . . - . ,- - ._. . _ ... .... . .___:. -_ . ...__. .. <br />